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17世纪的荷兰绘画多用于室内装饰,在加尔文教与新经济机制的影响下,以家庭为核心的美学享受在绘画作品中得到体现,普通人的日常生活成为了绘画的中心题材和组织原则。而室内画中悬挂的室内画体现了17世纪荷兰人对日常生活的注视,带给人们家庭生活中的视觉与精神享受。也体现了17世纪荷兰社会的艺术状态与市民文化精神。  相似文献   

刘博 《成才之路》2014,(18):68-69
正"印象派"一词虽然是由于在巴黎1874年的第一届印象派画展上因画家莫奈的一幅《日出·印象》引起批评而得名,但产生"印象派"艺术的各种因素却早已出现。早在荷兰人室内小景画就可以看到画家对自身环境和人物关系的描绘,而较直接的艺术观念应该从19世纪前期英国画家康斯太勃尔和特纳的风景画中领略到绘画从崇尚理念、崇尚永恒法则到开始面对自然、面对客观世界并真实表达的趋向算起。尽管一些法国美术  相似文献   

杨·斯坦恩是17世纪荷兰的杰出画家。这个时期.他的祖国——荷兰迎来了绘画的黄金时代。他创作了各种主题的绘画.其中最著名的是栩栩如生的日常生活情景,斯坦恩在画中融入了妙趣横生的谚语、俚语和幽默的对世俗生活的批评。斯坦恩作品的数量众多,尽管他在同时代画家中的评价很高,但他因仅靠绘画难以维持生计.曾短时从事其他职业。斯坦恩为...  相似文献   

18世纪的英国文坛产生了一种新型的散文叙事文体——严格意义上的近代小说。作为一种特殊文体的小说为何会产生于18世纪的英国文坛并获得迅猛的发展呢?可以从英国资本主义经济时代中个人主义思想的产生、读者大众的变化以及文学市场上的新势力书商的产生这三个方面来探讨英国18世纪经济的发展与小说的兴起之间的密切关系。  相似文献   

服装绘画是服装设计专业的一门重要课程。它的渊源可以追溯到西欧的文艺复兴时期,当时只是对已有服装式样的记录。17世纪中叶出版的《美尔究尔·嗄朗》杂志,开始刊登服装画。18世纪中叶,出现了专门介绍服装潮流的刊物,有法国的《流行时板》、英国的《妇女杂志》。服装画以绘画为主要手段,运用一定的艺术表现形式,一是休现服装的造型、面料、款式及生产工艺;二是表达了服装设计的整体美,服装设计的情怀和艺术气氛。因此,服装绘画在服装设计专业课程中占有很重要的位置。  相似文献   

"童话"主题是19世纪英国现实主义小说的特征之一,在关于本时期作家狄更斯、勃朗特姐妹创作的教学中,引导学生了解和认识其小说中的童话主题,包含两点现实意义,一是培养问题意识,二是揭示人生意蕴。既可丰富教学内容,也可使学生更加深入地理解19世纪前期英国现实主义文学的独特性问题。  相似文献   

"童话"主题是19世纪英国现实主义小说的特征之一,在关于本时期作家狄更斯、勃朗特姐妹创作的教学中,引导学生了解和认识其小说中的童话主题,包含两点现实意义,一是培养问题意识,二是揭示人生意蕴。既可丰富教学内容,也可使学生更加深入地理解19世纪前期英国现实主义文学的独特性问题。  相似文献   

《鲁滨逊漂流记》的作者是被誉为"欧洲小说之父"的英国18世纪现实主义小说家丹尼尔·笛福,他的小说多采用流浪汉小说的形式,通过普通人的遭遇和命运,反映18世纪初期英国资本主义纷繁的现实。据  相似文献   

正以书入画的命题已很悠久,至少从元代赵孟已开其端。此命题是敏感问题,是老问题,恐难引人兴致。任何人都知道"书"与"画"是两种艺术,不是一回事儿。而且,当我们自明清后逐渐接触了外部世界,又知道了外国没有书法这门艺术。在西风东渐的20世纪以来,很多人就更觉得二者不应被扯在一起,此种观点在20世纪80年代后西风烈的背景中就更甚嚣尘上了。历史地看,自文人介入绘画以后,书写性确实渗透到了绘画中,而形成了成熟的笔墨概念。把书与画  相似文献   

杜洋  赵崴 《华章》2012,(11)
静物画,是一种描绘水果、花卉、用具(一般摆在桌上)等无生命事物的绘画.在中世纪以前,静物画并不多见,只有部分静物画出现在古希腊、古罗马的历史遗迹中.受古希腊哲学影响,这一时期的绘画更多的是对客观事物的高度模仿.在中世纪,由于基督教的兴起,只有很少的静物与动物在宗教的绘画中出现.真正意义上的静物画则产生于16世纪末到17世纪初的弗兰德斯与荷兰.17世纪以前的弗兰德斯与荷兰统称为尼德兰,尼德兰的画风以细腻著称,画面具有很强的现实感.  相似文献   

荷兰绘画艺术的繁荣既得益于新教卡尔文教派反对偶像崇拜的教义主张,受益于荷兰经济的推动,又加上继承了尼德兰的民族文化传统,使绘画艺术在荷兰完全摆脱了天主教会、宫廷和贵族的垄断,真正融入荷兰人的日常生活。本文以维米尔代表作《画室》为出发点,以此辐射出17世纪荷兰的宗教、经济、民族文化传统。  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of concurrent instruction in Dutch and English on reading acquisition in both languages, 23 pupils were selected from a school with bilingual education, and 23 from a school with education in Dutch only. The pupils had a Dutch majority language background and were comparable with regard to social-economic status (SES). Reading and vocabulary were measured twice within an interval of 1 year in Grade 2 and 3. The bilingual group performed better on most English and some of the Dutch tests. Controlling for general variables and related skills, instruction in English contributed significantly to the prediction of L2 vocabulary and orthographic awareness at the second measurement. As expected, word reading fluency was easier to acquire in Dutch with its relatively transparent orthography in comparison to English with its deep orthography, but the skills intercorrelated highly. With regard to cross-linguistic transfer, orthographic knowledge and reading comprehension in Dutch were positively influenced by bilingual instruction, but there was no indication of generalization to orthographic awareness or knowledge of a language in which no instruction had been given (German). The results of the present study support the assumption that concurrent instruction in Dutch and English has positive effects on the acquisition of L2 English and L1 Dutch.  相似文献   

To examine phonological core deficits and variable orthographic competence, Dutch poor readers were investigated as they began instruction in reading in English (at about 14 years of age). A subgroup of poor readers with good orthographic competence in English (Poor/Good) and a subgroup with poor orthographic competence in English (Poor/Poor) were identified. Verbal and reading tasks in Dutch and English were assessed twice within a 10-month interval, and the scores of the two measurements were combined to gain stability. For both subgroups, we found indications that phonological core deficits and variable differences in orthographic competence transferred across the two languages. However, the Poor/Good subgroup did not show the weaknesses in serial rapid naming and semantic fluency of the Poor/Poor subgroup in both languages. Moreover, the Poor/Good readers were relatively good in reading skills and verbal learning in English. They had a specific reading disability at the phonemic level but also had compensatory skills at the level of syllables and words that help them to acquire English as second language. In contrast, the Poor/Poor subgroup had a more general reading disability, most prominently present in L2. The results are discussed in terms of orthographic differences between Dutch and English, the phonological-core variable-differences model, and "subtypes" of dyslexia.  相似文献   

The artistic practices of ekphrasis and reverse ekphrasis – integrating poetry and painting in their unique forms – have been long‐standing conventions both in the East and in the West. This article attempts to rationalise the new functions of the age‐old concept of reverse ekphrasis (i.e. graphic representation of verbal representation) as reactivated for the purposes of today's university‐level art education, and as exemplified by the international workshops of poetry‐inspired Chinese brush painting that I taught at The University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), UK, from 2012 to 2016, using English not only as a convenient contact language for art education, but also as a powerful vehicle for poetic self‐reflection, intertextual adaptation and intermedial transformation. To be more concise, my teaching approaches featured CREATE – Contact (C), Reverse Ekphrasis (R, E), Adaptation (A), Transformation (T) and Enrichment (E). The international workshop participants’ creative painting outcomes proved that, as brush painters, they could draw inspiration effectively from poetry written in English and/or poetry translated into English, so as to increase their personal capacity for artistic self‐expression and intercultural communication through Chinese‐style brush painting.  相似文献   

自1840年英国侵略者发动了侵华的雅片战争,古老的中国社会性质发生了重大变化,进入了近代。随着沿海的上海、广州等地在坚船利炮下的开放,新的绘画市场的形成,中国山水画风格亦随之发生了变异,这种变化以海派山水、岭南山水、太平天国壁画山水尤为典型。  相似文献   

Subtitled television programs seem to provide a rich context for foreign language acquisition. Moreover, viewers are generally quite motivated to understand what is shown and said on television. The present study investigated whether children in Grades 4 and 6 (N = 246) learn English words through watching a television program with an English soundtrack and Dutch subtitles. Children were randomly assigned to one of three experimental conditions: (a) watching an English television program with Dutch subtitles, (b) watching the same English program without subtitles, and (c) watching a Dutch television program (control). The study was carried out using a 15-min documentary about grizzly bears. Vocabulary acquisition and recognition of English words were highest in the subtitled condition, indicating that Dutch elementary school children can incidentally acquire vocabulary in a foreign language through watching subtitled television programs.A previous version of this paper was presented at the IAMCR conference 1997, Oaxaca, Mexico, Section Sociology and Social Psychology  相似文献   

In this longitudinal study, we examined the effects of the use of English as the language of instruction in the first 4 years of secondary education in The Netherlands on the students' language proficiency in English and Dutch, and achievement in subject matters taught through English. Compared to a control group in regular secondary education, students attending this form of bilingual education showed higher scores for their English language proficiency in terms of oral proficiency and reading comprehension. No effects have been found for receptive word knowledge and no negative effects have been found with respect to the results of their school leaving exams at the end of secondary education for Dutch and subject matters taught through English.  相似文献   

"白描"是古代画论与小说批评中普遍出现的一个术语。它较早运用于画论领域,既是指一种有别于设色、水墨等类别的画作样式,也是指为达到这种样式而采用的以简略粗线条式描画技法本身。在明代画坛上此种技法大兴之后,转而运用于古代文学尤其是小说批评领域,并在清代小说评点领域作为一种独特的小说文法而频频出现,体现了世情小说的典型特征。  相似文献   

现代绘画从产生到现在,其新颖、多变的形式与绘画基础就具有的密切的联系。该文从现代绘画的产生与绘画基础的关系,从现代绘画最具代表性的方面(现代绘画的表现形式)中所体现的绘画基础进行论述。  相似文献   

A few studies suggest that gifted children with dyslexia have better literacy skills than averagely intelligent children with dyslexia. This finding aligns with the hypothesis that giftedness-related factors provide compensation for poor reading. The present study investigated whether, as in the native language (NL), the level of foreign language (FL) literacy of gifted students with dyslexia is higher than the literacy level of averagely intelligent students with dyslexia and whether this difference can be accounted for by the difference in their NL literacy level. The sample consisted of 148 Dutch native speaking secondary school students divided in four groups: dyslexia, gifted/dyslexia, typically developing (TD), and gifted. All students were assessed on word reading and orthographic knowledge in Dutch and English when they were in 7th or 8th grade. A subsample (n = 71) was (re)assessed on Dutch, English, French, and German literacy one year later. Results showed that Dutch gifted students with dyslexia have higher NL literacy levels than averagely intelligent students with dyslexia. As in the NL, a stepwise pattern of group differences was found for English word reading and spelling, i.e., dyslexia < gifted/dyslexia < TD < gifted. However, it was not found for French and German literacy performance. These results point towards compensation: the higher English literacy levels of gifted/dyslexic students compared to their averagely intelligent dyslexic peers result from mechanisms that are unique to English as a FL. Differences in results between FLs are discussed in terms of variation in orthographic transparency and exposure.  相似文献   

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