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广州市培英中学的“研究性学习专题网站”(校外网址:,校内网址:自2002年12月建成以来,对学校研究性学习课程开展的贡献是:①为学生研究性学习提供基于专门的网络信息资源的平台和工具,让学生在进行研究性学习活动中提高信息素养。②为教师指导学生研究性学习提供虚拟时空,突破传统的研究性学习在时间和场地等问题的限制。  相似文献   

网上学习环境评价模型、指标体系及测评量表的设计与开发   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
本研究旨在构建网上学习环境的评价模型和指标体系以及开发标准化的网上学习环境测评量表。此评价模型和指标体系开发的过程包括以下10个步骤:收集和分析关于学习环境和网上教学研究的文献;比较国内外流行的17种网上课程开发平台以及使用这些平台开发的上百门网上课程;调查亚洲地区网上教师和学习者对网上教和学的体验;构想网上学习环境的维度及指标体系;效度论证;先行性研究;信度测量;建构模型及指标;确认模型及指标;建立网上测评量表。最后形成的评价模型包括8个维度:教学设计、内容设计、网站设计、灵活性、学生互动、教师支持、技术支持以及学习评估,在每个维度下又细分为7-11个指标不等,整个的指标体系共70项。我们希望,本评价模型和指标体系能为准备开发网上课程的教师设计有效的网上学习环境提供一个框架,为网上教育工作者评定自己的网上课程提供测量量表,有助于改进网上学习环境的实践。评价模型;指标体系;测评量表;学习环境  相似文献   

境内外学生对网上学习环境的评价之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全球范围内网上教学越来越成为主要的教学模式之一.然而,我国内地和境外的高等院校建构了怎样的网上学习环境呢?本研究邀请具有网上教学经验的四所内地高校和七所境外高校参加,采用问卷调查和比较研究的方法,通过学生对网上学习环境的评价,比较我国内地和境外高等院校的网上学习环境.本调查收回有效问卷2,311份,内容包括八个方面:技术支持、教学设计、内容设计、网站设计、灵活性、学生互动、教师支持,以及学习评估.研究表明,我国内地和境外高校建立的网上学习环境都注重到了以上八个层面的主题,然而,内地的高校提供更多的是技术支持,而境外高校在教学设计、课程设计、网站设计、灵活性等方面则给予了更多的重视.作者希望,本研究结果能有助于远程教育机构改进网上学习环境,增进网上教学的效果.  相似文献   

目前精品课程网站建设的不足主要有:功能停留在静态信息发布、缺乏网络课程资源、缺乏师生互动和学生自主学习平台。针对目前精品课程网站的不足,设计了精品课程网站的基本功能模块和实现的基本工作框架:信息发布、网上学习、网上讨论和网上答疑等,教师和学生可以随时随地通过浏览器访问系统,实现教师和学生、学生和学生之间的互动,有效地促进精品课程的建设,提高课程教学质量。同时,从内容分块、导航栏和网页外观三方面介绍了网站内容的页面设计。  相似文献   

王欢  李磊 《考试周刊》2013,(34):121-121
<正>网络在现代教育中是不可或缺的,不管是对教师教学还是学生学习都起到了非常重要的作用。一方面,教师的日常工作离不开网络,QQ群、OA系统、短信平台等联络工具,方便教师联系和信息交流;教育博客、微博,学校网站等展示工具,展示学校、教师和学生的风采,促进教师和学生之间相互了解;网上搜索,网上继续教育等学习工具,帮助教师课外学习,提高教育水平。另一方面,对学生的学习起到巨大的支持作用,网络阅读大大拓宽了学生的阅读面,丰富多彩的图文形式的  相似文献   

网上授课在全球各教育机构尤其是开放和远程学习机构呈迅猛发展的态势。网上学习为远程学习者提供了大量的师生互动、生生互动的机会。他们分享感受,共同协作。通过学习者之间的交互学习,网上学习较独立学习能产生更好的学习效果。斯里兰卡开放大学教育系利用Moodle学习系统开设了“作为教育技术人员的教师教育者”网上课程。课程设计使用协作学习模式,为远程学习者提供了大量积极参与学习过程的机会。学习者借助学习资源和教师的引导完成学习和评估任务,通过讨论会的方式进行协作学习并共同分享感受。本文采用个案研究的方法,对设计者、教师以及学生在网上学习环境中共同加强社区构建所实施的具体策略和技术进行了调查,并进一步探索了社区建设对远程学习者即网上学习的初学者的影响。本文同时讨论了建构网上学习社区的发展进程并强调了设计者、教师和学习者在成功创建网上学习社区中所起的作用。  相似文献   

本文阐述了计算机辅助教学及其误区,分析信息技术支持下学生的学习方式和教师的教学方式,提出信息技术与课程整合的前提是丰富的资源,指出信息技术与课程整合的具体方法:信息技术作为演示的工具、交流的工具、个别辅导的工具、信息获取的工具、信息加工的工具。最后指出信息技术与课程整合的具体实现:建立学科专题网站资源,在学科专题网站中,既应该有丰富的本地资源,也应该Internet资源的超连接,另外在网站上建立“留言簿”、“学习论坛”等栏目。  相似文献   

1.in2english(http://in2english.com.cn)in2english是英国文化委员会推出的多媒体英语学习网站,2001年3月份开通,旨在为英语学习者及儿童、教师和工商界人士提供高质量的英语学习资料,并且可以选择汉语来辅助学习。课程由世界最大的英语教学机构——英国文化委员会和英国BBC提供,并根据对中国广大英语学习者实际需求的调查做了相应的修改。2.张士柏英语网站(http://www.pen123.com)张士柏是国内著名的英语教师,以其命名的英语网站的确有其过人之处。针对不同水平的用户,可以选择从初一到高中的不同阶段来学…  相似文献   

过程考核是指在时、空分离状态的远程教育系统中,利用互联网的网上学习平台,教师紧随学生的课程学习过程,专门设置若干个教学或学习活动,根据学生参加教学或学习活动的情况和表现,分阶段、持续地对学生进行课程知识和技能掌握情况的考核评估。本文在着重分析西班牙加泰罗尼亚开放大学(UOC)过程考核方面成功经验的基础上,对我国在高等教育自学考试中引入过程考核问题进行探讨,作为对自学考试的改进与发展提供参考。  相似文献   

通过研究发现,学习动机、网络因素、教师因素和个人因素对大学生网络自主学习效果的标准化路径系数分别为:1.439、0.671、0.520、0.463。由此提出相应对策:积极激发和保持大学生的网络课程学习动机;完善网络课程学习网站建设及提供丰富的网络学习资源;建立有效的大学生网络自主学习效果考核资源和评估机制。  相似文献   

Academic misconduct is a problem encountered by many academic programmes, including programmes in the health sciences. The primary purpose of the present study was to assess doctoral student and graduate faculty perceptions of academic misconduct, specifically plagiarism. We used a cross-sectional survey design, and separate surveys were developed for students and faculty. The student survey measured student perceptions of the prevalence of plagiarism among students in general and assessed the occurrence of each student’s plagiaristic behaviours. The faculty survey measured faculty perceptions of the prevalence of plagiarism among students in general and among students in their courses specifically. Two hundred and thirty-eight students and 92 faculty completed the surveys. Students were doctoral health sciences students enrolled in a campus-based, online or hybrid programme. Compared with the self-reported behaviour of students, faculty believed more students were involved with plagiarism. Self-rated knowledge about plagiarism was significantly higher among online students and faculty than among campus-based students and faculty (p<0.001). Both students and faculty believed the most common plagiaristic activity was citing and referencing a full-text source when only the abstract was read, but only a few students reported personally doing this. Additionally, more campus-based students than online students reported working closely with another classmate on an assignment when they were not authorised to do so (p<0.001). In the present study, surveyed students and faculty believed plagiarism was prevalent among the general student population; however, few students self-reported this behaviour.  相似文献   

教师和学生对“学生评教”的看法调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究调查了52位外语系教师和116名公共外语研究生对于“学生评教”的看法。结果显示,大部分师生赞成“学生评教”。他们认为这种做法在一定程度上可以提高教学质量。他们对其他问题的回答也给我们提供了有益的信息,有助于进一步完善评估体系。  相似文献   

线上学习蓬勃发展,科研和教学法有效结合,教学品质就能进一步提升。以皇家大学的教学模式为例,深入探讨4项线上教学的原则:学习成果、经验性真实性之学习、学习社区、小组学习。在天津电大开办培训课程,引导教师们深思个人的教学哲理和教学方法,以设计思考的方式,为线上教学挑战寻求解决方案。70名教师参与度高,制作设计蓝图,分享经验,做中求知,创意十足,充分展现中西双方的教学精髓,使之紧密结合,增加教学成效。未来培训的方向是以面授、线上混合之方式,实行小班制,为中国和加拿大线上教学的创新与合作做出更有意义之贡献。  相似文献   

The introduction of online delivery platforms such as learning management systems (LMS) in tertiary education has changed the methods and modes of curriculum delivery and communication. While course evaluation methods have also changed from paper-based in-class-administered methods to largely online-administered methods, the data collection instruments have remained unchanged. This paper reports on a small exploratory study of two tertiary-level courses. The study investigated why design of the instruments and methods to administer surveys in the courses are ineffective measures against the intrinsic characteristics of online learning. It reviewed the students' response rates of the conventional evaluations for the courses over an eight-year period. It then compared a newly developed online evaluation and the conventional methods over a two-year period. The results showed the response rates with the new evaluation method increased by more than 80% from the average of the conventional evaluations (below 30%), and the students' written feedback was more detailed and comprehensive than in the conventional evaluations. The study demonstrated the possibility that the LMS-based learning evaluation can be effective and efficient in terms of the quality of students' participation and engagement in their learning, and for an integrated pedagogical approach in an online learning environment.  相似文献   

In the last 10–15 years, many institutions of higher education have switched from paper-and-pencil methods to online methods of administering student evaluations of teaching (SETs). One consequence has been a significant reduction in the response rates to such instruments. The current study was conducted to identify whether offering in-class time to students to complete online SETs would increase response rates. A quasi-experiment (nonequivalent group design) was conducted in which one group of tenured faculty instructed students to bring electronic devices with internet capabilities on a specified day and offered in-class time to students to complete online SETs. A communication protocol for faculty members’ use was developed and implemented. A comparison group of tenured faculty who did not offer in-class time for SET completion was identified and the difference-in-differences method was used to compare the previous year’s response rates for the same instructor teaching the same course across the two groups. Response rates were substantially higher when faculty provided in-class time to students to complete SETs. These results indicate that high response rates can be obtained for online SETs submitted by students in face-to-face classes if faculty communicate the importance of SETs in both their words and actions.  相似文献   

In Spring 2013 San José State University (SJSU) launched SJSU Plus: three college courses required for most students to graduate, which used massive open online course provider Udacity’s platform, attracting over 15,000 students. Retention and success (pass/fail) and online support were tested using an augmented online learning environment (AOLE) on a subset of 213 students; about one-half matriculated. SJSU faculty created the course content, collaborating with Udacity to develop video instruction, quizzes, and interactive elements. Course log-ins and progression data were combined with surveys and focus groups, with students, faculty, support staff, coordinators, and program leaders as subjects. Logit models used contingency table-tested potential success predictors on all students and five subgroups. Student effort was the strongest success indicator, suggesting criticality of early and consistent student engagement. No statistically significant relationships with student characteristics were found. AOLE support effectiveness was compromised with staff time consumed by the least prepared students.  相似文献   

Eleven experienced community college faculty members were interviewed to elicit examples of how they improved student learning productivity in their online courses. The 11 faculty members represented eight different states, nine different fields or disciplines, and all were permanent or full-time faculty members at community colleges in the southern or western states. Based on a thematic analysis of the examples given, improvement in student learning occurred by (a) emphasizing seven approaches to increase student engagement, (b) using six different structuring tactics to focus student attention on learning, (c) using assessment techniques to improve learning, and (d) pursuing a personal passion for online teaching. These findings suggest that faculty can and do find ways to use different tools in different ways to improve student learning productivity in community colleges.  相似文献   

This study is the first to address student evaluation of faculty members (SFE) from a student perspective at a major Jordanian public university using a comprehensive (71-item) questionnaire administered to 620 undergraduates. Addressed are students’ perceptions of the SFE process in terms of: (a) their paper-based vs. online-format preferences; (b) their beliefs about the process; (c) the standards they adopt in the evaluation; (d) the fruitfulness of SFE outcomes; and (e) their opinions about the evaluation instruments currently used at their institutions. It also explores whether students’ beliefs vary according to their gender, GPA and college (Educational Sciences vs. Sciences). The results reveal that most students prefer online evaluation, adopt academic rather than interpersonal criteria in their evaluation, have a low level of satisfaction with the impact of previous evaluations on faculty teaching behaviours and the evaluation instruments used at their institution. Additionally, the findings suggest that gender has a less influential role in shaping students’ beliefs about the SFE process compared to their college or GPA. The findings of this study and their implications are very useful pointers for faculty and higher education administrators, faculty members and students towards further improvement at higher education institutions.  相似文献   

Learning Management Systems (LMS) have become the principal resource for the distribution of educational material and collaboration among lecturers and students in Higher Education. The potential of these platforms does not limit to a simple manager of contents, but they also offer a wide range of tools that support the development of different methodologies according to the learning modality, namely on-campus, blended or online. This work analyzes the use of LMS and the interactions with their different tools from the lecturers’ point of view, in order to detect possible incidents, check the tools’ utility and evaluate their complexity. All these metrics represent valuable information to the Degree Coordinators, if they are presented in a suitable manner, to detect and resolve deficiencies in the methodology. For the analysis of the teaching activity two methods are employed: (1) surveys, to measure the subjective perception of lecturers when using LMS tools; and (2) visual analysis of the real lecturer’s activity through OnlineData, a graphical analytic tool developed as part of our work to monitor LMS tools metrics. The results of both methods show differences among the perceived self-usage and actual usage, especially for the e-learning methodologies  相似文献   

Online plagiarism tutorials are increasingly popular in higher education, as faculty and staff try to curb the plagiarism epidemic. Yet no research has validated the efficacy of such tools in minimizing plagiarism in the sciences. Our study compared three plagiarism-avoidance training regimens (i.e., no training, online tutorial, or homework assignment) and their impacts on students’ ability to accurately discriminate plagiarism from text that is properly quoted, paraphrased, and attributed. Using pre- and postsurveys of 173 undergraduate students in three general ecology courses, we found that students given the homework assignment had far greater success in identifying plagiarism or the lack thereof compared with students given no training. In general, students trained with the homework assignment more successfully identified plagiarism than did students trained with the online tutorial. We also found that the summative assessment associated with the plagiarism-avoidance training formats (i.e., homework grade and online tutorial assessment score) did not correlate with student improvement on surveys through time.  相似文献   

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