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This study uses the framework of bridging and bonding social capital to explore how South Asian immigrants to the U.S. negotiate relationships amongst three social groups: their ties in their home country, their ties to Americans, and their ties to other South Asian immigrants living in the U.S. In so doing, it develops a model for immigrant social media use that contributes to an ongoing reassessment of the notion of community.  相似文献   

“馆校结合”在全国实施已有10年了,但各地大多处于“馆热校冷”的状态。重庆科技馆运用“使用与满足”理论和市场营销思维进行分析,认为目前“馆校结合”的最大问题是未能找准具有决定性作用的用户并推出其真正需要的产品。在此基础上,重庆科技馆将自身科学教育资源特点与学校课程内容相结合,开发了多样化、系列化的“社会实践活动课程”,用“产品+服务”的方法满足了各方用户的需求,彻底改变了“馆热校冷”的局面,为“馆校结合”的有效实施提供了解决方案。  相似文献   

Despite the country's population base of 240 million, Indonesian television has not been widely explored in academic and professional venues. This paper examines the impact of competition on the popularity of foreign programs in the Indonesian market during the mid-1990s. Analyzing recently released ratings data from a television ratings service, this paper suggests that competition has given rise to the popularity of local programs, while foreign program popularity has declined steeply during the same three year period. The findings also suggest that cultural proximity is a factor of the popularity of programs. By 1997, Asian programs outnumbered Western programs on the top 100 highest rated program lists in Indonesia. We explore implications of study findings for filling this void in the literature.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is twofold: First, it tests how the Motivation Activation Measure [MAM; Lang, A., Bradley, S. D., Sparks Jr, J. V., &; Lee, S. (2007). The motivation activation measure (MAM): How well does MAM predict individual differences in physiological indicators of appetitive and aversive activation? Communication Methods and Measures, 1(2), 113–136] applies in a non-American (i.e. Asian) context, in order to provide evidence for the universality asserted through its theoretical underpinnings as an indicator of biologically based motivation systems. It thus investigates cross-cultural variation in the MAM scores and the associations with established measures of theoretically related personality factors. Second, the paper examines how individual differences in motivational system responsiveness correlate with media use and interests in an Asian culture. Eight hundred sixty-five respondents completed MAM, personality measures and self-reported media preference in an online survey. Findings indicate that the MAM values recorded in the Asian sample associate with the measures of theoretically related human traits as expected, and had a similar pattern of scores with those found in American samples. Moreover, results suggest that audience interests in different types of media can be predicted through their variation in motivation systems activation.  相似文献   

在校大学生手机阅读使用与满足分析——以上海地区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李武 《图书情报工作》2011,55(14):15-19
通过调查分析,发现在校大学生手机阅读的5个主要动机是(按其重要性排序):“工具性期望”、“资讯性期望”、“替代性期望”、“互动性期望”和“创新性期望”,而且他们对手机阅读所提供的不同服务的满意度认知与他们对手机阅读使用动机的重要性认知基本是吻合的;除了使用动机之外,影响在校大学生手机阅读满意度的影响因素还包括使用频率、依赖程度、阅读场所、阅读方式和使用手机类型这5个变量。  相似文献   

Although the rise of nationalistic activism in the Chinese online sphere has drawn much scholarly attention, few studies have examined how nationalism, usages, and motivations of the Internet affect nationalistic actions among general Internet users in China. Using Sino-Japanese diplomatic disputes as a testing ground, this study investigates the effects of news use from traditional and new media, nationalistic attitudes, and motivations for Internet use on anti-Japanese political behaviors such as boycotting and protest participation. Analyses of online survey data revealed that nationalism is positively correlated with information-seeking and social-interaction motivations for Internet use regarding Sino-Japanese disputes. Results also showed that the stronger the motivation for using the Internet to discuss topics associated with Sino-Japanese disputes, the more likely respondents engaged in anti-Japanese behaviors. This study indicates that nationalistic attitudes and motivations involved in the use of new media technologies have significant effects on mobilizing supporters for anti-Japanese actions.  相似文献   

This article looks at the television landscape in Indonesia that has undergone a major transformation in recent decades. As one of the ‘Asian Tigers,’ Indonesia introduced commercial television in two waves between 1989 and 2002 as a complement to the traditional state broadcaster, TVRI. During the Reformasi movement, commercial TV stations contributed to the emerging civil society in the period 1998–2000 by supporting the movement for democratic reform that led to the resignation of President Suharto. An assessment of the current Indonesian television scene shows that most commercial TV stations, after a short coalition with civil society, went ‘back to business’ again in the context of a relatively young but highly competitive Indonesian market.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):377-391
In the current economic environment, message synergy may result in a perceptible manifestation of ownership's impact on media content. That influence raises ethical issues: journalistic independence and access to the media marketplace for a variety of messages. This project analyzes the “soft news” content of the two most popular morning television news shows, The Today Show and Good Morning America during November 2007 sweeps. The analysis demonstrates that “soft news” story topic selection appears to be strongly influenced by economic connections to the parent corporation. The potential impact of this distortion of the cultural public sphere for journalists, viewers, creative artists and advertising at the institutional level are analyzed. The wages of synergy include a restriction of journalistic autonomy, confining viewers to a role that is exclusively consumption oriented, and, at the institutional level, jeopardizing the credibility of news programming which could have a long-term impact on advertising revenues.  相似文献   

This study was performed in the context of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games to examine the patterns of competition among television sets, personal computers, and mobile devices in gratifying audiences of one of the world's greatest sporting event. In light of the theory of niche, three measures of niche – niche breadth, niche overlap, and competitive superiority – were examined. Of the major findings, personal computers appeared to overlap the most with, and were superior to mobile devices in fulfilling socialization and diversion gratifications. These findings indicate personal computers are, at least partially, replacing mobile devices with respect to socialization and diversion gratifications. In comparison, the television set appeared to overlap the most with, and was superior to the personal computer in fulfilling the eustress, aesthetic, learning, and self-esteem gratifications. These findings indicate that television sets remain the dominant medium for fulfilling these four gratification dimensions.  相似文献   

The present essay comparatively explores and reflects on popularizing the environment in a changing media ecology wherein content is no longer exclusive to traditional television viewing or distributed for cinematic release. Specifically, the aim of this essay is to illustrate how screened presentations such as film, television, and recently digital media, promote environmentalist ideals in the hopes that if audiences are entertained, then perhaps these narratives can subtly influence thinking and behavior. This review also draws from research on mediating the environment in television and film studies as well as scholarly literature on entertainment-education. The implications of this essay indicate that whether real or fictional, eco-friendly content is growing in popular media and no longer the backdrop to the story being told. As this essay shows, media professionals have started embracing entertaining content infused with content of value so that audiences can “see” why the environment is important.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]基于使用与满足这一视角,对国外社交网络用户行为相关的文献进行系统的梳理与分析,以期对国内相关研究提供参考。[方法/过程]采用内容分析方法,遵循Webster和Watson的两阶段综述方法,共获取社交网络用户行为研究相关的实证类文献54篇;逐一阅读与分析这些文献,主要关注与分析每篇文献所应用的研究主题、理论基础、因变量、自变量与实证结果。[结果/结论]研究发现:已有研究通常整合多种理论来构建实证模型;认知需求、个人整合需求以及社会整合需求相关的影响因素被学者关注得最多;与此同时,情感需求与压力释放需求相关的影响因素也逐渐受到关注。后续研究需要关注不同层面的需求满足对社交网络用户行为产生的不同影响、不同代际的用户群体使用社交网络的行为以及社交网络沉迷行为这些日益浮现的重要议题。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]在媒体融合背景下,以传播学中的"使用与满足理论"以及相关研究为基础,从用户角度对高校数字图书馆发展的影响因素进行分析,并对数字图书馆建设提出建议。[方法/过程]采取访谈法对高校图书馆主管馆长和部主任进行访谈,从而获取数据,提取影响数字图书馆发展的相关因素,根据提取结果设计调查问卷,并进行数据收集。利用SPSS软件进行因子分析、相关分析、回归分析。[结果/结论]研究发现,"馆员能力与素养"对高校数字图书馆发展的影响最大,"空间服务""服务需求程度"次之,"设备设施服务""新媒体服务""资源建设"再次之。构建高校数字图书馆发展影响因素的"6340模型"。在馆员队伍建设、空间构建与再造、服务模式体系构建、设备设施建设和资源建设5个方面提出建议。  相似文献   

Although a growing number of studies are examining the relationship between Internet use and political participation, varying study characteristics make the overall effect size difficult to estimate. Using a meta-analysis, we estimated the mean effect size and tested whether the effect size was influenced by study characteristics. Data for this meta-analysis were derived from 56 papers reporting 63 independent studies. Results revealed that Internet use had a weak relationship with political participation (rc?=?.22). Moderator analyses demonstrated that type of Internet use, Internet use measure, Internet use for news, type of political participation, sample origin, and survey year significantly moderated the relationship between Internet use and political participation. For instance, Internet use including news (rc?=?.27) had a significantly stronger relationship with political participation than did Internet use excluding news (rc?=?.19). European samples (rc?=?.27) had the largest mean correlation followed by North American samples (rc?=?.23) and Asian samples (rc?=?.18) in decreasing order of strength of relationship. The theoretical and methodological implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study describes the changes over time in the portrayal of socio-cultural characteristics; namely gender, age, ethnicity, religious outlook, family unit, violence experienced, living conditions, and cultural values in Indonesian children's television programs. Using systematic-quantitative content analysis of popular locally produced Indonesian children's television programs in the 1980s and the 2000s, this study found that all socio-cultural characteristics changed over time, except for gender representation with male actors consistently outnumbering female actors. There were some predominant socio-cultural characteristics in the 1980s, the era of authoritarian broadcasting system in Indonesia: most of the major characters were children and preteens, from Western Indonesia, not showing religious symbols or practices, having more than one sibling, and the majority of the adult characters were married. In the 2000s, the era of liberal broadcasting system, major characters were children and teens, showing certain religious symbols, having no or only one sibling, and the majority of the adult characters were single. Indonesian children's television brought certain cultural values to the fore for their young audiences to identify themselves with: self-direction and benevolence.  相似文献   

甘春梅 《图书情报工作》2017,61(11):106-115
[目的/意义] 以微信作为研究对象,采用混合方法,以期探讨社交媒体使用动机与特定功能使用的关系。[方法/过程] 通过访谈法和焦点小组法来确定微信使用的动机因素以及用户对微信功能的使用;并通过问卷搜集250份有效样本数据,利用回归分析来验证不同动机要素与各功能使用之间的关系。[结果/结论] 结果发现,不同微信功能的使用受到不同动机的驱使;而用户对微信一般性使用的影响因素与对特定功能使用的因素也不同。具体来说,娱乐显著影响用户对群聊、评论和分享功能的使用;消磨时间显著影响用户对朋友圈、评论和点赞功能的使用;社会互动显著影响用户对扫一扫、群聊、订阅和语音功能的使用;信息搜寻显著影响用户对订阅和扫一扫功能的使用;信息共享显著影响用户对发布功能的使用;自我表达显著影响用户对发布、定位、摇一摇和分享功能的使用;而跟随潮流显著影响用户对摇一摇功能的使用。  相似文献   

This article compares American, British, and Chinese news coverage of Internet privacy policies. Specifically, we examine media discourse about the “real-name” policies established by Facebook and Weibo. We find that U.S. and UK news coverage of Internet privacy policy is broadly similar, when compared with the more authoritarian–corporatist media system in China. British and U.S. newspapers were much more independent from state control, and were able to maintain a more critical stance than the Chinese newspapers. But there were additional factors that shaped the patterns in news discourse in complicated ways, which are related to (a) the difference between domestic and international news genres, (b) specific narratives about national identity, and (c) more general discourses about civil society, democracy, and the public good. We suggest that the range of comparative media research can be extended by paying attention to how these cultural factors interact with media system dynamics.  相似文献   

Copyright issues and how they apply to the Internet are under scrutiny. Downloading, ownership, and liability questions are becoming focal points for Internet users. The authors discuss the legal issues of copyright and the Internet, how those issues affect the general user, and cautions that users should consider.  相似文献   

总结了国内各类医疗类社交媒体的发展现状,分析了其在医疗实践中的优势和发展趋势,指出了医疗类社交媒体可能面临的挑战和对策。  相似文献   

This paper explicates the construct of ‘communicative potentials’ for understanding inequality in Internet use. Communicative potentials consist of three sets of factors (resources, utility values, and literacy) that jointly affect individuals' Internet use behavior. They are distributed unequally in a society and form a structural grid to transfuse structural patterns of resource and opportunity distributions into patterns of Internet use behavior. Analyzing data of the Shanghai Survey, this study discerns the operation of such structures in the manifestation of socio-economic, age, and gender gaps in likelihood and frequency of usage, as well as types of online activities. Based on the findings, this paper argues that systemic inferences about how the Internet might lead to social changes must be built upon a better understanding of how social structural factors configure features of Internet use behavior in a general population.  相似文献   

This article describes the complex media environment of urban Zambia based on qualitative interviews with 42 active ICT and social media users in Lusaka. After a contextual discussion of media censorship and Internet freedom, the article draws upon interview data to delineate four circumvention practices: (1) platform jumping; (2) anonymity; (3) self-censorship; and (4) negotiation of legal challenges. Rather than approach circumvention as a set of techniques disseminated from the information capitals of the world to those in the “global south,” this study approaches it as a set of cultural practices that emerges within particular sociohistorical conditions and platforms of communication.  相似文献   

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