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彭弋 《海外英语》2014,(16):175-179
New Age Music, which appeared in late 1920 s, is unstylish, non-classical and practical. It is called The Third Voice.Yanni is a world famous composer, performer and master in trendy music. The song which is included in Yanni's album—If I Could Tell You(2000) —is analyzed in this paper to explore the technique of expression and the characteristics of New Age Music.  相似文献   

爱尔兰“仙女歌手”恩雅的歌声开创 了New Age音乐在全世界大行其道的 先河,她让人们相信这种既有民谣旋律 又有古典美的“居尔特之声”,是天籁在 凡间的回响!  相似文献   

1.维也纳新年音乐会(Vienna New Year Music Festival)享有国际声誉的维也纳新年音乐会,是奥地利(Austria)的音乐盛会,创办于1939年,已有65年的历史,每年1月1日由著名维也纳爱乐乐团演奏。  相似文献   

一直希望可以找到一种代替言语、代替行动的声音,无需层层的点缀和修饰,只是原原本本地展现生活、展现思维的空间。这种貌似简单易得的希望被现实中大行其道的种种伪音乐击得粉碎,直到出现了他——New Age的领袖人物GeorgeWin(?)  相似文献   

朱雪莲 《海外英语》2020,(8):255-257
The Age of Innocence, the most-favored masterpiece by James Walden, sketches the real conflicting life in the upper class in New York in the nineteenth century. This essay is to explore the feminist thoughts of major female characters in the novel, holding that this is indeed an everlasting ode to feminism in light of the vivid female figures like May and Ellen.  相似文献   

In the first gala for the new artists of the Meng Niu Music Chart (蒙牛音乐风云榜),Hu Ge(胡歌),who released his first full length music album(个人专辑) entitled Start Out(《出发》)last year,won the prize of New Artist Across Fields(跨界新人奖).He wore a pair of black glasses,for he just had a small eye surgery.In his acceptance  相似文献   

As we are enternig into the Age of Informa-tion,the Age of Knowledge,the Age of Paradox,the Age of Access.Age of Chaos,Age of Unrea-son,Age of Possibility,and the Age of the Fulfill-ment of Hope.learning for freedom,which meanslearning for the freedom to know,freedom to go,freedom to do,freedom to live,and freedom to be,has become possible and should be set as the ulti-mate goal of everyone's lifelong learning process.By learning for freedom a learner should developsufficientself- confid…  相似文献   

素来招风惹雨的英皇娱乐最近又掀波澜,决意将集团旗下两个唱片公司 EEG 及 Music Plus 实行人事大改动,把原 EEG 的王杰调往兄弟公司Music Plus,而让加盟 Music Plus 不满三个月的郑伊健顶替其位。如此一来,郑伊健寂静无声的境况以及王杰腹背受敌的际遇将会改观,而郑王二人的事业也寄望藉此出现新的生机,大家皆大欢喜。  相似文献   

作为New ton多项式插值在重节点情形时的推广,New ton-Hermite多项式插值是很常用的切触线性插值,它建立在广义差商基础之上,广义差商能被递归地计算并产生有用的中间结果。New ton-Hermite插值实际上是基于点的插值,可以通过增加新的节点来获得一个新的插值多项式。这里将基于点的插值推广到基于块的插值。受现代建筑设计的启发,将插值点集划分为一些子集(块),然后将在每个子集上选择切触插值,线性或有理插值,最后用类似于New ton-Hermite插值的格式进行装配。显然,在切触有理插值上提供了灵活的选择,这里也包括它的特殊情形New ton-Hermite多项式插值。本文介绍了所谓的基于块的广义差商并给出递归算法,给出的数值例子说明了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

知道你在期待MTV即将为我们带来的英国的EMA(MTV Europe Music Awards).那你一定也看过2003年的VMA(VdeoMusicAward)上Madonna、Bntney、Christina《Me Against The Music》中的激情热吻,  相似文献   

From the white book:Teaching and Learn-ing:Toward the learning Society by the EuropeanUnion in1 995and the report:Learning:the Trea-sure Within by the2 1 st Century Education Com-mittee of the UNESCO in 1 996,we can see the fu-ture society is definitely to be a learning society.The same idea is put forward in the green book:The learning Age:A Renaissance over New Britainin1 998in Britain.Because of this,the problemsofwhat role the universities are to play and what po-sition they shou…  相似文献   

As the masterpiece of Wharton,The Age of Innocence mainly concentrates on women’s fates in the strict restraint of the New York society.In the novel,Wharton portrays two contrasting female characters—May Welland and Ellen Olenska,who are regarded as the most progressive ones among the female figures she has ever created.Scholars,both domestic and abroad,have studied this novel from a raft of perspectives.Most of them have explored the feminist ideas,the conventions of upper-class society,and the protagonist Newland’s perplexity which are embodied in the novel.However,this paper aims to examine the divergences between two female figures—May and Ellen.The exploration of their divergences makes it clear that May is an ideal woman of the 19th century New York while Ellen is an ideal woman of modern society.  相似文献   

一、古英语的起源 在不列颠群岛上有迹可寻的最早民族是伊比利亚人(Iaeribns),又称为“巨石器人”(3000—2000B.C.),他们生活在“新石器时代”(the New Stone Age),后期为“青铜器时代”(the Early Bronze Age),尽管他们没有留下语言文字,但在英格兰西南的索里兹伯里平原(Sali~j bury Plain)上留下了欧洲史前最著名的纪念碑——巨石柱群(Stonehenge)。这使我们很难想象处于新石器时代的伊比利亚人是如何雕凿并把它们运到原野上的。大约在公元前700年来自上莱茵(upker Rhine)的克尔特人(Celts)先后侵入不列颠。现在居住在苏格兰北部和西部山地中的盖尔人(Geals)就是克尔特人的后裔。公元前300—400年克尔特人的另外一支已使用铁器的布立吞人(Brythons,Britons)  相似文献   

Astring quartet plays in the background as I listen to a famous New Age guru perform a wedding ceremony on a Malibu cliff. The guru is marrying two friends of mine who met in an acting class last year. She turns to the groom and launches into a spiel about how from now on, he's going to make the bride's "heart his home." That's when I start to lose it, I feel the Malibu sun warming my shoulders and melting all my cynicism into a pool of mush. I grip my girlfriend's hand for support but she's doing worse than I am, wiping her teary eyes on a scarf.  相似文献   

这款Music Card采用与Music Player相同的设计风格,并使用不锈钢背板和双层注塑工艺,整体上轻薄简洁。  相似文献   

春节是我国最重要的传统节日,是一家团圆的时刻。我们知道,春节的英文是"The Spring Festival",那你知道正月、除夕等一些词用英语怎么说吗?一起看看吧。正月lunar January除夕New Year's eve;eve of the lunar New Year初一the beginning of New Year元宵节The Lantern Festival春联Spring Festival couplets剪纸paper-cuts舞狮lion dance拜年give New Year's greetings压岁钱gift money.  相似文献   

21世纪,社会经历了信息时代(Information Age),而今又进入了一个崭新的时代--创感时代(Conceptual Age),一个更重视创新和感性认知的时代.创感时代以"六感"为主要特征,同时也有其他另外的N感等待我们发现.本文以语文教学中责任感的培养为例,希望能够提供创感时代下责任感的培养的一些可行的方法.  相似文献   

音乐节是艺术殿堂里的盛典,你知道世界十大音乐节吗?1.维也纳新年音乐会(Vienna New Year Music Festival)享有国际盛誉的维也纳新年音乐会,是奥地利(Austria)的音乐盛会,创办于1939年,已有65年的历史,每年1月1日由著名的维也纳爱乐乐团演奏。2.“布拉格之春”国际音乐节(“Spring ofPrague”InternationalFestival)布拉格之春音乐节是世界上创办得最早、最有影响力的国际音乐盛会之一,有近六十年的历史,每年5月至6月之间在捷克首都布拉格举行。3.国际肖邦联欢节(InternationalC hopin Festival)这是为纪念杰出音乐家肖邦,由波兰(Pola…  相似文献   

脂质体(liposome)主要由脂(磷脂和胆固醇)、水、药和一些电解质组成,电解质可作为膜层稳定剂,同时可调节渗透压。脂质体作为一种新型眼用药物载体,具有增加角膜通透性,缓释、降低毒性反应的优点,且其可减小药物浓度波动,达到长效。目前,眼用制剂中抗生素类占多数,其新型眼部给药系统(New drug delivery system,NODS)发展也较迅速,中药因为剂型落伍发展较缓慢。本文主要对眼用脂质体的药剂学分类、作用机制、药效学研究进行了论述。  相似文献   

迈克尔·杰克逊,一代绝对的世界级巨星,用King of Music来形容他一点儿也不过分。他那具有传奇色彩而又充满争议的一生,随着天王生命的告终而谢幕。一生都致力于慈善事业的他,前前后后为慈善捐款高达3亿美元,可以称为一位真真正正的慈善家。他的突然辞世,是世界乐坛的重大损失。再也不会有第二个迈克尔·杰克逊,因为他是独一无二的!  相似文献   

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