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This study predicts faculty salaries using data collected at a large public university on publications, teaching and administrative hours, years of education and experience, department, sex, race, and interaction terms. Female faculty earn 24 percent less than male faculty; 17 or 41 percent of this differential is attributable to discrimination, depending on the particular set of salary determinants used. Unlike previous investigators, this study does not find discrimination in favor of minority faculty members. The choice of variables and form of model appropriate for a study of salary discrimination are discussed.  相似文献   

Multiple regression procedures are commonly used to investigate gender equity in faculty salary. However, a review of 19 case studies indicates that many of them fail to (a) adequately develop a regression model that examines the linear and nonlinear (i.e., interactive and curvilinear) relations between predictors and the criterion and (b) appropriately apply regression diagnostic statistics throughout salary model development. A seven-step process is presented as a comprehensive framework for testing allegations of gender discrimination in faculty salary. Steps include (a) identifying predictors of faculty salary, (b) identifying and establishing criteria for interpreting statistical tests and diagnostic procedures, (c) determining the criterion variable used in the salary model, (d) developing a salary model, (e) testing for gender discrimination in pay, (f) conducting diagnostic procedures to confirm the appropriateness of the final salary model, and (g) testing the assumptions of the regression model. An application of this model is presented using a case study (N = 725 faculty).  相似文献   

The issue of sex discrimination in faculty employment has become a prominent legal and political concern, necessitating the development of objective empirical methods to determine the existence of patterns of discriminatory treatment. In this study, regression techniques are employed to apply the equal pay for equal work interpretation of the fair employment doctrine. Specifically, faculty promotion and salary policies at the University of Texas at Austin are analyzed to determine whether male and female faculty members are rewarded equally for equal academic qualifications and performances. This regression analysis tends to support the discrimination hypothesis with respect to both promotion and salary policies.  相似文献   

This paper presents estimates of the gender salary gap and discrimination based on the most recent national faculty survey data. New estimates for 1999 indicate that male faculty members still earn 20.7% more than comparable female colleagues. Depending upon which decomposition technique is employed, the portion of this gap attributable to discrimination is 17% or, 19–23%. Both estimates of the unexplained salary gap are lower than previous estimates. Furthermore, application of the Juhn technique shows that differences in salary structure, especially between research and liberal arts institutions, constitutes an important determinant of the relative gender pay gap between institutional types.  相似文献   

Many different approaches, almost all of which use some form of regression, have been used to study the issue of gender equity in university faculty salaries. One major point of contention in ail of these approaches is whether faculty rank, which is university conferred, should be included as a predictor variable. Two illustrations are presented to demonstrate how omitting faculty rank as a predictor variable from gender equity studies of university faculty salaries can lead to incorrect conclusions concerning gender discrimination. The first illustration uses hypothetical data constructed so that there is no difference in salary due to gender. However, when faculty rank is not included as a predictor variable in the regression model, there is a significant difference in salary due to gender. The second illustration uses actual data from a study of gender equity in pay at Bowling Green State University. This data set is used to construct a new data set that is totally free of gender bias. When a regression model omitting faculty rank is fit to this gender bias-free data, again a significant difference in salary due to gender is present. Therefore, it is recommended that faculty rank be included as a predictor variable in any model used to study gender equity relating to salary.  相似文献   

There have been numerous lawsuits within higher education brought by females over pay inequity and many articles have been written on the topic. Although not as prevalent, there have been some recent instances where male faculty have claimed—with some degree of success—that the process used by their institutions to make salary adjustments for females was unfair and led to reverse pay discrimination. In this paper, we examine some of the legal issues and statistical approaches surrounding claims of reverse sex discrimination in pay in the field of higher education. We begin by reviewing the way in which legal cases examine sex discrimination in pay in academe and the different approaches that institutions can take to remove pay disparities for women. We show that across-the-board salary adjustments for women are less likely than individualized salary adjustments to raise concerns about the salary determination process and possibly reverse discrimination, and lead to lower costs to the institution. These differences arise regardless of the salary model specification used by an institution when making salary adjustments. Finally, we use a model developed by the plaintiffs in a salary equity study at one institution to demonstrate the effects of using different adjustment methods on the total cost to the institution when making salary equity adjustments for both genders.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the seminar series for the Institute of Higher Education, University of Georgia. We would like to thank participants at this seminar and Andrew Luna for comments on previous drafts of this paper.  相似文献   

Affirmative action and other efforts to combat sex discrimination in higher education have focused on rank and salary differences within institutions. Academic women, however, tend to receive relatively low pay in part because they are concentrated in the lower-paying institutions. Since multivariate controls of factors such as institutional type, control, size, selectivity, and curricular emphases do not eliminate this negative relationship, the hypothesis of a direct link between institutional pay scales and faculty sex ratios is strengthened. These results suggest that eliminating sex bias in faculty pay within individual institutions will not achieve salary parity for academic women until higher-paying institutions recruit more women faculty, or until institutions with higher proportions of women faculty upgrade their pay scales.  相似文献   

The relationship between salary increases and student ratings of teaching effectiveness was studied for a sample of 266 faculty members at Kansas State University. Three measures of teaching effectiveness (student progress in meeting relevant course objectives, liking the instructor, and appreciation of the field of study) and two salary criteria (percent and dollar increases) were used. Several measures of the emphasis on the teaching function were used to determine if this variable moderated the relationship between salaries and student ratings. The effect of discipline was also examined.In general, there was a modest but significant correlation between ratings of teaching effectiveness and percent salary increase. The amount of emphasis given to the teaching function was a significant determinant of the strength of this relationship. Correlations were generally more pronounced in social science and humanities than in the science areas. Student motivation was highly correlated with effectiveness ratings, but was not regularly taken into account in salary recommendations.  相似文献   

Empirical analyses of salary discrimination among university faculty members typically use data from a single cross-section. However, if earnings profiles exhibit instability over time, comparison of individuals from a cross-section will not reflect actual life-cycle earnings differences. In this paper we compare relative earnings by sex estimated from cross-section and longitudinal data samples. The results indicate substantial differences in estimated male-female salary ratios.  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育的普及,高校教师的需求日渐增大.然而高校教师的薪酬却呈现出低于许多人心理预期的现象.本文通过对高校教师薪酬的历史回顾,结合现期的国际、国内比较,分析我国高校教师薪酬差距所在,并对这一职业的机会收益作简要概括.  相似文献   

An investigation of the existence and extent of sex-based inequities in rank and pay on a University faculty yielded several suggestions of discrimination against women. Data on professional experience, publications, honors, rank and pay were collected by means of a questionnaire distributed to 372 faculty members. Within a sample of 128 who answered all requisite items, sex added significantly to the predictability of salary beyond that achieved by multiple measures of merit and experience, including mean salary for rank and department. Sex itself did not predict rank or a measure designed to reflect speed of advancement through the ranks. Terms reflecting interactions of sex and merit were capable of improving prediction of all three status measures, however, suggesting differences in the reward structure for the sexes.  相似文献   

Previous research that tested the relationships between faculty performance in research, teaching, and service and faculty rewards has been inconclusive for several reasons. This case study of a large department at a midwestern research university examines these relationships. In this department, teaching quality was found to be a significant determinant of salary, though teaching quantity was not. While research, as measured by publications and presentations, had a significant effect on one year's salary increment, it did not affect salaries over several years. Administrative service was found to be significantly related to salary, as was public service. Implications of the study for research and practical applications of the methodology are examined.  相似文献   

This paper presents measures of faculty salary compression for 1993 and 1999 based on national, rather than institutional-level, data. Using a recently developed technique and two national faculty surveys, actual junior to senior salary ratios are derived as well as predicted salary ratios that represent what the salary ratios would be if junior and senior faculty were similarly compensated for their productive traits. The analysis, which considers three alternative definitions of junior faculty and stratifies results by institutional type, produces an overall finding of no salary compression. A limited number of disciplines, including business and economics, however, do exhibit signs of salary compression.  相似文献   

Factors which comprise the bases for salary increases and adjustments at major research universities have long been topics of conversation and supposition. Based on responses from over 12,000 faculty members, this paper reviews, by faculty rank, items which are likely to contribute to salary and suggests that faculty members can follow certain strategies which are more likely than others to bring a financial reward. Research procedures employed include linear models and multiple regression.  相似文献   

为研究民办高校教师个体特征与薪酬激励要素之间的关系,本文通过问卷调查方式探讨如下问题:(1)教师个体特征与薪酬不同部分及薪酬制度满意度的关系;(2)具有不同特征的教师对薪酬制度的满意度的差异。通过统计分析显示,教师个体特征对外在薪酬(基本工资、浮动工资、课时津贴)、内在薪酬(工作氛围、人际关系、组织认同感等)以及薪酬制度满意度的影响均具有统计学意义。  相似文献   

Through expanding flows of labor and knowledge on a global scale, academics are increasingly mobile as higher education institutions compete for talent that transcends borders. However, talent often flows from the periphery to the core as scholars seek out employment in recognized institutions of higher learning in developed economies. This study examines faculty mobility in a reverse direction: from the core to Kazakhstan, the largest country in Central Asia. What factors persuade faculty members to relocate to Kazakhstan for full-time employment? What types of individuals pursue this relocation? Through interviews with international faculty members based in Kazakhstan, the study identifies push factors that trigger departure from one’s previous country of residence: job market, unsatisfactory work conditions, age, and marital status. Alternatively, Kazakhstan attracts scholars via pull factors that include salary, sense of adventure, and the opportunity to build new institutions and programs as well as conduct research. Unlike previous studies that highlight boundaryless mobility and individual agency, this study reveals constraints that mediate international faculty mobility. Furthermore, salary plays a limited role as a pull factor particularly among early career academics who are seeking research opportunities and meaningful contributions in building new academic programs and institutions.  相似文献   

本文在回顾学术劳动力市场分割的相关理论与实证研究基础上,运用2007年全国普通高校专任教师工作状况抽样调查数据,对我国学术劳动力市场的分割状况进行实证研究,以期了解中国学术劳动力市场是否存在比较明显的分割特征,如果存在,分割的具体表现形式又有哪些,哪些特征的高校教师群体更有可能归属于主要或是次要学术劳动力市场。  相似文献   

文章通过对福建省中职教师队伍建设的现状分析,提出中职学校在师资数量、专业教师素质、教师年龄结构、工作待遇和环境等方面存在的问题;并对2009-2020年福建省中职教师规模缺口进行预测分析,提出福建省中职教师队伍建设的指导思想、发展目标和战略任务。  相似文献   

高校教师工资制度改革研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
当前高校教师工资制度属于过渡性工资制度,存在工资结构混乱、科研津贴形式选择不合理、工资没有体现学科差异、高校在工资管理方面的自主权有待进一步扩大等问题。在新一轮工资制度改革中,高校教师工资制度已被确定为岗位绩效工资制度。从近期看,为教学和科研选择合理的绩效工资形式和制定区分岗位类型与薪级层次的标准是当前高校教师工资制度改革的主要任务。从长期看,应逐步理顺政府与高校在工资管理方面的权限,对教学和科研分别进行报酬,分学科确定教师工资水平。  相似文献   

For a future faculty member the choice of which graduate programme and institution to attend is considered to have important implications for securing academic employment, developing skills to succeed in academia, and yielding positive returns on investment of time and money in education. Yet does it matter where a faculty member attends graduate school – and if so, is it the reputation of the programme or the institution that matters most for his or her labour market outcomes? In this study, we used nationally representative data from the U.S. to estimate the relationship between a faculty member’s graduate programme and institution and their institution of first academic employment, research productivity, and salary. Our findings suggest that the reputation of one’s graduate department may factor more heavily than reputation of institution in the type and level of institution at which he or she is first employed, while graduate institution reputation has notable marginal, positive benefits associated with research productivity and salary. We discuss implications for the influence of graduate education on academic careers.  相似文献   

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