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This study has explored the US and Korean newspapers' election coverage in regard to their respective nations' female candidates relative to male rivals during the 2007–2008 presidential nomination campaigns. The findings reveal that both US and Korean newspapers displayed no bias in adopting personal, issue, and viability frames to cover the female candidates versus the male candidates. Additionally, the US dailies gave Clinton as much attention as Obama, as can be seen in the similar amount of articles, headlines, and primary coverage; however, Park, the female candidate in Korea, garnered a lower amount of articles and headlines, and was featured much less as the primary focus when compared to Lee, her male rival, in the Korean dailies. Evidence of biased coverage in the USA is found in the slant of coverage Clinton received. The overall tone of campaign coverage was less positive toward Clinton. While there was no tonal difference between Park and Lee in overall stories and headlines, the tone of Park's viability coverage was less positive than that of Lee, indicating that she was less likely to be the elected nominee for the party.  相似文献   

政策是图书馆事业发展的重要保障,能否建立、健全图书馆政策体系,直接关系着图书馆事业的兴衰和发展方向.本文从当前时代的特殊性角度出发,对中韩图书馆政策进行比较分析,提出发展、完善我国图书馆政策体系的几点建议.  相似文献   

网吧作为新生事物 ,在亚洲 ,尤其是中国和韩国 ,其发展规模和顾客的行为都呈现出鲜明的特点。在对这一现象的初步研究中 ,作者提出了“社区生活重构”的诠释、也尝试了用“第三场所”等西方理论作了简略的分析。  相似文献   

This study examined the coverage of China in the New York Times and Los Angeles Times between 1992 and 2001. Across time comparison were made both within and between the two newspapers in terms of total number of stories, media frames used and favourability differences. Findings show that coverage of China has increased significantly over time, but the overall tone remained negative. Stories presented in political frames and ideological frames were more likely to be unfavourable. No significant differences were found between the two newspapers.  相似文献   

从华南虎事件考察中国新闻传播的价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本华南虎事件作为2007年度中国新闻传播界的一个标志性事件,所展现出来的不仅仅是一个多元延伸的新闻事实,更展现出中国新闻传播过程中社会价值的结构性变化。这一价值重构正在对中国社会产生长远而深刻的影响。  相似文献   

The implementation of e-government is a burgeoning phenomenon across the globe. It improves and enhances the infrastructures and services provided to the citizens. However, a review of the IS literature reveals that research on the implementation of e-government is rather limited, which could be due to the general misconception of the public sectors as rigid and risk-averse establishments. The shortage of studies on e-government’s implementation presents a knowledge gap that needs to be plugged. This gap is significantly amplified by the increasing number of e-government initiatives being implemented by governments in recent years. This paper describes and analyzes South Korea’s Supreme Court Registry Office, which has implemented e-government. The case study discusses practical implications and suggests future research areas. Findings of the study include the alignment of technology and business processes, integration of resources into core business activities, integrating stakeholders’ trust and commitment, and better understanding of the role of organizational learning, which can enhance the adoption and institutionalization of e-government initiatives.  相似文献   

Falun Gong caught the eyes of the Beijing leadership when more than 10,000 of its practitioners gathered at the Zhongnanhai government compound in Beijing on April 25, 1999. It attracted the attention of the world when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started cracking down on the group three months later, claiming this to be the most serious political incident since the student uprising at Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989. Scholars have attempted to contextualize the cultural, political, and economic climate in contemporary China that allowed this group to rise in a relatively short period and to assess the causes of the CCP's nationwide campaign oppressing the group. Relatively little attention, however, has been paid to exploring the media's role in supporting the government's cause in this campaign. This study examines journalistic narrative and framing of Falun Gong as a social threat in one news organization's attempt to legitimize the government's crackdown against the group. Although the economic reforms and political relaxation since the 1980s might have expanded the media's latitude, the press, especially state-owned media outlets, still functions as an agent for the Beijing regime in important political and social issues. This paper shows how journalists, through news frames, construct particular parameters within which to assess the ‘reality’ about Falun Gong.  相似文献   

On February 2, 1968, about 20,000,000 Americans watched South Vietnam's Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan shoot a suspected Viet Cong in the head on a Saigon street. Color film of that execution was shown on NBC's Huntley‐Brinkley Report. There was also a black and white still photograph by Eddie Adams of Associated Press. The impact of that single news story on public opinion about the war will be argued for some time. In an attempt to analyze the audience reaction to the NBC film report, a content analysis of audience mail to NBC was performed. Further, questionnaires were sent to the letter‐writers for additional information and to further explore their reasons for writing.  相似文献   

本文比较了中韩两国政府信息公开制度在立法进程、义务主体和权利主体的界定、信息公开的内容、公开程序和救济途径等五个方面的异同,并提出几点相关启示.  相似文献   

"慰安妇"制度是第二次世界大战期间日本主导的一项侵犯女性权益的制度,有组织的国家犯罪行为。中国和朝鲜半岛的女性是其主要受害者,受害人数多、时间长。中国和韩国在"慰安妇"历史观上有很多相似之处,又存在着明显的差异。本文对中韩"慰安妇"历史观进行分析,并在此基础上讨论"慰安妇"问题和国家形象的关系。  相似文献   

文章就中韩两国图书情报教育的办学规模、改革进程及专业课程设置几个方面作了比较分析.认为我国图情教育当前的改革应针对存在的主要问题,制订可行的具体措施,落实到位,以期加快奏效.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the intermedia influence of the Internet on traditional news media. Accordingly, this study examined the influence of Internet bulletin boards on newspaper coverage of the 2000 general election in South Korea at both first and second levels of agenda-setting through content analyses of major newspapers and the Internet bulletin boards during the campaign. Results of cross-lagged correlation analyses showed that newspapers influenced Internet bulletin boards at the first level of agenda-setting. Additionally, at the second level of agenda-setting, the influence of Internet bulletin boards on newspapers was found. Although reciprocity appeared in a few time spans, the results imply that the Internet funnels and leads public opinion as well as affecting the coverage of other media.  相似文献   

This study explicates the mechanism underlying the process through which news and entertainment media shape people's personal- and societal-level risk perceptions. It combines the psychometric paradigm with the impersonal- and differential-impact hypotheses, highlighting the roles that cognitive and emotional dimensions of risk characteristics play in risk perceptions. Analysis of an online survey among 384 adults from the general population of South Korea in the context of H1N1 flu yields three major findings: (1) exposure to news media is positively correlated with the cognitive dimension of risk characteristics, while exposure to entertainment media is positively correlated with both the cognitive and the emotional dimensions of risk characteristics; (2) the emotional but not the cognitive dimension of risk characteristics is positively related to both personal- and societal-level risk perceptions; and (3) exposure to entertainment media affects personal-level risk perceptions – not directly but indirectly through the emotional dimension of risk characteristics. Theoretically, this study expands the impersonal- and differential-impact hypotheses by explicating their underlying mechanisms and incorporating arguments from the psychometric paradigm. It also adds new knowledge to the psychometric paradigm by highlighting the differential roles of the cognitive and emotional dimensions of people's perceived risk characteristics in risk perceptions. For risk communicators, this study highlights the importance of using entertainment media for shaping risk perceptions and educating the public about risk issues.  相似文献   

Comparative framing analysis on coverage of the North Korean nuclear test in the US Associated Press, Chinese Xinhua, and South Korean Yonhap news agencies identified four major media packages. First, a common ‘threat’ frame dominated coverage by all news agencies, represented by reconfiguration of geopolitics and an emphasis on global cooperation in both perception and resolution of the nuclear test. Second, with each nation positioning itself differently in the world power system, the issue was notably domesticated in the news, with Associated Press connecting the nuclear test to the broader ‘War on Terror’ framework found frequently in US media, Xinhua promoting a negotiation principle in handling the issue, and Yonhap framing the test with a ‘Cold War’ perspective. In all three cases, national political interests exerted important impacts on the construction of frames. The compatibility of the seemingly opposite packages (globalizing vs. domesticating) signifies both intensification of worldwide social relations and reassertion of national stands. This finding lends support to the transformationalist view of globalization, which suggests that the nation state still matters in a globalized world, but is being recontextualized in a more complex world of politics and culture.  相似文献   

This research examines how TV reported the campaign and the candidates during Taiwan's first‐ever presidential election in 1996.

A content analysis of evening news coverage of six TV stations indicated that the state‐owned broadcast TV stations were far more likely than the privately owned cable TV stations to give a greater amount of coverage and soundbites to the ruling party presidential and vice presidential candidates, using the ruling party officials as principal news sources. The TV Stations’ coverage also contained more news favourable to the ruling party candidates than to other candidates.

The future may well see a turning point in TV election coverage as well as in general news coverage in Taiwan. The three state‐owned broadcast TV stations face competition from privately owned cable TV stations and may soon be confronted with the loss of public trust and audience, unless they can provide fair and balanced news free from government control.  相似文献   

修复用手工造纸术产生于中国,后传到朝鲜和日本.文章比较了中日韩三国修复用手工纸起源与发展情况,分析其发展的一致规律和各自不同的特点,从本国、世界各地的应用和整体发展而言,日本修复用手工纸更为完善的继承了传统,并开发多种修复用纸.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 考察韩国图书情报学教育历史,有利于把握其发展特点和建设规律。[方法/过程] 通过阅读国内外与韩国图书情报教育相关的文献,凝练出韩国图书情报教育的发展规律,进而得出韩国图书情报教育的未来发展趋势。[结果/结论] 韩国早期的图书馆学教育主要由教育培训机构施行,基本延续了美国图书馆学教育的模式。20世纪80年代中期以后,图书情报教育进入高学历繁荣阶段,课程设置与研究领域向外扩展,社会需求量大于人才培养量,毕业生更愿意到图书馆就业,图书情报学教育走上繁荣与稳定发展之路。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the knowledge structure of library and information science (LIS) in South Korea based on analysis of the theories presented in scholarly research articles. A content analysis of 654 LIS articles that appeared in two major journals since 1970 revealed overall theory use in LIS, such as growth and distribution of theory use by subfield, origin of theory, degree of theory use, and development of theory. The 654 articles analyzed used about eighty theories. The largest percentage of theories originated in LIS, followed by social science, sciences, and humanities. The degree of theory use indicates 2.10 in the 5 point ratio scale of the “Five Degrees of Theory Use Model.” The proposed theory use model provides an analytical tool to delineate degrees of theory use in LIS. In short, the results of knowledge structure analysis in LIS research show that LIS in South Korea needs much more development in various fields.  相似文献   

布什访华——新华社新华网与美联社新闻网的比较分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以布什访华活动的报道为个案 ,定量、定性地对比分析了新华社新华网与美联社新闻网的报道内容、版面安排、标题特征及新闻插图等。论证指出 :美联社新闻网在报道布什访华活动时比较严重地背离了“客观性”这一基本新闻原则。  相似文献   

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