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Behaviour, including academic performance, can be influenced by implicit primes; and both objective performance and subjective ratings are susceptible to priming effects. Here, we report a new priming effect on academic self-ratings. Participants twice completed a measure of academic self-concept. In the first session, they all used circles to answer questions regarding their own perceived academic ability. In the second session, half of the participants answered with ticks (often used to indicate a correct answer in academic feedback) and the other half with crosses (often used to indicate an incorrect answer in academic feedback). Participants who used crosses had significantly lower academic self-ratings compared to the first session. No such reduction in academic self-rating was observed in participants who used ticks. Moreover, response mode only affected the academic self-concept, and self-ratings regarding physical self-concept were unaffected by response mode. None of the participants reported awareness of the response mode manipulation.  相似文献   

Conclusions Several conclusions can be drawn from this study: 1) At midterm there was no difference in self-concept or ideal self-concept factors clearly attributable to the videotape experience. 2) At midterm there was a significant difference on the Pleasantness factor of self-concept between videotaped males and videotaped females. 3) Females videotaped during the first half of the semester significantly increased on the Strength factor of self-concept during the second half of the semester. 4) At the end of the semester there were no significant differences in self-concept or ideal self-concept scores attributable to the time in the semester of the videotape experience. But there was a sleeper effect for females on the Strength factor that began about seven weeks after self-viewing and led to enhancement of self-concept. 5) At the end of the semester females videotaped early in the term had significantly higher scores on the Pleasantness factor of self-concept than did either group of males. 6) The significant interaction of factor x time x sex X time of videotape on the factors of ideal self-concept could not be explained. In future studies of self-concept and ideal self-concept, as related of self-viewing, males and females should be in separate treatment groups. Further research might profitable explore the sleeper effect on the Strength factor for females, the tendency of Strength factor of self-concept scores of males and females to equalize during a speech communication course, and the possibility that the lapse of time between self-viewing and measurement may influence self-concept scores.  相似文献   

Geographic and demographic characteristics of the 120 Kentucky counties were utilized to group counties with similar characteristics. Factor analysis and then cluster analysis were used to establish four county groupings. ACT test results and demographic data, and enrollment data for 1977, 1978, 1979, and 1980 for those 1977 high school graduates enrolled in Kentucky state-supported colleges and universities, fall semester 1977, were analyzed to determine whether geographic origin influenced college attendance. Four hypotheses tested enrollment, persistence, and transfer activities; college-going rates; and academic achievement of students. Test results revealed significant differences and the null hypotheses were rejected.  相似文献   

The effects of a constructivist approach on academic achievement, self-concept and learning strategies, and student preference were investigated. The 76 six graders were divided into two groups. The experimental group was taught using the constructivist approach while the control group was taught using the traditional approach. A total of 40 hours over nine weeks was used to implement the experiment. The instruments used were as follows; mathematics tests administered by the teacher, self-concept inventory, learning strategies inventory, and a classroom environment survey. The results are 1) constructivist teaching is more effective than traditional teaching in terms of academic achievement; 2) constructivist teaching is not effective in relation to self-concept and learning strategy, but had some effect upon motivation, anxiety towards learning and self-monitoring; 3) a constructivist environment was preferred to a traditional classroom.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of class-average ability (intelligence) and class type (gifted vs. regular) on Math academic self-concept. The sample comprised 722 fifth-grade students (376 female) in a setting of full-time ability grouping at the top track of the German secondary high school system. Students came from 34 different classes at five schools; nine of these classes were part of a gifted track (n = 179). Academic self-concept and school grades were assessed by a self-report questionnaire, intelligence by a standardized test. Higher class-average ability led to lower academic self-concepts after controlling for the positive influence of individual ability (contrast effect). Class type had a counterbalancing positive effect on self-concept (assimilation effect). For students in gifted classes, both effects were of comparable size. Thus, no evidence for a big-fish-little-pond effect (stronger contrast than assimilation effect) was found. Effects of individual and group level ability were partially mediated by school grades. Implications for educational practice of highly able students are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship of self-concept, school belonging, school engagement to school performance of Caucasian- and African-American students. The main purpose is to assess the ethnicity-based differences in these psycho-social constructs and to explore their differential relationship to school achievement in high-school students from different ethnic background. The data were collected through a survey questionnaire in three school divisions in the Southwest region of Virginia of the United States. The results showed significant ethnicity-based difference in self-concept and in school engagement, but no significant difference in school belonging. The achievement differences were also significant, Caucasian students being higher on self-reported grades. In the regression model, self-concept was not a significant predictor of school outcomes, while school belonging had a significant relationship to school achievement for African-American students. Both self-concept and school engagement were significant for Caucasian students. The findings of the study provide better understanding of the relationship of these variables to school achievement and point to some policy-relevant implications.  相似文献   

利用小波变换结合PCA算法可以有效地识别人脸,但是算法性能依赖于一些关键参数的选择和调整,比如:人脸特征方向、主分量数、小波基函数和分解层数等.本文结合在ORL数据集上的计算机仿真实验,提出了解决上述问题的具体策略和经验规则.  相似文献   

基于主分量分析的数字水印   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1 Introduction Withtherapiddevelopmentofcomputernetworkandmultimediatechnology,disseminationofinformationintheformsofaudio,videoandstillimagehasbecomewidespread.Theproblemofdatapiracyandcopyrightbreachisamajorconcernwheninformationistransmittedovernetw…  相似文献   

The immigrant paradox is the phenomenon where recent immigrants have better outcomes than individuals from native-born families. Although limited past research has shown the paradox to exist for math self-concept, neither its exact nature nor a theoretical explanation for its existence have been reported. Using Australian cohort data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2003 (N = 12,551) and 2012 (N = 14,481), we first establish that immigrant students have higher math self-concepts than native students, controlling for gender and absolute parental socioeconomic status (SES), and show that it is similar to—albeit weaker than—the expectation-achievement gap. We then provide an SES-of-origin-country hypothesis as a contextual explanation for this effect; we show that the immigrant paradox for both math self-concept and educational expectations substantially reduces when accounting for parents' SES relative to their country-of-origin. Our findings suggest that the paradox for math self-concept and educational expectations may partly result from immigrant parents’ socioeconomic advantage in their home countries.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine changes in self-concept and self-efficacy during the childbearing year among adolescent mothers (defined as young mothers up to age 20) who were involved in a behavioral intervention. Subjects included a sample of 282 urban, pregnant adolescents (94% African American, 4% white, 2% other). The Tennessee Self-Concept Scale (TSCS) was used to measure self-concept. A scale to measure the self-efficacy of the adolescent mother during the childbearing year was developed and evaluated. Questionnaires were administered during intake for prenatal care and in the postpartum period. In the larger study, the intervention was a peer-centered, mastery modeling intervention designed to increase self-efficacy, improve self-concept, and improve long- and short-term perinatal outcomes. The results in this portion of the data showed that self-concept increased significantly for young women in the experimental group but did not change significantly for young women in the control group. Changes were noted in the TSCS for overall self-concept as well as for several subscores, including identity, self-satisfaction, behavior, the personal self, the family self, and the social self. However, differences between groups did not reach significance once age, parity, site, and time were accounted for, except on TSCS subscales of identity and personal self. Between intake for prenatal care and postpartum, self-efficacy changed significantly for both the experimental and the control groups. Both groups increased in self-efficacy for labor and delivery and decreased in self-efficacy for infant care. In this group of mostly African American teens, peer support and small group care demonstrated positive effects on self-concept. Professional and peer interactions were equally associated in intervention and nonintervention groups with regard to self-efficacy.  相似文献   

根据科技竞争力评价的一般范式,建立了一套评价指标体系。利用主成分分析方法,从纵向角度对重庆市科技竞争力进行了实证分析。最后,对重庆市提高科技竞争力提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

Manager perceptions of their effectiveness in administering selected management practices were investigated using a management practices survey of 20 key management practices. Managers perceived they were most effective in providing performance management and least effective at ensuring their subordinates were provided consistent staffing and work input. A second study found the survey statistically reliable and valid. Twelve of the 20 management practices surveyed significantly correlated with organizational productivity, with performance management practices yielding the most significant relationship. The selected practices were derived from the disciplines of industrial engineering, industrial/organizational psychology, and organizational behavior management. An expansion of in‐house and university management training to include all of these management practices was recommended.  相似文献   

According to the big-fish-little-pond (BFLP) model, the self-concept is not only influenced in a positive way by one’s own achievement, but also in a negative way by one’s relative achievement in comparison with one’s immediate peers. This study investigates whether the BFLP effect also holds for second language acquisition. A random sample of 9167 Dutch-speaking students from Grade 8 took a reading comprehension test in French followed by a short background questionnaire in which they were asked for their self-concept of reading French. Multilevel regressions of the latter on individual and group achievement confirmed the BFLP effect but did not confirm an interaction of the effect with gender, individual achievement or class size. Moreover, in line with the local dominance hypothesis, it was shown that the negative effect of the average performance of peers is stronger for classmates than for schoolmates.  相似文献   

随着全角度非接触式成像系统的开发与应用,较大规模的多投影荧光数据能够降低荧光分子断层成像(FMT)重建问题病态性,提高重建图像质量,已广泛应用于逆问题。但采用如此大规模的数据进行重建需要消耗大量的计算内存和花费较长的计算时间。为了解决该问题,采用主成分分析对原始FMT投影数据降维,在此基础上结合稀疏正则化算法进行重建。设计了圆柱仿真实验和数字鼠仿真实验。实验结果表明,在不影响重建结果的前提下,经过主成分分析降维后投影数据规模减小,FMT的重建时间缩短大约10倍。  相似文献   

本文介绍基于独立分量分析的一种算法FastICA,根据FastICA算法对脑电中心电噪声的消除,实验结果表明,采用该算法成功地消除了脑电中的心电信号,实现了脑电信号在噪声中的有效提取。  相似文献   

Study of engine noise based on independent component analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Independent component analysis was applied to analyze the acoustic signals from diesel engine. First the basic prin-ciple of independent component analysis (ICA) was reviewed. Diesel engine acoustic signal was decomposed into several inde-pendent components (ICs); Fourier transform and continuous wavelet transform (CWT) were applied to analyze the independent components. Different noise sources of the diesel engine were separated, based on the characteristics of different component in time-frequency domain.  相似文献   

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