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本文是中国人民大学新闻与社会发展研究中心所承担的,国家新闻出版总署委托研究项目——《新闻传播硕士专业学位设置论证》课题成果主报告的一部分。该文通过对当前我国新闻传播业发展和新闻传播教育实践的现实考察,分析了当前我国开设新闻传播硕士专业学位教育的背景,论述了设置新闻传播硕士专业学位的必要性、紧迫性和可行性,并得出了目前我国设置新闻传播硕士专业学位的条件已经成熟的结论。  相似文献   

台湾政治大学新闻研究所李瞻教授是新闻史、新闻学理论、政策与制度研究的著名学者,在海内外均享有盛誉。此次笔者受政大邀请赴台参加文化交流活动,得以近距离接触这位已入耄耋之年,但却仍活跃在新闻与传播学研究前沿的前辈。李瞻先生以  相似文献   

2008年我国的新闻传播学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文回顾了2008年我国新闻传播学研究的整体情况,选择其中较为新鲜的话题、观点进行阐述。内容涉及新闻传播学基本理论研究和现实问题研究两方面。现实问题研究主要讨论了国家层面的传媒公关、国家信息公开政策,以及对公共关系学的认识等。  相似文献   

本文通过对2006年度学术期刊的回顾分析,从媒介形态、新闻理论、传播学、网络传播、新闻史、广播电视等六个方面综述了2006年国内新闻传播研究的进展。  相似文献   

1930年代初中期,北平存在三种新闻学话语实践,大众新闻学话语以自由主义-民族主义的路径达成体系,统制新闻学话语存在阶级对抗/国家主义、民主民权/国家主义的二元对应逻辑;苏联新闻学话语则存在革命与建设的逻辑转用难题。大众的迷思、粗糙的阶级分析以及民族国家认同上的偏差,使诸等新闻学话语内涵斑驳,纠葛难清,反映出新闻界和教育界对北平新闻业多元而复杂的反思历程。  相似文献   

本文采用话语分析与叙事分析的研究方法,通过台湾社会对《海角七号》意义的阐述与解读,借鉴现有历史研究的成果,对其叙事策略及各方围绕电影建构的意义体系进行了分析,力图将此过程中对历史叙事的阐释与解读问题化,借此揭示流行视觉文化在调用历史资源进行叙事或再现时存在的问题与面临的困境,进而促进对历史-媒介-文化三者互动关系的深入思考。  相似文献   


Uncovered in the course of a 2011 study looking at partnerships between academic and public libraries in Canada was a unique series of partnerships among a college library, public library, regional library system, and school district library system in Medicine Hat, Alberta. With little or no additional funding, these libraries have partnered to deliver library services beneficial to both their primary clients and the broader community. Through a case study of the libraries, it is possible to determine the value and the challenges of partnerships and the elements of organizational culture necessary for successful partnerships.  相似文献   

为了系统、全面地梳理科学前沿进展,提高选题的科学性、创新性、适用性和有效性,本研究以乙酰甲喹剂型研发为例,在信息分析人员与科研人员优势互补的基础上,遴选检索点、观察点,通过文献专业检索,信息分步提取,构建1-模、2-模矩阵,梳理选择数据等步骤,采用聚类分析、战略坐标分析、社会网络分析和高频关键词分类排序等知识图谱方法对数据进行可视化分析。结果表明,知识图谱方法能够揭示乙酰甲喹研究生长点、趋势及其实验检测指标,这与该研究传统选题结果基本吻合,而且观察更迅速、更直观、更系统,说明知识图谱方法可为科研选题提供更加有效的新思路和方法。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the research design and methods used to investigate the interactions of organisational culture, defined as encompassing layers of national, occupational and corporate culture, with information and its management. A central focus of the study was recordkeeping in organisations. Consideration is given to the key concepts involved, and the two theoretical frameworks which were used as analytical tools in the study are outlined— the information continuum model and Hofstede's dimensions of national culture. Use of a case study methodology, analysis of the data collected and comparative analysis of findings are all discussed.  相似文献   

国家叙词库采用以《汉语主题词表》为中心表、其他中文叙词表向中心表映射的模式进行基于概念的语义集成。为了研究学科交叉对国家叙词库语义映射造成的影响,本文选取八部叙词表中环境科学大类5 120个概念,与《汉语主题词表》环境科学大类8 329个概念进行映射实验。通过计算机自动匹配发现,多表映射存在一个概念等同映射到多个概念,多个概念等同映射到一个概念等逻辑问题。本文以实例形式分析这些逻辑问题的存在形式,并从概念专指度、概念语义模糊、语义关系结构、学科背景等方面分析产生这些逻辑问题的主要原因;在此基础上,提出解决这些逻辑问题的原则以及映射完整性的判定规则。图16。表5。参考文献14。  相似文献   

文章基于我国公共档案馆的社会化服务发展趋势,通过档案文化休闲利用的视角对公共服务型档案馆的实现进行可行性分析。从档案馆的公共属性与文化属性、人们休闲时间的增多与精神需求的扩大、推动文化产业成为国民经济支柱型产业的提出等方面出发,提出公共服务型档案馆文化休闲功能开发具有一定的必然性,并从资源、服务及制度三个方面探讨其实现的对策。  相似文献   

文章对公共图书馆旅游服务实践和研究现状进行分析,指出国内公共图书馆的旅游服务存在责任感不强、重点不明确、措施不精准等问题,进而影响了服务效能。公共图书馆可以从地方感理论中获取启发,将增强地方性作为主要方向,以旅游决策者、旅游者、居民和旅游从业者为服务对象,创新性地开展地方性研究咨询交流活动、搭建地方特色文化传承弘扬平台和建设地方旅游信息集散中心等服务措施。  相似文献   


Case studies can be an excellent way to teach management principles. This article presents a detailed analysis of the fourteen case studies included in Academic Library Management: Case Studies, edited by Tammy Nickelson Dearie, Michael Meth, and Elaine L. Westbrooks. The authors of the case studies participated in the 2014 UCLA Senior Fellows program, directed by Beverly Lynch, and prepared these case studies as a way to fill a void in the professional management literature. The article summarizes the management problem in each case study and the actions taken to resolve it. This analysis also includes a critique of the case studies as appropriate including additional information that would make the case study stronger, the author’s opinion on the veracity of the account, commentary on the choice of the management principles, particularly strong or weak points, and further lessons that could be drawn from the case study. The article concludes with some general observations on this type of case study and its potential use in teaching library management.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]中国边界与海洋研究是典型的"以问题为导向"的跨学科研究,本研究旨在以边海研究为例,归纳其文献需求特点,探讨相应的文献保障策略。[方法/过程]综合运用引文核查法和访谈调查法,对武汉大学中国边界与海洋研究院自2007年建院以来所有发表文章的引文文献类型、学科、语种、被引年限间隔等指标,以及研究人员的主观文献需求访谈调研结果进行分析。[结果/结论]边海研究的文献需求总体上更加复杂多样,对期刊、图书、网络资源的依赖度高,政治学、法学特色突出,中英文文献占比近九成,文献时间跨度大。因此,图书馆应立足用户文献需求,注重馆藏特色资源建设,细化文献资源建设策略,优化学科服务。  相似文献   

This article shares the experience and lessons learned by Information Training and Outreach Center for Africa (ITOCA) in rolling out an on-line distance learning course. Key objectives were to explore the efficacy of online courses in increasing skills and awareness of electronic resources access initiatives. This is in the context of responding to limited funding alongside low awareness and usage of the resources. The initiative involved several stake-holders including ITOCA, Research 4 Life (R4Life), and the World Health Organization (WHO). The process used to set up the course and the results are described. Challenges and lessons learned are highlighted. Various recommendations for improving future courses are proposed. It is concluded that on-line learning is the fastest, least expensive, and most convenient mode of training and outreach, especially when compared with face-to-face delivery. It should be acknowledged that this mode of training requires much time, planning, and effective communication between the different parties.  相似文献   

The University of Washington Bothell & Cascadia College Library recently partnered with a faculty member to develop a digital collection showcasing student-produced digital oral histories. This case study describes the role of the library as faculty partner, student resource, and repository/publisher. Archiving and publishing requirements—such as file formats, agreement forms, and metadata—were integrated into the assignment and included as part of each project's overall evaluation and grade. Librarians provided instruction to teach students about topics related to knowledge production and scholarly communication. Assessment included student feedback surveys and faculty feedback to librarians.  相似文献   

以首都师范大学为对象,在使用统计分析和 Web of Science 收录论文的学科结构分析基础上,探讨从学科结构的角度优化调整馆藏外文电子资源的潜在依据和问题.  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] By investigating the reading status and reading level of orphan students, this paper analyzes the problems of orphans in reading, and puts forward the modes and strategies of serving orphans and other disadvantaged groups under the framework of the "reading cycle" theory.[Method/process] Questionnaires and interviews were used to investigate the reading status of orphan students and ordinary students in Jilin province. Statistical software was used to analyze whether there were significant differences in reading level between orphan students and ordinary students.[Result/conclusion] Through investigation and research, it is found that orphan students have strong reading enthusiasm, but they are faced with the problems of insufficient reading resources, lacking experience in book selection and effective feedback. Their reading speed and reading comprehension ability are significantly different from their peers. Libraries and other reading service organizations and reading assistants should promote the services for orphans and other disadvantaged groups from three aspects:book selection, reading and response.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]随着信息技术的高速发展,学科之间的交叉融合趋势越来越明显,探索学科间知识交流活动,明确学科结构,对其学科发展具有重要意义。以图书情报学科为例,观察其知识的流入与输出情况,包括知识从哪个学科哪些方面流入以及输出到哪些学科哪些方面。[方法/过程]选择图书情报领域12种核心期刊作为数据来源,以CNKI的学科分类为标准进行学科划分,使用可视化软件工具Gephi,从参考和引证两个角度探讨图书情报学科与其他学科间的交叉融合情况。[结果/结论]图书情报学科与计算机科学、基础科学综合、经济管理等学科联系紧密,学科结构趋于稳定;图书情报学科的参考总量远远小于被引总量;自引率呈逐年下降趋势,和外部学科交流频繁。  相似文献   

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