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Myriam Mariani   《Research Policy》2004,33(10):1565-1582
The centrality of firms vis-à-vis regions underlines a general contrast between two models of producing innovations. This paper uses a new database composed of 4262 European chemical patents applied by 693 firms during 1987–1996 to compare the relative effect of firm and regional characteristics on the production of technological “hits” (highly cited patents). By using extensive controls, the main finding of the paper is that technological hits in the “traditional” chemical sectors are explained only by R&D intensity at the firm level and the scale of the research projects. Firm competencies, particularly technological specialisation, are still important in biotechnology. However, the distinct feature of the biotechnology model is that localised knowledge spillovers also matter.  相似文献   

While advancing new technologies has not traditionally been a major focus of industry–university collaboration, this article stresses that industry–university alliances can be instrumental in facilitating the industrial firm's advancement of both knowledge and new technologies. To investigate this phenomenon, this study focuses on industry–university relationships within the context of university research centers. The results from this multi-method, cross-sectional study indicate that a positive, two-way linkage exists between the intensity of industry–university relationships and the level of tangible outcomes generated. Results also show that while organization size and length of relationship do not significantly affect these dynamics, the industrial firm's geographic proximity to the university research center does. The implications of these findings for both industrial firms and universities are discussed.  相似文献   

Inventive progress measured by multi-stage patent citation analysis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Studies of technological change constitute a field of growing importance and sophistication. In this paper we contribute to the discussion with a methodological reflection and application of multi-stage patent citation analysis for the measurement of inventive progress. Investigating specific patterns of patent citation data, we conclude that single-stage citation analysis cannot reveal technological paths or lineages. Therefore, one should also make use of indirect citations and bibliographical coupling. To measure aspects of cumulative inventive progress, we develop a “shared specialization measure” of patent families. We relate this measure to an expert rating of the technological value added in the field of variable valve actuation for internal combustion engines. In sum, the study presents promising evidence for multi-stage patent citation analysis in order to explain aspects of technological change.  相似文献   

The diffusion of innovations is identified as an important aspect of technological and social change. Innovations diffuse through segmented networks of knowledge that limit the flow of knowledge from any one technological domain to any other. Despite this segmentation, some organizations are capable of developing pieces of knowledge that overcome these limitations. Within this context, we develop four hypotheses regarding specific R&D strategies that affect a firm’s ability to develop inventions that diffuse beyond the firm’s technological boundaries. Specifically, we examine how a firm's scientific intensity, technological collaborations, technological diversity, and internal focus impact breadth of innovation diffusion. We use two of the main determinants of innovation diffusion, namely, the relative advantage and the observability, as theoretical mechanisms to build our arguments. We empirically test our hypotheses on longitudinal data from the industries of pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and chemicals. Our findings show that the extent to which the knowledge embedded in a firm’s inventions diffuses in distant technological areas is positively related to the firm’s scientific intensity and to its extent of collaboration, but it is negatively related to its technological diversity.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question of how firms accomplish the strategic task of adapting their entire set of IORs (interorganizational relationships) to changing environmental conditions. To study this, we move beyond the focus on collaboration with individual partners (the dyadic perspective) that has been the dominant emphasis in the literature until now. Instead, we view the firms’ portfolios through the lens of the different modes of IOR engaged in (licensing agreements, non-equity alliances, venture capital investments, minority investments, joint ventures, and mergers & and acquisitions). We study the role of environmental change within the high-tech setting of the bio-pharmaceutical industry and distinguish between industry technological change and firm-specific technological change. In doing so, we rely on prospect theory to theorize how firms’ perceptions of environmental change in terms of a looming loss or a potential gain affect their risk-bearing, how this leads them to adjust their IOR portfolio diversity, and how these adjustments get implemented at the mode level. Whereas most of our hypotheses were confirmed by the study, a key unexpected finding was that firms respond to both types of technological change through stronger forms of adaptation than theoretically anticipated. Firms adapt to industry technological change through an increase in the diversity of their portfolio of IORs and by churning it up, which leads to a loosening of control at the individual mode level but greater adaptivity at the portfolio level. When facing firm-specific change instead, they adapt by reducing portfolio diversity, while cutting back on collaboration across five out of the six modes. Our findings both contribute to the literature on organizational adaptation, interfirm collaboration, and IOR portfolios and provide a greater behavioral understanding of network change.  相似文献   

Collaborative relationships are an important anchor of innovative activity, and rates of collaboration in science are on the rise. This research addresses differences in men’s and women’s collaborative positioning and collaborator characteristics in science, and whether network influences on scientists’ future productivity may be contingent on gender. Utilizing co-inventor network relations that span thirty years of global life science patenting across sectors, geographic locations, and technological background, I present trends of men’s and women’s involvement in patenting and their collaborative characteristics across time. Amidst some network similarities, women are less likely to connect otherwise unconnected inventors (brokerage) and have greater status-asymmetries between themselves and their co-inventors. In multivariate models that include past and future activity, I find that some network benefits are contingent on gender. Men receive greater returns from network positioning for brokerage ties, and when collaborating with men. Women benefit from collaborating with women, and are more likely to collaborate with women, but both men and women collaborate with mostly men. I discuss the implications of these results for innovative growth, as well as for policies that support men’s and women’s career development.  相似文献   

基于合作全球图的专利国际合作分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为辅助国际合作分析与管理,提出合作全球图。经过分析现有网络图、网络地理组合图,合作全球图将合作网络图融合全球地理图,以点的大小表示合作次数,用边揭示合作行为,在全球地理图上完整显示国际合作网络信息。实验表明,锂电池专利合作全球网络中,国家合作被北美合作网络、西欧合作网络、东亚合作网络主宰,美国、德国、法国、日本、韩国、中国是当之无愧的六强霸主,Centre Nat,Univ Tsinghua分别位居申请人合作的冠亚军。由此可见,合作全球图有助于国际合作分析、国际合作管理等。  相似文献   

The increased patenting activity of foreign nationals in the United States has been a source of recent concern, and the fear has been expressed that the US is becoming relatively less technologically inventive. This paper investigates some possible causes of the increased foreign patenting activity and also briefly examines the determinants of patent filings by a country's own residents. The countries covered include: Canada, France, West Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.Based on data on patent applications filed and some preliminary regression analysis, the paper finds that the rising foreign patenting activity in the US probably does not reflect increased foreign inventiveness vis-à-vis the US. However, foreign innovativeness may be increasing relative to the US. Over the period 1963 – 1974, the domestic patent base, measured by the number of patent applications filed by nationals in their home countries, has shown little change in any country except for Japan. Rather, multiple patent applications and a greater propensity to patent abroad, induced by the possibilities of exporting, appear to be the sources of the increase in foreign patent applications in the US and also in Japan.  相似文献   

Supply and demand conditions that affect technological change in four functional areas of local government service delivery are described and analyzed. A consistent picture of small, fragmented markets, ‘lumpy’ demand, or uncertain markets is found, with demand shaped by a heterogeneous body of local procurement traditions and practices, low municipal technical capabilities, and risk-averse behavior by city officials and engineering consultants. Industries involved share a number of characteristics that bode poorly for industrial investment in innovation: low profit margins and uncertain financial futures. Firms that have the resources to invest in R&D do not tend to focus exclusively on municipal markets. The findings suggest that public policies directed toward improving the municipal market for innovative products by strengthening the cities' technological infrastructure will be more effective than policies directed toward the supply side such as increased R&D support.  相似文献   

A positive relationship exists between national technological size and technological diversification across fields of innovative activity. This paper shows how the nature of this relationship has changed historically. There has been a downward structural shift in the cross-country size-diversification frontier since 1965—for any given size countries have become less diversified or more narrowly concentrated in their technological specialisation. One explanation is that international technology sourcing by MNEs has led locations to focus on what they do best. A supporting factor may be a rise in technological interrelatedness, which encourages focus upon a specific selection of complementary combinations.  相似文献   

基于1999—2014年美国专利数据,以采集的764个中国生物技术专利为研究对象,从微观专利技术视角,探讨知识产生跨地域影响的决定因素。实证结果发现专利的科技关联度与知识溢出本地化呈现U型关系,而专利的合作开发对知识本地化溢出具有负向影响。  相似文献   

P. Wiseman 《Research Policy》1983,12(6):329-339
The demand-pull theory of invention and innovation has drawn much of its support from the work of Jacob Schmookler on patent time series. In this work, Schmookler found no evidence that scientific discoveries or major inventions had provided the stimulus for important inventions. However, it is argued here that his method was not well designed to detect such effects.Any effect of a particular scientific or technological development is likely to occur in a rather narrow area of technology, so that detection of science-push and technology-push will be favoured by the examination of narrow areas of inventive activity. Manufacturing processes for groups of chemical products subject to similar demand-side factors provide convenient such areas.In this study time series of patents on processes for eight intermediates for synthetic fibres have been examined. They are not consistent with a simple demand-pull theory, but rather with the view that inventive activity is affected both by demand and by technological opportunity. Two of the intermediates have been examined in detail, and evidence has been presented that in one case a major invention arose from science-push and in the other one arose from technology-push.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how the structure and the evolution of inter-firm agreements have shaped the development of the smart card industry. The aim is to establish a closer connection between the evolution of inter-firm agreements in the smart card industry and the patterns of change of technology and demand in this new high-tech industry. Based on a proprietary database covering both collaborative agreements and mergers and acquisitions (M&As) occurring in this industry over the period 1992–2006, we find that the evolution of technology and market demand shapes the dynamics of R&D networks and M&As are likely to change the industry structure. We also find that a small group of producers – first-movers – still control the industry and technological trajectories. Their position arises not for oligopolistic reasons of market structure, but for technological and organizational reasons.  相似文献   

武兰芬  姜军 《科研管理》2006,41(2):142-151
本文以2002-2016年间的学术文献和专利两种数据源为基础,利用社会网络分析法从论文作者所属机构与专利权人、作者与发明人、学科与技术领域等多维视角,对全球云计算基础研究与应用研究的创新合作网络进行数据挖掘和对比分析。研究发现:云计算论文作者及所属机构间的合作更普遍;专利权人合作网络呈现分散的小网络特点,专利发明人合作关系更密切且群体性更强;云计算的基础学科是计算机理论与方法、电气与电子工程和计算机信息系统,而核心技术是数字计算机和电话与数据传输系统。基于研究结果,提出建立基础创新与应用创新的对接和融合,利用合作网络分析发掘重要的创新竞合对象,精准定位领军人才和创新群体,构建学科知识体系等促进中国云计算协同创新与产教融合的启示和建议。  相似文献   

Geographic clusters confer advantages to collocated firms, in particular access to local know-how. This article argues that the access to local know-how is contingent on the extent to which inventive activity is concentrated in the cluster. We draw on sociological theories of generalized exchange to argue that contrasting logics of exchange emerge in geographic clusters that have opposing effects on the extent to which firms benefit from collaborating with local organizations and source local knowledge. A longitudinal data set of 1903 firms engaged in nanotechnology research is used to examine the relationship between firm co-authorships on scientific articles with firms and public research organizations (PROs) and firm inventive performance. Results indicate that when cluster-level firm inventive concentration is high, collaborations with local firms are associated with lower inventive performance. We also find that firms source less local knowledge for their own inventions when firm inventive concentration is high. In contrast, concentrated inventive activity among PROs increases the positive relationship between collaborations with local PROs and firm inventive performance. Results also show firms source more knowledge from local PROs when local PRO inventive concentration is high. The findings suggest that inventive concentration both helps and hinders spill-over of cutting-edge knowledge.  相似文献   

This paper argues that case studies in innovation research at the level of the firm require an explicit model of how people think and act in organisations. The ‘socio-cognitive’ approach which is outlined here combines Weick's social psychological ideas with Teece's characterisation of the firm by its technological knowledge base. It is argued that a cognitive approach accommodates the tacit nature of technological knowledge well, and that artefacts can be considered as cognitive resources. A distinction is made between the social control of production technology (the firm) and of user technology (typically the market). This distinction is used as the basis for conceptualising technological innovation as the creation by individuals within the firm of ‘cognitive ensembles’ composed of cognitive elements drawn from both the technological base of the firm and market conceptions.This focus on the process by which innovation is generated within the firm leads to a brief discussion of previous work on the creative process and the relevance of the socio-cognitive approach to macro-level studies of technological change.  相似文献   

Although the inventions embodied in the Internet originated in a diverse set of industrial economies, the US was consistently the source of critical innovations and an early adopter of new applications. Why did other nations, including several that made important inventive contributions to the Internet, not play a larger role in its development, particularly in the creation of new business organizations, governance institutions, and applications? We argue that the role of the US “national innovation system” in the creation of the Internet echoes several key themes of US technological development before 1940. The presence of a large domestic market, a set of antitrust and regulatory policies that weakened the power of incumbent telecommunications firms, and a diverse private/public research community that was willing to work with both domestic and foreign inventions were important preconditions for US leadership in computer networking innovation.  相似文献   


This paper examines how federal systems of government in Canada and Australia deal with the challenges of promoting regional innovation and knowledge‐based industries. It focuses on selected cases of federal and regional (provincial or municipally based) policy initiatives and structures that support cross‐sector collaboration between ‘knowledge institutions’ (such as universities) and locally based industries. The study reveals both anticipated commonalities in and unexpected differences between the Canadian and Australian innovation environments and policy approaches. Federalism, resource‐based economies and sparse population have led to similar concerns and solutions. However, building local innovation systems and networks is a question of building on social capital and Canada seems rather more inventive and effective than Australia in turning social capital into sustainable organisations. Several regions of Canada have developed very strong community involvement in networks and institutions for improving technological skills, awareness and programmes—examples which provide valuable lessons for Australia.  相似文献   

Morris Teubal 《Research Policy》1997,25(8):1161-1188
This paper presents an evolutionary framework for horizontal technology policies (HTPs) especially market-friendly ones involving project-based incentives (e.g. R&D project based grants rather than tax-based incentives to yearly expenditures on R&D). HTPs are a category of technological policies whose objective is to promote technological development per se, and associated management and organizational routines, irrespective of industrial branch or technological area. They are being increasingly adopted by both advanced countries and newly industrialized countries in response to the new opportunities and threats opened up by the technological revolution and by the processes of liberalization and globalization; and they complement the more specific and well-known selective and vertical policies aimed at individual sectors and technologies. The analysis is conducted within a learning-to-innovate framework with emphasis on collective, organizational learning; search; and market-building. The outcome is a technology policy cycle with distinct infant, growth, and mature phases. Proactive ‘generation’ of a critical mass of projects for efficient learning and diffusion of innovation routines becomes the aim of the infant phase; while the mature phase of the policy should focus on policy restructuring including drastic reductions in the support of routi projects and enhanced support of more complex types of innovation. The paper also emphasizes the importance of a neutrality component in incentives in the infant phase of increasing selectivity; and of building policy capabilities for efficient policy design and implementation.  相似文献   

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