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This paper explores the effects of audit cultures on school education through a highly personal reading of the My School website, launched in Australia in 2010. It situates two personal narratives, from the points of view of student and teacher, alongside the other stories available about two of the secondary schools listed on the website. Although statistics such as those generated through the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy tests, school comparisons and post-school destinations present certain kinds of stories about these schools, I argue that these are reductionist and insufficient for understanding the complexities of pedagogical spaces and the teachers and learners within them. Whilst arguments for hard data to address educational inequity can be marshalled to support My School, I suggest that it also inadvertently disguises other elements of schooling and risks increasing inequity. Rather, the statistical stories might be recognised as partial and supplemented and disrupted by richer accounts, including narrative accounts, about schooling.  相似文献   

<正>My father likes smoking very much.Every month he spends much money to buy~① cigarettes.He doesn’t know how to stop smoking.Under~② my help,he eventually got rid of his bad habit.One day,I said to father,Dad,I feel terribly~③ when you smoke.I find it difficult to  相似文献   

<正>I’m not an active girl. I prefer to stay indoors to read or watch TV when I finish do(1)my homework. As a result, I’m thin and weak. I used to catch cold easily.A month ago, I had a high fever and stayed in the(2)bed for totally five days. After I was  相似文献   

Today is Sunday.I have nothing to do.I see my wardrobe was messy.I think:" I am 11 years old,I should help my mom with some housework and let my mom happy." So I begin to do the housework. At first,I fold the clothes,then frock shirts,pants and skirts.I tidy up the wardrobe. I can help my mom with some housework,I feel very happy and satisfied.  相似文献   

My son Joe was born with club feet(畸形脚). The doctor told us that he would be able to walk, but he would never run very well. At that time, he was eight.  相似文献   

我常以自己是一名移居国外的妈妈而自鸣得意,尤其是在育儿问题上。我那些在伦敦的朋友们既要忙于工作,又要为不如人意的保姆和昂贵的育儿费用而焦头烂额,而我则呆在家里工作并请了一名全职保姆来帮我照顾16个月大的儿子。她的月薪相当于伦敦一家不错的全托托儿所两周所需的费用,同  相似文献   

Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, formerly a United States representative to the United Nations and a member of the Cabinet. She is also senior research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. This article is adapted from a keynote address given at the first national conference of the National Association of Scholars, held in New York City from November 11 through November 13, 1988.  相似文献   

所谓网络战是指以己方战场网络为武器,以瘫痪敌方战场网络,进而瘫痪敌方整个作战体系为目的的一种全新的战争样式。它的出现既有时代的背景、技术的牵引,也有其历史的渊源。1991年的海湾战争和1999年的科索沃战争中,网络战已初露锋芒。随着科学技术的迅猛发展,网络战在21世纪将更显峥嵘。  相似文献   

冷战初期,杜鲁门政府将隐蔽心理战视为遏制苏联共产主义扩张的重要手段之一,先后出台了NSC4/A、NSC10/2、NSC59/1、NSC10/5等文件,确立了国家对外隐蔽心理战略的基本框架.艾森豪威尔执政后,又出台了NSC5412/1和NSC5412/2号系列文件,扩大了国家对外隐蔽心理战略的范围,强调了对外隐蔽心理战在实现国家对外政策目标中的重要性,从而进一步完善了国家对外隐蔽心理战略.由近年解密的美国政府文件材料可管窥冷战初期美国对外隐蔽心理战略的形成与发展,考察美国对外隐蔽心理战实施过程和效果,揭示美国对外隐蔽心理战的阴险性和破坏性.  相似文献   

<正>It's been one month since my new little flock~1 arrived, and we've had some unexpected excitement. I am now a proud chicken owner. Every morning I let my hens out of their little coop into a fenced-in area, where they spend their day foraging~2 for food, sleeping in the grass, and  相似文献   

The ILEA Resource Centre for Motor and Associated Communication Handicaps at Charlton Park School, London, finds that a considerable number of athetoid children in ILEA schools choose to type with their left foot, reports the centre's director, Edna Nicol  相似文献   

我们在客厅里跳舞,就我们两个人。 我为这次跳舞特地穿上蓝色牛仔裤和T恤衫。他是我怀里的小家伙,快3岁了,仍然穿着他那件半截的金色睡衣。  相似文献   

LANDMARKS OF CONTEMPORARY DRAMA. By Joseph Chiari. New York: Hillary House, 1966; pp. 223. $5.00.

MODERN DRAMA: ESSAYS IN CRITICISM. Edited by Travis Bogard and William I. Oliver. New York: Oxford University Press, 1965; pp. iv+393. $2.25.

SEASONS OF DISCONTENT: DRAMATIC OPINIONS 1959–1965. By Robert Brustein. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1965; pp. 322. $5.95.

CREATING HISTORICAL DRAMA: A GUIDE FOR THE COMMUNITY AND THE INTERESTED INDIVIDUAL. By George McCalmon and Christian Moe. Foreword by Louis C. Jones. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1965; pp. xvi+ 393. $12.50.

ELEONORA DUSE: THE MYSTIC IN THE THEATRE. By Eva Le Gallienne. New York: Farrar, Straus &; Giroux, 1966; pp. iv+185. $4.50.

YANKEE THEATRE: THE IMAGE OF AMERICA ON THE STAGE, 1825–1850. By Francis Hodge. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1964; pp. xii+320. $6.00.


MR. GOODMAN THE PLAYER. By John Harold Wilson. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1964; pp. ix+153. $4.00.

BALLAD OPERA. By Edmond M. Gagey. New York: Benjamin Blom, 1964; pp. ix+259. $10.00.

BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER ON THE RESTORATION STAGE. By Arthur Colby Sprague. New York: Benjamin Blom, 1965; pp. xx+229. $8.50.

COLLEY CIBBER. By Leonard R. N. Ashley. (Twayne's English Authors, No. 17.) New York: Twayne, 1965; pp. 224. $3.50.


ROMAN DRAMA. Edited by T. A. Dorey and Donald R. Dudley. (Studies in Latin Literature and Its Influence.) New York: Basic Books, 1965; pp. x+299. $4.95.

ARISTOTLE'S POETICS AND ENGLISH LITERATURE: A COLLECTION OF CRITICAL ESSAYS. Edited with an Introduction by Elder Olson. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965; pp. xxviii+236. $6.50; paper $2.45.

THE RHETORICAL WORLD OF AUGUSTAN HUMANISM: ETHICS AND IMAGERY FROM SWIFT TO BURKE. By Paul Fussell. New York: Oxford University Press, 1965; pp. xiii+314. $8.80.

FISHER AMES: FEDERALIST AND STATESMAN, 1758–1808. By Winfred E. A. Bernhard. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1965; pp. xiii+372. $8.75.

THE ANTIFEDERALIST PAPERS. Edited with an Introduction by Morton Borden. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1965; pp. xiv+258. $6.50.

NOTES OF DEBATES IN THE FEDERAL CONVENTION OF 1787 REPORTED BY JAMES MADISON. Introduction by Adrienne Koch. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1966; pp. xxiii+659. $10.00.

THE PAPERS OF ALEXANDER HAMILTON. Edited by Harold C. Syrett, et al. New York: Columbia University Press, 1965; Volume VIII, February 1791—July 1791, pp. xiv+ 626; Volume IX, August 1791—December 1791, pp. xiii+599. $12.50 each volume.

THE LAW PRACTICE OF ALEXANDER HAMILTON: DOCUMENTS AND COMMENTARY. Edited by Julius Goebel, Jr., et al. New York: published under the auspices of the William Nelson Cromwell Foundation by Columbia University Press, 1964; Volume I, pp. xxiv+898. $18.50.


JOHN BRIGHT, VICTORIAN REFORMER. By Herman Ausubel. New York: John Wiley &; Sons, 1966; pp. xvi+250. $5.95. paper $2.95.

JOHN WESLEY NORTH AND THE REFORM FRONTIER. By Merlin Stonehouse. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1965; pp. xiii+272. $6.00.

THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE: INAUGURAL ADDRESSES OF THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES, FROM GEORGE WASHINGTON TO LYNDON B. JOHNSON. Introduction by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. Commentary by Fred L. Israel. New York: Crown, 1965; pp. viii+312. $4.95.

APOSTLES OF THE SELF‐MADE MAN. By John G. Cawelti. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965; pp. xiv+279. $6.95.

THE AMERICAN GOSPEL OF SUCCESS: INDIVIDUALISM AND BEYOND. Edited with an Introduction by Moses Rischin. Chicago: Quadrangle, 1965; pp. 429+unpaged Preface and Selected Bibliography. $7.95.

THE NOBLEST CRY: A HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION. By Charles Lam Markmann. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1965; pp. xiii+464. $7.95.

FREEDOM AND COMMUNICATIONS. By Dan Lacy. Foreword by Robert B. Downs. (Second Edition.) Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1965; pp. viii+108. Paper $0.95.

FREEDOM OF SPEECH: THE SUPREME COURT AND JUDICIAL REVIEW. By Martin Shapiro. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice‐Hall, 1966; pp. viii+182. S4.95; paper $2.45.

THE CASE FOR LIBERTY. By Helen Hill Miller. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1965; pp. xvi+254. $5.95.

THE STEVENSON WIT. Edited by Bill Adler. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, 1966; pp. 96. $3.95.

THE STEVENSON WIT AND WISDOM. Edited by Paul Steiner. New York: Pyramid, 1965; pp. 126. $0.60.

THE WIT AND WISDOM OF ADLAI STEVENSON. Compiled by Edward Hanna, Henry Hicks, and Ted Koppel. New York: Hawthorn, 1965; pp. 96. $2.95.

ADLAI STEVENSON'S PUBLIC YEARS. Edited by Jill Kneerim. Photographs by Cornell Capa, John Fell Stevenson, and Inge Morath. Preface by Walter Lippmann. New York: Grossman, 1966; pp. 160. $8.95.

MAN OF HONOR—MAN OF PEACE: THE LIFE AND WORDS OF ADLAI STEVENSON. By the Editors of Country Beautiful. Preface by Lyndon B. Johnson. Introduction by Stewart L. Udall. Afterword by Hubert H. Humphrey. New York: Putnam's, 1965; pp. 98. $5.95.

ADLAI STEVENSON. By Lillian Ross. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1966; pp. 60. $2.95.

ADLAI STEVENSON—CITIZEN OF THE WORLD. By Bill Severn. New York: McKay, 1966; pp. 184. $3.95.

ADLAI E. STEVENSON—THE CONSCIENCE OF THE COUNTRY. By Stuart Gerry Brown. Woodbury, N. Y.: Barron's, 1965; pp. 216. $3.25, paper $0.95.

PORTRAIT—ADLAI E. STEVENSON: POLITICIAN, DIPLOMAT, FRIEND. By Alden Whitman and The New York Times. New York: Harper &; Row, 1965; pp. ix+289. $5.95.

AS WE KNEW ADLAI—THE STEVENSON STORY BY TWENTY‐TWO FRIENDS. Edited by Edward P. Doyle. Foreword by Adlai E. Stevenson III. New York: Harper &; Row, 1966; xii+288. $6.95.

THE SOWER'S SEED—A TRIBUTE TO ADLAI STEVENSON. By Richard N. Goodwin. Eulogy by Lyndon B. Johnson. New York: New American Library, 1965; pp. 16. $3.00.

ADLAI E. STEVENSON—THE MAN, THE CANDIDATE, THE STATESMAN. Narrated by Bill Scott. Macmillan, AS‐101–61447. $5.79.

THE STEVENSON WIT. Commentary by David Brinkley. RCA Victor Red Seal, VDM 107. $4.79.

CANDIDATES, ISSUES AND STRATEGIES: A COMPUTER SIMULATION OF THE 1960 AND 1964 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS. By Ithiel de Sola Pool, Robert P. Abelson, and Samuel Popkin. (Revised Edition.) Cambridge, Mass.: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1965; pp. xii+ 193. Paper $2.45.

TELEVISION: A WORLD VIEW. By Wilson P. Dizard. Syracuse, N. Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1966; pp. x+349. $7.95.

FACTUAL TELEVISION. By Norman Swallow. New York: Hastings House, 1966; pp. 228. $7.50.

FILM: A MONTAGE OF THEORIES. Edited with an Introduction by Richard Dyer MacCann. New York: Dutton, 1966; pp. 384. Paper $2.45.

THE ILL‐SPOKEN WORD. By Leonard A. Stevens. Introduction by Ralph G. Nichols. New York: McGraw‐Hill, 1966; pp. xvii+233. $5.95.

SPEECH AND MAN. By Charles T. Brown and Charles Van Riper. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice‐Hall, 1966; pp. 147+unpaged Preface. Paper $2.25.  相似文献   

BASIC SPEECH. By Jon Eisenson and Paul H. Boase. (Second edition.) New York: Macmillan, 1964; pp. xii+388. $5.95.

THE FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEAKING. By Wilbur E. Gilman, Bower Aly, and Hollis L. White. (Second edition.) New York: Macmillan, 1964; pp. vii+440. $5.95.

PRACTICAL PUBLIC SPEAKING. By Eugene E. White. (Second edition.) New York: Mac‐millan, 1964; pp. xi+402. $4.95.

THE CRAFT OF PLAY DIRECTING. By Curtis Canfield. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963; pp. xi+349. $6.00.

TELEVISION STATION MANAGEMENT: THE BUSINESS OF BROADCASTING. Edited by Yale Roe. Foreword by A. William Bluem. New York: Hastings House, 1964; pp. 251. $6.95; paper $3.95.

UNDERSTANDING TELEVISION: AN INTRODUCTION TO BROADCASTING. Edited by Robert L. Hilliard. New York: Hastings House, 1964; pp. 254 (75 illustrations). $6.95; paper $3.95.

SPEECH CORRECTION: PRINCIPLES AND METHODS. By Charles Van Riper. (Fourth edition.) Ehglewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice‐Hall, 1963; pp. x+528. $7.95.

DIAGNOSTIC METHODS IN SPEECH PATHOLOGY. By Wendell Johnson, Frederic L. Darley, and D. C. Spriesterbach. New York: Harper &; Row, 1963; pp. xv+347. $7.50.

THE RELIGIOUS SPEECHES OF BERNARD SHAW. Edited with an Introduction by Warren S. Smith. Foreword by Arthur H. Nethercot. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1963; pp. xxiii+104. $3.50.

SHAW AND THE NINETEENTH‐CENTURY THEATER. By Martin Meisel. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1963; pp. xii+477. $7.50.

THE THEATER OF PROTEST AND PARADOX: DEVELOPMENTS IN THE AVANT‐GARDE DRAMA. By George E. Wellwarth. New York: New York University Press, 1964; pp. xv+315. $6.00.

THE PAPERS OF HENRY CLAY. Volume III, Presidential Candidate, 1821–1S24. Edited by James F. Hopkins and Mary M. W. Har‐greaves. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1963; pp. viii+933. 115.00.

PROLOGUE TO CONFLICT: THE CRISIS AND COMPROMISE OF 1850. By Holman Hamilton. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1964; pp. x+236. $5.00.

DEBATERS AND DYNAMITERS: THE STORY OF THE HAYWOOD TRIAL. By David H. Grover. Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, 1964; pp. viii+310. $6.00.

GEORGE W. NORRIS: THE MAKING OF A PROGRESSIVE, 1861–1912. By Richard Lowitt. Syracuse, N. Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1963; pp. xiv+341. $7.95.

PRAIRIE REBEL: THE PUBLIC LIFE OF WILLIAM LEMKE. By Edward C. Blackor‐by. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1963; pp. xii+339. $6.50.

THE REVOLT OF THE CONSERVATIVES: A HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN LIBERTY LEAGUE, 1934–1940. By George Wolf‐skill. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1962; pp. x+303. $5.00.

VISIONS OF ORDER: THE CULTURAL CRISIS OF OUR TIME. By Richard M. Weaver. Foreword by Russell Kirk. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1964; pp. ix+153. $4.50.

RHETORIC OF RACIAL REVOLT. By Roy L. Hill. Denver: Golden Bell Press, 1964; pp. 378. $5.50.

AMERICA'S NEW POLICY MAKERS: THE SCIENTISTS' RISE TO POWER. By Donald W. Cox. Philadelphia: Chilton, 1964; pp. xiv+298. $6.95.

THE PROFESSIONAL: LYNDON B. JOHNSON. By William S. White. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1964; pp. 273. $5.00.

LYNDON B. JOHNSON: A BIOGRAPHY. By Harry Provence. New York: Fleet, 1964; pp. 192. $4.50.

LBJ: THE MAN FROM JOHNSON CITY. By Clarke Newlon. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1964; pp. x+213. $3.75.

A TIME FOR ACTION: A SELECTION FROM THE SPEECHES AND WRITINGS OF LYNDON B. JOHNSON, 1953–64. Introduction by Adlai E. Stevenson. New York: Atheneum, 1964; pp. xv+183. $3.95; paper $.50.

IT SOUNDS IMPOSSIBLE. By Sam J. Slate and Joe Cook. New York: Macmillan, 1963; pp. xliv+270. $6.95.

A GUIDE TO INSTRUCTIONAL TELEVISION. Edited by Robert M. Diamond. New York: McGraw‐Hill, 1964; pp. ix+304. $7.50.  相似文献   

马睿 《双语学习》2009,(7):I0031-I0031
Do you know about the family life of ants? Shall we go and visit an ant's family? Some insects live alone, but ants are different. They live in a large nest, in which each ant has a job. Their home is like a big palace underground.  相似文献   

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