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学校视觉形象设计是学校校园文化建设重要组成部分,而高职院校的形象设计应注重其职业类的特点。其中VI——视觉识别,是整个视觉形象设计系统最外在、最直观的部分,是传递学校整体信息的最佳手段。本文以苏州旅游与财经高等职业技术学校视觉形象设计为例,阐述视觉形象设计在高职院校的具体应用。利用视觉识别对高职院校进行系统的设计,是高职院校提升整体形象的重要方面,实现高职院校可持续发展的重要环节。  相似文献   

正一、高职院校行业性校园文化认同的内涵(一)高职校园文化校园文化是在办学中形成的一种信念、价值标准、行为规范和人文环境等要素组成的有机整体,是"以精神文化、环境文化、行为文化和制度文化建设等为主要内容,以校园精神、文明为主要特征的一种群体文化"。[1]校园文化不仅反映出高校的办学理念与发展目标,而且是高校长久立足的"软实力",因此,高职院校必须要注重校  相似文献   

高校的品牌形象从一定程度上反映出了校园的文化建设,高校形象设计与表达是校园文化建设的重要组成部分,本文引入了品牌文化建设,从校园理念识别系统设计,校园行为识别系统设计和校园视觉识别系统设计出发,系统的阐述了在民办高校中,品牌文化建设的重要性和作用,以及校园形象识别系统设计与表达中的关键要素和主要体现.  相似文献   

MI理念识别校园精神特征和办学理念BI行为识别学校规章制度及运行系统VI视觉识别学校外观形象系统美尔设计是专业从事校园文化项目整体策划与设计的公司。公司拥有专业的策划、设计、施工团队和专家顾问团队,以打造特色校园文化、构建品味校园环境为己任,我们的专家团队愿为有建设需求的学校提供专业咨询和设计方案服务。  相似文献   

当前高校校园文化存在着发展不平衡、个性特色不足等问题,将CIS战略引入高校校园文化建设具有重要意义和可行性,可以将理念识别(MI)引入校园精神文化建设,行为识别(BI)引入校园制度和行为文化建设,视觉识别(VI)引入校园物质文化和精神文化建设。高校需要在立足于本校实际情况的基础上编制校园文化建设的CI手册,通过成立机构、加强宣传、加大投入和系统学习等措施落实和执行CIS战略。  相似文献   

高职教育是培养社会应用型人才、具有一定文化水平的和专业技能的劳动者的教育。在高职校园文化发展过程中,校园文化与企业文化的融合具有明显的特征。在新时期,高职校园文化建设已与传统的参照普通高校设计的校园文化有较大的区别。新时期的高职校园文化应是建立在校企对接的基础上的。本文从高职校园文化与企业文化的区别、两者融合的必要性、基于校企对接高职校园文文化的现状及其建设要求、建设高职校园新文化的创新模式四方面阐述在当今条件下构建校企对接的高职新文化的必要性和可行方案。  相似文献   

高职校园文化建设存在的问题及对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高职校园文化建设是高职院校的一项基础性、战略性和前瞻性的工作.高职校园文化建设的水平是衡量一所高职院校综合实力、办学活力、竞争力和特色的重要指标.高职校园文化是一个长期建设和积淀的过程.由于高职院校办学历史较短,再加上规模不断扩大,造成高职院校校园文化建设中,出现重视校园物质文化建设,忽视校园精神文化建设等问题.高职院校应该科学规划,加强研究,不断提高校园文化建设水平.  相似文献   

高职校园文化是高职赖以生存和发展的根基和血脉,是高职的精髓和灵魂.在高职校园文化的诸因素中,校园精神文化建设是校园文化建设的核心和灵魂工程,高职校园精神文化是在高职校园里由师生长期创造的特定的精神环境和文化氛围.加强校园精神文化建设,对于规范学生的行为举止、引导学生积极向上、增强学生的心理健康等具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

高职校园文化是高职教育赖以生存和发展的根基,是高职教育的精髓和灵魂,也是构成高职院校办学实力、活力和竞争力的重要因素。针对当前高职校园文化建设中存在的问题,提出改善高职校园文化建设的三大措施,即构建充满人文意蕴的校园物质文化,制定体现人道精神的校园制度文化,营造积极向上、催人奋进的校园精神文化。  相似文献   

高职院校校园文化建设要突出特色,以特色文化立校兴学,打造品牌。河南质量工程职业学院率先在全国创建具有质量特色的校园文化,以先进文化为指导,完善制度建设,加强社团建设,重视校园媒体管理,开展文化活动和文化交流,更好地发挥校园文化育人的作用。  相似文献   

根据CIS理念和策略,学校形象已不再是一个抽象概念,而有了具体内涵,它应该是学校内在素质和外在形态的有机结合。高职院校实践形象设计可从三个方面进行,即提炼学校精神,制定核心价值观,建构理念识别系统;创设校园环境文化独特的风景线,设计视觉识别系统;创设良好的制度文化环境,制定行为识别系统。  相似文献   

基于对北京市5255名教师的问卷调查,本研究考察中小学学校组织文化的现状及其特点。研究表明:中小学学校组织文化的三个因素:教师文化、学校文化认同、校长文化,能较好地解释学校组织文化的结构;不同职业生涯发展阶段教师对学校组织文化的认知有所差异,其中6-10年教龄教师对学校组织文化的认同最低;中学和小学教师在学校组织文化的认知上有所差异,小学教师对于学校组织文化的认同度要普遍高于中学教师;不同性质的学校教师在学校组织文化的认知也有所差异,重点学校和薄弱学校教师对学校组织文化的认同度要明显高于普通学校的教师。  相似文献   

学生校园归属感包含认可学校、接受身份、愿意投身其中三层意思。构建电大开放教育学生的电大归属感,具有重要意义。为此,电大要采取方方面面对策措施,打造优质的导学文化,使学生产生认同感;塑造优秀的管理文化,使学生产生敬重感;锻造优良的服务文化,使学生产生满意感。  相似文献   

着重介绍了校企合作中与工业文化对接的目的、意义,职业院校引入、推进"5S"基本原则和方法及北京电子科技职业学院实训基地借鉴5S管理模式,利用定置、目视化管理手段建设企业化环境,使学生在实训中以企业准员工的身份学习、工作,了解、熟悉、认同企业文化,并在"文化"中培养学生的职业素质。  相似文献   

和谐的学校文化的形成是学校步入优质、高效发展快车道的保证,而促进和谐的学校文化的形成,认同教育是基础和动力。一份认同教育调查的案例,提供给我们多方面的思考,即形成学校精神文化能提高学校新的满意度;倡导互尊互爱的民主文化,能构建和谐的师生关系;丰富校园文化活动,能营造浓郁的学习氛围;偶像崇拜忌堵宜疏,多元文化能引导人人成才;助人为乐的关爱文化,能和谐融洽人际关系。  相似文献   

王静 《海外英语》2014,(19):275-276
Sports is one that is firmly integrated into the American culture and identity. High school sports not only enhance a person’s academic performance and build a person’s character, but also serve as a key to the preservation of the American culture and identity. Find out suitable clues to think about education in our country and understand the ways of future development of the education in our country base on the American high school sports teaching.  相似文献   

This article concentrates on visual sources relating to secondary education, and asks how a collection of photographs can be understood and interpreted as part of the institutional and collective memory of one Finnish girls’ school. The photographs were published in the anniversary books of the school. They construct an entirety, where public memories are interwoven with individual and private reminiscences. The article examines how the traditions of jubilee books and the institutional setting of the school establish the boundaries for the visual narratives of the collection and how the self-image and identity of the school and its gendered nature are visualised in the corpus. The long period (1882–2007) opens up possibilities for studying how the changes in the Finnish education system and the alteration of the girls’ school to a co-educational school are presented in the photographs, and how these photographs create the imagery of gender, class, equality and co-education.  相似文献   

The goal of the action research project on visual culture is to contribute to the dialogue on the exploratory ecology vs commodity culture of the elementary school classroom. Exploratory culture, unlike commodity culture, applauds open-ended thinking, inchoate imaginings, and critical thinking with its attachment to divergent paths to resolving problems. This educational action research project moves to effect change, so as to a) understand visual culture as an educational component of teaching and learning, and b) awaken the need for the inclusion of research on visual culture in student teacher preparation. Visual culture can best be understood when preservice teachers are immersed in the classroom. The visual landscape of the walls, light, air, hallways, seating arrangements, posters, rugs, room dividers, windows, entrances and exits of the classroom and school building can all be seen as a third teacher. The action research focuses on core classroom experiences revealed through six student teachers weekly reflections, post observation discussions, and interdisciplinary arts-infused lesson planning and facilitation. Engaging in lesson planning and implementation has shown to broaden student teachers’ understanding of meaning-making through the visual, the essence of visual culture. The student teachers described the dynamic synergy between language and visual arts teaching and learning, personalization of technology that can extend learning, and the role of imagination in the movable landscape of the classroom.  相似文献   

Background: In the last decade, much research attention has been paid to notions of leadership and the professional identity of school. It is widely agreed that school principals play a very important role in school improvement; international reports point to ‘school leadership’ as a key factor in education quality, and recent studies suggest that the leadership identity of principals is critical for achieving effective leadership in schools worldwide.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to conduct a thematic exploration of the literature relating to school principals and leadership identity.

Design and methods: A scoping review was carried out. Two major databases were searched for papers published on this topic in the last decade. Once we had established an overview of research on this subject, we conducted a thematic analysis to identify the topical focus of research.

Results: We found that the literature reflected an increasing and intensified interest in the topic of school leadership as the decade progressed. Furthermore, a range of emerging subtopics was identified. These included the relationship between school culture and professional identity in school principals; the influence of ethical and personal factors on the professional development of principals; the dilemmas of balancing education policies and personal experiences; and the relationships between gender identity, racial identity, professional experience/career, training and leadership identity.

Conclusions: Several key issues emerged from the studies included in this review, such as the importance of external and internal influences in the construction of the professional identity of school principals. Some of the research suggested that school leaders felt the need to develop a new professional identity. Overall, the study indicates that school leadership and its relationship with school improvement should remain an important focus for educational research investigation.  相似文献   

在当前特色学校建设中存在着"特色"不"特"或是不能持久的问题,其重要原因是忽视了学校发展中的文化因素.在特色学校的发展过程中要认识到:文化是其得以发展的基础和内在根据,要注重对学校文化的认同、传承与创新,不断提升自身的文化自觉,以实现持续发展.  相似文献   

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