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新疆民族饮食文化源远流长,是中华饮食文化的重要组成部分,是传统文化在社会生活中的具体体现。就饮食民俗中的性别表现来说,新疆民族既有和其他地区、民族相似之处,又有其自身特点,充分体现了新疆民族的性别角色差异。  相似文献   

儿童性别角色发展及对教育的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
性别角色发展是儿童社会化发展的一个重要方面.儿童性别概念和性别知识发展是性别角色发展的重要过程.要求教育者从转变观念,打破传统的性别角色定势;对儿童读物和教材中的角色人物做出合理的解释;尊重儿童的兴趣选择,打破男女界限;创设健康文化环境,减轻社会文化压力对儿童性别角色的影响.教育的作用在于充分张扬自己的个性,而不为性别所束缚.  相似文献   

家庭因素对性别角色发展影响的实证研究透视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
性别角色是以生理为基础、文化为背景的社会认可或接纳男性或女性应表现的行为模式。生物理论、心理分析理论、社会学习理论及认知发展论均认为家庭是儿童最先接触的生活环境,也是对儿童最具影响力的因素。实证研究证实家庭因素对个体性别角色的发展确有影响力,但是结果的百家争鸣,无法进一步提升性别角色的理论。因此要进一步加强跨文化的研究,研究对象要扩大到不同年龄段的被试,研究的变量也要尽可能涵盖一些重要的家庭因素变量,并做不同变量交互作用的分析,同时还要进行研究结果的元分析和建立家庭因素对性别角色发展影响的结构方程模型。  相似文献   

性别角色是儿童适应社会,实现社会化的重要内容,3-6、7岁的幼儿阶段是性别角色形成的重要时期。儿童在习得性别角色的同时开始习得所处社会所固有的性别角色刻板印象。大量研究证明,性别角色刻板印象限制并阻碍了儿童富有个性的发展,双性化的性别角色类型更有益于心理健康、情绪情感、人际关系以及社会适应。绘本是儿童普遍喜欢的儿童读物,绘本中蕴含的性别角色期待和性别意识是对儿童进行教育的重要载体。本研究以绘本阅读为出发点,探讨在教育中如何利用绘本促进儿童性别角色的发展,向幼儿园教师和家长提出相应的教育建议。  相似文献   

本研究的目的是建立中国人的性别角色量表,并探索不同性别角色类型的个体其心理社会适应水平的特点。研究一根据5000多名被试对中国人人格量表项目的反应挑选出男女被试有显著差异的项目,经过因素分析建立了各由30个项目组成,分别由七个和六个因素构成的中国人男性化和女性化量表,并据此将被试划分为未分化、女性化、男性化和双性化四种性别角色类型。研究二则比较了不同性别角色类型与心理健康的关系,表明在中国被试中双性化的个体心理社会适应水平最低、女性化个体心理社会适应最好。这一结果与Bem关于双性化的假设是截然相反的。本研究从中国文化与性别角色的关系对这一结果进行了解释,提出了中国文化是女性化文化,同时又是反男性化文化的假设,并对进一步研究的方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   

对性别角色的相关研究进行回顾,对性别角色特点、性别角色与人格、心理健康的关系进行梳理发现:性别角色特点表现在类型方面、研究的特殊群体方面、跨文化方面,性别角色与人格、心理健康各因素相关显著,性别角色的类型对人格、心理健康具有一定的预测作用。  相似文献   

通过修订的性别角色量表对当前南京市小学生的性别角色发展状况进行调查,研究发现,小学生的性别角色特征以双性化与未分化为主,传统占优势的单性化已让位于非单性化,未分化性别角色形势严峻.研究结果显示,并没有如社会所言,男生性格软弱、没有男子气概,女生过分中性化的明显表现.父母的学历是形成男女生性别角色特征的重要影响因素.  相似文献   

性别角色发展是儿童社会化的一个重要方面。学校作为儿童学习和成长的重要场所,对儿童性别角色教育起着不可估量的作用:学校教育中的教师性别角色认识、教材文本中人物角色、学校精神环境等因素影响着儿童性别角色的发展。本文对性别角色教育方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

女性广告形象性别角色研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
性别角色是由一定的文化所认定的适合于男性和女性的行为系统。国内关于广告中女性形象的性别角色研究更多的是停留在非参数的内容分析上,或是利用性别角色的观点对广告中刻板女性形象的社会意义进行定性讨论和分析。这些研究缺乏对广告受众者的研究,因而无法说明广告与受众者之间相互影响的机制;缺乏科学的实证研究,因而无法评估不同女性广告形象对营销传播的实际影响。  相似文献   

通过采用性别角色量表和成就动机量表对客家籍大学生进行研究。结果表明,大学生"双性化"性别角色发展趋势明显,客家籍与非客家籍大学生性别角色类型差异不显著;大学生成就动机水平存在显著的性别、专业与地区差异,客家籍大学生有着更强的成就动机;性别角色与成就动机存在显著的相关,男性化者成就动机水平最高,双性化者次之,未分化者最低。社会、学校、家庭应塑造大学生良好的性别角色形象,弘扬客家文化的优良传统,促进大学生成长与成才。  相似文献   

自新中国成立特别是改革开放以来,党中央和国务院、各级党委政府以及各级妇联组织,为促进男女平等进行了长期不懈的努力,我国妇女地位和作用日益彰显。但仍不同程度的存在着一些突出问题,导致两性地位不平等、社会角色不协调、进步发展不均衡、权利和机会被剥夺等不平等现象时有发生。今后,推进男女平等进程,需要落实基本国策、提高参政比例、解决妇女发展问题、建立健全相关机制、发挥妇联组织作用、营造平等社会文化环境。  相似文献   

Traditional and evaluative aspects of flexibility regarding transgressions across several domains (masculine and feminine gender roles, moral rules, social etiquette, and physical law) were assessed in 24 4-year-olds, 40 8-year-olds, and 46 college undergraduates. Traditional and evaluative aspects of flexibility yielded distinctly different patterns of response. Data indicated an age-related increase in flexibility on traditional measures (i.e., traditional rule flexibility, cultural relativity) for transgressions in all domains, except physical laws. In contrast, subjects in all age groups were consistently negative in their evaluations of transgressions in moral rules, etiquette, and masculine gender roles. Female subjects viewed masculine gender role transgressions with greater flexibility and less negativity than did male subjects. Results demonstrate the multidimensional character of flexibility development in different social and physical domains. Results suggest that masculine and feminine gender roles and social etiquette may not fall within a common domain of social convention.  相似文献   

与众多语言一样,俄语中的性别歧视现象久已存在,在称呼语中的表现尤为突出称呼语中的性别歧视不仅能够凸显交际双方的性别角色和社会地位,而且可以直接反映俄罗斯民族的社会规约、历史沉积、文化理念、价值观念、思维方式和民族习性。文章在梳理与整合俄语称呼语中各种性别歧视语料的基础上,指出了社会对于男女两性的不同期望与心理认同.并对性别歧视产生的原因作了简要的分析。  相似文献   

This paper considers the stated purposes and practices of girls' elementary (working‐class) schooling in the nineteenth century critically to consider the role of schooling in the reproduction of gender roles. It argues that, rather than the reproduction of ‘traditional’ models of gender, the stated aim of provided schooling in this period was the cultural transformation of working‐class womanhood in ways consistent with the social and cultural ideals of industrial society. In practice, however, tensions and disjunctions between the aims and practices of schooling meant that the reproduction of gender roles via formal education was flawed, contested and of relatively little significance in its direct influence on the lives of women. The discussion is set in the context of changes in the lives and work of adult women in the period and, drawing on evidence of the different experiences of girls and women in two contrasting regions, argues that the operation of gender ideologies embedded in family, community and work place organisation was much more significant than schooling in the educative influence exerted on female choices and behaviour. This analysis is applied to the education and schooling of girls today, to argue, firstly, that the model of gender ‘equality’ supposedly implicit within the National Curriculum is in reality a reversion to ‘traditional’ definitions of gender roles and secondly, to argue that changes in the education of boys are of crucial importance in transforming the educative influence of contemporary society from androcentricity to a genuine appreciation of equality between the sexes.  相似文献   

One aspect of the call for democracy in the recent Arab region uprisings is the issue of women’s rights and gender equality. Three cultural and ideological forces have continued to shape the gender discourse in Arab Muslim-majority societies. They are: “Islamic” teaching and local traditions concerning women’s roles in a given society; Western, European colonial perception of women’s rights; and finally national gender-related policy reforms. This paper examines the past and present status of women and gender-educational inequality in the Arab world with particular reference to Egypt and Tunisia, prior to and post colonialism. Special attention is given to colonial legacy and its influence on gender and education; to current gender practices in the social sphere with a focus on women’s modesty (hijab); to international policies and national responses with regard to women’s rights and finally to female participation in pre-university and higher education. These issues incorporate a discussion of cultural and religious constraints. The paper demonstrates similarities and differences between Egypt’s and Tunisia’s reform policies towards gender parity. It highlights the confrontation of conservative versus liberal ideologies that occurred in each country with the implementation of its gender-related reform policy.  相似文献   

The gender debate works with an analysis based on stereotypes of masculinity and femininity. These stereotypical gender roles are enforced by labelling those who step outside of them as having a non‐conventional sexuality. Thus, the cultural perception of lesbians and gay men as ‘bad’ is pivotal in the enforcing of gender roles. So, until heterosexism is dismantled sexism cannot effectively be countered. Much work to tackle gender inequalities actually reinforces heterosexism and thus sexism. The equal opportunities agenda must include acknowledgement and exploration of the interrelationship between sexuality and gender, in order to be effective.  相似文献   

龙应台的创作表现出一种可贵的文化自觉。它包括两方面的内容:一是民族文化的自觉,她的创作以国际化的视野,对民族文化进行了坦诚的批评与深刻的反思,表现了华夏儿女对传统文化的自尊自省意识;二是性别文化的自觉,她的作品以独特的视角,对女性的社会角色进行了冷静的思索与剖析,表达了现代女性的自尊自审意识,蕴含着丰富和深刻的人性内涵。  相似文献   

The roles of textbooks in postcolonial states is increasingly complicated, even more so when engaging a gendered analysis. This is in large part due the pressure national education ministries face considering the demands of the international aid community, particularly since implementation of the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals, nation-building, and cultural diversity. Using Kenya as a site of analysis, this article uses interviews conducted with Kenyan primary school students to determine how their perceptions of their textbooks relates to their lived realities. Focusing on images depicting labor in and out of the home, research shows that students’ perceptions of textbooks demonstrate that there exists a continuum of gender identities, particularly visible when images of transformative gendered roles for women that are incongruent with student realities.  相似文献   

分析了生理性的差异可能是构成大学生病理性上网性别差异的基础性原因,性别心理是造成大学生病理性上网性别差异的直接原因;文化原因则是最深远、根源性的原因,它通过塑造不同的性别人格来发挥作用。解决大学生病理性上网问题对家庭文化建设,高校思政教育和校园文化建设,社会和谐性别文化构建具有重要意义。  相似文献   

以梯田农耕为主的生产方式和父系社会结构,使哈尼妇女在传统文化中处于被动、从属的地位。在现代化背景下,哈尼地区的生产生活方式急剧变化,随之而来的是文化的强烈碰撞与冲突,甲寅村哈尼妇女在宗教祭祀、生产劳动、民间艺术和文化教育等活动中的参与度不断提高,参与范围不断扩大,并在文化活动中实现了角色的嬗变,为哈尼文化的传承、创新和传播做出了突出的贡献。这种现象应引起广大学者和民族工作者的重视,从而为保持中华文化的多元性提供参考,同时在民族文化建设中关注妇女的作用。  相似文献   

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