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This chapter describes the applicability of quantum cryptography beyond key exchange. The section is devided into two parts: one describing applications of quantum cryptography different from key exchange and the other considering countermeasures to additional threats like coercibility or traffic analysis. Every section ends with a short summary or an appraisal in boldface and in the conclusions all topics of this section are briefly outlined and in an outlook we give a personal statement about the relevance of quantum cryptographic pro tocols and promising future directions of research.  相似文献   

<正>1944年9月16日,毛泽东在重庆会见了三位美国大兵:爱德华·贝尔、霍华德·海曼、杰克·艾德尔曼,他们在红岩村历史性的合影,作为中美人民友谊的象征,悬挂在北京中国人民历史博物馆。这三位美国大兵是我的好朋友,我为他们牵线见到中国共产党的领导人毛泽东、周恩来而感到非常荣幸;回想往日我们在一起时的情景,人生有这样弥足珍贵的情谊,真是刻骨铭心啊!  相似文献   

The activities of VINITI as a Key Organization of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) which is responsible for the interstate exchange of scientific and technical information are analyzed; major areas of the activities of the Key Organization are presented. One of the main priority areas is the participation, jointly with the National Centers for Scientific and Technological Information and the Interstate Coordination Council for Scientific and Technological Information, in the scientific information and analytical support of research activities and international programs and projects that are implemented by the CIS member states in the area of innovation.  相似文献   

Publicly funded institutions, such as NIH, NLM, and state-supported universities, have explicit public service missions that extend beyond the walls of a single institution. During the past few years, national organizations, such as NLM and AAMC, have funded studies and projects to measure how well universities are adapting to technological change and educational reform. The IAIMS models are evidence of universities fostering cooperative rather than duplicative effort. Opportunities and problems facing universities extending systems and services to the private practice setting, to community-based health care HMO's, and to state and local health care agencies are discussed in terms of political, economic, and geographic realities. Instilling lifelong learning concepts begins before the health professional enters practice and is dependent on the emphasis universities place on "excellence in teaching." Without cooperation among core facilities, such as libraries, computer centers, and excellent instructors, continuing education will remain a parochial issue instead of a national thrust toward the continuum of the learning process. If continuing education is to become a high priority for universities and take its place on the education spectrum, flexible policies must be established to accommodate individual practitioners' expectations and interests.  相似文献   

Although many Americans believe that censorship is mainly a southern problem, in fact the situation in the South is neither worse nor better than in the rest of the country. This article reviews instances of censorship in the South, recent court cases, and federal and state legislation. Oren J. Teicher is president of the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression and director of government affairs for the American Booksellers Association  相似文献   

韦棣华、沈祖荣和裘开明有着一脉相承的师承关系、共同的宗教信仰 ,又都是中国图书馆事业的划时代先驱者。作为一代图书馆人 ,他们发挥了崇高的图书馆精神 ,把一生献给了图书馆事业。他们为图书馆事业献身的精神力量是跨跃时空的。参考文献 17。  相似文献   

作为 2 0世纪初的一位凤毛麟角的大学毕业生 ,沈祖荣先生为什么要把自己的一生毫无保留地奉献给中国图书馆事业 ?沈祖荣先生是一位彻底的爱国主义者 ,他一生的理想是通过办理图书馆事业来实现教育救国和教育强国。 1910年 ,沈祖荣先生在文华大学毕业之后毅然决定供职于文华公书林 ,以启迪民智 ,振兴中华。当时对于他的这一抉择 ,旁人不可理解 ,亲朋好友谁都不赞成。当面阿谀奉承者说 :“方今各处需才孔亟 ,以你大学毕业 ,何事不可为 ?乃作此招护书籍的事业 ,不其长才短驭 ?”背地里议论 ,不是说 :“毫无远志” ,就是说 :“学识平庸 ,不能充…  相似文献   

The legal, ethical and practical aspects of the journal publisher's position when material that appears to be of use to terrorists is presented for publication are discussed and some alternative strategies set out.  相似文献   

Scaling properties of modular quantum systems will dominate the future of quantum computing as well as the potential role of quantum mechanics in classical computing. We undertake a brief journey through length- and time-scales in order to locate pertinent control schemes. It is argued that ‘‘quantum benefits’’ are more likely to survive in ‘‘imbodied’’ systems like coherently driven materials, sensors or robots than in abstract digital computation.  相似文献   

Scaling properties of modular quantum systems will dominate the future of quantum computing as well as the potential role of quantum mechanics in classical computing. We undertake a brief journey through length- and time-scales in order to locate pertinent control schemes. It is argued that ‘‘quantum benefits’’ are more likely to survive in ‘‘imbodied’’ systems like coherently driven materials, sensors or robots than in abstract digital computation.  相似文献   

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