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Although educators, policy-makers, business leaders, and the general public have become increasingly concerned about the “basic skills” crisis in American schools, research-based solutions have existed for over two decades in the form of measurably superior teaching methodologies: Precision Teaching and Direct Instruction. In federally validated research, each of these instructional technologies has been shown to produce far greater achievement and self-esteem among students than more traditional teaching practices, with favorable cost-benefit ratios when implemented in schools. These results have been obtained despite adverse socio economic influences on students so of ten blamed for failure in the classroom. These methods have not been widely adopted, partly due to political and philosophical resistance to measurably superior instructional technology among educators. This article provides overviews of Precision Teaching and Direct Instruction, discusses their origins and research backgrounds, cites effec tiveness data, and describes how they can complement one another when used together. It provides sufficient references to the literature and pointers to existing programs to enable interested readers to learn more about each of these measurably superior educational solutions.  相似文献   

Conclusions The impact of the immersion phenomenon in Ontario has been striking and complex. This brief review of research on bilingual education and its relationship to a variety of language teaching settings has shown that the immersion experiment has produced several constructive side effects. First, it has caused the re-examination of first language teaching in regular English classrooms and it is now sparking a move toward increased contact between educators of French as a first language and French as a second language. Second, it has heightened parental interest and led to the increased involvement of parents in their children's education. Canadian Parents for French, a national association formed in 1977, grew directly out of the excitement and interest created by bilingual education programs in Canada. Along with increased parental involvement has come the realization that the school — whether it is francophone or anglophone — cannot be expected to go it alone, that support for French must be generated in the media and in the community.Two recent conferences have resulted in part from this realization:Apprenons en français/Learning in French held at Glendon College in June, 1978, and the OISE Conference on French Language Instruction, the proceedings of which make up this issue ofInterchange. These were landmark events, since never before in Ontario had educators and parents involved in French as a first language and French as a second language come together to share their problems, ideas and hopes. Such meetings could and should represent the beginning of a continuing dialogue.  相似文献   

Instruction in reading has been an important component of many early intervention programs for children with disabilities over the past two decades. Justification for the inclusion of reading, prior to the age when it is traditionally taught to children with normal development, has included the importance of reading as a life skill and the value of teaching reading in a systematic, individualised program with the reduced risk of failure. It has also been argued that the teaching of reading, at a time when oral language skills are emerging, will enhance the development of speech and language skills. This proposition is an interesting one in view of the belief, commonly held by educators, that reading needs to be established on a firm language base and that good language skills will enhance the acquisition of reading skills. This paper explores the theoretical and empirical support for the teaching of reading as a supportive language development program for young children with disabilities.  相似文献   

Abstract Instructional design is chiefly concerned with the arrangement of the environment to optimise learning according to various criteria. While there are a number of instructional design theories and models, the Direct Instruction Model (Engelmann & Carnine, 1982) is the focus of this paper. The importance of instructional design is stressed and the Direct Instruction Model is analysed in terms of four components of a theory of instruction. A discussion of two of these components, structure and sequence, and an analysis of relevant research form the bulk of the paper. One goal of instructional training (be it for teachers or industry trainers) is the creative application of empirically verified instructional design principles so that the effectiveness of instruction, across a wide range of cognitive outcomes may be optimised.  相似文献   

In this review I will assess the validity of Denis Dutton's provocative argument for Darwinian aesthetics. In The Art Instinct Dutton draws on the insights of Darwin and the evolutionary psychologists Geoffrey Miller and Steven Pinker to analyse art as the product of evolution. Pinker asserts on the dust cover that ‘this book marks out the future of the humanities – connecting aesthetics and criticism to an understanding of human nature from the cognitive and biological sciences' and that ‘Dutton has made a bold and original contribution to this exciting new field’. Miller's opinion of The Art Instinct is noticeable by its absence. In his review of The Art Instinct, arts academic Richard Hickman concludes: ‘for educators, if we accept that young people have an “art instinct”, then it is incumbent upon us to ensure that this instinct is nurtured and developed’. I agree. My aim is to critically assess Dutton's contribution and speculate about how it might inform future directions in educational research.  相似文献   

抛锚式教学法(Anchored Instruction)是一种能够有效提高学生自主学习能力的教学方法,受到我国教育教学研究人员的深入研究和广泛运用。其中"抛锚"一词由英文直译而来,本文运用文献资料调研法、逻辑分析法分析了"抛锚"的概念,并着重辨析了其与教学实际的关系。认为"抛锚"的本义与教学目的不契合,不仅无法涵盖纷繁复杂的教学目的、教学方法、教学技巧等,而且难以体现教学的艺术性。本文认为"镶嵌"一词与教学实际更为贴切,以"镶嵌式教学"取代"抛锚式教学"的提法更加合理。  相似文献   


This introductory paper first reflects the genesis of research in mathematics and science teacher education. The analyses show a movement from foci of research in mathematics and science education from students to teachers, and then to teacher educators. Next, an overview of research in mathematics and science teacher education and its development is provided, including teacher educators’ growth. This is followed by a comparative look at the seven papers in this special issue through three lenses, focusing on who the teacher educators in these papers are, the practices which are the focus for development, and the contexts in which the professional growth is situated. The seven papers not only exemplify how teacher educators might critically and systematically reflect on their own growth, educate new teacher educators, and do corresponding research, but also demonstrate the considerable progress the research community has made with respect to the professional growth of mathematics and science teacher educators in the last decade. Finally, challenges and questions are raised, in particular in relation to raising the quality and quantity of proficient teacher educators in order to strengthen teacher education research, and to have enough human resources to offer more and better professional development opportunities and to support schools.


Communication between educators in preschool and school settings has been promoted consistently in research literature and policy as a practice to enhance children’s transition to school. Underlying the practice are the assumptions that communication between educators is (a) a way of building on children’s learning and responding to their diverse needs and interests as they start school and (b) a means of developing positive relationships between educators. Whilst it is an advocated practice, there has been little research about the consequences of preschool–school communication or exploration of the ways in which the practice might support positive transition experiences. This paper specifically addresses what happens for educators as a result of preschool–school interactions. The communication experiences of preschool and school educators reported in an online questionnaire provide important insights into the impact of intersetting communications, particularly on educator relationships. Most outcomes for relationships between educators in preschool and school settings were reported to be positive. However, the results contest the notion that preschool–school communication automatically results in the development of positive relationships; relationships which support collaboration between educators as children start school.  相似文献   

This paper examines a practical application of ecofeminism for classroom educators, particularly, science educators. Ecofeminism is often, but not exclusively, linked to projects aimed at assisting men, women and children in developing areas to organize and define development projects for their community. Mainstream applications of ecofeminism for science educators are frequently omitted from science education literature. This article gives the reader a basic understanding of ecofeminist theory as it applies to science education. Direct examples from classroom practices suggest five key points in the application of ecofeminism for classroom use.  相似文献   

Caroline Pratt, the founder of the City and Country School, is one of the few educators who tried to work out a program that would engage and develop students’ imaginations. Along with other progressive educators, however, she has been criticized for her child-centeredness, that is, valuing children’s spontaneity at the expense of planning and structure. In this paper, I will argue that this criticism does not apply to Pratt and describe her ideas of curriculum. The examination is largely historical, but it also has a conceptual component in that I try to show how the ideas of imagination and curriculum are compatible.  相似文献   

A program of research has combined the effectiveness of Direct Instruction curriculum design and mastery learning with the efficiency of technology to teach more cognitively complex skills. This article explains one example of this comprehensive intervention in detail. Findings from several studies are briefly reviewed. The purpose of this article is to document how such a comprehensive intervention reduces performance differences between students with learning disabilities and their peers, while using technology to minimize, or even reduce, the demands placed on the teacher.  相似文献   

Instruction in the Logo programming language proceeds amid increasing concern about its educational value. Proponents claim that Logo-based instruction increases intelligence, whereas critics contend that children learn little about Logo or about anything else during such instruction. Reasoned argument about the pitfalls and prospects of Logo in the classroom requires a common interpretive framework, which is often obscured by the distinct conceptions of intelligence held by proponents and critics. Accordingly, the implications of two different root metaphors of intelligence for the study of Logo-based learning are traced. Development of ideal educational practices and outcomes for Logo learning within each framework follows, with a selected review of research to support some conjectures and refute others. This presentation includes discussion of weak versus strong problem-solving methods, transfer, "powerful ideas," and discovery-based learning. The article concludes with a partition of cognition into cognitive, metacognitive, and epistemic levels, and it relates these to Logo as a strategy for developing thinking.  相似文献   

This case study describes how an urban school system evolved to support an externally developed and externally introduced whole-school reform (WSR) effort. Based on interview data with school district staff and external partners, it analyzes a central office reorganization that placed all schools implementing a combination of Direct Instruction (DI) and Core Knowledge (CK) reforms into one administrative area under a single area executive officer (instead of within their geographic administrative areas). It addresses how the creation of a DI Area grouping all DI/CK schools together facilitated the continued implementation of the reform models, as well as problems perceived with the new central office arrangement. Although limited by reliance on qualitative school-level data from the early years of the reform's implementation, this study's conclusions contribute to the small but growing research literature on the role of school systems-and, in particular, central office administrators-in creating supportive structures for WSR to achieve the best possible student achievement results.  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,美育研究继上世纪初再一次成为美学、教育学关注的热点。文艺评论作为作者、文本、读者三者之间进行良性沟通的桥梁,它的审美属性、政治属性、艺术属性内在地规定其对以艺术教育为主要途径的美育具有不可忽视的作用。文艺评论深入美育实践,不仅是文艺评论的内在要求及其历史发展的必然结果,同时也是美育进入成熟期及其走向自觉的重要标志。通过论述文艺评论深入美育实践的学理可能、具体路径及存在的问题,考察其深入美育何以可能。  相似文献   


All too often, evaluation is not used as the important management tool it could be, because educators feel inadequately prepared to use complex evaluation techniques. “Direct evaluation,” as a research concept, is based on the idea of “research as an intermediate technology,” developed by Steven and Rachel Kaplan in Cognition and Environment (1982: Praeger). Direct evaluation means you ask what you need to know of those who are participants in a program you wish to evaluate. The results, when collated, can be used for justification as well as modification of programs.  相似文献   

Research suggests that the development of a teacher educator identity is a central process in becoming a teacher educator. Recently, there has been an increasing interest in the concept of teacher identity. However, teacher educator identity seems to be still under-researched. In this article, a review of literature on teacher educator identity is provided. Fifty-two research papers were analysed to identify challenges and tensions teacher educators experience during their induction, factors which influence the development of their professional identity, and the features that induction programmes should have. The findings suggested that new teacher educators generally develop negative self-views about their abilities and professional identities. Self-support and community support activities were found to facilitate teacher educators’ transition and enhance their identity development. Key features of academic induction were identified as acting as a learning community, cultivating supportive and professional relationships, encouraging self-enquiry and research and involving teacher educators in reflective activities.  相似文献   

Practice-based research and supervising students’ research has become an important task for higher vocational institutes, including the teacher education departments. However, conducting practice-based research is not always common practice for a great number of teacher educators. Therefore, professional development activities are undertaken to support teacher educators in their new role as a researcher. This paper reports on one of those activities: a community of inquiry in which teacher educators conducted a collaborative research on a shared topic derived from their practices, in order to examine teacher educators’ professional development and to identify key characteristics for setting up such a community. All participants reported developments in practice-based research skills and knowledge, and developments regarding supervising students’ research. In addition, they reported on developments in their beliefs regarding research and on the topic under research. They also reported the impact of the community on other parts of their profession. Commitment, time, teacher educators as experienced researchers and completing the research stages are identified as key characteristics.  相似文献   

本文根据计算机辅助教学的产生与发展历程,分析了计算机辅助教学将向信息技术与课程整合方向发展的前景,期望教育工作者要准备迎接教育信息化时代的来临。  相似文献   

This study examines perspectives of educators on the advanced placement opportunity gap for African American students. Using interviews with 11 educators from 10 high schools, we explored their perceptions regarding the impact of a local academic achievement program on the enrollment of African American students in honors and advanced placement courses. Results of the analysis suggest that there is a perceived and real gap in the participation of African American students in AP courses. Findings also revealed that educators were concerned about the lack of access for African American students to AP courses. Further, issues of belonging and operational citizenship within the school environment were raised. Recommendations for pedagogical techniques are presented as well as suggestions for future research. Jocelyn D. Taliaferro is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Work at North Carolina State University. Dr. Taliaferro earned her BA degree in Psychology with minors in African American Studies and English from University of Delaware and her MSW from Howard University in Washington, D.C. She returned to University of Delaware to earn her PhD in Urban Affairs and Public Policy. Dr. Taliaferro’s teaching and research interests include African American student achievement, social policy, community development, and family support. Jessica T. DeCuir-Gunby is an Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at North Carolina State University, CB#7801, Raleigh, NC, 27695, USA. Dr. DeCuir-Gunby earned her BS degree with a double major in Psychology and Spanish from Louisiana State University. She earned both her MA and PhD degrees in Educational Psychology at the University of Georgia. Dr. DeCuir-Gunby’s research and theoretical interests include race and racial identity development in education, Critical Race Theory, mixed methods research, and emotions.  相似文献   

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