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Ohid Yaqub 《Research Policy》2018,47(1):169-179
Serendipity, the notion of researchers making unexpected and beneficial discoveries, has played an important role in debates about the feasibility and desirability of targeting public R&D investments. The purpose of this paper is to show that serendipity can come in different forms and come about in a variety of ways. The archives of Robert K Merton, who introduced the term to the social sciences, were used as a starting point for gathering literature and examples. I identify four types of serendipity (Walpolian, Mertonian, Bushian, Stephanian) together with four mechanisms of serendipity (Theory-led, Observer-led, Error-borne, Network-emergent). I also discuss implications of the different types and mechanisms for theory and policy.  相似文献   

 在回顾文献的基础上,从中国科技园内企业需求的角度,设计研究量表,并在深圳软件园等八个科技园进行调查,采用探索性因子分析方法,提取了评估科技园绩效的六个因素:技术环境、文化氛围、地区吸引力、地方政府政策支持、资金渠道和市场对接,并讨论了被试者职位、企业规模、企业所属行业和企业所有制性质四个控制变量对六个因素的影响作用,提出评估中国科技园绩效的概念模型。  相似文献   

Intermediary actors have been proposed as key catalysts that speed up change towards more sustainable socio-technical systems. Research on this topic has gradually gained traction since 2009, but has been complicated by the inconsistency regarding what intermediaries are in the context of such transitions and which activities they focus on, or should focus on. We briefly elaborate on the conceptual foundations of the studies of intermediaries in transitions, and how intermediaries have been connected to different transition theories. This shows the divergence – and sometimes a lack – of conceptual foundations in this research. In terms of transitions theories, many studies connect to the multi-level perspective and strategic niche management, while intermediaries in technological innovation systems and transition management have been much less explored. We aim to bring more clarity to the topic of intermediaries in transitions by providing a definition of transition intermediaries and a typology of five intermediary types that is sensitive to the emergence, neutrality and goals of intermediary actors as well as their context and level of action. Some intermediaries are specifically set up to facilitate transitions, while others grow into the role during the process of socio-technical change. Based on the study, as an important consideration for future innovation governance, we argue that systemic and niche intermediaries are the most crucial forms of intermediary actors in transitions, but they need to be complemented by a full ecology of intermediaries, including regime-based transition intermediaries, process intermediaries and user intermediaries.  相似文献   

 本文在文献回顾和企业访谈的基础上,开发了适合中国企业填写的测量量表,利用探索性因子分析,深入挖掘企业进驻科技园的主要动机,包括:技术获取动机、市场渗透动机和政策获取动机;探讨了影响这三类入园动机的因素,包括:科技园地区的资源吸引力、地区差异吸引力、政策吸引力、地方政府的支持性和管理性政策、科技园招商机构的服务以及企业自身对科技园的主观评估等因素;利用典型相关分析,建立了企业入驻科技园动机的影响因素模型,并为科技园的招商引资工作提出了政策性建议。  相似文献   

Departing from a number of theoretical perspectives from which rationales for science, technology and innovation (STI) policy can be extracted, this paper discusses three questions. First, what rationales for public intervention can be derived from different economic theories, including theories usually associated with spatial dynamics and territorial relationships? Second, what policy instruments or policy-mixes can be associated with the various rationales? Third, what do these theories and associated rationales tell us about the territorial level or levels at which STI policies can usefully be designed and implemented?  相似文献   

陈扬 《科技与管理》2007,9(3):137-139
基于大学科技园的首要功能是孵化高技术企业,概述了我国大学科技园孵化服务的特点及重要性,分析了孵化服务的层次及内容,并在此基础上提出了相关的评价建议。  相似文献   

本文采用探索性嵌入式单案例研究法,以漕河泾高新技术开发区作为研究对象,旨在从企业间合作网络以及创新生态的视角来阐释科技园区使能型创新生态的建构基础以及运行机制,指出信息时代科技园区内组织间关系发生重要变革。传统的契约关系正逐渐向使能、共生关系演进,并由此提出一套科技园区使能型创新生态的基本理论。通过质化研究以及扎根理论对资料进行分析,提炼出了嵌入式联盟网络与企业自身创新能力相互依存、互利共生、协同演化的使能型创新生态模型。通过对宏观产业层面,中观园区层面以及微观企业层面的多层次分析,揭示科技园区构建使能型创新生态的战略意义,为科技园区在非线性、复杂的协同创新过程中进行有效协调提供理论指引。  相似文献   

创新文化体系对于培育创新活动有着重要的基础性作用。欧洲国家的技术创新,特别是其创新文化的培育长期走在全球前列。本文对部分创业投资业比较发达的欧洲国家在创新文化培育方面的成功经验进行了总结和分析,在此基础上对我国创新文化的培育以及进一步促进我国高科技产业发展提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

The evolution of science policy and innovation studies   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Ben R. Martin 《Research Policy》2012,41(7):1219-1239
This article examines the origins and evolution of the field of science policy and innovation studies (SPIS). Like other studies in this Special Issue, it seeks to systematically identify the key intellectual developments in the field over the last 50 years by analysing the publications that have been highly cited by other researchers. The analysis reveals how the emerging field of SPIS drew upon a growing range of disciplines in the late 1950s and 1960s, and how the relationship with these disciplines evolved over time. Around the mid-1980s, substantial parts of SPIS started to coalesce into a more coherent field centred on the adoption of an evolutionary (or neo-Schumpeterian) economics framework, an interactive model of the innovation process, and (a little later) the concept of ‘systems of innovation’ and the resource-based view of the firm. The article concludes with a discussion of whether SPIS is perhaps in the early stages of becoming a discipline.  相似文献   

以2013-2018年中关村国家自主创新示范区科创企业为样本,基于“双创”政策实施设计自然实验克服内生性问题,并按照企业规模分组来考察科创企业融资模式对企业创新产出的影响.研究发现:股权融资模式对于科创企业来说最为重要,其余依次为内源融资、银行贷款, “双创”政策实施后企业股权融资所占比重进一步提高,内源融资所占比重逐年下降,表明我国科创企业存在一定的过度投资现象;内源融资和银行贷款对科创企业的创新产出具有促进效应,而股权融资由于会使企业控制权分散、核心科技人员创新热情减弱等而抑制企业的创新产出,特别是对于规模较小的科创企业,企业创新产出受不同融资模式的影响更为显著;“双创”政策实施显著降低小型科创企业内源融资、银行贷款、股权融资对企业创新产出的影响.研究得到主要启示如下:政府相关部门应帮助企业完善公司治理、调整融资决策,并进一步完善资本市场体系及相关制度,鼓励科创企业执行双重股权制度;进一步完善小型科创企业管理制度、提高企业规范化程度,并进一步改善企业的创新环境.  相似文献   

雷德森 《科学学研究》2003,21(3):330-335
本文讨论了在知识经济时代 ,面对商务、社会以及城市发展的冲击 ,科技园区发展中出现的许多新思想、新模式和新趋势  相似文献   

利用Web of Science数据库新增加的基金项目检索功能,首次考察了全球主要论文发表国家的科学基金论文资助情况。各国科学基金对论文的资助比例普遍在12%至15%之间,中国的基金论文资助比例为24.43%。各国基金论文的篇均基金数量均在2.49以上,中国的篇均基金数量为2.97。进一步考察了中国不同基金管理部门和主要基金项目对论文的共同资助情况,发现目前中国科学基金对论文的重复资助现象比较突出。  相似文献   

基于产业集群机制的民营科技园成长机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析民营科技园发展现状的基础上,简述了产业集群的概念,论述了产业集群的专业化分工机制、交易费用机制、知识溢出性机制和资源吸纳机制对民营科技园发展的重要影响。并在此基础上,应用产业集群机制理论解释了民营科技园的成长机理,从而为政府制定促进民营科技园发展的相关政策提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

We re-conceptualize the role of science policy makers, envisioning and illustrating their move from being simple investors in scientific projects to entrepreneurs who create the conditions for entrepreneurial experiments and initiate them. We argue that reframing science policy around the notion of conducting entrepreneurial experiments - experiments that increase the diversity of technical, organizational and institutional arrangements in which scientific research is conducted - can provide policy makers with a wider repertoire of effective interventions. To illustrate the power of this approach, we analyze the Human Genome Project (HGP) as a set of successful, entrepreneurial experiments in organizational and institutional innovation. While not designed as such, the HGP was an experiment in funding a science project across a variety of organizational settings, including seven public and one private (Celera) research centers. We assess the major characteristics and differences between these organizational choices, using a mix of qualitative and econometric analyses to examine their impact on scientific progress. The planning and direction of the Human Genome Project show that policy makers can use the levers of entrepreneurial experimentation to transform scientific progress, much as entrepreneurs have transformed economic progress.  相似文献   

欧洲循环经济政策法律模式研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在三个层次上研究了欧洲国家的循环经济的政策和法律,即清洁生产、生态工业、废物回收管理和再生能源利用.从政策和法律的选择模式、从政策和法律的体系模式、从政策和法律的方法模式、从政策的制定模式、从立法模式、从法律原则确立的模式、从法律制度实施的模式等各个方面进行了总结,并提炼出欧洲的循环经济政策和法律模式,对加速推进我国的循环经济建设能提供有益的启示.  相似文献   

甘肃省创新型城市评价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以西部省份甘肃创新型城市建设为研究对象,选取了24个反映创新基础、创新投入、企业创新、科技惠民及创新产出方面的指标,建立创新型城市评价指标体系。然后运用因子分析评价模型和聚类分析方法对甘肃省14个市州的创新能力进行了定量评价和聚类分析。  相似文献   

作为技术创造和技术转移的社会实验,建立科技园区可能成功也可能失败。本研究利用国内8个科技园内457家高技术企业的问卷调查数据,对科技园的"温床效应"、"围城效应"以及高技术企业组织战略对创新效果的调节作用进行了考察和实证检验,研究发现:科技园的"温床效应"和"围城效应"并存,而且其对创新的主效应作用明显,但是高技术企业采取合理的组织战略可以促进"温床效应"对创新的正向作用,并且合理的组织战略可以负向调节科技园"围城效应"对企业创新的抑制性作用。基于研究结论,本文也为政府相关部门和入驻科技园的高技术企业提出具有针对性的政策建议。  相似文献   

在"科技强国"的背景下,基于2007-2016年中国沿海11省市面板数据,利用门槛模型考察海洋科技创新对海洋经济增长的门槛效应,分别以对外开放和金融发展为门槛变量,研究表明海洋科技创新对海洋经济增长有明显的双重门槛效应,并提出相应政策建议。  相似文献   

We studied the emergence of biotechnology in Turku, Finland. First, we analysed it as a result of the interaction between the city and its national and international environment, focusing on the city’s industrial policy as the mediator. Second, we diagnosed the construction of BioCity, the first biotechnology centre building of Turku, as a key event: the conceptualisation and construction of BioCity required a new kind of collaboration between the city administration, the universities and various commercial actors. We argue that the systems approach to regional development needs to be complemented with approaches that focus on the regional mechanisms of adaptation.  相似文献   

Different approaches have been used to analyse international collaboration in science but none can fully explain its rapid growth. Using international co-authorships, we test the hypothesis that international collaboration is a self-organising network. Applying tools from network analysis, the paper shows that the growth of international co-authorships can be explained based on the organising principle of preferential attachment, although the attachment mechanism deviates from an ideal power-law. Several explanations for the deviation are explored, including that of the influence of institutional constraints on the mechanism of self-organisation.  相似文献   

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