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Hong Kong has always been regarded as a critical region of Cultural China. Surprisingly, traditional Chinese medicine has not yet been accepted as legitimate in the city. This study uses acupuncture as a case to investigate the way media texts work to organize a field of knowledge and practices about health in a post-colonial society where contrasting perspectives and hybrid ideas rooted from the East and the West intermingle. Acupuncture is conceptualized as socially constructed health knowledge that has become increasingly legitimate in media discourse. Through a mixed-method approach that combines discourse and content analysis, a total of 666 news articles related to acupuncture published in two Hong Kong newspapers over a 10-year period were analyzed. Three major forms of discursive construction of legitimation – authorization, rationalization, and moral evaluation – were identified and elaborated in association with the texts and the social contexts. This study reveals a complex process of generating legitimacy for health knowledge through news narratives.  相似文献   

By studying candidates’ Facebook fan pages and rolling poll data during the Hong Kong Legislative Council election in 2016, this article aims at examining the relationships between candidates’ campaign performance on social media, electoral momentum, and vote shares. We contend that, under specific contextual conditions, social media campaigns could affect candidates’ momentum during the election period, which can in turn affect vote shares. We also examine how the relationships between social media performance and electoral momentum vary according to the candidates’ background characteristics, including age, political affiliation, incumbency status, and scale of the campaign of the political group to which the candidates belong. The results show that candidates’ social media performance can indeed predict vote shares indirectly via the mediation of electoral momentum. The predictive power of social media performance is stronger for pro-democracy candidates, incumbents, and candidates belonging to political groups with larger election campaigns.  相似文献   

Adapted from Chang et al.'s (2006) models, this study examines factors that influence adoption and non-adoption of social network sites (SNS) in adopters (Continuers, Discontinuers) and non-adopters (Potentials, Resistors). Chi-square and t-test were used to analyze the survey data of Singapore's working adults and Internet users (N =222). The findings reveal innovation characteristics (relative advantage, compatibility, complexity) and perceived popularity differ significantly in three pairs of adopter categories. Results show Continuers and Potentials are concerned more about image than Discontinuers and Resistors, while technology cluster differs between adopter vs. non-adopter and Continuers vs. Discontinuers. Moreover, the study suggests younger people tend to adopt SNSs, females continue to use SNSs more, and potential SNS users are more innovative. Lastly, a regression model to forecast the adoption of SNSs is proposed in which age, compatibility, technology cluster, and perceived popularity are predictors.  相似文献   

The concept of affordances in communication technology research has proven to be heuristically provocative, yet perceived affordances are rarely measured. After extracting commonly cited social affordances from the literature, we developed a measure to assess participants’ perceptions of these affordances. The scale was tested across eight communication channels in two studies (face-to-face; texting; phone; email; posts on social networking sites, specifically Facebook; instant messaging; Skype videoconferencing; and mobile app Snapchat). A factor structure was developed in Study 1 and confirmed in Study 2. The resultant Perceived Social Affordances of Communication Channels Scale includes 41 items measuring 10 communicative affordances: accessibility, bandwidth, social presence, privacy, network association, personalization, persistence, editability, conversation control, and anonymity. Potential methodological and theoretical applications are discussed.  相似文献   

试论我国港、澳、台三地图书馆员专业伦理规范   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
指出图书馆员专业伦理的议题近年来备受国内外图书馆界重视。通过文献调查分析、网上信息检索、专题访问、问卷调查等方式,研究比较中国香港、澳门、台湾三地图书馆员专业伦理规范,认为由于历史和政治的因素,港、澳、台三地在社会文化方面既有差异亦有不少共同的特点,这一特征对其图书馆员专业伦理规范有着直接影响。  相似文献   

People in a society share collective memories about numerous historical events simultaneously, but not every event is equally salient all the time. This study examines the implications of memory mobilization on recall of historical events. Memory mobilization is treated as a process that involves communication activities via a wide range of platforms. Focusing on Hong Kong people's memory of the 1989 Tiananmen Incident in Beijing, this study found that more people recalled the event during the period of memory mobilization, and communication activities involving interpersonal exchanges were related to recall of Tiananmen mainly in that period. In addition, the findings showed that the process of memory mobilization operated differently for different age cohorts. The theoretical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

陈小燕 《新闻界》2008,(5):157-159
本文主要对两岸四地虚假广告管制的法律架构、认定要件以及对虚假广告的处罚方式等方面进行了比较。  相似文献   

香港与内地图书馆比较研究   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
通过参加香港浸会大学举办的“图书馆发展与管理趋势图书馆馆员培训班”的学习,以及对香港9所高校图书馆和2所政府机构图书馆的参观考察,深感祖国内地图书馆与香港地区图书馆存在着较大的差距。着重就香港地区图书馆先进的工作理念、科学的管理机制、良好的馆际合作等3个方面与内地图书馆进行比较研究,并就21世纪我国图书馆的发展趋势发表自己的见解。  相似文献   

粤港澳社区图书馆之比较   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文简要介绍了粤港澳三地的社区图书馆的发展过程,比较分析了各自的特点,从中看出广东地区发展社区图书馆的优势与不足,提出发展建议。  相似文献   

港澳台高校图书馆网站用户隐私政策的显示方式和表现形式不尽一致。港澳台高校图书馆网站隐私政策的制定皆有法可依,隐私政策的内容包括个人资料的采集、使用和安全声明,用户和图书馆的权利,以及免责声明。隐私政策在实践中有得有失,值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

The paper examines the historical change in linguistic practice of Hong Kong advertising through the decolonization period and attempts to make sense of it from a local-and-global point of view beyond the conventional national-functionalist perspective. It is found that the prominent patterns of language mixing in the advertising of Hong Kong are not only ‘Standard Written Chinese mixed with English’, but also ‘Standard Written Chinese mixed with both English and Cantonese’. The embedded elements of both English and Cantonese in the Chinese advertisements can take the form of a word, a phrase and/or a full clause and can serve both informational and involving functions. Finally, it is argued that multilingual mix in Hong Kong advertising is a phenomenon constantly emerging in the multicultural process of globalization and that being able to mix different languages or varieties of languages for effective communication should be an aspect of linguistic competence highly valued in the age of globalization and localization.  相似文献   


The Hong Kong Library Association (HKLA) has been the core organization serving the library and information science (LIS) community in Hong Kong since its establishment 62?years ago. It organizes activities and events continually to enrich professional knowledge of LIS professionals in Hong Kong. It has been observed that the number of student members has risen constantly in recent few years. In view of the pressing demand for better support to student members, the HKLA launched the Mentoring Program in 2013 to enhance informal communication between student members and other members of the Association. The Mentoring Program received an overall positive feedback from the local LIS community and made a positive impact to participants, especially mentees. Apart from the successful experience of this program, there are issues that can be improved in sustaining this program in long term. This paper summarizes the experience of implementing the Mentoring Program in the first two years and identifies the challenges and opportunities ahead. The finding indicates that the Mentoring Program was a well-received professional development program for the student members of the Association. However, this program can be further enhanced in terms of mentor solicitation, mentor-mentee eligibility, mentor-mentee relationship, knowledge-based interaction, and program sustainability. The Program Committee may consider collaborating with other LIS agencies to solicit more potential mentors. In view of the population of the potential mentors, it makes very good sense for the past mentees to serve as peer-to-peer partners for non-degree student members. More incentive should be devised to encourage the mentoring pairs in joining library events in addition to the activities related to the Mentoring Program. To facilitate communication and experience sharing among program participants and HKLA members, it is desirable to set up an online discussion platform to address the increasing demand for more opportunities on this. Lastly, it is vital to improve communication among the Program Committee, HKLA Council members and HKLA members. Besides reviewing the operation and management of the Mentoring Program, the Program Committee should also study the feasibility of sustaining this program in the long run. This paper can be served as an empirical study on the implementation of library and information science mentoring programs in one of the major cities in Asian region. The results of the study can be referenced by the LIS community not only locally but also internationally.  相似文献   

香港的报纸煽情味越来越浓烈 ,逐渐弱化了“社会公器”的功能 ,更多的是为商业利益所驱动 ,这种功能与利益的冲突产生的原因在于固守产生于自由主义哲学观基础上的新闻自由观、一味迎合读者的感官刺激需求、把报纸当作单纯的赚钱工具  相似文献   

构建粤港澳图书馆联盟联合体之我见   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
粤港澳图书馆联盟联合体,是指由广东省网络图书馆、广东省数字图书馆与香港大学图书馆馆长联席会(JULAC)和澳门图书馆暨资讯管理协会等联盟合作组成的地区性联合体。它的建立,将促进三地经济发展,扩大三地图书馆的影响。参考文献6。  相似文献   

港澳地区阅读推广活动介绍及启示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文介绍了港澳地区阅读推广活动,在分析港澳地区阅读推广活动经验的基础上,对大陆地区全民阅读活动的推进,尤其是利用公共图书馆推动阅读推广活动,提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

胡翼青 《新闻界》2007,(5):42-44
本文基于对江苏城乡居民的一项旨在研究“新闻传媒与全面建设小康社会“的入户调查.调查发现,传媒对于小康社会的建设具有较为积极的推动作用:这一方面体现在传媒对“小康社会“这一概念的广泛传播有着明显的效果;另一方面,尽管在经济、制度等现代观念的培养上效果并不明显,但总地说来,传媒对于培养小康社会所需要的受众各个方面的现代意识具有积极的帮助.  相似文献   

在传媒业高度商业化的香港 ,香港电台作为惟一一家由政府所办电台具有独特的地位。然而 ,作为香港回归过程中的一个遗留问题 ,香港电台的身份与功能发生了失调 ,并成为各派政治力量交锋的一个角力场 ,从而连年来是非不断。香港电台的定位与发展路向问题已经争论、延宕很长时间。淡化官方色彩 ,力避商业化 ,彻底公营应该成为解决香港电台难题的一把钥匙。  相似文献   

分析公共商务信息服务的概念内涵,在对新加坡和香港地区的公共商务信息服务体系和服务形式进行比较研究的基础上,分析当前我国内地公共商务信息服务的不足,并提出统筹协调公共商务信息服务体系、培育健全的多元化公共商务信息服务机构、充分发挥官方驻外商务机构的作用、开展多层次的公共商务信息服务等完善我国内地公共商务信息服务的相关建议。  相似文献   

周小敏 《图书馆杂志》2012,(3):33-35,70
探讨了港澳台图书编目过程中存在的困难和有分歧的地方,包括著录用文字、著录信息源、责任方式、版本项、价格等著录问题,并结合编目实例归纳出处理的办法。  相似文献   

阐述港澳地区公共图书馆应用“超市化”管理,具有舒适休闲的服务环境、人性化与情感化的服务管理、人工与自助兼备的服务形式、共建共享的服务资源、丰富多样的服务内容等服务特色,分析在服务管理、资源建设、读者管理、馆员素质等方面的经验和启示,提出一些看法和建议。  相似文献   

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