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同伴互评作为一种形成性评价策略,已经成为现阶段网络学习评价领域研究的热点。本研究将同伴互评策略应用于高校混合式教学之中,设计同伴互评学习活动。研究整体采用行动研究法设计、修改同伴互评活动,并分析学习者对活动的改进意见。研究一方面分析互评活动对在线学习效果的影响以及活动对于两类学习风格学习者影响的差异;另一方面深入分析学习者对于活动的态度及改进意见。主要研究结论认为:(1)研究设计的同伴互评活动能够促进学习者深入理解学习内容,并提升最终成果的质量。(2)相对综合型学习风格的学习者而言,同伴互评更加有助于提升序列型学习者对知识运用的水平。最后,研究总结了同伴互评活动设计的改进方案及后续设计要点。  相似文献   

Owing to the break-out of the COVID-19 pandemic, students have to take more online learning than offline, and large-scale education assessment programs have to be suspended or postponed. How could education assessment adapt to large-scale online learning? How could the effect and safety of online assessment be improved? What role should formative assessment play in student admissions? How could different assessment results be linked? Reflections on and trends of the Chinese experiences are presented in this article. Based on cross-cultural comparison research, measures to be recommended are as follows: reviewing previous theories, improving existing methods continuously, and developing assessment techniques innovatively according to new application scenarios.  相似文献   

大学英语写作能力的培养一直是较难解决的问题。然而,以现代信息技术为标志的语言教学现代化为解决这个问题提供了契机。本研究以形成性评价理论为依据,提出自主写作模型以指导实验过程,同时应用在线写作自动评价系统WRM2为写作和反馈工具,以问卷、教师日志、学生日志和访谈记录为数据收集工具,在两组学生中开展写作教学实证研究,试图探索融入WRM2系统的写作教学模式与大学生英语自主写作能力之间的关系。  相似文献   

本实验借助新视野大学英语网络版系统软件,设计网络语言训练的形成性评价,在学校网站上开展学生自主的英语听、说、读、写、译技能的在线训练。实验从2007年9月开始,一直延续至今,全面考察了基于网络语言训练的形成性评价对学生英语综合应用能力发展的影响。实验表明,在网络+课堂的大学英语新型教学模式中,该评价体系能有效督促学生的网上自主训练,使学生的各项英语技能得到不同程度的发展。  相似文献   

Planning time for giving students effective feedback is an important and challenging aspect of the teaching and learning process. In our article we describe and analyze how we engage students as partners in providing formative feedback in time for students to modify their own thinking or behavior to improve learning. We have found ways to provide formative feedback more frequently and to involve students in providing effective formative feedback to each other. The four techniques we describe are the following: a) three-color group quiz with feedback on product, process, and progress; b) midterm student conferencing; c) shared revision of student generated questions and statements; and d) timely feedback using collaborative assignment blogs. These techniques give feedback in time for revisions to occur, provide scaffolding for learners, inform instruction, and most importantly, involve students as partners in assessment. These pedagogical strategies show that the resulting benefits of improved instruction, enhanced student learning, and better student products are worth the time and effort and contribute to a productive classroom climate where the focus is on learning more than on grading. Formative feedback involving students as partners is a key strategy to enhance the teaching and learning process.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a two-year classroom investigation of primary school (Years 1–8) technology education. The first year of the project explored emerging classroom practices in technology. In the second year intervention strategies were developed to enhance teaching, learning and assessment practices. Findings from the first year revealed that assessment was often seen in terms of social and managerial aspects, such as teamwork, turn taking and co-operative skills, rather than procedural and conceptual technological aspects. Existing formative interactions with students distorted the learning away from the procedural and conceptual aspects of the subject. The second year explored the development of teachers' technological knowledge in order to enhance formative assessment practices in technology, to inform classroom practice in technology, and to enhance student learning. Intervention strategies were designed to enhance the development of procedural, conceptual, societal and technical aspects of technology for teachers and students. The results from this intervention were very positive. This paper highlights the importance of developing teacher expertise pertaining to broad concepts of technology, detailed concepts in different technological areas and general pedagogical knowledge. The findings from this research therefore have implications for thinking about teaching, learning and assessment in technology.  相似文献   

With increasing need to achieve appropriate balance between learning support and self-regulation within the context of online learning, formative feedback has been identified as a viable means to achieve meaningful engagement. Specifically, this study sought to establish how peer–peer formative feedback was facilitated in an online course and to what extent this engaged students in meaningful learning experiences. This case study entailed an in-depth investigation into the design and implementation of an online course in a New Zealand university. The studied course was part of a postgraduate programme in continuing (in-service) teacher education. The study adopted a case study methodology with a bias on qualitative techniques. Online observations, analysis of the archived course discourse and interviews were utilised as sources of data. The data from multiple sources were subsequently triangulated to corroborate the evidence. The findings indicate that peer formative feedback promoted active learners’ participation and meaningful engagement. The findings further showed that opportunities for dialogic peer formative feedback promoted learning support and self-regulation.  相似文献   

研究采用问卷调查的方法,以云南电大开放教育专科英语专业的学生为样本,对云南地区学习使用“综合英语(1)、(2)、(3)”《形成性考核及学习档案》的基本情况,进行定量分析,结合学员的反馈意见,对使用《形成性考核及学习档案》,促进学生自主学习,提出了转变学习理念,培养自主学习能力;加强信息技术素养意识;完善学生学习支持服务等意见。  相似文献   

网络教学平台的发展已成为大学英语课堂教学及评价的有益辅助,以Unipus、iTest、WE Learn和超星泛雅为代表的网络教学平台,将线上多元智能评价机制逐渐建全并完善.现代信息技术全面引入大学英语学习的形成性评价和终结性评价,越来越展示出评价的客观性、公平性、全面性、发展性和动态性.借助网络教学平台,开展好、衔接好...  相似文献   

在线同侪互评是一种形成性评价策略。它通过学习者之间相互给予评分或反馈来改善学习成果,对学习者的学习成绩、态度及高阶思维能力等方面能够产生重要的影响。首先回顾了近10年来国际在线同侪互评的主要文献.从概念与内涵、程序与方法、系统与工具,以及效果与影响等四个方面综述了现有研究成果。而后,展望未来研究可能聚焦于:同侪互评与其他网络教学策略整合、同侪互评与教师评价结合运用、同侪评语分析等主题。  相似文献   


This paper examines the processes of regulation of student learning that are associated with formative assessment in the classroom. It discusses the concept of co-regulation and presents a model of co-regulation developed in a situated perspective on classroom learning. This model conceptualises co-regulated learning as resulting from the joint influence of student self-regulation and of sources of regulation in the learning environment: namely, the structure of the teaching/learning situation, the teacher’s interventions and interactions with students, the interactions between students, and the tools used for instruction and for assessment. Examples of research showing how co-regulation functions are discussed, in particular students’ use of tools for self-assessment and peer assessment, and the role of teacher–student interactions that encourage active student participation in formative assessment.  相似文献   

形成性考核操作模式的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于远程教育主体与客体时空上的分离,对学生的个体化学习予以有效的引导、帮助和监控,显得尤为重要。探索一种科学合理的形成性考核操作模式,在该模式下,教师利用精心设计的导学资料和作业,借助多态反馈渠道对学生个别化学习予以有效的引导和监控,使学生通过自学、小组内互助学习、组间互助学习、向教师求助、网上求助等方式完成作业,系统地掌握知识继而形成能力,以充分地体现远距高教学的特点和优势。  相似文献   

以开放教育法学本科《中国法律思想史》课程网上学习行为考核改革实践为例,分析了该课程网上学习行为考核的实施效果,探讨其中存在的问题,并提出了增强网上学习考核有效性的若干建议。  相似文献   

Management science professors who teach large classes often assess students with multiple‐choice questions (MCQs) because it is efficient. However, traditional MCQ formats are ill‐fitted for constructive feedback. We propose the reward for omission with confidence in knowledge (ROCK) format as an original formative assessment technique to help guide feedback associated with MCQs in an introductory undergraduate management science course. Our study contributes to theory by empirically showing that students can self‐assess their state of knowledge, signal it to the professor, and use proper answering options. In practice, ROCK is an easily implementable MCQ format that allows professors to gain information on student learning based on answers selected. ROCK identifies lack of knowledge or misinformation at both individual and collective levels thus providing opportunities for better feedback in class and during office hours. Limitations of the application of ROCK are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents the development and application of group feedback videos (GFVs) in design education. A case study shows how visually‐rich GFVs were developed in a practice‐based design studio subject where learners were required to work in teams and independently calibrate an ability to form judgements on the qualities of their own work. Breaking away from traditional models of individual written feedback, students were instead provided with holistic reviews of project outcomes in a GFV format. Assessment examples were presented from across the cohort with the goal of encouraging open discussion and self‐reflection on studio practice. GFVs supported learning processes through three key characteristics: information richness, group learning and sharing, and formative engagement. What differentiated this approach from previous studies was the focus on audio‐visual group delivery to enhance feedback's richness. By replicating an in‐class group critique session, GFVs allowed commonly summative assessment stages to be seen as formative. This study contributes to existing literature through an application framework that may be used by design educators who are seeking to implement GFV methods within their own studio teaching practice.  相似文献   

Based on analysis of learners’needs of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and in accordance with the actual college ESP teaching, the author conducted a one-term comparative exploration on the appli...  相似文献   

In this paper, we used the platform log data to extract three features (proportion of passive video time, proportion of active video time, and proportion of assignment time) aligning with different learning activities in the Interactive- Constructive-Active-Passive (ICAP) framework, and applied hierarchical clustering to detect student engagement modes. A total of 840 learning rounds were clustered into four categories of engagement: passive (n = 80), active (n = 366),constructive (n = 75) and resting (n = 319). The results showed that there were differences in the performance of the four engagement modes, and three types of learning status were identified based on the sequences of student engagement modes: difficult, balanced and easy. This study indicated that based on the ICAP framework, the online learning platform log data could be used to automatically detect different engagement modes of students, which could provide useful references for online learning analysis and personalized learning.  相似文献   

电大教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,和普通高等教育相比,它更重视对学员学习成绩的形成性评价。英语教学的最终目的和考核目标都体现在语言运用能力上,所以如何在教学中运用有效的形成性评价体系和方法,对于提高开放英语的教学效果至关重要。  相似文献   

随着全球化和技术革新的迅猛发展,外语教学领域也随之发生变化。在网络多媒体外语教学中,如何建立和实施行之有效的网络外语教学评估体系至关重要。笔者认为网络多媒体外语教学的评估体系应是以形成性评估为主,形成性评估与终结性评估相结合的复合模式,并对此进行了实证研究。定性和定量的数据表明评估体系的建设和探索对于保证网络外语教学效果是十分必要的,由此所引发的思考,也值得进一步的分析和探索。  相似文献   

进入新世纪以来,随着素质教育的发展和我国新课程高考改革步伐的加快,教育工作者对学生学习评价体系的内容以及形式都在进行积极的探索研究。这对于全面了解和把握新课程背景下的学习评价体系及其存在的问题,对于完善学生学习评价体系,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

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