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有意说谎是幼儿为达到某一目的或满足某种欲望而有意为之的行为或陈述,是情境性行为。5岁幼儿有意说谎具有过渡性、转折性、动机性和矛盾心理体验性的特点,是自我中心的突出表现。幼儿有意说谎有其主观心理因素,也有客观环境原因,成人应注意教育与引导。  相似文献   

<正>一、说谎行为的类型及表现大班幼儿的说谎行为可以分为无意说谎和有意说谎两大类。无意说谎是指幼儿并不是要有意骗人,也不是出于某种目的说谎。有意说谎是指幼儿有说谎的动机,并且也能意识到自己在说谎。1.无意说谎的表现(1)开心、自我满足型有些大班幼儿在说谎时会表现出开心、自我满足的状态,有的甚至完全意识不到自己在说谎。例1.星期一上课时,老师问班里的幼儿周末都干了什么,星星举手回答说:"星期六爸爸带我去了动物园。"这时,欢欢也  相似文献   

幼儿如果说谎会被人们认为是坏孩子,但对于幼儿来说,“说谎”的原因是多方面的,不能就此断定幼儿是个坏孩子。说谎大致可分为无意说谎和有意说谎两大类。  相似文献   

年轻父母和幼儿园老师常易为幼儿的“说谎”所烦恼。对幼儿用“说谎”两字须慎重。应弄清楚他们是否真正在说谎,是有意说谎还是无意说谎,然后有针对性地进行正确的引导和教育。幼儿富于想像,对什么事情都有一种好奇心,容易产生各种联想。但是,由于缺乏知识、经验,往往把想像中的东西带入自己的言行之中,并与客观现实  相似文献   

王小英 《现代家教》2002,(12):37-38
一般来说,幼儿说谎是指幼儿在没有事实依据的基础上有意说不真实话的行为。说谎行为是幼儿问题行为极其重要的表现之一。因此,如何正确对待幼儿的说谎行为,也越来越受到人们的重视。经过几年的留意观察,笔者认为幼儿说谎主要分为两种。  相似文献   

说谎往往被人们视为一种恶劣的品质问题。但对于幼儿来说,“说谎”的原因是多方面的,性质各不相同,不能一概而论,需要具体问题具体分析。根据心理因素来分析,幼儿说谎大致可分为无意说谎和有意说谎两大类。  相似文献   

说谎是幼儿社会化进程中的一种普遍心理现象,它呈现出随年龄变化而发展的阶段性特点.根据个体心理发展水平及幼儿对谎言与事实之间的认知,依据错误记忆、心理理论等领域的相关理论,从认知发展水平上可将幼儿说谎划分为两类:无意说谎和有意说谎.两者产生的原因是不同的,而且是多方面的,有其合理性和深层的心理因素.成人在观念上应善待幼儿的 "说谎",并且针对不同个体通过方式灵活的沟通交流进行有效干预.  相似文献   

张婧 《生活教育》2013,(2):88-90
幼儿的“说谎”现象分为有意说谎和无意说谎。成人要具体分析孩子说谎的心态和动机,针对不同情况采取不同的态度。现根据小班一幼儿说谎的个案进行分析,并梳理教师的教育策略。从而促进幼儿良好的社会性发展。  相似文献   

诚实是一种美德。不说谎,是幼儿诚实的重要表现。幼儿说谎虽不都是道德品质问题,他们并不想有意欺骗人,但如果对幼儿说谎放任不管,不及时教育,久而久之幼儿就会养成说谎的坏习惯。幼儿的说谎,主要有以下几种情况: 补偿性:幼儿把自己幻想得到的东西当作既成事实。如一个中班幼儿非常想得到一架电动玩具飞机,便对同伴谎说自己爸爸出差时买回来一架非常漂亮的飞机,甚至还把他幻想中的电动飞机的外型、颜色、玩法、发出的声音都讲得神乎其神,以此来取得一点快  相似文献   

<正>说谎往往被人们视为一种恶劣的品质问题。但对于幼儿来说,"说谎"的原因是多方面的,性质各不相同,不能一概而论,需要具体问题具体分析。根据心理因素来分析,幼儿说谎大致可分为无意说谎和有意说谎两大类。一、无意说谎这是由幼儿的心理展特点造成的,主要表现为以下几方面:1.满足愿望的心理幼儿有时会把幻想、愿望与现实混合在一起。他们为了满足某种理需要,常常无意识地和不自觉地"说谎",这与  相似文献   

The present study compared Chinese and Canadian children's moral evaluations of lie and truth telling in situations involving pro- and antisocial behaviors. Seven-, 9-, and 11-year-old Chinese and canadian children were presented 4 brief stories. Two stories involved a child who intentionally carried out a good deed, and the other2 stories involved a child who intentionally carried out a bad deed. When story characters were questioned by a teacher as to who had committed the deed, they either lied or told the truth. Children were asked to evaluate the story characters' deeds and their verbal statements. Overall, Chinese children rated truth telling less positively and lie telling more positively in prosocial settings than Canadian children, indicating that the emphasis on self-effacement and modesty in Chinese culture overrides Chinese children's evaluations of lying in some situations. Both Chinese and canadian children rated trugh telling positively and lie telling negatively in antisocial situations, reflecting the emphasis in both cultures on the distinction between misdeed and truth/lie telling. The findings of the present study suggest that, in the realm of lying and truth telling, a close relation between sociocultural practices and moral judgment exists. Specific social and cultural norms have an impact on children's developing moral judgments, which in turn, are modified by age and experience in a particular culture.  相似文献   

Kay Bussey 《Child development》1999,70(6):1338-1347
This study investigated the ability of children from three age groups (4, 8, and 11 years of age; N = 72) to categorize three different types of intentionally false and true statements as lies and truths, and also measured their evaluation of such statements. Results revealed that the older children were more likely to categorize false statements as lies and true statements as truths than were the 4-year-olds. All children evaluated telling lies as worse than telling truths. Antisocial lies were rated as the most serious lie type and "white lies" as the least serious. Anticipated regulatory control was more advanced for the 8- and 11-year-olds, who expected both self-approval for truth-telling and self-disapproval for lying for two of the three truth and lie types; the younger children did not anticipate greater self-approval for truth-telling and self-disapproval for lying for any of the truth and lie types.  相似文献   

"渠道返回"(back-channeling)作为一种很重要的交际策略无疑对于成功的交际有着十分重要的意义.因为它至少被证明了是一种有效的"合作"手段.但是合作有真诚合作与非真诚合作之分,在非真诚合作过程中,会话参与者会有意无意地"制造"种种假象.本文通过对两组学生在跨文化交际中所运用的back-channeling策略的对比分析,指出非熟练外语学习者通过这一策略有意或无意地"制造"种种交际中的假象及其背后的动机和原因.  相似文献   

主体是一个虚构的观念,人们通过有意识的构建,创造出属于精神范畴的价值系统。在《五帝本纪》中,司马迁通过对五帝意象的历史性叙述、空间性拓展和民族性融合的有意识描述,潜在地构建了中华民族的主体性传统,它表现为历史谱系重构中的民族主体、华夏民族统一中的国家主体和道德生命构建中的文化主体三个相互交织的主体关系。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between children’s proneness to endorse moral disengagement mechanisms and their anticipated antisocial lie telling. Participants were 107 predominantly white Australian children in Grade 1 (27 boys, 27 girls; Mage = 6.69 years) and Grade 4 (24 boys, 29 girls; Mage = 9.69 years). Children completed a lie-telling moral disengagement scale and two vignettes. In the first vignette, a child character witnessed a transgression and was coached to say that they did not see the transgression occur (lie type: false denial). In the second vignette, a child character did not witness a transgression and was coached to say that they saw a transgression (lie type: false allegation). In accordance with social cognitive theory predictions, greater proneness to using moral disengagement mechanisms was associated with children’s anticipated lie telling for both false allegations and false denials. These findings highlight the important role of moral disengagement in children’s lie telling.  相似文献   

Thirty-six children (half 6–8 years old and half 10–12) in Northeast Brazil heard three hypothetical dilemmas featuring a choice between telling the truth and keeping a promise. Each dilemma was initiated by a different kind of lie: an exculpable pro-social lie (teasing), a lie in the personal domain (hiding) and a lie in the service of an anti-social act (cheating). They were asked to choose between truth and promise, and to attribute choices to adults and to peers. More younger than older children chose truth on all three dilemmas. Both regression and SSA analysis showed that “peer-judgments” predicted own judgments on all three dilemmas, but “adult-judgments” did so only on the dilemma, which featured an exculpable lie and involved no adults. The findings may be interpreted as supporting either (a) a constructivist account of development or (b) a learning account that features implicit processes.  相似文献   

自律是人们以理性遏制私欲、贪欲,自觉规范、控制自己行为使之符合社会道德和法纪的要求,培养自己高尚的道德情操的行为方式。他律是指个人意志之外的约束,如纪律、法律、社会道德规范等等对个人、团体、组织行为的规范和道德的约束。党员领导干部要保持清正廉洁,必须严格自律,自觉接受他律。  相似文献   

对理想是否“真”的问题的探讨既是人们区分理想与空想的内在根据,也是我们进行理想教育的认知前提。理想是否“真”的问题从认识论上考察就是理想有否包含了现实可能性的问题。一旦对理想的现实可能性确信不疑,那就能形成对理想的科学信仰,从而成为一种强大的精神动力,促使人们为理想的实现而自觉地奋斗。  相似文献   

教育叙事是指研究者(多数情况下是参与行动研究的教师本人)采用“讲故事”的方式“叙述”自己的教育故事,实质是“反思”自己的教育。教育叙事是通过教育生活经验的叙述促进人们对于教育及其意义的理解,教育叙事探究的本质在于寻找一种合适地呈现和揭示生活经验乃至穿透经验的话语方式或理论方式,教育叙事的特点为叙述性和反思性。教育叙事对于改善教师职业生存,促进教师专业成长有重要作用。  相似文献   

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