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During the SST controversy old arguments were losing force and new ones were developing. As in other recent technological debates, SST proponents raised charges of environmental catastrophe which were most difficult to disprove, while SST proponents made serious errors in analyzing their audience. We have not yet learned how to conduct effctive public discussion of scientific issues.  相似文献   

Court decisions themselves, and not just arguments before courts, are rhetorical works. The Supreme Court majority opinion in the publicized 1973 abortion case Roe v. Wade demonstrated this rhetorical nature of decisions both in its choice of arguments and evidence and in its effort to organize symbolically the world of the medical and legal considerations surrounding abortion.  相似文献   


Power comes from the unification of mass. Physical unity is a result of psychic unity. Psychic unity is the product of two kinds of mobilization—episodic and systemic. Episodic mobilization is the temporary unification of people for a limited end; Systemic mobilization involves the control of a whole field of behavior. A major form of mobilization—ideology—is discussed at length.  相似文献   

"The American Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS) provides Stateside radio and television programming, ‘a touch of home,' to U.S. service men and women, DoD civilians, and their families serving outside the continental United States" (AFRTS, 2004). Bagram, Baghdad, Kabul, and Kandahar are the familiar names of conflict zones in 2004. In these faraway operational theaters, the AFRTS provides a homey electronic media touch to the lives of the troops. Guadalcanal, New Georgia, Noumea, and Bougainville-these were the familiar names from another conflict, the Second World War. Exactly 60 years ago, the precursor of the modern-day AFRTS was also providing comfort for troops far from home in these remote Pacific Islands.  相似文献   

This essay applies Richard Gregg's theory of protest rhetoric to 705 American social movement songs from 1800 to 1985 to discover how songs enable protestors to identify against others and thus to locate themselves positively in the social hierarchy. Songs are ideal messages for ego‐enhancement because they are movement‐centered, concerned with social relationships, and highly self‐directed. Terms denoting innocent victimage and wicked victimizer dominate the selected songs, and the vision of reality is negative, dangerous, threatening, and unfair. Relatively few songs emphasize the unity, virtue, wisdom, or bravery of protestors. The self‐image contained in songs does not appear to express a strongly positive identity or locate the oppressed very high in the symbolic or social hierarchy. This self‐image would seem to fulfill three ego functions essential for the early phases of social movements: raising consciousness, allaying guilt, and reclaiming or proclaiming one's ego. However, a different self‐image is needed as movements grow, confront opposition successfully, achieve some goals, suffer setbacks, and splinter into factions. This analysis of songs indicates that protestors have difficulty making the essential transition from a self‐image of victim to one of power, worth, and virtue. They cannot extricate themselves from symbolically defensive positions in a hostile environment.  相似文献   

Corporate attention to quality products and services is expressed in the language used to communicate that attention. Language that is redundant, intense and elevated to iconic status both reflects and shapes attention. This study examines how end‐users, corporate bodies and employees communicate about quality. A series of propositions are inductively derived.  相似文献   

Richard Weaver's notion that the forms of argument used by a speaker—genus, similitude, cause and effect, or circumstance‐indicate the speaker's ideology is used to analyze speeches of Jimmy Carter, Lyndon Johnson, and Jane Byrne, mayor of Chicago. Their early rhetoric was characterized by argument from genus, their later rhetoric by less idealistic forms of argument, suggesting that their world view has changed and with it the public's view of their performance.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):383-397
Why does public speaking anxiety lead people to present speeches of judged lower quality? Prior research suggests a number of variables that might detrimentally affect the performance of highly anxious speakers when they present speeches. But does speech anxiety affect only presentation behavior, or does it also affect the ways in which people prepare their speeches? Measures of public speaking anxiety, and most texts focusing on presentational speaking, assume that the anxiety's effect is limited to performance. In the current study we examine this notion. Using a number of variables drawn from a conceptual model of the speech preparation process, we first find that the way people go about preparing their speeches is meaningfully associated with the quality of their presentation. Second, we discover that public speaking anxiety is significantly related to how people prepare speeches. People with high levels of speech anxiety engage in a variety of preparation actions that may limit the effectiveness of their presentations. When the impact of speech anxiety is statistically removed from the preparation process, the relationship between preparation and speech quality is much smaller. In understanding how speech anxiety affects public presentations, it is critical to examine not only what happens during the speech but also how the speech is prepared.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):286-298

This study examined the effects of sentence context on response variation for vague, ambiguous, and clear nouns. Thirty‐four subjects within a 2x3 mixed design responded to five nouns of each type. The results indicated that nouns appearing in sentence context produced less response variation than nouns appearing alone. It was also found that clear nouns generated more homogeneous responses than did vague or ambiguous nouns. Finally, the study showed that ambiguous nouns appearing in sentences did not result in more or less response variation than did vague nouns appearing in sentences.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of the the jeremiad in shaping public attitudes toward political dissent during the Franco‐American Crisis of 1798‐99. Attention is focused on three widely publicized sermons in which the Reverend Jedidiah Morse disclosed details of a dark conspiracy involving both domestic critics of the Adams administration and a mysterious order of European anarchists known as the Bavarian Illuminati. By framing his suspicions in the form of a jeremiad, Morse evoked a rhetorical context which portrayed the conspiracy as a divine test of American civic piety. As a result, the conspiracy provided a rhetorical justification for the condemnation of domestic political dissent on moral grounds.  相似文献   


Analyses of pigments from palettes used by J.M.W. Turner (active c.1792–c.1850) by means of microscopy, microchemical analysis, thin-layer chromatography, energy-dispersive X-ray analysis, X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy are given. The occurrence of pigments in Turner's dated oil paintings and watercolours is also given, arranged by five-year periods. These findings are discussed in the context of published analyses of pigments from the first half of the nineteenth century. Turner used cobalt blue, emerald green, viridian, orange vermilion, barium chromate, chrome yellow, chrome orange and chrome scarlet within a few years of their known dates of discovery. It has become clear that Turner was using, or at least experimenting with, practically all the pigments known to be available at that time. In a few cases, in the light of these results, ideas on the availability of pigments to English artists have been revised backwards to the first known date of manufacture. Turner also possessed and used a wide range of red and yellow organic pigments, but few organic greens. The dyestuff extracted from Rubia tinctorum L. madder on an aluminiumcontaining substrate can be distinguished from the same madder on different substrates by its strong pink fluorescence in both ultraviolet and green light. The other red organic pigments (a second madder, brasilwood and cochineal dyestuffs on a range of substrates containing aluminium, copper, iron, aluminium/copper and clays) show negligible fluorescence. The red organic pigments were used in oil medium as well as watercolour, the yellows only in watercolour medium.  相似文献   


This essay reworks the classical notions of kairos and to prepon to suggest that coercion can only be defended when the degree of human urgency exceeds the opportunity for further meaningful discourse. Unconditional demands are cast as thinly veiled elements underwriting a rhetoric advocating coercion. To illustrate the theoretical claims, the proposed criteria are used to critique U. S. involvement in the 1991 Gulf War, one of the most dramatic examples of American military power widely accepted by the American public as an instance of justified coercion.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested the need to broaden our approaches to violence in children's programming. This paper uses the violence of “The Road Runner” cartoon series as a starting point for a mythico-rhetorical analysis of the message system contained in the cartoon. It explores how the animated short re-enacts the myth of Sisyphus in the context of the post-World War II technological boom in the United States. Technology is the source of most of the violence in the cartoon, and the violence is created by failures of technology. The use of a “children's” medium to critique our reliance on technology offers substantial freedom to the animator, and, in turn, to the viewer and the critic. Examination of “The Road Runner” yields insights into the meanings of cartoon violence, into how media reproduce mythic structures, and into the potentially rich message systems of children's media.  相似文献   

In the 1922 Irish general election campaign, the cause of self‐determination split itself into two opposing groups. While the factions argued, from apparently common ground, they were in reality much different and argued from separate universes of discourse. This polarization and the lack of traditionally democratic methods in the political arena made it difficult to bring about change rhetorically.  相似文献   

网格技术的发展与数字图书馆建设   总被引:36,自引:3,他引:33  
网格是近年来兴起的一种前沿信息技术.本文分析了网格技术的有关内容和特点,介绍了网格技术研究的进展,论述了网格技术在数字图书馆建设中的应用以及一些相关的问题.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an improved Subject-Action-Object (SAO) network-based method for analyzing trends in technology development. It attempts to address shortcomings of the traditional SAO network approach, i.e., when setting Subject, Action and Object as nodes of the network, there may be errors in explaining the relationship between Subject Node and Object Node, and the strength of the relationship between subject and object also cannot be identified. The proposed improved SAO network-based method in this paper includes: (1) a new method for constructing an SAO network based on SAO links that calculate the intensity of the relationship between nodes; (2) a model for identifying technology development trends based on structural holes, changes in the distribution of node degrees, and shifts in network centrality. An empirical study on graphene technology is used to illustrate the validity and feasibility of the proposed method.  相似文献   

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