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Typically, mathematics and science are seen as linked together, where both subjects involve numbers, critical thinking, and problem solving. Our study aims to develop a better understanding of the connections between student’s achievement scores in mathematics and science, student gender, and self-efficacy. We used the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2007 eighth grade data to answer our research questions and were able to demonstrate that when controlling for self-efficacy, there is a statistically significant difference in the achievement scores between males and females by subject, where females score higher Algebra, but males score higher in the other mathematics subjects. Likewise, we were also able to demonstrate that there is a statistically significant difference in the achievement scores in Earth Science, Physics, and Biology, between males and females where males score higher in science subjects. In both mathematics and science examinations, we controlled for self-efficacy where in mathematics females hold lower self-efficacy then males and in science there is no difference between females and males in terms of self-efficacy. We conjecture that mathematics and science classrooms that consider self-efficacy may impact student’s achievement scores by subject, which can ultimately impact career choices in mathematics- and science-based fields.  相似文献   

Using the data collected by Arthur Cohen in a national study on curriculum, instructional, and course practices in science courses in community colleges, this study explored instructional methods and media use. Several areas were investigated. These included (1) media use and attrition, (2) media production facilities and assistance used, and (3) media development locally. The results indicate that lecture is the most predominate method, that media have little effect on attrition, and that geographic region has little effect on media use.  相似文献   

The most recent Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) (2009) mathematical literacy results provide evidence that in Western English-speaking countries, including Australia, the gender gap in achievement appears to be widening in favour of males. In the study reported in this article, the aim was to explore the effects of gender, school type (a measure of socioeconomic background), school learning setting and geographic location on mathematics performance amongst the highest achievers (top 2 %) in the grade 12 Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) mathematics subjects based on results reported in a metropolitan newspaper. The analyses revealed that over the period 2007–2009, males, students from higher socioeconomic backgrounds and those attending metropolitan schools predominated amongst the highest achievers in all three VCE mathematics subjects. Students in single-sex settings, particularly males, were also over-represented. For each factor, the dominance was more pronounced as the level of difficulty of the mathematics subject increased.  相似文献   

写作是大学英语教学的难点之一,也是四、六级考试的重点之一。笔者认为在考试中,书写工整漂亮、词汇标新立异、造句与众不同以及布局独树一帜可以帮助考生提高四、六级的作文分数。  相似文献   

In this study 81 experimental and 79 control subjects (randomly assigned to treatments) took Form A of the Nelson Reading Test, twice, with a four week interval between test administrations. Instructions for the retest varied for the E and C groups. The latter group was told that the test was readministered for purposes of assessing improvement. The E subjects were informed that by improving their previous score they would be eligible for winning a prize (candy bars, university sweaters, radios). Analysis of covariance indicated that the effect of the awards was significant (p < .01) in terms of number of items attempted and in terms of items correct. The adjusted mean increase for the E subjects was three months. The authors concluded that, if the terms of an actual performance contract would be applied to their results, they were to realize approximately $3,000 profit on a $75 investment.  相似文献   

In this study, we systematically unpack relationships among student socioeconomic status (SES), science and mathematics achievement, and student interest in science in the context of varying school socioeconomic composition. Using the most recent Programme for International Student Assessment dataset for Australia, we found that increases in school SES are consistently associated with substantial increases in science and mathematics performance. This pattern of association held for all groups regardless of their individual SES. However, our findings also show that students’ interest in science was not associated with varying school SES, and only marginally and inconsistently associated with individual SES. We discuss policy implications and strategies for mitigating the influence of school socioeconomic composition on science and mathematics performance, and for the achievement of more equitable and effective educational outcomes generally.  相似文献   

This article examines the role that content on social science information finding plays in social policy on aging and related courses. First, there is considerable value for students having first‐hand knowledge of and involvement in social science information searching. Second, new developments in information services such as citation indexing and subject area abstracts and indexes in aging and other fields offer new assistance for students. Finally, incorporation of information services content through practical and comprehensive classroom approaches is discussed. Through incorporating information services content in aging policy and related courses students are better equipped to meet the demands of an information age.  相似文献   

Taking lower-secondary schooling within the English educational system as an example, this paper illustrates the contribution of two bodies of international scholarship to the scoping of research-based pedagogical development aimed at improving student attitude and achievement in science and mathematics. After sketching the English context of systemic reform, the paper uses findings from the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) series to illuminate changes in performance, analysed within a framework of cross-system and between-subject comparison. Contrary to the optimistic picture from national assessment, the TIMSS findings suggest that systemic reform has produced fundamental gains only in student achievement in mathematics, and serious declines in student attitude towards both mathematics and science. Prompted by more favourable patterns elsewhere, the paper then triangulates the findings of recent meta-analytic research syntheses to identify promising lines of pedagogical development. Despite important differences in the conceptual frameworks and analytic methods of these syntheses, reasonably robust conclusions can be drawn about the effectiveness of four teaching components: domain-specific inquiry for student achievement in both subjects, student attitude in science, and learning processes in mathematics; cooperative group work for learning and attitude in science; contextual orientation for achievement in science; and active teaching for achievement in mathematics. Equally, discrepancies between findings or insufficiencies of evidence highlight a number of impacts particularly deserving deeper analysis or further investigation: cooperative group work on achievement outcomes, differing forms of learning assessment on both attitude and achievement outcomes, contextual orientation on outcomes in mathematics, and active teaching on outcomes in science.  相似文献   

Equity in education is a key concern internationally; however, it is rare that this issue is examined separately for low- and high-achieving students and concurrently across different subject domains. This study examines student and school background characteristics associated with low and high achievement in mathematics and science on the Programme for International Student Assessment. Based on the results of a multilevel multinomial model of achievement for each domain, findings indicate that a greater number of the variables examined are associated with low rather than high achievement. At student level, home language, intention to leave school early, socioeconomic status, grade level, cultural capital, and books in the home are significantly associated with achievement in mathematics and science. At school level, only school average socioeconomic status is statistically significant in the models. Significant gender differences are found in the distribution of high and low achievers, which vary across the domains. In mathematics, females are more likely to be low achievers while males are more likely to be high achievers. In science, gender interacts with early school-leaving intent whereas males intending to leave school early are more likely to be in the low-achieving group than females intending to leave early. Conclusions emphasise the need for targeting resources aimed at promoting equity in outcomes at student level as well as at school level. Future work may extend the current analyses by incorporating domain-specific variables or examining cross-country differences.  相似文献   

In the US, there is a significant number of learning-disabled high school students included in regular science classrooms. It has been argued that students with learning disabilities can succeed in science if they receive the kind of instruction they need. To facilitate such instruction, the special education teacher is often incorporated into the class along with the learning disabled students. We observed 53 high school science lessons from ten pairs of science and special-education teachers who were responsible for delivering instruction to groups of students, some of whom were learning-disabled. We analyzed narrative notes collected in these lessons reflecting the kinds of classroom activities, organization of work, and teachers’ roles. In addition, we interviewed the teachers individually to gain a better understanding of these inclusive classes. The underlying question of this research was whether inclusive classes with two teachers delivered the type of science education that is better than solo-teaching in addressing the needs of learning-disabled students. Our evidence indicates that even with a special-education teacher present in the class, learning-disabled students usually did not receive a science education that met their needs. We elaborate on the reasons for this problem and make suggestions for improvement.  相似文献   

Growth in the use of testing to determine student eligibility for community college courses has prompted debate and litigation regarding over the equity, access, and legal implications of these practices. In California, this has resulted in state regulations requiring that community colleges provide predictive validity evidence of test-score?based inferences and course prerequisites. In addition, companion measures that supplement placement test scores must be used for placement purposes. However, for both theoretical and technical reasons the predictive validity coefficients between placement test scores and final grades or retention in a course generally demonstrate a weak relationship. The study discussed in this article examined the predictive validity of placement test scores with course grade and retention in English and mathematics courses. The investigation produced a model to explain variance in course outcomes using test scores, student background data, and instructor differences in grading practices. The model produced suggests that student dispositional characteristics explain the high proportion of variance in the dependent variables. Including instructor grading practices in the model adds significantly to the explanatory power and suggests that grading variations make accurate placement more problematic. This investigation underscores the importance of academic standards as something imposed on students by an institution and not something determined by the entering abilities of students.  相似文献   

Response styles are conceptualized as stress reactions, and the stressful school experiences of acquiescent, negativistic, self-enhancing, and self-derogating children are studied. It was found that school interpersonal stress was lower among acquiescent than negativistic Ss, while school academic stress was higher among self-enhancing than self-derogating Ss. One of the major implications of the conceptual approach and empirical results is that tests might be generally improved by identifying the kinds of stressful experiences Ss have had, and relating these to the kinds of responses Ss make to tests and testing. In addition, while the importance of the reaction of Ss to the measuring process is generally accepted, much more needs to be done on the kinds of responses individuals make to the content, in comparison to the conditions, of testing. Finally, these observations are particularly pertinent to tests and testing in schools, especially when the teacher is involved in the process and makes tests and testing stressful. This will tend to increase the effects of response style tendencies and decrease the validity of tests.  相似文献   

Student mastery of rational number and proportional reasoning is a recognized challenge, yet supporting mastery is central within mathematics and science. This paper focuses on a 4-lesson teaching programme which was designed to foster mastery in the context of intensive quantities. Intensive quantities such as density, speed and temperature depend upon proportional relations, require rational number for their representation and are relevant to science. Two versions of the teaching programme were developed, one using ratio representation and the other using fractions. Implementation with 535 children aged 9–11 years revealed that both versions promoted mastery of fractions, whilst the ratio version also supported proportional reasoning. It is suggested that the ratio version provides useful foundations for teaching, even with children who, as with the present sample, have no previous experience of ratios themselves.  相似文献   

The day-to-day business of being a science or mathematics teacher involves the continuous assessment of students. This, in turn, is an inherently discursive process. The aim of the present study is to examine some of the specific discursive practices through which science and mathematics knowing is jointly produced through classroom interaction. In particular, we examine the coproduced nature of two students’ not knowing—one in an outdoor elementary school science lesson and the other in an elementary school mathematics lesson. Our analysis is based on ideas in discursive psychology and challenges conventional interpretations of students’ academic performance in school science and mathematics.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the extent to which innovative activities vary among Canada's community colleges and to what degree specific organizational characteristics correlate with institutional innovativeness. The hypotheses were derived from an extensive literature on innovation theory, largely centered in the private sector. The research methodology was modelled after organizational innovation studies in the structural‐functional paradigm.

Data on specific innovations, both initiated and implemented, together with a number of organizational variables, were gathered from a sample of fifteen community colleges across Canada. The results confirmed that innovativeness does vary among institutions and also correlates positively with concentrations of support function specialist positions and with levels of macro‐environmental funding for innovative activity. The study also confirmed that an inverse relationship exists between innovative activity and measures of centralization of authority.

In general, it was found that findings reached in studies of innovation involving private sector organizations were applicable to the community college sector.  相似文献   

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