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沈玲玲  李宝新 《兰台世界》2020,(5):77-78,82
档案是历史的原始记录,新媒体是传播档案资源的重要渠道。科技文化高速发展的时代背景、公民档案需要与档案意识增长的诉求以及档案工作自身发展的渴望,是推动档案资源社会认同的不竭动力。可以通过规避新媒体传播失范,确保档案资源真实有效,把握公众需求、塑造档案形象、弱化刻板印象等路径,保障新媒体时代档案资源的社会认同。  相似文献   

The rhetorical practice of consciousness‐raising has changed since communication theorists first began to apply its functions and style, as a small group, face‐to‐face practice, in the early 1970s. In this essay, we argue that in feminist activism and theory, the practice of consciousness‐raising has evolved in response to shifting cultural conditions. Our examination of consciousness‐raising rhetoric produced by self‐labeled “third wave” feminists reveals how contemporary social contexts have generated different rhetorical problems and discursive responses for feminists. Specifically, we show how third wave feminist consciousness‐raising instills a critical perspective that focuses on personal and social injustices. We argue that these rhetorical responses raise consciousness in the public sphere, through mass media, popular culture, and college classrooms, fostering both public and private dialogue about gender inequities that aims at self‐persuasion.  相似文献   

网络媒介的发展重构了社会传播生态。在泛众传播语境下,作为共识性仪式的传统媒介事件让位于作为冲突性实践的网络公共事件,探索新的共识凝聚方式被提上议程。本文认为,网络公共事件的常态化并不代表共识基础的完全丧失,原本由传统媒介事件提供的仪式整合功能可以在公众一致性的话语实践中重新实现。为了实现网络公共事件中的社会认同重构,应当从话语争夺、多方协作、培育"公共理性"等思路出发对公众展开话语引导。  相似文献   

随着视听传播技术的深入发展,网络视听新媒体的全面崛起不断挤占传统影视媒体市场,促使传统广电行业升级转型,影视传播转向视听传播业已成为大势所趋.在此背景下,高校影视教育只有应时代的发展调整人才培养模式,才能满足业界对高质量视听传播人才的需求.本文以当前媒体市场巨变为切入点,对高校影视教育的现状及困境展开分析,结合部分高校...  相似文献   

在风险社会中,科技的发展不仅是衡量现代性的核心要素,同时也是催生不确定性的重要原因。社交媒体的发展很大程度改变了风险传播的景观,使得风险认知和媒介信息之间的关系更加复杂。本研究采用问卷调查法对临近核电站建设区域社交媒体用户进行调查,旨在探讨社交媒体环境下的信息对受众风险信息搜索行为的影响。本研究采用结构方程模型的分析方法,从社会认知理论出发考察社交媒体环境中信息的质量对受众反应的作用过程。结果显示信息质量可以通过影响用户的风险认知、风险知识水平和自我效能三个变量影响其风险信息搜索行为,从而证明社交媒体所构建的信息环境会显著作用于人们对于风险的认知和行为反应。本研究的发现期待可以为风险传播中的有效公众沟通策略以及线上风险信息管理提供参考。  相似文献   

Ran Wei 《亚洲交流杂志》2013,23(1):116-127
Scholars argue that the history of communication technology is a history of social change, often in unpredictable ways under the influence of various socio-political forces and technological innovations. How does this insight apply to China which has witnessed a boom of new media technologies amidst rapid social change? To what extent does new media research conducted by Chinese scholars help us understand the process of new media diffusion and consumption in China? By reviewing research published in Chinese-language scholarly journals, this paper reviews current new media research in China by tracing trends in such research, identifying research agenda, applications of theory, and use of methodology. Gaps in Chinese new media research will be explored; directions that lead to further research will be suggested.  相似文献   

Since the advent of the NWIO debate, the Western media have been under attack over the perceived emphasis on negative news when dealing with Third World countries. This paper seeks to determine the degree of bias between Western and Third World media in their reporting of each other, and examines the role of culture in perceiving/selecting news of one kind over another.

The study covers four elite English‐language daily newspapers from the US, UK, India and Nigeria.  相似文献   

Abstract The communications platform of the Internet and the World Wide Web has provided a new medium for disseminating the work of museums and cultural institutions. In this article, we argue that while we remain influenced by the technology and systems‐thinking which built the platform, we have not re‐thought its creative possibilities for education, communication and expression of cultural values.  相似文献   

张金凯 《新闻界》2020,(4):85-92
自20世纪媒介技术迅猛发展以来,对于媒介的认识和争论一直没有停止,传播学和媒介研究也正是在此背景下不断发展前行。上世纪六十、七十年代媒介研究范式变革时期,鲍德里亚与恩岑斯贝格两位思想家就媒介理论的基本认识展开一场争论,秉持法兰克福学派传统的恩岑斯贝格在法国"五月风暴"的氤氲下推进本雅明的技术文化理论,发展出了意识工业概念,对于思考媒介理论的合法性问题具有重要意义;对于鲍德里亚来说,媒介技术的"进化",实为一种拟真替代本真的社会交往,以媒介技术为中介的传播活动中,最终将导致人的本真缺失,因而宣告传统媒介理论已失去解释力。本文认为,这两个看似不在一个水平线上的对话实则包含了媒介理论研究的两种路径,即作为生产工具的技术论与作为传播工具的文化论。当我们在回顾和梳理鲍德里亚和恩岑斯贝格的争论时,需要从媒介化社会的视角来重新审视媒介理论的技术论和文化论之间的平衡。  相似文献   

朱威 《传媒观察》2020,(5):94-99
本文基于对交汇点新闻客户端融媒体新闻产品《白衣侠》制作过程的个案研究,探讨主流媒体融媒新闻生产的路径创新。这一路径背后蕴含全新的思考路向,反映出媒介融合从业态层面到社会层面再回到业态层面的过程,有助于我们理解和把握新传播技术变革下的传播实践。  相似文献   

Traditionally, radical social movements faced a dilemma regarding media coverage: focus either on mass media, but lose control of their representation, or on alternative media, but fail to get their message to the broader public. The World Wide Web overcomes these problems, allowing movements to create their own media with mass distribution. However, it has two key weaknesses of its own: attracting audiences and mixing in- and out-group communication. In this paper, we show how the structure and content of the anarchist Web-based media work together to separate in- and out-group discourses. We then demonstrate how the anarchists attracted an audience to their Web media. The Black Bloc tactics at the Seattle protests against the World Trade Organization brought an increase in media attention, albeit negative. We examine how anarchists took advantage of the larger audience created by this bad publicity and mounted a counter-public relations campaign online. We argue that the Web alters the power relationship between mainstream and alternative media without displacing the need for mainstream coverage.  相似文献   

Throughout American history that form of Protestantism that designates itself and is publicly conceived as “old‐time religion” has regularly been the innovator in the area of media. In stark contrast, its more staid establishment counterpart has tended to be antagonistic to these new media, dismissing them with harsh theological and aesthetic judgments. In this process, the self‐proclaimed theological conservatives actually behaved in remarkably adaptive and imaginative ways, while the self‐proclaimed liberal establishment often acted as the cultural conservator, pressing for the preservation of the status quo. This article seeks to understand why those Protestants who define themselves as “modernist” and “adaptive” have been far less successful in using the media than their conservative “anti‐modernist” counterparts. The focus is upon a case study—the reception of television by the Broadcast and Film Commission of the National Council of Churches. The conclusion is ironic: those Protestants who depended upon “modern,” “social scientific” criterion to guide their television policies fundamentally misunderstood the power of television and its impact upon society.  相似文献   

The professional identity of librarians is established with regard to the current understanding of their knowledge practices. The global phenomenon of false and untrustworthy information circulating on social media platforms paints a new issue that librarians must conquer. Messages, content, news, and information on the web make it challenging for librarians to educate users as to where the sources come from and the need to evaluate for credibility and trustworthiness. During the pandemic, and with a surge of information disorders on social media, the World Health Organization recommended building resilience to misinform-ation and engaging and empowering communities to take positive action. This research seeks to explore the relationship between professional identities and the participation of librarians in an infodiverse environment, specifically by exploring how Filipino librarians applied aspects of their knowledge practices to the evaluation of social media health information during the pandemic.  相似文献   

It is hard to imagine a more challenging arena for communication research than that presented by new media and their impact on our society. We have witnessed the fastest evolution in communication technology in human history and, along with it, the evolution of communication conceptions and theories used to assess its impact. More than a decade has passed since Chaffee and Metzger first published their intriguing article “The End of Mass Communication?” and suggested that the new media will change the notions of mass communication and, as a result, the theories used in communication research. Today, we know more about new media and its effect on communication, society, and communication theories. The present article, therefore, sets out to reassess Chaffee and Metzger's claim by describing the development of several core theories of communication research, namely the agenda-setting theory and the notions of media audiences and the Digital Divide, in light of the new media. Our review shows that the role played by communication technologies in social, cultural, political, and economic processes is as central and influential in the new media era as it was in traditional media environment and that, although theories may change to accommodate the changes of the new media environment, researchers are still dealing with the “old” issues of power and resistance, and structure and ownership.  相似文献   

The third‐person perception hypothesis posits that people believe others are more influenced by media messages than they are. The existing literature consistently documents that individuals make self vs. other distinctions when assessing media effects, but not how such distinctions are made. The current study sought to document the self/ other distinction in third‐person perception and to assess differences in how individuals separate their own personal risk from that of others. Findings of a survey of 180 urban minority youth confirm the presence of third‐person perception and significant self/other distinctions in media effects. A clear split between cognitive and social predictors emerged when assessing differences in self/other distinctions. Participants relied on cognitive factors when assessing their own risk, while relying more heavily on self‐esteem when assessing the relative risk of others. Liking and trust of the media was the only shared correlate of self/other distinctions in third‐person perception.  相似文献   

Research indicates that people are increasingly spending time with social media and other information communication technology. However, scholars have not fully examined how employees as holistic media consumers utilize social media in multiple contexts. Through in-depth interviews (N = 29), this study demonstrates that even as social media are embedded in organizational media use routines, employees question this technology for 2 reasons: It distracts from tasks and threatens personal privacy. These concerns often, but not exclusively, relate to employee age and the amount of time they have worked for the company. The study concludes by arguing that social media’s arrival in the workplace may exacerbate tensions and problems that are associated with presence-creep and the distortion of the work-life balance.  相似文献   


Librarians at Linköping University help researchers keep abreast of developments in their fields and to increase the visibility of their work. Strategic, professional use of social media ought to be an essential part of a researcher's communication strategy. This article investigates the level of awareness of the professional use of social media among LiU researchers. The investigation showed that use of social media was not significant; however, a small number saw potential. The purpose of this article is threefold. The first purpose was to evaluate the potential of using social media as a tool for communicating research outside LiU. Second, the article presents a study in which views of LiU researchers on social media were ascertained via seminar discussions, informal feedback, and interviews. The study has a case study approach involving eight researchers. Third, the article covers how LiU Library created a web-based information package to support researchers in social media use.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyse the different ways in which journalists negotiate representations of their professional and personal identity on social media platforms. We argue that the differing representations of personal and professional identity on social media correspond to the professional, organisational and institutional tensions that have emerged in this new space. Using qualitative interviews with various journalists and editorial staff from Australian media organisations across television, radio, print and online publications, we indicate that journalists present their personal and professional identity on social media in three different ways. The first group create public, professional social media accounts, but also create secondary, private accounts that are only accessible to personal networks. The second group either choose, or are required by their media organisation, to only have a professional presence on social media; that is, they have public accounts that are only associated with their media organisation and display only their professional activities. The last group merge a professional and personal identity on their social media sites, showing aspects of their personal and their professional lives on publically available accounts.  相似文献   

从传播学的角度看,圈层分化是人际传播所建构的群体认同下的强链接作用,其既利于维系人际交往圈,也是过度媒介化的结果,是移动社交下所衍生出的显著产物。在移动社交时代,人际交往主体对固化的人际交往圈所具有的双重性具有明晰的认知,才可能由内而外地建构自我,了解"主我"和"客我",提高自身媒介素养,更好地适应现代化的人际交往。  相似文献   

Recent studies of new communication technologies have shown that broad terms such as “new media” are problematic. This study expands previous research by exploring how first-generation, working class United States Latino participants perceive and use new communication technologies in relation to their cultural values. Discussions generated across seven focus group sessions (N=78) about three common new communication technologies, 1) cell phones, 2) computers, and 3) the internet, showed that United States Latinos positioned the perceived usefulness of each communication technology differently, based upon their cultural values regarding good communication. In particular, participants discussed how cell phones provide an effective way to make interpersonal contact whereas computers and the internet were viewed as damaging to the communication necessary for good social relations. The findings show that this group of United States Latinos did not view new media as a homogeneous category, but instead had very distinct perceptions and ideas about the expected uses of cell phones, computers, and the internet in relation to their cultural values regarding communication.  相似文献   

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