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20世纪60年代以来,成人自我导向学习成为西方成人教育研究者所关注的焦点,并且在成人自我导向学习的内涵、目的、策略、模式等方面取得一系列研究成果。本文撷取塔夫、诺尔斯、朗、戈瑞森等较有代表性的成人自我导向学习理论,通过对这些理论的分析和比较,以探寻西方成人自我导向学习理论研究的发展。  相似文献   

在终身教育、终身学习的时代,人们对学习方式的关注日益增强,工作场所学习,这一成人人生重要阶段--工作阶段的重要学习形式,成为关注研究的焦点.工作场所学习是成人学习理论的重要组成部分,它对成人学习发挥着至关重要的作用.叙事是工作场所学习的重要学习样态,着力探析叙事在工作场所学习所发挥的各种作用,以有效促进工作场所学习.  相似文献   

工作场所学习相对于其他成人学习方式而言具有目标明确、形式多样、效果明显等优势,已成为成人学习的一种重要方式并日益受到重视。营销学的4C理论由消费者、成本、便利和沟通四个基本要素构成,对于开辟成人工作场所这一“新疆域”,促进工作场所学习的大力发展具有理论指导和实践操作价值。基于此,应从满足双方需求、降低物质和精神成本、提供各种便利条件以及有效沟通四个方面促进成人工作场所学习。  相似文献   

工作场所学习与情境学习探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近十年来,工作场所学习、情境学习等一些新的学习方式逐渐成为成人学习的新方式,这一新的研究领域也逐渐进入研究者的视野,成为国内外学者关注的焦点。本文通过分析工作场所学习与情境学习的概念内涵及特点,试图对工作场所学习与情境学习有更深入的了解。笔者希望这篇文章能对成人利用这两种新的学习方式学习有所帮助  相似文献   

工作场所学习是一个典型的跨学科研究领域,涉及教育学、心理学、经济学、管理学等范畴,在成人教育、企业培训、组织发展、人力资源开发等领域都产生了丰富的研究成果。随之而来的是各领域研究者对工作场所学习的概念、内涵及理论基础的认识千差万别,不利于在同一话语体系内进行学术交流和研究成果共享。本研究吸收了不同领域学者的观点,试图从认识论、知识观和学习理论的视角建立一个工作场所学习研究的理论框架,在工作场所学习理论建设方面做出一定的探索。  相似文献   

邓叶丽 《成人教育》2013,(9):125-126
随着终身教育理念的树立,成人继续教育地位的提升,成人学习理论研究和实践的探索也日益丰富。但由于成人学习理论复杂多样,到目前为止没有一种理论能够完全捕捉到成人学习的本质和过程。因此,要提高成人学习的有效性,我们需要从成人学习者、成人学习过程、成人学习环境和成人教育工作者四个维度分别进行反思与研究,通过借鉴分析几种具有代表性的西方成人学习理论,进一步探讨这些理论对中国成人教育实践工作的启示。  相似文献   

近年来,国内对成人转化学习的研究从舶来译介、基础理论研究向本土化、应用型研究过渡,但在将转化学习理论运用于成人教育领域的实践性研究中,存在研究范围窄化、研究方法单一化,研究内容以思辨为主,对工作场所教育的应用性和实践性案例研究较为鲜见。通过重点介绍美国学者将转化学习理论中的批判性反思以及故事讲述法、行动学习法运用到工作场所教育的实际案例,以期对国内成人转化学习从理论进一步走向实践提供指导和参考。  相似文献   

工作场所学习顾名思义即在工作场所中学习,具有时间灵活、地点固定、环境全真、内容丰富、效果明显等优点,文章从余力理论的角度分析了工作场所学习在减轻负担,增强能量方面所发挥的作用,并从成人学习者个人层面、企业层面以及社会层面分析了工作场所学习的现实意义,以期唤起社会各界对工作场所学习这一成人教育方式的关注。  相似文献   

情境学习理论从对制度化教育的批判中形成发展至今,逐步受到学习论研究者的普遍关注,丹麦的伊列雷斯教授发展区分了学习情境的二重性.基于工作场所学习视角,分析了学习的二重情境,并尝试建立工作场所学习的二重情境模型,以期对情境学习理论及工作场所学习情境有更深入的认知.  相似文献   

在知识社会与终身学习时代,工作场所学习作为一个独立的学术研究领域日益受到成人教育、职业教育等领域的关注,有关工作场所中的成人学习方式已成为一个重要的研究主题。然而,多种多样的工作场所学习方式的提出。一方面反映出了工作场所中成人学习的多样性,另一方面也增加了该领域的模糊性与混乱。  相似文献   

There are a number of EU documents on the term and way of implementation of lifelong learning. However, the characteristics of learning from adult education perspectives are not sufficiently emphasized and are undertheorized in them. Numerous new, theoretical works have been published on adult learning in the related adult education literature since the millennium, which have not yet been integrated into the lifelong learning policy. This article analyses the documents of the European Union on lifelong learning from the aspect of how compatible they are with the most recent adult learning theories assisting the deeper understanding of the characteristics of adult learning. According to the recommendation of the author, the present transformation of Europe experiencing recession should be thought of as a learning process, of which the newest, innovation-oriented adult learning theories say a lot. These are, for example, the process-, biography- and change-oriented theories which contain the elements of transformative learning theory as well, and are also compatible with action-learning theories focusing on solving the tasks and problems of the workplace through learning. Further relevant theories can be the theories of innovation management and the flow theory. It would be worth integrating the relevant elements of these theories into a new, innovation-centred concept which would include the innovation indicators of adult learning/adult education.  相似文献   


The Rural Extension Centre (REC) has developed an approach to accredited training that is based on adult learning principles and is driven by an action learning approach. One of the central features of this approach is the use of real workplace based learning projects to allow participants to immediately apply the theory of the subject being studied in a practical and useful way.

The emphasis is on learning in these projects, however, they are directly based in the workplace with immediate benefits for the individual, their organisation and their clients.

Action learning is applied in the courses offered by the REC at three levels. The levels are micro-, macro- and mega- that is; on a daily basis in the residential sessions, on a weekly basis as developing learning projects and on a subject basis over the three to four months that the subject takes. The learning project is a key vehicle for learning between the residential sessions.

During residential sessions time is taken to ensure that the theory is delivered in a practical and useful way, to the extent that in some subjects there is real case study activity which allows the application of theory as the week goes on.  相似文献   

In this paper, I mill argue that contemporary debates about learning in the workplace fail to pay adequate attention to issues of gender and power in organisations. With reference to the feminist literature on the sociology of organisations, I will review some of the central ideas of the work of a few prominent adult educators on the topic of workplace learning. In this process, I will endeavour to highlight the uncritical way in which the discourse over workplace learning has developed within adult education circles. The relative absence of critical perspectives, and the embracing of dominant management thinking about organisational change, mean that this literature in fact fails to provide adult educators in organisations with an adequate framework for analysing and understanding the complex dynamics of their work, and threatens to further entrench structures and practices which discriminate against women.  相似文献   

成人转化学习理论作为一种新型的成人学习理论,最早由美国成人教育家麦基罗提出。这种理论从它诞生之日起便受到了广大成人教育者的广泛关注,并取得了相对丰硕的研究成果。本文主要回顾国外成人教育学者对这一问题的理论研究成果,并在此基础上,对已有的研究成果进行评述,以期能够把握未来成人转化学习理论发展的趋向。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on workplace and transformational learning to explore how spirituality can be accessed to encourage individual growth through the development of critical awareness while providing a sense of direction in the workplace as part of organisational learning. In communities and societies where organisations may have replaced religious institutions as centres for adult learning, the workplace continues to respond to the universal need for community and support. These elements are related to spiritual values. Still, leaders of organisations need to consider values that underlie typical workplace activities and recognise how collective engagement and workplace interactions direct personal development and ground identity. Providing opportunities to reflect on meaning and direction at work supports a transformative approach to learning and leadership that promotes cooperative working conditions, conscious behaviour and informed citizenship through encouraging attitudes of critical awareness, praxis and collective engagement in workplace interaction.  相似文献   

The goals of practicum programs frequently require that the practicum experience is an authentic experience of work and workplace learning. The more authentic the experience, the more the situation of the student in the workplace conforms to that of the employee. Most accounts of adult learning assume that their recommendations are applicable to all environments. Few countenance the possibility of malevolent or perverted facilitation, or envisage facilitation occurring under hostile conditions. Yet an examination of the learning environment of the workplace reveals that it is far from ideal and poses unique challenges to the practicum facilitator, especially when that role is assumed by workplace supervisors. The specific interests of student and employee may not be aligned, but the interests of both diverge from those of organisations and owners sufficiently to raise issues for the applicability of adult learning approaches. The argument supports a closer examination of the dynamics of trust building, of the scope of learning that can be facilitated at work, and the use of learning facilitators whose interests are independent of workplace interests when designing practicum programs.  相似文献   

The suggestion that workplace supervisors should become facilitators of the learning of staff is prevalent in the workplace learning and learning organisation literatures, but it is not always clear what facilitative approach is being recommended to supervisors. In order to identify approaches to facilitation that might be amenable for inclusion within the role of workplace supervisors, the concept of facilitation within the main traditions of adult education is examined. A characterisation of the key features of the workplace as a context for learning is then developed in terms that relate to common accounts of contexts conducive to learning. The paper then considers the issues that might arise if each of the conceptions were to be implemented by supervisors. Both facilitation and supervision rely heavily on trust, and so the development and maintenance of trust for supervisors and for facilitators is explored using a dynamic model of trust building. The paper aims both to develop a critique of the concept of supervisory facilitation and to highlight the need to consider contextual issues when applying conceptions derived from the adult education literature to real-world situations. Some implications for the relationship between teachers and students in post-secondary education settings are also described.  相似文献   

人力资源开发领域的学者和实践者都非常关注工作场所学习。关于正式培训和非正式学习,一直以来形成了大量的研究和讨论。本文从人力资源开发角度,结合已有的大量文献,提出了一个工作场所学习的概念性框架,框架包括三个互相作用的变量:学习的场所、在发展和传授学习经验时所制定的计划的程度和学习过程中培训者、推动者和其他人的角色。本文还讨论了这一框架对人力资源开发领域中理论建设和研究的启示。  相似文献   

In Finnish VET, students’ work experience is explicitly defined as workplace learning, instead of the practice of already learnt skills. Therefore, vocational students’ learning periods in the workplace are goal-oriented, guided and assessed. This paper examines the characteristics of students’ workplace learning and compares them with the characteristics of employees’ workplace learning. The data were collected with an Internet questionnaire from final-year vocational students (N = 3106). In total, 1603 students (52 %) answered the questionnaire. The data were analysed using quantitative methods. The results indicate that features typical of employees’ workplace learning can also be found in student learning as well. However, VET-related workplace learning has a number of characteristics that have not been brought to light in research on employees’ workplace learning thus far. We suggest that in developing educational practices it would be useful to draw on some of the features of workplace learning such as the use of collaboration and shared practices; conversely for workplace practices it would be useful to draw on some of the features of educational practices. For example, by utilising the structures of students’ workplace learning system presented in this study, learning at work could be transformed towards more goal-directed, guided and assessed activity.  相似文献   

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