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This study provides a comprehensive update of Chinese public relations education. Particularly, it (1) examined the challenges facing Chinese public relations education and (2) explored the positive changes that have emerged in Chinese public relations education. Researchers conducted 49 face-to-face in-depth interviews with Chinese public relations educators, students, and professionals supplemented with a content analysis of 22 Web sites of Chinese universities with public relations programs. Major findings include: (1) absence of doctoral programs, (2) rigid public relations curriculum structure, (3) dominance of traditional public relations pedagogy, (4) lack of qualified public relations educators, and (5) inadequate institutional recognition. In addition to these key challenges that Chinese public relations education confronts, it has also been undergoing some promising changes. For example, public relations education is adjusting to meet the needs of students. Educators are developing both educational and professional expertise. Moreover, there has been a rise of government public relations in the context of China's rapid economic and political reform.  相似文献   

论图书馆的公共关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文章就图书馆公共关系的概念、构成要素以及图书馆公共关系内容和基本原则、如何强化“公关”意识等进行探讨。  相似文献   

本文介绍、比较了中国与澳大利亚的公共图书馆管理与服务方式的差异,并从经济基础、政治体制、文化背景等方面分析了其原因。  相似文献   

徐明霞 《编辑学报》2013,25(4):354-355
科技学术期刊在以往的运营当中,出于期刊的功能,重视学术性建设,忽略公共关系的维护和发展。在信息量极速膨胀的现代社会,科技学术期刊也该高度重视公共关系的发展策略,通过树立全员意识、构建互动交流平台、整合内外部资源、采用危机管理等策略来维护和加强公共关系,最终实现"内求团结完善,外求和谐发展"的目标,达到获得良好的社会效益和经济效益的目的。  相似文献   

The likelihood that people tell stories in advertising, as well as the type of stories they tell, may reflect their cultural variation. A content analysis shows that commercials in Taiwan are more likely to employ narrative appeals than are commercials in the United States, and the story structures in Taiwanese commercials are less likely to be well-developed. Narrative ads in the two cultures also differ on three content dimensions: problems to be solved, psychological benefits from solving the problem, and the emotion experienced in the process. The discussion of such differences relies on an integrated explanatory framework.  相似文献   


This essay presents the major findings from a survey about human resource management in public libraries. The survey was conducted in October 2016 via the Internet. The participants were librarians with human resource management experience employed by public libraries in the United States. The majority of the participants responded that human resource management was challenging to some degree. While a majority were able to solve their human resource problems successfully, a majority of the respondents believed that the human resource curriculum for library science programs was inadequate.  相似文献   

儒家文化与中国公共关系的建构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究业已证明远东国家的公共关系实践中普遍存在着一个“个人影响”的模式。本文探讨了中国的传统文化在“个人影响”模式发展中的作用 ,特别是“关系”的影响问题。通过对照性的比较研究 ,在考查西方国际公关理论的基础上 ,作者试图建构当代中国的公共关系哲学准则。  相似文献   

Academic libraries worldwide use social media to inform and connect with users. Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Libraries is no different and must keep up with rapidly evolving platforms and user expectations. When our presence stretched across twenty-two channels, we needed to ensure that social media efforts were managed in the most effective and efficient manner possible. To develop a research-based, unified vision for communication for new media, we scanned the literature in the library and public relations fields and then surveyed librarians to address identified gaps. Based on results, we offer recommendations focused on best management practices and strong content strategies.  相似文献   

Communication quality between public service units in academic libraries can make the difference between mediocre and exceptional service. If units do not communicate well, patrons may receive inaccurate information and experience short-term frustration, leading to long-term damage to the library's reputation. Poor communication creates adverse effects on employees through decreased productivity, negative work culture, and low morale. This article explores the importance of quality communication through a review of the literature and a case study at one academic library. The authors share practical communication improvement strategies for libraries of every size and fiscal ability.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, public relations has developed significantly in the West into a sophisticated management function which is recognized as an integral part of any organization's attempt to communicate with various persons, both within and outside the organization, in order to achieve its goals and objectives. However, this is not the case in the Arab world where public relations remains underdeveloped and, even when practised, is relatively unsophisticated. This paper deals with the public relations function in a prominent though controversial Arab media organization: Al Jazeera Satellite Channel. It explores how Al Jazeera has been dealing with internal and external communication issues impelled initially by its role as a satellite broadcaster spearheading changes in a vibrant Arab mediascape and subsequently by its expansion into a global broadcaster. Drawing on James Grunig's four models of communication to analyze Al Jazeera's public relations practices, the case study at hand outlines some of the communication challenges and opportunities the organization has been facing during its 10 years of existence. The case of an indigenous organization like Al Jazeera operating in a culturally distinct environment puts into perspective communications issues and complicates our understanding of how public relations is understood and practised outside the normative Western public relations paradigm.  相似文献   

区块链技术近年来受到金融、物流、公共服务、公益等领域的广泛关注,区块链凭借其可追溯性、去中心化、安全性等特点,能够有效地应对突发公共卫生事件的事发突然、未知性强、安全保密等的特性。虽然由于新冠肺炎疫情的发生,突发性公共卫生事件的研究逐渐引起学界关注,然而当前运用科学技术手段管理突发公共卫生事件档案、突发公共卫生事件档案信息化建设等方面的研究仍处于探索状态,将区块链技术在突发公共卫生事件档案管理中的应用研究更是处于空缺阶段。本文从突发性公共卫生事件以及区块链应用于档案学领域的研究现状出发,根据区块链的概念和特征,分析区块链技术之于突发公共卫生事件档案管理的适用性,探讨区块链技术在突发性公共卫生事件档案管理中的应用,以期能为今后的具体方案与实践验证等研究提供参考思路。  相似文献   

科技期刊作为科学传播的重要平台,在突发公共卫生事件中担任的角色十分重要,对于谣言的治理也起到不可小觑的作用。本文以文献研究与案例分析为主,通过分析科技期刊在非典疫情和新冠疫情中的作用,指出不足之处,并提出改进建议。明确科技期刊承担传播科学信息的责任与使命,帮助构建期刊在谣言治理过程中的传播主体意识。以期使科技期刊以更加积极主动的态度,利用大数据紧抓舆论热点,抢发科学信息;构建科普理念,扩大受众圈层;与辟谣平台展开合作,丰富辟谣主体。  相似文献   

This study seeks to understand the effectiveness of an organization’s communication strategy in enhancing its crisis management capability in public management. The relationships between two types of communication strategies (bridging and buffering), crisis management capability in public management, relational improvement, reputational improvement, and conflict avoidance have been tested to suggest how an organization’s overall strategic orientation may help its ability to weather a crisis. A survey of communication managers was conducted in South Korea with 105 responses, representing 105 organizations. Results revealed that organizations which are predisposed toward adopting the bridging strategy as their main communication strategy also report better crisis management capability in public management, and as a result, experience positive relational and reputational outcomes.  相似文献   

现代档案馆要求高素质的人才.公共人力资源管理理念和方法应用于现代档案馆,有助于应对社会对高素质人力资源的竞争和档案馆工作目标的实现,对现代档案馆具有重要的作用.现代档案馆公共人力资源管理的内容是多方面的.物的人化现象、竞争上岗的中庸化及忽视职业资格证书是管理过程中易出现的问题.  相似文献   

随着公共管理学的发展,它的研究对象有了扩展,作为公共文化部门的高校图书馆也成为共管理学的研究对象之一。本文讨论了公共管理学原理对高校图书馆的适用性,并以公共管理学原理为指导,对高校图书馆的文献经费的预算与分配的方法与过程作了理论探讨。  相似文献   

This article argues for the analysis of public engagement as an essentially mediated activity. Although recent studies note that academic knowledge is increasingly available for consumption by nonacademic audiences, they tell us little about how it gets recontextualized while passing through the hands of media professionals on its way toward such audiences. In Burawoy’s (2005) influential call for the rebirth of public sociology, as in the debates his work provoked, the media is treated solely as a means for the transportation of knowledge. But as this article demonstrates, the media does not simply transport knowledge; it also, and at the same time, translates that knowledge in various, rhetorically consequential ways. Focusing on the mediated trajectory of an attempt by a group of academics to connect with audiences beyond academia, their initial contribution is compared to its subsequent translation(s) across various British newspapers. A discursive analysis reveals the techniques via which a classic form of public sociology came to be recontextualized such that, remarkably, these authors were left appearing to voice nothing but their own petty prejudices. The article concludes by noting that where public engagement involves mediation, public sociology should pay more attention to the recontextualizing affordances of media discourse.  相似文献   

文章分析了政府信息公开在公共危机管理中的作用,指出公共危机管理中政府信息公开存在的问题,并从制度、法律、政府、媒体、公民等多方面,提出加强公共危机管理中政府信息快速、高效公开的对策。  相似文献   

Community-building is studied as a multidimensional process that leads to sustainable improvements in the well-being of individuals, families, communities, and society as a whole. The study looks at the role organizations play in developing countries as an integral function of inter-connectedness between organizations and community. A total of 100 Indian and Chinese organizations were analyzed for the available corporate social responsibility (CSR) information and initiatives using quantitative content analysis. The sample was drawn from the 2011 Forbes Global 2000 list. Significant differences were found between Indian and Chinese organizations in the levels of community-building. Findings also revealed information on the most common CSR terms, issues, and modes used by the organizations and how those differ culturally. Cultural scores on collectivism were also looked at for each country to analyze the relationship between organizations and community-building.  相似文献   

Israel’s public diplomacy efforts in the U.S. are aimed at garnering American public support for Israeli foreign policy. This study aims to identify the networks of Israeli public diplomacy toward the United States. Using the theoretical frameworks of networked public diplomacy and strategic narrative, the authors try to understand how network strategy is used and information is circulated to create a strategic narrative. Therefore, the two methods of social network analysis and qualitative content analysis are applied to identify the networks of Israeli public diplomacy in the United States and the content produced by it. The study finds that in Israel’s public diplomacy model, the networking method stands in contrast to its government-oriented strategic narrative. Thus, new forms of communication are applied to conduct old strategies. The research identifies four types of actors who apply new public diplomacy techniques and dissects the strategic narrative they employ to affect the American public in the service of Israeli interests. Despite the effort to apply new forms of public diplomacy, strategic narrative production and dissemination remain highly governmental and closed, which is indicative of the persistence of old forms of public diplomacy.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates how communication research can be strategically applied to address environmental problems in modern societies. To accomplish this goal, this research advances an integrated communication model based on psychological reactance theory and the theory of planned behavior to explain negative attitude change that can occur when people are exposed to water conservation campaigns [Liang, Y. J., Henderson, L.K., & Kee, K. F. (2017). Running out of water! Developing a message typology and evaluating message effects on attitude toward water conservation. Environmental Communication. doi:10.1080/17524032.2017.1288648]. The data fit the hypothesized model, synthesizing message-, social-, and individual-based processes to predict their effects on behavioral intention towards water conservation. Interestingly, data show that (1) combinations of message strategies affect reactance differently, and (2) subjective norm and perceived behavioral control negatively correlated with threat to freedom. These results point to the practical implication that environmental communication to promote voluntary water conservation are effective when campaign messages are designed to reduce threat to freedom, induce social norms, and increase self-efficacy. We call the documented research process strategic environmental communication, which focuses on the joint application of evidence and theory towards addressing environmentally motivated problems.  相似文献   

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