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20世纪80年代以来,美国着手进行基础教育改革。改革的目的是提高教育质量,途径之一是通过激发教师教学积极性来提高教师教学质量。为了激发教师教学积极性,美国着手建立教师教学激励机制,把教师工资改革作为保障教师教学质量的主要外部机制,同时,把教师评价作为主要内部机制。改革的最直接结果是教师收入阶层化,相应的是教师专业能力分层化。但分层结构清晰地展示了教师发展的阶梯,构成教师发展的目标导向,教师发展呈现有序化和合理化的倾向。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether there were significant differences in students’ performances amongst conceptual, algorithmic and graphical questions tests. Seventy-one eleventh-grade students were involved in this study. In order to assess students’ performance, conceptual, graphical and algorithmic questions tests were utilized. Students’ performances in each test were analyzed statistically. Statistical analysis using one-way ANOVA of student tests scores pointed to statistically significant differences amongst each of three test scores (P < 0.05) in favor of the conceptual test. Further analyses were conducted to compare one type of questions with others. From these comparisons, positive relationships were found between conceptual understanding and algorithmic understanding and between conceptual understanding and graphical understanding. Also, results obtained indicated that most of the students lack of graphical understanding. The results suggest that students need more training about graphical understanding.  相似文献   

初中教育及高中教育分流,这是教育发展过程中的基本规律。"九年义务教育"后学生向高中、中等专业学校及中等技术学校分流;高中教育毕业生向重点大学、一般本科大学及高等职业学院分流,不但可以较好地调配劳动力结构、配置教育资源,而且有利于高等教育结构分层。因此,合理的教育分流,是中国招生考试体制改革的必然选择。  相似文献   

The article investigates the issue of teaching evaluation in higher education, providing a picture of the phenomenon into the Italian specific context within a European dimension. Starting from the premise that in Italian universities, teaching evaluation is based on general indicators which reflect a simplification of a complex phenomenon, scientific research related to teaching evaluation in higher education is presented and discussed. In this perspective, it will be argued that nature of teaching evaluation is characterized by multidimensionality and complexity. Only in this way it can represent a useful instrument for the improvement of teaching process and for the comprehension of the importance of being effective teachers. Moreover, on the basis of a participative model, it seems important to involve teachers and students in the formulation of relevant questions related to teaching. The aim of the research is represented by highlighting the specific aspects of teaching process dependent from the context through a comparison among faculties. Seventy interviews have been carried out with teachers and students of the same four faculties (Humanities, Psychology, Educational Sciences, Mathematics and Natural Sciences). Qualitative analysis of the data collected are conducted using the scientific software Atlas.ti. The outcomes confirm our initial assumptions showing differences among the four faculties considering the multiple dimensions of the university teaching.
Elisabetta GhedinEmail:

1998年世界教育报告尖锐指出,在以知识为基础的社会里,教育已成为拉大社会差距的手段。在我国目前对这一问题的关注与研究还很不够。文章根据美洲开发银行关于1998-1999年拉美经济和社会进步的报告中的有关内容摘写而成。  相似文献   

我国重点大学工商管理类人才培养层次结构在数量、培养目标定位等方面存在不足,根据现代社会的发展、人才需求的变化和素质教育的大环境,应该从多方面予以优化。  相似文献   

以色列是成功实施大众创业教育的典型案例。以色列高校创业中心是以色列政府积极扶持发展的、为有意创业的群体提供早期系统支持的非营利性组织,其管理具有清晰的战略共识、支撑战略实施的组织架构、高素质专业化的指导教师队伍和政府实行有效监管等特点。通过分层级满足创业者的需求、开设专门的创业课程、强化创业实践训练、搭建关系网和商业资源等举措,帮助早期创业者提高创业成功的概率。借鉴以色列的经验,开启我国大众创业教育,需要明确教育的主体、积极发挥高校创业中心的作用、创新高校创业中心管理模式、着力提高大众创业教育的专业化水平。  相似文献   

扩招生的心理问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
扩招生与普招生在个性特点、心理健康状况以及学习能力方面的差异都是比较大的。应该对扩招生的心理特点深入了解,对发现的问题应该及时疏导,更要转变观念,树立新型的质量观,同时,在学习策略上考虑,加强学习指导。  相似文献   

高校学术职业和其他社会职业一样,因为不断专业化的职业分工而形成不同的层级.美国高校学术职业在历史的变迁过程中初步形成了现在普遍采用的分层模式,即高校学术职业分为讲师、助理教授、副教授和教授四个层级的职业阶梯.不同层级的学术职位有相应的学术评价标准,包括学历、教学科研能力、工作经验、管理能力等几个部分.依据卡内基分类法(2005版)的分类标准,其中对我国高校学术职业分层和教师岗位设置管理制度最具借鉴意义的当属博士学位授予大学、硕士学位授予大学、学士学位授予大学和社区学院的学术职业分层.因此,本文分别从美国这几类高校各选取一所有代表性的学校,对它们在学术职业分层管理的制度安排及特色进行考察,试图发现不同类型美国高校学术职业的分层聘任、晋升考核及福利待遇等方面的共性和差异,以期对我国当前正在进行的高校教师岗位设置制度提供启示.  相似文献   

大学生整体素质的高低将直接影响中国经济和社会的发展水平,而传统教学模式的局限性导致当代大学生普遍存在心理意志薄弱、缺乏自我挑战的精神,拓展训练是一种全新的学习方式和训练手段,是对传统教育的全面提炼和有益补充,高等教育和拓展训练的互补结合将有助于大学生综合素质的提高。  相似文献   

在高等教育分层理论和EMI假设的基础上,文章着重考察了高教规模扩张以后教育机会的阶层分布。认为当竞争从普遍入学转移到追求卓越之后,质的差异性将取代量的不均等而左右教育公平的实现。高教分层与社会分层相符应,复制并再生产了现存的社会关系,进而导致断裂社会的形成。  相似文献   

扩大招生后,高师音乐教育专业在生源质量、师资力量等方面面临诸多挑战。为此,试图通过招考策略、质量观念、资源调配、课程结构、教学模式等五个方面的探讨,来改善目前的境况并提高新形势下音乐教育专业的办学效率和教育质量。  相似文献   

上世纪50年代初,日本基本走出了战败后的阴影,经济获得了较大的发展.自1995年起,日本进入经济高速增长期.随着经济的快速发展,技术人才的需求日趋凸显.为此,日本政府制定了高等教育理工科扩充政策.这一政策的出台,不仅为日本经济增长和产业发展提供了人才资源,促进了日本经济的快速发展和社会繁荣,同时也带动了高等教育的发展与规模扩大,为日本高等教育进入大众化和确立"科学技术立国"发展战略打下了基础.  相似文献   

Many educational systems worldwide are making substantial efforts to integrate an international dimension into local schools, fostering significant changes in the processes of instruction and learning as well as transformations at pedagogical and organisational levels. In this paper, we analyse data collected in four schools in Israel that the local press and educational authorities have acknowledged as schools that prominently and comprehensively incorporated international, global and intercultural dimensions. We employ a case-study approach based on interviews with principals and teachers; analysis of schools' websites and documents; and on-site observations, in order to analyse the expression of internationalisation, understand who is involved in the implementation process, and stimulate thinking about the broader impact of this process. We find that ideological and pragmatic reasons underlie schools' motivations to internationalise; their population and status comprise major factors in the decision regarding how, where, why, and when to integrate international and intercultural dimensions. The stakeholders interviewed perceive of internationalisation as offering both cosmopolitan capital to the students and a distinctive feature to the school. The schools demonstrate diverse internationalisation patterns that are neither monitored nor guided by any regulatory agency. These findings contribute to the identification of the factors promoting or delaying the internalisation process and to the understanding of the impact of this process on schools.  相似文献   

This study sought to examine the views of school counselors in international school settings; international schools being those that enroll students from varying nationalities (both English speaking and non-English speaking countries) and follow an American/International college preparatory education curriculum. Results were pursued in regard to three important areas: (1) mental health needs of students (e.g., coping with cultural transitions, aggression, self-esteem), (2) their own professional development needs (e.g., multicultural development, networking), and (3) their interactions with teachers, administrators, and parents (e.g., lack of knowledge of the counselor’s role, lack of trust in the counselor, lack of teamwork). Implications for supporting international school counselors are provided. An earlier version of this article was presented at the International Counseling Psychology Conference, Chicago, Illinois (2008).  相似文献   

高校图书馆的功能扩展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高校图书馆是现代信息资源网络的重要组成部分,在现代信息社会中,高校图书馆应与时俱进,通过“重点强化、范围扩大、内涵深化”等手段,努力扩展其收藏功能、服务功能、德育功能,使其综合功能得到协调发展和有效发挥,更好地为社会发展服务。  相似文献   

New Learning Environments and Constructivism: The Students’ Perspective   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Research into students’ perceptions of their learning environments reveals the impact of these perceptions on the way students cope with these learning environments. Consequently, students’ perceptions affect the results of their learning. This study aims to investigate whether students in a new learning environment (NLE) perceive it to be more constructivist when compared with the perceptions students have of a conventional lecture-based environment. Using a questionnaire consisting of seven key factors of constructivist learning environments, the results show that students in the NLE perceive it to be more constructivist when compared to the perceptions of students in a conventional lecture-based environment. The difference was statistically significant for four of the seven factors. According to the effect size, as measured by the d-index, the difference in perception between the two groups was greatest for the factor ‘conceptual conflicts and dilemmas’. in final form: 31 May 2005  相似文献   

王凯 《哈尔滨学院学报》2007,28(10):127-130
近年来,巴西私立高等教育急剧扩张,但由于高昂的学费以及学位价值与支出的课程费用的不相称,大多数巴西人并不能就读私立大学。这不仅产生了教育的质量问题,而且也出现了教育不公平的现象。尽管私立高等教育中的助学贷款和政府补贴有所增加,但教育公平仍不能真正实现。  相似文献   

规模扩大与高等教育入学机会均等化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
This paper explores the role of socio-economic status in determining access to higher education over time. Findings show that the overall equality of higher education opportunity has improved because of the inclusion of more marginal students into lower-tier higher education institutions (HEIs); however, students from higher socio-economic status have benefited disproportionably from the expansion in elite universities. A brief discussion of the potential implications is presented. Translated from Beijing Daxue Jiaoyu Pinglun 北京大学教育评论 (Peking University Education Review), 2006, (1): 24–33  相似文献   

对高校扩招后如何提高教育质量的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等学校的根本任务是培养人才,学校的竞争归根到底是人才的竞争。在高校扩招、高等教育快速发展的情况下,尤其要牢固地树立质量观念,把教育质量问题置于办学的首要位置。重视教学基础设施建设,保障教育基本需求,强化教学管理,把好课程结构、课程设置、课程建设、课程改革等在卡,努力提高教育质量,适应学生规模扩大的要求,是高等学校当前迫切需要解决的问题,也是高等学校日常工作永恒的主题。  相似文献   

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