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正"国际科学与和平周"全国中小学(江苏赛区)金钥匙科技竞赛中有这样一道赛题:跳水运动要求参赛选手入水时,形成的水花越小越好。那么,运动员在入水时,身体与水面成什么角度时,水花最小?答:以90°或接近90°的入水角度,溅起的水花最小。或许大家还记得,2008年8月11日,中国体育代表队的林跃、火亮组成的"月亮"组合,从起跳、打开,那飘逸的空中动作,以及像针一样插入水中的完美入水表现,把我们带到了尽善尽美的技术和艺术境地,也征服了全场的评委和观众,续写了中国跳水"梦之队"的辉煌。  相似文献   

小超 《小学生时代》2011,(10):26-29
咱们新疆好地方走进吐鲁番前,我们先了解三个关键词,必须的。一、葡萄沟。(吐鲁番的葡萄熟啦……想想,这是哪篇课文?)葡萄沟是一条南北长约8公里、东西宽约0.5公里的峡谷。  相似文献   

教学内容:冀教版《数学》五年级上册6-8页. 教学目标: 1.结合具体实例,在观察、判断、操作的活动中,经历认识简单图形旋转的过程. 2.了解顺时针、逆时针旋转的现象,能在方格纸上将简单的图形旋转90°.  相似文献   

教学内容:冀教版《数学》五年级上册6-8页。教学目标:1.结合具体实例,在观察、判断、操作的活动中,经历认识简单图形旋转的过程。  相似文献   

锁相环移相器是利用锁相环参考信号相位和压控振荡器输出信号相位可在较宽的频率范围内保持90°固定相移的特性,实现精密的90°相移.  相似文献   

中等职业学校是以培养技能型人才为己任,专业教学中实训教学尤为重要。教育部新颁发的《中等职业学校教师专业标准(试行)》对专业教师的实训实习组织方面也提出了具体明确的要求,因此,当前抓好专业实训教学工作刻不容缓。本文以江苏省在专业实训教学中大力推行的项目教学为模板,编写一份教学案例——“模块3——任务4:刃磨90°外圆车刀”,以期与各位共享。  相似文献   

1871年,德国的毛瑟兄弟研制出第一支使用金属弹壳枪弹的步枪后,建立了毛瑟兵工厂。1893年,毛瑟兵工厂的职员费德勒兄弟3人研制出自动手枪,被命名为"毛瑟手枪"。这种枪结构坚固、动作可靠、精度高、射程远、火力强。但这种手枪也有缺点,就是射击时弹出的弹壳总是在射手面前跳动,  相似文献   

1. Introduction As is known, the function of a suspension system is to support an entire vehicle at axles so as to improve ride comfort by vibration absorption. It also provides handling stability in steering and acceleration as well as braking. However, the solution of the design contradiction between ride comfort and handling stability can抰 be achieved by passive suspension system elements. Some active suspension systems have been developed in order to handle the compromise, but they requi…  相似文献   

例1 在平面直角坐标系中,点A(2,2), B(2,-3).P是坐标轴上一点,问是否存在点 P,使以A、B、P为顶点的△ABP为直角三角形.若存在,写出点P的坐标,若不存在,请说明理由.  相似文献   

本文结合一高层建筑轴线竖向投测介绍内控法中的J2经纬仪带90°弯管目 镜天顶准直法测量的方法  相似文献   

Life is exciting and convenient in the city.People can enjoy all sorts of services and entertainments such as restaurants,shopping centers,hospitals,cinemas and so on.  相似文献   

方成 《中学生英语》2007,(11):34-35
你出生在90年代吗?你觉得自己和老一辈不同吗?如今,报界与网络对“90后”的评论铺天盖地.包括他们自身在内的许多人开始试图寻找一些坐标来描画出这一族群的特有文化。你觉得对吗?  相似文献   

Salinger’s the Catcher in the Rye has aroused various disputes after its publication.Either standing on the bestseller list or got banned from reach of juveniles,the book could hardly define a definite position for long.A lost hero with the low-pitched author offered the work to the world without much comment or declaration against vicious criticism.However,read within a certain historical environment,ignoring the content which may have triggered positive or negative responses from the society,the work well explains its intension of expression as well as a function calling for caution.Holden’s mind originates from that contemporary world,manipulated by the postwar Salinger who has got a full brain of mind.The degenerated anti-hero is the outcome of both the outer society of decaying and inner complex of childhood innocence.This essay is going to analyze the above mentioned aspects to better understand the meaning of the Catcher in the Rye,a certain work within a certain social background,which may provide some constructive methods in interpreting works under different environments.  相似文献   

在尼泊尔的国徽上,有这样一句格言:祖国比天堂更宝贵。  相似文献   

Immigrants with professional qualifications face unique challenges in adapting personally and professionally to new environments. This ‘double culture shock’ experience may result in disengagement from the professional community due to perceived barriers to integration, with subsequent negative impact on employment prospects and professional role identification. The role of mentors in facilitating professional engagement by foreign‐trained pharmacists within the pharmacy profession has not previously been described in detail. This qualitative study examined the different mentoring strategies used by mentors and foreign‐trained pharmacists negotiating the licensure process in Canada. Using a categorization scheme described previously by major researchers, activity logs of mentors and mentees were examined and coded based on use of mentoring strategies. Focus groups and interviews were also undertaken with separate groups of mentors and mentees to discuss the use of these mentoring strategies for foreign‐trained pharmacists. Results suggest pharmacist‐mentors relied most heavily upon situative‐apprenticeship and humanistic perspectives in their mentoring relationships, and infrequently used critical‐constructivist mentoring activities or techniques. While mentees reported a high level of satisfaction with their mentors and the mentoring experience, they also expressed a desire for more activities of a critical‐constructivist nature as a way of assisting them in mitigating the double culture shock they experience during the licensure process.  相似文献   

为保证计算结果的准确性,传统90°接线计算系统无功功率须在一个正弦周期内采集较多的点参与系统无功功率的计算,该算法具有计算量大、计算周期较长等缺陷.而三采样值积算法是电力系统微机保护中常用的特征量算法,具有采集数据少、计算方法简单以及通过合理的设置采样间隔可以有效降低计算量等优点[1].考虑到三采样值积算法的优越性以及实际三相三线制系统中无法准确测量各相电压等特点,本文借鉴90°接线原理提出了基于90°接线的三采样值积算法计算无功功率的方法,并通过SIMULINK仿真进一步验证了该算法的可行性.  相似文献   

某地的一张试卷上,有一道判断题是: “下面的说法对吗?对的在括号内记√,错的记×。“钝角是大于90°的角。( ) “……”教师为此而制定的标准答案是,应在括号内记“×”。该教师的理由是:“我们不能说‘钝角是大于90°的角’,而只能说‘钝角是大于90°而小于180°的角’,所以……”  相似文献   

This paper reflects upon the recent wave of integrated curriculum programmes which have been introduced into a number of Sheffield secondary schools with the support of the Curriculum Development Initiative (CDI) and the School‐Focussed Secondment (SFS) Programmes. It compares the initial expansionist phase of implementation (1987–88) with the present move towards confinement, and explains this change with reference to external and internal factors. It argues that as a result of these factors, the central justifying principle for curriculum integration is gradually shifting within Sheffield schools, with transition issues replacing radical educational change as the primary public focus. The final part of the paper considers internal organisation and management issues and offers some practical advice for those with curriculum development responsibilities in schools.  相似文献   

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