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再论高等教育研究的方法组合——与田虎伟同志商榷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前学科框架正在转变.学科研究方法已经从唯一独特走向多元合作.高等教育学的多学科研究方法不是意味着方法的任意性和无序性.而是特定结构的方法组合.高等教育研究的方法组合是与高等教育学的研究对象从"现象对象"走向"系统对象"密切相关.方法组合意味着方法不是任意的、不是杂乱无序的,也不是固定死板的.  相似文献   

目的寻找一种治疗恶性胸腔积液的方法.方法采取胸腔留置细管持续引流的方法.结果通过对98例恶性胸腔积液病人用此方法治疗,95%的病人效果满意,5%的病人出现针道种植转移.结论此种方法取材方便,安全可靠,值得推广.  相似文献   

介绍保护知识产权中软件的加密方法.阐述软加密的方法和特点,硬加密的方法和特点.各种加密方法的比较和适应场所.  相似文献   

目的 研究正弦函数和余弦函数的一些计算公式.方法 初等方法和解析方法.结果 得到了关于正弦函数和余弦函数的一些恒等式.结论 这里的方法比较简单,此方法将被用于正弦函数和余弦函数的其他计算公式的研究,并为其他三角函数计算公式的研究提供了新的途径.  相似文献   

分析了多种ADO.NET数据访问模型,并给出在ASP.NET中使用ADO.NET连接SQL Server数据库的各种方法.结合各种连接方法的特点,对各种方法的性能进行了分析比较,最后给出最优连接方法.  相似文献   

提出了一种可并行计算的谱元方法.该方法将计算区域分裂成有限个单元,在每个单元上使用谱方法求解问题,在单元的交界面上采用山形函数来分辨.方法具有高度的并行化.数值结果显示,该方法具有好的收敛性.  相似文献   

高中数学解题方法多种多样,其中联想方法在解题中应用广泛.联想方法指通过联想基础知识、解题经验进行解题的一种方法.教学实践中,教师应认识到联想方法的重要性,结合教学内容做好相关习题的筛选,展示联想方法在解题中具体应用,使学生更好地把握解题关键,提升解题能力.本文立足高中数学函数习题,展示联想方法的应用,以供参考.  相似文献   

分析与综合是数学学科的研究方法之一,是数学思维活动的重要因素.在中学数学教学过程中,具有重要的地位.作为逻辑探索方法的分析与综合,广泛的渗透在数学解题的思维方法中.探究数学解题方法和其他学科的研究方法一样,思路正确与否是解决问题成败的关键.而正确的思维方法是解决问题的钥匙.现就分析法与综合法作一些探讨.一、分析法  相似文献   

从哲学思辩走向教育实践,科学方法论研究范式发生转变.科学方法的产生离不开特定文化,并反作用于文化.科学家是科学方法的历史创造者,科学事件能展现科学方法的历史画卷.从目标到内容,从课程标准到教材,科学方法逐步具体与充实,由于科学方法的内隐性,教育者需要体会课程标准的科学方法意蕴,充分挖掘教材素材中内隐的科学方法,全盘梳理,合理布局,牢牢把握科学方法的课程深度.  相似文献   

生物学的独特性决定了还原论方法在生物学研究中的成功,但是在生物学研究方法论中不仅仅只有还原论方法,整体论方法也是生物学研究中一种基本的方法.生物学研究既需要还原论方法,也需要整体论方法.只有把还原论方法和整体论方法相结合的系统论方法才能使生物学研究取得更大成功.  相似文献   

There has been extensive research into the development of selective trust in testimony, but little is known about the development of selective trust in promises. The present research investigates children's (N = 264) selective trust in others' promises to help. In Study 1, 6-year-olds selectively trusted speakers who had previously kept a promise. In Study 2, 5-year-olds displayed selective trust for speakers who had previously kept a prosocial promise (promise to help). In Study 3, 5-year-olds trusted a speaker, who kept a prosocial promise, over a helper. These data suggest that from the age of 5 children show selective trust in others’ promises using prosociality, promise keeping, or both to inform their judgments.  相似文献   

Learning objects (LOs), generally understood as digital learning resources shared through the Internet and reused in multiple learning contexts, have aroused worldwide enthusiasm in the field of educational technology during the last years. Although LOs and LO systems offer tremendous possibilities to improve educational practices, there are many theoretical problems and practical shortcomings which are usually neglected. In this article we introduce the promises of cost‐effectiveness, reusability, modifiability and adaptability associated with LOs. Then we critically look at the problems underlying the LO approach, and provide our own alternative interpretation of LOs as useful elements of meaningful learning environments. Because of their flexible nature, LOs and LO systems can be used to support a variety of learning theories and instructional strategies—both sophisticated and reductionist ones (Parrish, 2004 Parrish, P. E. 2004. The trouble with learning objects. Educational Technology, Research & Development, 52(1): 4967. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). LOs per se are not necessarily pedagogically functional or non‐functional, but their pedagogical value is determined through their context of use. The implementation of LOs requires a sound pedagogical grounding, and we argue that only by using LOs according to the principles of contemporary learning theories can their promises be fulfilled.  相似文献   

Recent findings on the anatomical, physiological, and functional properties of the brain have stimulated debates on whether such findings provide meaningful contribution to education. In this article, I examine one aspect of the interface between neuroscience and education: “brain‐compatible” strategies. Although some of these strategies such as providing a balanced diet in a child's early years are based on sound empirical data, others are based on shakier grounds. In particular, strategies regarding environmental enrichment and stress reduction in the classroom are based on questionable interpretations of the data. Because research in neuroscience is still in its infancy, it is not surprising some early attempts in translating research to practice involve a degree of over‐generalisation. At this stage, it may be more beneficial to focus on neuroscience findings that relate to educationally relevant processes. Attention, learning, and memory are all fundamental processes studied in both disciplines. Research in neuroscience offers not only additional knowledge about such processes but also tools and methods that will allow us to refine our theories and, eventually, practice.  相似文献   

明年南非世界杯的组织者承诺,3月30日在科特迪瓦一场比赛中造成至少22人死亡的踩踏事故不会在世界杯期间重演,而之前非洲球场已发生多起悲剧。国际足联要求有关方面就此次阿比让灾难出具详细的报告,另有132人在事故中受伤。  相似文献   


The article examines the latest development in advanced computer‐graphics termed Virtual Reality (VR), which is a technology that entails a 3‐dimensional artificial environment in which the user perceives a sense of presence. The paper discusses the dilemma of defining VR, and the limitations of the current technology. Furthermore, the author describes his experience with VR and looks at the implications of this new technology for education.  相似文献   

This article considers the issue of predicting violence committed by students on school campuses through the use of school discipline indices such as office referrals, suspensions, and expulsions. The existing research on incidents of school discipline markers is reviewed as well as sources of variation due to student characteristics and classroom or school‐wide practices. Challenges in making accurate predictions about future behavior at school are outlined. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

组织承诺是当代组织行为学中的一个重要概念.教师组织承诺是组织承诺在教育领域的应用,被认为是学校效率的核心.国外文献对教师组织承诺的前因变量的研究集中在组织气氛、教师效能、教师参与决策和教师授权等几个方面;对后果变量研究侧重于教师组织承诺对组织公民行为的影响.无论是理论概念还是实证分析,教师组织承诺都有深入研究的空间.  相似文献   

文学作为一种话语权,最早被视为神意的表达,因此文学家的委托人是神。启蒙主义兴起之后,文学是民意的表达,因此文学家的委托人是人民,文学成为文学家与人民之间的一种契约。但是由于委托人的身份不明和在权力转赠过程中的被遗忘造成了委托人的死亡,致使新世纪文学家将话语权向政治、金钱、自身寻租,从而造成了文学家对人民的失约。文学家的失约导致了失信,使文学面临着遭公众讨伐的厄运,也造成了文学日益边缘化的现实,新世纪文学只有依托守约的文学家才能改变这种现状。  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of an innovative conservation action campaign called Penguin Promises implemented at uShaka Sea World in Durban, South Africa. Communication tools included interpretive signage, exhibits with and without animals, presentations, and personal interactions, along with a specially designed postcard, on which visitors could write a promise (pledge) to make a change in their daily lives to become more environmentally responsible. Visitors who completed a card were contacted a year or more after their visit and asked about the outcomes of their promise. The results (N = 316) showed that 49.4% of respondents could give an example of something positive they had done for the environment, that they attributed to the campaign. Based on the study, recommendations are provided for the design of effective visitor conservation action campaigns.  相似文献   

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