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A microcomputer laboratory for juniors majoring in computer science was developed. It enables them to observe fundamental behavior of a computer by directly giving instructions to the CPU using a programmable diode array. The laboratory also includes experiments to synthesize a small microcomputer, with which advanced subjects such as interrupt processing and queue data structure usage are studied. As an application, a primitive interrupt‐driven graphics editor has been designed and implemented. Various circuit components were mounted on three panels, which facilitate for the students to construct required circuits. A personal computer has been used for software development.  相似文献   

研制了小型流体力学高水头多功能实验仪,实现了水力学及流体力学教学实验设备小型化,同时,又能达到大型设备的实验效果。该设备可进行文透里实验,粗、细不同管径的沿程阻力实验和局部阻力实验。实验仪除具有自循环、水头稳定、多功能、小型化、可移动及操作方便等优点外,其最大特点是水头显著提高,有效拓宽了雷诺数的实验范围,实现了现有小型设备所无法达到的实验效果。  相似文献   

MV10 is an MCU which consists of PWM,ADC,CAN and some other function blocks.It is designed for car body's control.Advanced peripheral bus (APB) is a low speed AMBA bus connecting low-power peripherals.This paper presents an implementation of APB interface for MV10 MCU.After that,MV10 can be integrated into any AMBA system on chips (SoCs) easily.We have built a multi-core system with ABMA to verify this design.In this system ARM9 is a main processor mounted on AHB and MV10 acts as a low-power and low-speed slaver on APB.Before building this system,some operations are encapsulated into a task with dedicated ID.MV10 works as a co-processor with ARM by acquiring task ID from ARM.The result of simulation indicates that MCU can work well as expected.Based on our design,MV10 can be mounted on any AMBA system from now on.  相似文献   

MV10 is an MCU which consists of PWM, ADC,CAN and some other function blocks. It is designed for car body’s control. Advanced peripheral bus (APB) is a low speed AMBA bus connecting low-power peripherals. This paper presents an implementation of APB interface for MV10 MCU. After that, MV10 can be integrated into any AMBA system on chips (SoCs) easily. We have built a multi-core system with ABMA to verify this design. In this system ARM9 is a main processor mounted on AHB and MV10 acts as a low-power and low-speed slaver on APB. Before building this system, some operations are encapsulated into a task with dedicated ID. MV10 works as a co-processor with ARM by acquiring task ID from ARM. The result of simulation indicates that MCU can work well as expected. Based on our design, MV10 can be mounted on any AMBA system from now on.  相似文献   

利用EWB进行电子技术基础教学,能较直观地体现实验结果,便于学生对理论知识的理解。EWB通过创建电路、使用仪器、电路仿真等实际操作强化对电子技术概念、原理的理解,同时EWB具有强大的仿真功能,能完成许多实际实验由于元件不够或设备不足等很难实现的实验。介绍了虚拟实验室的基本体系结构,实现虚拟实验室的关键技术:ActiveX等,应用EWB(电子工作平台)软件来设计和仿真BCD和译码器74148部分电路,并通过硬件实验的调试来相互验证实际结果。  相似文献   

对林下山参高效液相色谱指纹图谱进行研究,运用SPSS16.0软件包,先对样品进行相似度分析,然后用聚类分析方法对林下山参样品的主要7种人参皂苷进行分类研究,对样品进行合理的分类,揭示样品间的远近亲疏关系,这可大大缩减了以往全凭主观判断所造成的误差,使数据分析结果更具客观性,对林下山参品种与质量的鉴定有一定的理论意义和实用价值。  相似文献   

提出绘制晶体管基本放大电路的交流通路和微变等效电路的基本步骤,该方法过程规范易掌握,且可以得到规范的平面电路。同时还明确指出计算放大电路交流指标时应以BJT的ib或FET的vgs为公共变量列写各个信号表达式。  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于LabVIEW的低成本在线电子电路实验室,系统采用NI公司的电子教学平台ELVIS II,学生通过因特网使用LabVIEW的图形用户界面与系统进行交互,可以在任何时间任何地点独立完成自己所选择的实验,在成功在线提交实验报告之后通过简短问题的回答得到评分结果。此外还论述了实验室管理系统软件的构建方法,虚拟在线电子电路实验室在实际教学中的实践与应用,并对其教学效果进行了评估。  相似文献   

相对于目前在规定道路下进行一定条件限制的等速油耗试验,采用底盘测功机进行汽车燃油经济性试验更科学。由于采用计算机模拟道路、气候、风速、湿度等客观试验条件,确保试验的过程更接近真实车辆使用情况,获得的油耗也更接近实际。对底盘测功机台架试验中模拟各种实际行车路况和环境的计算机系统进行开发,并进行车辆在底盘测功机上的燃油经济性试验,利用计算机系统模拟一般道路状况下车辆的等速行驶,并对油耗进行统计。试验结果表明,这种方法具有很强的可操作性,可作为一般企业或检测机构进行油耗试验的首选方法。  相似文献   

This paper describes a microcomputer interfacing course for computer science students. Students build simple logic circuits to interface a microcomputer with real‐world devices, such as stepper motor and digital displays, and program the computer to monitor and control these devices. Programs are written in Pascal and assembly language. The emphasis is placed on applications rather than on theory. This course is especially designed for computer science students who are proficient in software programming but have little or no experience in electronics. The experiments described here have been developed on the Apple ft microcomputer, but they can be easily adapted to other microcomputers.  相似文献   

冻干香蕉预处理条件优化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究结果表明,不同蕉类香蕉,及在不同的季节成熟的香蕉加工的冻干品,其质量略有差别,同时香蕉的成熟度也影响冻干品的质量;采用“0.05%柠檬酸 0.5%氯化纳 0.6%氯化钙”的护色剂,对香蕉护色保脆有良好效果,其护色浸渍时间应以10min为宜。  相似文献   

NHLX-G型刚架综合实验装置是为开展综合性、设计性的材料力学实验而研制的台式多功能组合实验装置。该装置的最大特点是可以用可装配杆件自主搭建各种不同的实验。在实验中通过改变不同支座,组成不同形式的约束、改变加载点或改变载荷的方向、选择不同的杆件或接头等,组建多种不同形式的刚架和桁架结构实验。该实验装置真正体现了综合性、设计性和研究性。学生在实验中灵活设计、自主实施,从而培养学生的综合素质和创新能力。  相似文献   

随着我国推进生态环境保护工作的全面开展,在污染防治、落实环保措施等方面取得了积极进展和成效。与此同时,在高等教育领域,高校对实验室安全与环保工作也越来越重视,尤其是实验室废液管理方面,表现出精细化的管理模式和专业化的处置方式。然而,虽然实验室废液管理取得了一定成效,但仍存在分类不合理、标识不规范、监管不到位等问题。通过设计实验室废液信息管理系统,能够规范废液管理,辅助处置过程,提高处置效率。同时,借助系统可以优化废液信息的统计分析,实现废液信息的动态监管,保证数据的有效性和可追溯性,为后续制定和完善分类标准,加强废液管理提供有效支撑。  相似文献   

阐述了实验教学在全面提高学生素质,培养具有创新意识、实践能力的复合型人才方面有着极其重要的作用。提出在机械控制工程理论实验中引入基于计算机的辅助虚拟实验系统和具体的实现方法,教学实践表明这种被赋予“灵魂”的虚拟实验仪器系统,不仅可以满足理论教学和实验的各种要求,而且可以根据需要开发出不同特征的实验系统和功能强的实验室,极大地调动了学生学习机械控制工程理论的主动性。  相似文献   

研究一种利用无线数据接口电路使计算机、单片机等数据终端与其它计算机进行双向数据传输的通信系统.该系统由无线发射-接收模块、PC机接口模块及控制电路组成,在此基础上叙述了系统的硬软件设计的实现方法.  相似文献   

由MCS-51系列单片机组成的数字触发脉冲输出电路,可以方便地做到多种触发脉冲信号的输出,容易扩展不同功能,易于调节移相控制角,能够满足电力电子技术实验的不同要求,系统制作和程序的编写难度也不大,能够较好地解决模拟触发脉冲电路的不稳定性。  相似文献   

基于ARM的高职嵌入式系统实验项目的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对高职教育的培养目标和嵌入式课程的特点,提出将高职嵌入式系统实验分为三个阶段:教学实验、开放式实验和毕业设计,对各阶段进行了实验设计,在教学实验中打破教室与实验室的界限,引入企业实际应用项目,起到了很好的教学效果。  相似文献   

双被告制度创设伊始是"解决行政复议现实问题的中药",实际却"制约行政复议改革",如此反差值得深思。2020年《中华人民共和国行政复议法(修订)(征求意见稿)》对程序标的和复议决定效力的改变否定了双被告制度,应值此契机进行制度检视。为纠正维持率过高,基于"复议决定可诉"和"一体化理论"构建,双被告制度具有强烈问题导向性,存有降低维持率有限、实践中附带影响大、理论内在冲突等弊病。应取消双被告制度并围绕行政复议新时代功能定位就复议队伍和监督体系进行重构,助力行政复议法治愿景实现。  相似文献   

This paper starts from the assumption that learning is promoted through confronting students with the inconsistencies entailed by their own beliefs. The issue is explored in the domain of electricity in the context of simple DC circuits. Previous work is used as the basis for the construction of a programme of work that is undertaken by a group of students. This programme entailed the development of a computer-based modelling environment called ELAB. The underlying design principle is that students should be able to model electrical circuits at a level which permits them to express some of their explicit (possibly mistaken) beliefs about relevant concepts. Other, implicit, beliefs should also be detectable through use of the system. The results derived from observation suggest that computer-based modelling facilities can provide advantages over approaches exploiting other media. In particular, such systems can be used to promote the kinds of intellectual conflict that are believed to be beneficial.  相似文献   

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