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This study examines new explanatory predictors behind the spiral of silence theory, using the issue of legalization of same-sex marriage in Singapore as the context of study. Our results show that fear of isolation and saving face were negatively associated with individuals' willingness to express their opinion on the issue, whereas news attention and issue salience were positively associated. Also, fear of isolation was negatively associated with individuals' willingness to offer a rationale for their opinion, whereas news attention and issue salience were positively associated. Power distance had no effects on outspokenness. Notably, news attention moderated the influence of fear of isolation and saving face on public outspokenness.  相似文献   

This study investigates the framing effects of gay-themed entertainment media in China. Specifically, the study explores the mechanisms underlying attribution framing and value framing, through two separate experiments. The results of the first experiment indicate that exposure to attribution frames had considerable influence on the participants' perceptions of the controllability of homosexuality and their emotional responses. In addition, fictional entertainment media's framing of the origin of homosexuality indirectly influenced the participants' opinion through anger. Those participants exposed to a program homosexuality as a type of ‘controllable’ sexuality were likely to express anger and thus were not likely to support gay rights. The results of the second experiment indicate that the core values reflected in a gay-themed program affected the participants' opinions by changing their perception of the importance of value-related beliefs. Those participants exposed to a frame reflecting family values were likely to consider beliefs about family values to be important, which facilitated their support for gay people's personal dignity and equal rights to jobs, housing, and freedom of expression, among others.  相似文献   

People affected by rare diseases often have limited coping resources and sometimes face stigma. They build communities with others who share their conditions, but not all members may benefit from these communities. This study investigated how adults with a rare genetic health condition (Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency; AATD) think about both the Alpha-1 community and public stigma about AATD, and how these cognitions predict their communication responses and well-being. The results showed that people with AATD-encountered stigmatization from various sources. Stronger public stigma predicted more secrecy, more stress, and less available support. Stronger group identification with the Alpha-1 community predicted less secrecy; stronger group activism predicted more available support and more communication to challenge stigmatizers. Post hoc analyses showed significant interactions between public stigma and group cognitions on communication to challenge stigmatizers. Practical implications for bolstering communities to improve the well-being of people with rare diseases were discussed.  相似文献   

Air pollution is a critical environmental problem that has spurred great public concern in China. This study examines how issue salience, environmental value, risk perception, and affective response influence information seeking, objective knowledge, and policy support related to this issue. The recent release of a controversial environmental documentary on Chinese social media, Under the Dome, also prompted us to explore the impact of exposure to this documentary on Chinese social media users’ information seeking and policy support related to air pollution. Results showed that risk perception and negative affect influenced information seeking and policy support both directly and indirectly. Also, exposure to the documentary moderated the effects of key variables on information seeking and policy support. However, contrary to our expectations, no significant relationship was found between information seeking and objective knowledge. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings were discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated an on-line cancer support community emphasizing communication concerns important to the community administrators. The researcher conducted an on-line survey of participants (N v = v 103) focused on their on-line communication activities and social support. The results indicate a modest negative correlation between emotional support received on-line and perceived stress, differences in emotional support scores based on perceptions of disadvantages of on-line support groups, and different motives for using the community between people with cancer and family members. The study also describes suggestions based on the results that were made to community administrators and which could be used by other on-line support communities.  相似文献   


The information and knowledge society has resulted in the exponential growth of information and communication technologies (ICTs), thus creating a gap between those who use ICTs and those who do not; hence the emergence of the term “digital divide” in the 1990s. One of the milestones of South Africa’s National Development Plan, a policy that charts the country’s development up until 2030, is to ensure that high-speed broadband internet is universally available at competitive prices. Notwithstanding the importance of ICTs in public libraries, the provision of such is still taking place on a limited scale in South Africa. This article investigates the use of ICTs in public libraries in South Africa as a tool in bridging the digital divide. It also examines the inequalities in access and use and suggests ways in which ICTs may be used to reduce the digital divide. A qualitative research methodology was adopted. In order for public libraries to function as an important tool in bridging the digital divide, there is a need to standardize the provision of public library services with regard to the digital divide.  相似文献   

Faculty perceptions of librarians' contributions to students' research skills has been linked to frequency of librarian contact in the extant literature. Yet, to date, no studies have tested this hypothesis via a large-scale nationally representative data set. In addition, the hypothesis that faculty perceptions of librarians might also be a function of faculty course goals has yet to be tested. This current study analyzed the most recent Ithaka S + R US Faculty Survey responses to evaluate the relationship between librarian contact, course goals, and faculty perceptions of librarians' contributions. The analyses support the conclusion that perceived frequency of librarian interaction and faculty course goals are both associated with faculty perceptions of librarians' contributions to students' research skill development. Furthermore, this study unveiled a moderating effect between perceived frequency of librarian contact and faculty course goals; that is, one is contingent on the other.  相似文献   

People communicate differently based on their willingness to communicate, along with their feelings of solidarity with the receivers (McCroskey & Richmond, 1987). People who are high in their willingness to communicate and feel close to their receivers would seemingly communicate more frequently and intimately. This study investigated this proposition by considering the late adolescent sibling relationship. College students were asked to complete a questionnaire focusing on the frequency, breadth, and depth of their communication with their siblings. Participants also completed measures of their trait willingness to communicate, their willingness to communicate with their siblings, and their solidarity with their siblings. People's willingness to communicate and willingness to communicate with their siblings was positively related to their frequency, breadth, and depth of communication with their siblings. Solidarity was also found to be positively related to frequency, breadth, and depth of communication.  相似文献   

This study surveys transitions specific to parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), examines how aspects of relational turbulence vary based on the type of transition experienced, and explores the transition processing activities couples use to navigate marital transitions in this context. The study examined the transition experiences of 298 parents of children with ASD who were currently married. Participants detailed an important transition throughout the life span of their child with ASD using open-ended questions. They completed scales assessing qualities of the relationship during the transition and transition processing communication used to navigate the experience. Results demonstrate significant differences in experiences of relational turbulence based on the type of transition described. In particular, the initial diagnosis received the highest ratings for transition magnitude and relational turbulence compared to other common transitions. Engagement in transition processing communication predicted relational uncertainty and facilitation from a partner, which predicted relational turbulence.  相似文献   

Based on issue ownership theory, this study identifies the effects of issue obtrusiveness, issue congruence, and crisis response strategies on the level of acceptance of crisis communication messages employing 2 × 2 × 3 (issue obtrusiveness × issue congruence × response strategies: scapegoat, justification, reminder) experimental research. Two large Korean business groups (Hyundai and SK) were selected. There was a main effect in crisis response strategies and a three-way interaction effect. A crisis communication message was effective when a corporation owns congruent and unobtrusive issues. Implications for public relations research and practices were discussed.  相似文献   

An e-mail survey of online journalists reveals that online journalists' emotional responses to their competitors' coverage are significantly correlated with their job satisfaction, workload, and the perceived quality of their news website. The more negatively online journalists feel when they get scooped by their competitors, the more unsatisfied they are with their jobs. The more negatively the journalists feel about getting scooped, the more the workload the journalists feel that they have. The more positively online journalists feel when they scoop their competitors, the more positively they perceive the quality of their news website. In addition, the greater the workload the journalists consider that they have, the more unsatisfied they are with their jobs. The more positively the journalists perceive the quality of their news organization, the more satisfied they are with their jobs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to validate a template for the instruction of interpersonal communication. Two dimensions emerged that characterize the study of communication: a theory—application dimension and a communication—relationships dimension. These anchors serve as the foundation for the Interpersonal Communication Template. Juxtaposing these two dimensions yields a four‐quadrant template featuring: theory—communication; theory—relationships; application—communication; application—relationships. Journal articles were categorized within the four quadrants. Five hundred and seventy two articles were reviewed, resulting in the identification of 998 interpersonal communication theories, constructs, and contexts. The theories, constructs, and contexts were then collapsed into 120 interpersonal communication topics. To derive the interpersonal communication topics, the co‐coders utilized the constant comparative method (i.e., analytic induction) (Glaser & Strauss, 1967). The organization of the 120 topics within the communication—relationships and theory—application dimensions provides an illustration of the field utilizing the Interpersonal Communication Template as an organizing mechanism. Implications of the template for research and instruction of interpersonal communication are discussed.  相似文献   

To date, a limited number of aqueous conditions have been tested experimentally as potential cleaning reagents on modern acrylic paint films. Those assessed have tended to extract measurable quantities of paint film components and distort the paint films physically. In this paper the results of a series of experiments designed to examine pH, conductivity, and specific ion effects of potential aqueous cleaning solutions on a series of commercial acrylic paints are reported. A three-dimensional microscopic technique was used to characterize the physical (volume and surface roughness) changes and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry was used to characterize the chemical (extracted surfactant) changes following paint film exposure to the aqueous solution. The tested paint films in this study clearly exhibit an isotonic point below which swelling and extraction is significant, and above which the swelling and extraction is diminished. Manipulation of conductivity and the ionic species in solution can reduce both the physical film changes and surfactant extraction from acrylic paint films; while pH appears to be of limited use in controlling aqueous cleaning effects. Moreover, there seems to be a specific ion effect for both swelling and de-swelling in acrylic paint films that can be rationalized through the Hofmeister Series.  相似文献   

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive, neurodegenerative illness that can yield a host of well-documented physical and psychosocial challenges; however, the impact of the disease on the identity of persons with PD (PWPs) is not well understood. Based on a constructivist grounded theory approach, data gathered from in-depth interviews with 47 PWPs were analyzed using constant comparison. The resulting theoretical structure related to identity and communication states that (a) PD threatens identity in several significant ways; (b) PWPs communicatively manage threats to identity; and (c) communicatively managing threats to identity is a complex, varied process. Results offer a theoretical understanding of the ways in which identity, communication, and PD are linked, and can inform interventions and care for this population.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of narrative messages of a massive fire crisis on optimistic bias by experimentally comparing the effect of narrative describing a personal story on the crisis incident and that of non-narrative message (Study 1). Researchers further sought the interaction between controllability and the narrative message and the mediated moderation model of risk perception. In Study 2, the effect of narrative message describing a group story on the crisis incident on optimistic bias was further tested in terms of South Korea’s collectivistic culture. Collectivism, along with controllability, was used as a moderator, and mediated moderation models of risk perception were tested. The present research offers several major findings: (1) a narrative message describing a personal story decreased optimistic bias, (2) among people who read a narrative describing a personal story, those with high controllability had a lower level of optimistic bias than those with low controllability, (3) among people who read the narrative of a group story, those with high collectivism had a lower level of optimistic bias than those with low collectivism, and (4) the interaction between message types and collectivism affected risk perception and this risk perception increased optimistic bias. Theoretical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

介绍中华医学会系列杂志近年来借助云技术的发展加强平台建设,通过优质数据生产提升出版效率,以及利用移动传播手段加强期刊内容、学术会议的宣传等方面的实践,探讨科技期刊如何在泛在网络环境下加强数字化出版资源的组织、管理和传播,提升数据质量,完善服务功能,拓展传播模式和途径,全面提升信息服务品质.提出了服务创新应坚持以用户需求为中心,结合互联网+做好连接服务,构建基于知识挖掘和社区交互的主动服务模式.  相似文献   

文章针对精品科技期刊网络共享服务平台建设的应用需求,通过对开放源代码软件DSpace的研究,结合精品科技期刊网络服务系统建设的基本策略和实际功能需求,以DSpace为基础构建精品科技期刊网络服务系统,详细介绍了系统的总体结构设计、功能设计以及基于JAVA环境的系统实现.  相似文献   

两千载传统集萃三百年蒙学范本——《古文观止》述论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李凭 《图书馆论坛》2007,27(6):276-280
《古文观止》诞生于17世纪末叶,三个世纪以来畅销不衰,在文选类图书中普及程度至今尚无出其右者。虽然长期以来学人大多以普及读物看待《古文观止》,但是它的内容却典雅不俗,其中绝大部分作品为古代散文的精华,传统文化的代表。这些作品的语言优美,易于记诵,文中不乏佳言警句,并非一般普及读物可比。  相似文献   

Invoking social identity theory as an interpretive frame, a previous content analysis of heterosexuals' representations of imagined conversations with gay men revealed a number of communication schemas for talk with the latter (e.g., homonegativity and offense avoidance). This study explores the role of participant sex in determining the prevalence of such schemas, comparatively incorporating representations of conversations with a heterosexual target. Two hundred American undergraduates imagined a conversation with a gay or heterosexual male target. Male participants' imagined conversations with a gay target were rated more negative, indicated less evidence of relational development, and included more gay stereotyping than did females' imagined dialogues.  相似文献   

徽州刻书历史悠久,经宋元时期的发展,明清时期的徽州刻书闻名全国,不断发展壮大而成为全国刻书业的领军,涌现出大批优秀成果。秦宗财博士所著《明清文化传播与商业互动研究:以徽州出版与徽商为中心》,在传播学视角下考证了明清徽州出版的特点与影响,揭示了明清文化传播与商业经济互动的内在机制,既是一部研究价值高的徽学著述,又是一部优秀的研究文化传播之著作。  相似文献   

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