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This article examines how South Korean and Japanese public diplomacy organizations employ digital media to embrace the principle of ‘networked public diplomacy’ through analyses of the web and social media practices. A network analysis was used to map interorganizational information networks among core public diplomacy organizations in each country. To reveal the key organizations' communication strategies on Facebook, a content analysis was also conducted. The findings indicate that Japan had a strong internal network infrastructure achieved through dispersed connections and partnerships; however, Korea had a centralized network, including a limited number of dominant actors. The results of content analysis suggest that both South Korea and Japanese public diplomats focused on promoting their cultural products and national values through their use of texts and visual images. In addition, user profile analysis gaged the degree of users' engagement in the organizations' profiles and identified the demographic features of users. Comparative data suggest the Korean public diplomacy organization was more successful at attracting and engaging with foreign public than the Japanese public diplomacy organization. These results imply that although these two countries had similar sociopolitical backgrounds and perspectives of public diplomacy, they had distinct forms of internal information networks, communication strategies, and social networking performances with public.  相似文献   

崔明伍 《出版科学》2012,20(5):89-93
分析美国出版的言论审查史,总结其出版言论审查的特点:1)其审查多通过立法实施,并由法院定谳,但美国各法院并非立国之初便支持出版言论自由,期间多有反复;2)美国各行政机关极少赤裸裸地干涉出版言论活动,但善于利用民意压制出版言论自由;3)美国战时的出版言论审查明显严于和平时期。  相似文献   

With a strong domestic film market in Korea, many foreign films are losing share, including Hollywood films that dominate the global market. In fact, Hollywood films that once dominated the Korean market with 70%–80% market share until 1998 witnessed a decrease in market share to 40% in 2005. Within 7 years, almost half of the Korean market share has decreased. The South Korean film market has been characterized by competition between domestic and Hollywood films where the combined market share exceeds 95% (KOFIC, 2005). What is the strategy of Hollywood films in competing with Korean films? What are some of the reasons why Hollywood films make up half of the top Korean market, whereas Korean films still face the challenge of reducing the huge gap between a blockbuster and failed films? This article examines the distribution strategy of Hollywood's major studios as witnessed recently in the Korean market based on the number of screens and the release date.  相似文献   

News-oriented bloggers have contributed much to the public sphere in recent years. Whether or not bloggers are considered journalists and thereby are protected by shield laws will be an important question for policy makers and the courts. This paper provides an overview of the law concerning the constitutional and statutory privileges accorded journalists. It then critiques proposals to create a federal journalist's privilege as applied to bloggers. Finally, the paper argues that the test articulated in Von Bulow v. Von Bulow should be adopted in federal legislation. Under Von Bulow, bloggers would be shielded from disclosing confidential sources and information when they function as journalists.  相似文献   

This study investigated how clients and advertising agencies in Korea prioritized celebrity selection criteria differently. Responses from 50 client-side and 50 agency-side executives in Korea were analyzed using the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Results show that the brand-centered factor ‘Match-up’ was considered most important by both clients and agencies but that the celebrity-centered factor ‘Popularity’ was ranked quite differently (i.e. second by agencies and fourth by clients, out of five factors). Other factors (i.e. Availability and Potential Risk) were ranked similarly. The main finding of the study is that Korean ad agencies and clients placed different weight on celebrity endorser selection criteria. This finding is particularly valuable to national and international advertisers who are deliberating about celebrity endorsement for the Korean market.  相似文献   

This study examines year-by-year correlations between Freedom House and Reporters Sans Frontières' (RSF) press freedom scores for countries over a 13-year period (2002–2014). The goal of the study is to test the hypothesis that, further into the age of digital disclosure, as press abuses and harassment of journalists are more widely reported, press freedom ranking systems are gradually becoming more precise and, therefore, correlations between the two indices will strengthen over time. To further assess concurrent validity of the indices, correlations between both indices and scores on the United Nations Human Development Index are also provided. The study also examines changes in the indices' rankings of countries over time within six world regions: the Middle East and North Africa, the Americas, Western Europe, Eastern Europe/Central Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Asia. In so doing, this study adds a degree of understanding to the validity of two press freedom indices that are routinely cited in journalistic reportage and trade journals, as well as many scholarly publications. Results suggest that the two organizations' scoring of press freedom has become significantly more correlated in the years 2002–2014, and the primary cause of the increased agreement is that RSF's ratings became substantially more aligned with Freedom House's scores during this period. Both indices' ratings are significantly correlated with countries' United Nations Human Development Index scores.  相似文献   


This article examines the relation between the privatization of state-owned enterprises and the changes in their financial and operating performance through the case study of Korea Telecom (KT), which is the biggest telecommunications (telecom) company in Korea. The Korean government completed the privatization of KT in May 2002, arguing that it would help KT to improve its financial and operating performance, as well as contribute to the development of the telecom industry. This article presents the changes in KT's revenues, assets, net income margins, return on assets, real sales per employee, investments, and dividends to evaluate its financial and operating performance, as well as the impact of the privatization of KT on the Korean telecom industry over the pre- and post-privatization windows.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(5):741-759
This study explores how differently and similarly the liberal and conservative newspapers in South Korea framed the Arab Spring in their opinion sections. By employing a qualitative framing analysis of editorials and columns, it found that the ideological views of the news outlets themselves had a considerable influence on the opinion discourses. Compared to the liberal papers, the conservative papers more persistently linked the Arab Spring to South Korea's confrontation with North Korea and portrayed the North Korean regime as the world's most infamous and brutal suppressor of human rights. While the conservative papers rarely saw the Arab Spring as the result of West-led neo-liberal globalization, the liberal papers characterized the Arab Spring as being part of the resistance to “neo-liberalism.” This ideological divergence media made possible the presentation of a variety of views about a public issue within a South Korean context. However, it is a matter of grave concern that news outlets' ideological orientations can also impede the objective presentation of an international issue or event, such as the Arab Spring.  相似文献   


Researching initiatives and referendums in Oklahoma requires looking at Oklahoma history, becoming familiar with the constitutional and statutory requirements and procedures, and finding pertinent print and Web resources.  相似文献   

与美国相比,我国新闻诽谤诉讼中媒体与记者诉讼负担重、败诉率居高不下,其重要原因是:我国对过错、损害赔偿由法官推定,美国则由原告证明;我国由媒体或记者对报道真实性负证明责任,美国由原告对报道的失实负证明责任。然而,深层原因是我国法律和司法界的以下问题:理论上对民法名誉权和宪法性言论自由权同等保护,但前者有系统的实体法和程序法的保障,操作性强,后者则无救济程序。  相似文献   

韩国图书馆法   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
概括地介绍韩国的法律体系和制定图书馆法的意义,详细地阐述韩国图书馆法的历史沿革和主要内容,尤其是现行图书馆法的立法过程及其主要内容。最后,总结性地回顾韩国图书馆法的发展历程,并阐述制定一部好的图书馆法应具备的条件以及需研究的相关问题。文后附韩国现行的《图书馆法》、《图书馆法实施令》以及《图书馆法实施规则》的全文。  相似文献   

China's soft power campaign has spawned many scholarly studies on it, but few have examined its rhetorical aspect. Through keyword analysis, this research examines strategic ambiguity in China's public affairs rhetoric surrounding the Six Party Talks over North Korea's nuclear program. The two keywords, ‘the Six Party Talks’ and ‘da ju’ (big picture, overall view), are semantically open and central to China's rhetoric in defining ‘What is it?’ and ‘Why is it?’ with regard to the talks. Analysis shows that strategic ambiguity contributed to some of China's goals. However, it was not adjusted when it stopped working. Its effectiveness was undercut by certain inconsistent messages, and da ju failed to differentiate between domestic and international political context and was also culturally maladaptive. This research contributes to public diplomacy and public affairs rhetoric research.  相似文献   

For the Federal government of the United States, freedom of information policy is expressed in statutory law — the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), enacted in 1966, being the first such expression in this regard. Other transparency laws would follow. The FOIA, however, was legislated in the face of considerable opposition by the executive branch. No department or agency supported the legislation, and the President signed it into law with no small amount of reluctance. This climate of opinion resulted in a hostile environment for the initial administration of the statute. To maintain faithful administration of the FOIA and to preserve its purpose, congressional committees found it necessary to conduct vigorous oversight of its implementation and, on occasion, to take remedial action by amending its provisions. Those amendments are reviewed here, the most recent development occurring in the closing days of 2007. Related legislative activities during the 110th Congress (2007–2008) are also examined, as well.  相似文献   

Comparative framing analysis on coverage of the North Korean nuclear test in the US Associated Press, Chinese Xinhua, and South Korean Yonhap news agencies identified four major media packages. First, a common ‘threat’ frame dominated coverage by all news agencies, represented by reconfiguration of geopolitics and an emphasis on global cooperation in both perception and resolution of the nuclear test. Second, with each nation positioning itself differently in the world power system, the issue was notably domesticated in the news, with Associated Press connecting the nuclear test to the broader ‘War on Terror’ framework found frequently in US media, Xinhua promoting a negotiation principle in handling the issue, and Yonhap framing the test with a ‘Cold War’ perspective. In all three cases, national political interests exerted important impacts on the construction of frames. The compatibility of the seemingly opposite packages (globalizing vs. domesticating) signifies both intensification of worldwide social relations and reassertion of national stands. This finding lends support to the transformationalist view of globalization, which suggests that the nation state still matters in a globalized world, but is being recontextualized in a more complex world of politics and culture.  相似文献   

This study focuses on United States press coverage of U.S. cigarette exports to Taiwan and Korea and examines whether there was congruence between U.S. foreign policy objectives and the direction of the news coverage. This study reveals that most mainstream U.S. newspapers followed the government's foreign policy objectives in reporting the issue of U.S. cigarette exports to Asia. Mainstream U.S. newspapers packaged cigarette export policy and talks into a trade issue characterized by fair trade and ethnocentric framing; this framing highlighted economic themes while suppressing or omitting health-oriented events or opinions. The United States press low-toned its critical voice when the United States vigorously pursued cigarette trade talks with Japan, Taiwan, and Korea, and raised its critical voice against already implemented policy once all trade agreements were finalized. Based on qualitative analysis, this study examines several key aspects of U.S. newspapers' coverage of these trade talks.  相似文献   

This study investigates the ideological implications of Nambowon (‘the Committee for Men's Rights’), one of the most popular sketches in a live comedy series entitled Gag Concert in Korea. The sketch humorously criticizes women who take advantage of men in various situations and always ends with a funny slogan demanding equal rights for men and the end of reverse gender discrimination. We treat Nambowon not as an idiosyncratic text but as part of Korean television programs that portray the rising social status of women as well as gender differences. Previous studies of gender and comedy have typically focused on textual meanings, and relatively little work exists to explain the audience's reception. Thus, we explore why audiences enjoy the show and whether and why there are differences in the reactions of male and female viewers to the portrayal of gender in Nambowon.  相似文献   

This paper provides a historical overview of Korean archival practice and introduces historical changes in archival traditions over the course of Korean history. This will identify the unique characteristics of Korean archival practice, which are based on the ideological and political changes that have happened in Korean history, in terms of Confucianism, Modernization, Colonization, and Westernization. The different historical eras shaped archival traditions in Korea in different ways, according to their own ideologies. By identifying archival practices in history and connecting them with social and political ideologies, the paper concludes that archival practice actively interacts with ideological and social needs within its historical context. For this, the paper presents: (1) an overview of traditional compilation between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries; (2) a discussion of the modernization efforts in the Joseon administrations of the nineteenth century; (3) some observations on the introduction of colonial archival practice under Japanese occupation in the early twentieth century; and (4) a review of post-colonial archival practice in the Republic of Korea.  相似文献   

This study examined how Iraqi broadcasters perceive the concept of press freedom in their newly emerging media environment. Based on the survey of 122 Iraqi broadcasters, this study found that individual, attitudinal, and organizational factors determine Iraqi broadcasters' perceptions of press freedom. Departing from the conventional press freedom indices on Iraq compiled by Western freedom advocate organizations, this study suggests that the Iraqi broadcasters' perceptions on the press freedom were relative, not absolute or uniform as depicted through numerical indices or qualitative labels.  相似文献   

刘忠波  李贞玉 《出版科学》2016,24(6):98-101
韩国出版业的显著特点是本土出版产品单一,主要依靠引进国外图书补充国内市场,因此中国图书一直受到广泛的关注。目前,中国图书所占韩国引进图书比例不高,有一定增长空间,缺乏市场判断是影响韩国出版业引进中国图书的重要原因。另一方面,专业翻译和中文编辑的紧缺也制约中国图书在韩国的发展。中国图书所贯彻的中国文化软实力“走出去”战略,要政策推行和市场自觉结合,把握韩国读者需求,才能建立产业国际化模式,进而释放中国图书的内在价值力量。  相似文献   

This study investigates the current state of research methods education in Korean library and information science (LIS) programs and compares research methods education between Korea and the United States. The definition of research methods is consistent and homogeneous across Korean schools, whereas research methods are defined loosely and differently in the United States. Research methods in both the United States and in Korea appear to be in a state of methodological uncertainty where dominant methods may be taught but not necessarily applied by graduate students. Research methods, as shared knowledge, offer fields the tools needed to investigate problems and understand the process by which they are studied. Thus, if LIS wants to increase its research capacity and improve its research quality, then it will need to require research methods of all students. While the range of topics covered in Korean research methods courses may need to be expanded, those in the United States may need greater depth of coverage.  相似文献   

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