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美国各级法律都有对图书馆的规定,但规定的对象和内容各有侧重。联邦法律并没有对各州及州以下地方事务作具体规定。每个州根据州内纳税人的意愿、本州历史、经济以及人文环境特点建立适应本州具体情况的法律。文章分别以美国法典的一些章节和三个州(纽约州、伊利诺伊州和加利福尼亚州)的法律为例,以抽样的方法解析美国联邦法律和州法律中针对图书馆的条款,旨在从法律的角度看图书馆的建立,服务,资助,管理,以及图书馆与其服务对象的关系,同时借鉴一些条款实例,说明直接针对图书馆的美国法律条款的一些特点。  相似文献   

基于文献调查法与内容分析法,解析构成美国图书馆法律制度体系的图书馆专门法、图书馆相关法、图书馆行业标准与规范的作用。美国图书馆专门法包括:①联邦图书馆法(如《图书馆服务与技术法》和各州图书馆法),在规范与指导美国图书馆事业发展中起到了核心作用;②图书馆相关法(如《美国版权法》、《高等教育法》),是美国图书馆法律制度体系的重要组成部分,可以支持与规范图书馆事业的发展;③图书馆行业标准与规范(如《图书馆权利宣言》),是美国图书馆法律制度体系不可或缺的组成部分和指导图书馆运营与管理的准绳。  相似文献   

In the United States, a number of federal laws establish requirements that electronic government (e-government) information and services be accessible to individuals with disabilities. These laws affect e-government Web sites at the federal, state, and local levels. To this point, research about the accessibility of e-government Web sites has tended to focus on compliance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Though Section 508 has the most specific guidelines regarding Web site accessibility, it is hardly the only law establishing accessibility requirements for e-government Web sites, and Section 508 does not apply to many sites that may be required to be accessible by other laws. Until assessment of the accessibility of e-government Web sites accounts for all of the relevant laws, the understanding of levels of accessibility and compliance will be incomplete. This article examines the entire spectrum of federal laws that create legal requirements for accessible e-government Web sites, analyzing the accessibility requirements that the laws establish and the ways in which each of the laws applies to an e-government Web site. This article also suggests research areas that should be included in future assessments to address the entire range of laws related to the accessibility of e-government Web sites. The issues raised in this article have significant relevance to the design and development of e-government, to the assessment of e-government information and services, and to the inclusion in e-government of the 54 million individuals in the United States with disabilities.  相似文献   

复合图书馆管理模式及其构成要素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
指出观念的更新、环境的变化、技术的广泛渗透是导致复合图书馆生存理念和管理模式变革的基础。分析复合图书馆各类管理模式,提出复合图书馆的多元集成管理模式及其构成要素,即以用户为中心,以资源为基础,以服务为导向,以技术为桥梁,以宏观组织与信息法规为指导。  相似文献   

本文以数字图书馆为例,从数字图书馆的基础设施建设和信息资源建设入手,分析了现行的网络信息法规和著作权法对数字图书馆建设的适用性问题,指出了现行著作权制度对数字图书馆建设的不适应性,提出了我国著作权法制建设应以效率为导向的观点,采用合理使用、法定许可和授权要约相结合的方式,增强著作权制度对数字图书馆建设的适用性。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(74):91-101

Among the many ways the World Wide Web has changed libraries are the additional tools gained by librarians and library users for answering reference questions. In addition to the growing number of licensed resources providing the full text of articles from newspapers, magazines, academic journals, and reference works are the millions of free Web sites offering an incredible variety of information about everything. Locating the most useful of these sites and organizing them into categories on library Web sites can be enormously beneficial both to patrons and libraries. After deciding to make their sites reference portals, librarians must make a number of important decisions.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(48):167-177
Economic statistics collected, analyzed, and distributed by the federal government are valuable for answering economic questions asked by all different types of library users; scholars, students, analysts, and laypeople. Not only must the reference librarian depend upon the expertise of the patron, but also be aware of the factors affecting the data, have a general idea of the interdependency of agencies. and when necessary, a willingness to to alternative sources. The difficulties of finding retrospective economic data should not dissuade the librarian or patron from using federal statistics.  相似文献   


RSS technology is growing in popularity among libraries as a way to distribute, or syndicate, information about new electronic resources and Web content to users. “Really Simple Syndication” is an effective communication tool for libraries because it supplies the user with to up-to-date links and announcements on the library Web site after only one initial setup function. RSS does not require the user to make frequent visits to the library Web site for updated information; rather, it gathers content from any Web sites designated by the user, and delivers news to the users in an aggregated format. The benefits of RSS are that the software to setup the service is often free for downloading and many users are already familiar with the application. The “orange button” now present on so many commercial Web sites ranging from news sites to blogs is gaining a presence on library Web sites.  相似文献   


Cloud computing and Web collaboration are shaping 21st-century libraries. These 2 developments seem to be behind the newest developments in library services and are driving library automation. The 2 are impacting library work by providing the library administrator with opportunities, especially for greater synergies among various individuals over dispersed locations. While the literature indicates ambivalence about these twin developments among library and information professionals, the administrators of distance library services have no choice but to engage in the use of cloud computing technologies and Web collaboration in order to remain relevant to users. Unfortunately, in doing this, distance services librarians will need to trade off ownership and control, trusting outsiders, while teaching users to be critical of the information gathered from collaborative sources.  相似文献   

The quality of a library's design can often be determined by the amount of preplanning done before it was built. The paper discusses three components of a library: the users, staff, and materials. Before any design is contemplated for new or additional space, a philosophy or purpose of the library must be determined. Some questions that need to be asked about users are used as an illustration to show the kinds of information that is needed before a librarian can begin to write a program. Only after such information has been gathered can textbook formulas be applied. The librarian will have to synthesize general purposes and facts into a functional program which the architect can use as a basis for design. A common way to demonstrate how space should be utilized is through diagrams. The determination of why one building is better than another for a specific environment is not a matter of guess work or applying formulas, but a matter of intellectual work.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the divergent requestor privacy policies of professional librarians and the administration of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and urges the federal government to adhere to librarian ethics in order to protect FOIA requestors. Section 1 of the paper provides information about the origins and purpose of the FOIA. Section 2 offers an overview of the philosophical and historical origins of library patron privacy ethics, discussing both the ethical basis for patron privacy and actual instances where library records have been sought for government surveillance of private citizens. Section 3 describes the state library laws that protect library requestors, as well as federal laws that protect non-FOIA requestor privacy rights, including the Video Privacy Protection Act (VPPA), which protects video rental records. Section 4 of the paper warns that, in the digital era, it is more important than ever to safeguard personal information like that contained in FOIA requests to prevent the stifling of information seeking activities in the United States. By modifying laws tomeet the needs of the “information age,” the United States government can embrace and utilize the ethical standards that are at the foundation of librarianship, and protect the principle that information should be free and available to the American populace.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 研究高校图书馆OPAC中引入分面搜索技术给用户带来怎样的搜索体验。[方法/过程] 主要通过对用户在两种界面下(传统列表界面和基于列表与分面的界面)进行两种搜索任务(已知任务和探寻式任务)时所表现出的行为和喜好进行实验与观察,从搜索时间、搜索结果准确度、用户评价3方面对比分析搜索界面、搜索任务对用户搜索体验的影响。[结果/结论] 通过研究发现:相对于传统列表界面,受试者在使用基于列表与分面的界面时,搜索用时更短、用户评价更高。  相似文献   

移动图书馆用户需求理论研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
从用户的视角出发,对移动图书馆用户的信息需求类型及内容进行归纳;从用户群体分类的角度,将移动图书馆用户与传统图书馆用户进行比较,并对移动图书馆用户的需求特征进行总结。在此基础上,对移动图书馆用户的需求规律(如最小努力原则、穆尔斯定律等)进行理论探讨,并对移动图书馆的用户偏好理论进行分析,旨在为今后移动图书馆的用户研究提供一些理论基础。  相似文献   

过去的数字化图书馆和网站的可用性测试通常都集中关注与图形化界面相关的事务以及DL(Digital Library)内部信息的组织,通常忽略了它们在改变工作实践或行为上的作用.本文提出了一种带冲突检测的DL可使用性度量模型CCMM(Conflicting Checked Measuring Model),CCMM在用户使用DL之前采集用户知识水平,并在用户使用DL后对应生成态度改变问题,将用户对这些问题的反应进行FD/I人格特征冲突检测,若未出现冲突,则认为数据真实可靠,可用于DL可使用性度量计算.计算的结果可用于DL优化,最后试验说明CCMM在进行DL可使用性度量上是适用、有效的.  相似文献   


This article describes an “on-the-road” usability study and explains the study's methodological challenges, solutions, and recommendations. The study concerned a library-consortium website, which is a communication and educational tool for librarians who are physically dispersed throughout the state, and an intranet for remote users. Rather than traveling to numerous locations or attempting a remote usability evaluation of the website, the lab took a mobile laboratory to a professional conference where a large number of website users were gathered. Four doctoral students used the talk-aloud protocol to interview 14 conference participants. The interviews were recorded with Morae software on laptop computers, and participants were asked to complete 13 tasks. Although there proved to be difficulties in mobile usability testing, the conference provided a space to describe the project and recruit participants. While the optimal place to conduct usability testing is in either the lab or the participant's natural environment, advantages in taking it to a conference include access to a diverse range of users and the ability to generate interest in the project among users.  相似文献   

文章介绍了美国州立图书馆在美国图书馆系统中的作用和在美国图书馆发展中,在执行美国有关图书馆法的过程作所起的作用。通过对州图书馆发展的历史回顾,州图书馆在州政府的行政隶属关系,以及美国法律中对州图书馆职能的规定等方面的讨论,可以看出州图书馆及其作用的形成有其历史、政治和法律的原因。在此基础上,文章进一步讨论州图书馆对公众,州内各级政府以及各类图书馆所提供的服务。最后介绍州图书馆按《美国图书馆服务和技术法案》规定,在执行联邦政府图书馆法和监管政府图书馆基金时必须进行的图书馆服务计划的制定和评估过程。  相似文献   

动静结合的图书馆个性化资源推荐系统的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析高校图书馆读者的基本信息、历史行为以及位置、信息环境等的变化,建立动态推荐和静态推荐相结合的个性化图书馆资源推荐系统。系统通过对图书馆信息资源提取关键字、分类和位置化,可以根据用户的兴趣模型和档案结合环境因素进行计算和信息推荐,不但为读者挖掘兴趣和推荐与兴趣相关的资源,节省读者搜索、查找时间,同时还可以提高图书馆资源的利用效率。  相似文献   

An important aspect of the lifecycle of electronic resources is disseminating the arrival of new resources on campus and reminding the campus of currently subscribed materials. A database page accessible by subject, topic or format, training sessions by vendors, either live or via the Web, information literacy presentations for one-shot classes or workshops for the entire campus are standard marketing strategies; however, even with clear and comprehensive presentations demonstrating awareness of the strengths and limitations of subscribed resources, if only a handful of the 15,000+ users show up, the program may appear to be an exercise in futility. Another route to disseminate this important information is the library expo or vendor fair. Vendors set up booths for three to five hours to meet with users. They provide booth giveaways and help with door prizes to attract students, faculty, and administrators to the fair. Users can spare a short time to browse the booths between classes and meetings to learn about new resources and ask questions about their old favorites. This article will provide insights in the planning, marketing, and assessment of the library expo held at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.  相似文献   

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