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“教育爱”在教育实践过程中具有相当的重要性,也理应是教育学中的一个核心性范畴,但在当今的教育学理论中却鲜少对此的直接探讨。“教育爱”是教师在教育过程中对学生所施予的一种爱,因其明确的教育性意向而具有相对独特的内涵。结合一些经典的爱的理论论述,可以使我们进一步明确爱的实质内涵及“教育爱”的独特特征。  相似文献   

概念隐喻理论是基础认知理论框架下抽象概念表征的重要理论。随着第二代认知科学的快速发展,研究者采用多种实验方法在隐喻表达领域及隐喻表达之外对该理论进行了探讨。大量实验研究结果表明,隐喻对知觉、记忆、思维、推理等认知活动均具有一定影响。文章对该领域的研究进行了简要归纳,详细介绍了几个方面的经典研究,并在此基础上进行了延伸性的思考,最后表述了对未来研究的展望。  相似文献   


In the wake of racial violence in urban schools and society, we question, “Can the field of urban education love blackness and Black lives unconditionally and as preconditions to humanity? What does it look like to (re)imagine urban classrooms as sites of love? As educators, how might we utilize a pedagogy of love as an embodied practice that influences holistic teaching? How might we utilize a pedagogy of love to include Black youths’ racialized and gendered life histories and experiences and their language and literacy practices? We outline and discuss five types of violence in schools (physical, symbolic, linguistic, curricula/pedagogical, and systemic school violence) which interfere with the creation and sustainability of revolutionary love in urban schools. We present examples of ‘fake love’ and provide the current backdrop. We operationalize revolutionary love and offer Afrocentric praxis and African Diaspora Literacy as antidotes to anti-Black types of violence that many students experience in urban schools.


Redressing educational inequity requires taking a comprehensive and systemic approach to education reform, a practice increasingly framed as “social justice (in) education.” However, while state and federal accountability mandates require any reform intended for K-12 classroom implementation to have a demonstrable impact on student achievement, published accounts of classroom-level “teaching for social justice” are widely varied and scantly evaluated. This article examines the conceptual foundations of teaching for social justice, presents a concrete framework for teaching for social justice in K-12 classrooms, and examines how elements of teaching for social justice are supported by existing research on secondary students’ academic, behavioral/motivational, and attitudinal outcomes. In conducting this review, the author hopes to provide both a rationale for teaching for social justice in K-12 classrooms and a foundation for future empirical research on how doing so affects student outcomes.  相似文献   

Drawing on the concept of transformative expectations—that is, the instructional practices that demonstrate teachers’ belief systems for the educational justice and empowerment of Chicanx/Latinx youth—this qualitative study explored the expectancy effects of nine classroom teachers with social justice commitments in a school district in California. Through semi-structured interviews, teacher journaling, and artifacts of classroom practices, this study points to the importance of teacher disposition and socialization in developing classroom expectations, as well as helps to conceptualize the expectancies of academic rigor, social capital, empowering curriculum, and teacher caring from perspectives of justice and their importance in supporting students to meet or exceed instructional goals. Applying figured worlds and transformative expectations as the study’s analytic frameworks, teachers reported these four expectancies as important strategies for bringing social justice into the classroom, thereby prompting discussions of the future directions of teaching for social justice.  相似文献   

为探索中国文化下积极青少年发展的结构与内涵,丰富发展心理学的相关理论,并通过家庭、学校和社区指导青少年教育实践工作,本研究对教师、社工、教育专家、中小学生及家长共112人进行了深度访谈,并对访谈资料进行编码分析。结果发现:(1)能力、品格、自我价值和联结四者相互联系构成了积极青少年发展的核心结构。(2)能力包括学习能力、社会能力和生活能力三个部分;品格由爱、志、信和毅四个方面构成;自我价值涉及自尊、自信和自我接纳;联结涉及家庭、学校和社区联结。(3)中国文化下积极青少年发展的内涵是指健康、充分发展的青少年所具备的能力、品格、自我价值和联结方面的核心特征,这些特征反映了个体与发展情境之间良好的双向互动关系。研究结果与西方文化背景下的积极青少年发展相比,既有相似之处,更存在内涵上的差异。中国文化下积极青少年发展的结构与内涵融入了我国传统文化中的优秀元素,也充分体现了时代发展对人才的基本要求,对我国的教育理论和实践具有重要的启示。  相似文献   

知识经济时代和信息社会的来临,要求高等学校从应试教育转向素质教育。在素质教育中,学生的创新、适应能力的培养占有重要地位。本文从学生创新、适应能力的培养方面进行了探索,提出了以思维方法为核心的教学方法框架,简称QMKE框架。并给出了该框架在教学实践中的应用及其存在的问题。  相似文献   

美国小说家纳撒尼尔.霍桑的杰作《红字》的女主人公海丝特.白兰身处十七世纪新英格兰的清教社会,她因爱而犯下大逆不道的通奸罪,但爱成为她反抗清教社会压迫、追求个人权利的最顽强的方式。直至她成为一个有独立思想的女性,爱始终是海丝特女性意识最根本的出发点和归属点。  相似文献   

The Teaching for Transformative Experiences in Science (TTES) model was designed to facilitate the application of academic learning in students' everyday experiences. In the current study, we describe a 2-year design-based intervention that aimed to further develop and evaluate the TTES model. In the first year, a teacher implemented the TTES model in two of his four classes. The findings indicated enhanced engagement and learning, but primarily among students with higher prior engagement and learning. Insights led to revision of the TTES model. In the second year, the revised TTES model was implemented in all the teacher's classes, with another teacher's classes used for comparison. Intervention students demonstrated significantly greater learning and reported significantly higher levels of transformative experience than the comparison students.  相似文献   

“关键教学行为”层级是对课堂教学行为重要性进行分级与研究.探寻关键教学行为对于抓住教学研究与改进中的核心问题,促进有效教学具有积极意义.基于中学数学课堂教学词典(Lexicon)项目资料,经专家论证,得到124个教学行为.借助CIT (Critical Incident Technique)技术,结合专家评判,提炼出16个关键教学行为.进一步运用问卷调查和访谈,得出中学数学课堂上关键性最高的A层教学行为:师生互动、教师提问、教师展示、学生听讲以及学生做题.其余教师讲解、学生讲解、学生提问、合作学习等11个关键教学行为属于B层;其余108个教学行为归入C层级.  相似文献   

While there is a growing literature focused on doctoral preparation for teaching about science teaching, rarely have recommendations extended to preparation for teaching science content to teachers. We three doctoral students employ self-study as a research methodology to investigate our developing pedagogical content knowledge for teaching science to teachers during a mentored internship in an elementary teacher professional development program. With our mentor, we examine critical incidents in the experience that supported new insights about teaching teachers and about ways in which beginning teacher educators need to develop their existing pedagogical content knowledge for teaching science to students in order to teach science effectively to teachers. We emphasize ways in which doctoral internships can support this learning and how our respective cultures shaped our interactions with and perceptions of teachers as learners.  相似文献   

Although the National Curriculum demands a wide range of speaking and listening activities in the primary classroom and the National Oracy Project has stimulated a rich variety of empirical work by teachers on children's spoken language, there is still an underdeveloped conceptual framework to the primary oracy curriculum as a whole. This article argues that the recent SCAA (School Curriculum and Assessment Authority) Exemplification of Standards booklet and video sent to every primary school in the country only raises once again some of these unresolved conceptual issues. It attempts to begin to construct a useful conceptual framework for classroom oracy using different concepts which help to frame the familial culture of the young child, the oral culture of the media and the cognitive and rational culture of school discourse.  相似文献   

Professional development for faculty in higher education takes many forms, from self-directed activities to organized programs of learning. Described in this article is a comprehensive definition of continuing professional development followed by a conceptual framework for thinking about those factors that support or impede our professional development. We conclude with a case study of one professor's career development, noting where various factors in the framework have played a part.  相似文献   

人力资源开发领域的学者和实践者都非常关注工作场所学习。关于正式培训和非正式学习,一直以来形成了大量的研究和讨论。本文从人力资源开发角度,结合已有的大量文献,提出了一个工作场所学习的概念性框架,框架包括三个互相作用的变量:学习的场所、在发展和传授学习经验时所制定的计划的程度和学习过程中培训者、推动者和其他人的角色。本文还讨论了这一框架对人力资源开发领域中理论建设和研究的启示。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide a theoretical critique of traditional pedagogical approaches used in the field of human movement studies. An argument is presented for an approach that will allow for the development of a conscious, critical praxis for those in programs and professions in the field. Through the suggested approach, students will be assisted in their development as critical, philosophically sound thinkers, and decision makers. An emergent approach—based upon the use of critical sensitive, critical feminist, and student-centered pedagogical principles that will allow for a cross-disciplinary strategy for informing and developing students in the realm of human movement studies and its allied professions-is presented.  相似文献   

本文提到的教育教学专家对未来语文教育的“四种构想“,是最近几年来作者无心收集而有意归纳和梳理的.透过对专家“四种构想“的评析,作者也寄托了自己对课程改革之后中国语文教育的一种人文化期待.  相似文献   

The emerging field of adult counseling generally refers to the applications of adult development and life transitions literature in counseling. To date, numerous definitions that apply a particular theoretical perspective to clients within an established counseling approach have characterized practice. In contrast, collaborative counseling is a term that defines an inclusive theoretical framework and distinct counseling approach. The phenomenology of counselors is defined in terms of three perspectives: (a) developmental—for conceptualizing adult experience and counseling; (b) collaborative—for characterizing counselor-client roles, interactions, and processes; and (c) idiographic—for conceptualizing applicability of theory and interventions to individuals. From these perspectives a specialized practice is derived that emphasizes transitional status assessment, adult processes, counseling outcomes in meaning and behavior, as well as multiple contexts and modalities for delivery of service. The implications for curriculum and training provide the basis for defining a specialization in adult counseling.  相似文献   

Changes in our global world have shifted the skill demands from acquisition of structured knowledge to mastery of skills, often referred to as twenty-first century competencies. Given these changes, a sequential explanatory mixed methods study was undertaken to (a) examine predominant instructional methods and technologies used by teacher educators, (b) identify attributes for learning and teaching in the twenty-first century, and (c) develop a pedagogical framework for promoting meaningful usage of advanced technologies. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected via an online survey, personal interviews, and written reflections with science teacher educators and student teachers. Findings indicated that teacher educators do not provide sufficient models for the promotion of reform-based practice via web 2.0 environments, such as Wikis, blogs, social networks, or other cloud technologies. Findings also indicated four attributes for teaching and learning in the twenty-first century: (a) adapting to frequent changes and uncertain situations, (b) collaborating and communicating in decentralized environments, (c) generating data and managing information, and (d) releasing control by encouraging exploration. Guided by social constructivist paradigms and twenty-first century teaching attributes, this study suggests a pedagogical framework for fostering meaningful usage of advanced technologies in science teacher education courses.  相似文献   

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