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This column describes AMICUS, the National Library of Canada's Web-based gateway to library holdings throughout Canada.  相似文献   

<正>朱屺瞻先生是我的老师辈,忘年交。屺老人好,画好,性隋坦荡。我在长乐路上海人民美术出版社工作时,屺老的家在巨鹿路,仅一路之隔。他常常拄着拐杖出来散步。有时挎一篮子,篮里放一瓶子,遇到熟人,人家向他问候,他便说:"散散步,顺便打打酱油,买点醋。"我上下班路上经常碰到他。每次遇到,就停下自行车,向先生问好。我比屺老年小近30岁,先生视我如晚辈,既亲和,又时加指点。一次,全国运动会在上海举行,来参会的乒乓球教练、运动员徐寅生、  相似文献   

新闻学理论主要包括两个层面的内容,一是新闻观理论体系,主要解决新闻的物质基础与价值原点、新闻职业的权利与使命、新闻业与传媒业的区别与联系、新闻受众与社会公众的关系、新闻自律与他律等问题,宗旨是为新闻工作定位;二是新闻方法论体系,它主要探讨新闻传播规律,解决新闻传播效率的问题。从新闻观与方法论层面加强新闻学理论研究,既能够为新闻传播设定明确的社会角色,指导其守位而不失位,又能够帮助新闻界提高新闻传播能力。  相似文献   

The Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan Regional Medical Library (KOMRML) consists of ten academic libraries, the first of the RML's to be decentralized.This paper considers early conceptions of RML's, their relationship with the National Library of Medicine, their hierarchical structure, and their function as a social agency.  相似文献   

新世纪的图书馆与图书馆的新世纪   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
面对新世纪知识经济文明的到来,我国图书馆工作者,需要对图书馆的性质有全新的认识,树立新观念,即生产性与产业化,开放性与社会化,群众性与知识化,艺术性与科学化,创造性与革命化,以新的思想来开拓中国图书馆事业的新世纪。  相似文献   

The authors report on a self‐completed questionnaire study from a North Yorkshire based general practice regarding the information needs of its clinicians. The work was carried out with a particular focus on the practice library, and the findings identified that a new approach to maintaining and developing the library was needed. The literature regarding the information needs of primary care clinicians and the role of practice libraries is considered, and compared to those of the clinicians at the practice. Discussion follows on how a collaborative project was set up between the practice and a librarian based at the local NHS Trust library in order to improve the existing practice library. Difficulties encountered and issues unique to the project are explored, including training implications presented by the implementation of electronic resources. Marketing activities implemented are discussed, how the library will operate in its new capacity, and how ongoing support and maintenance of the library will be carried out. It is concluded that although scepticism still exists regarding librarian involvement in practice libraries, collaboration between clinicians and librarians is an effective approach to the successful development and maintenance of a practice library, and recommendations are therefore made for similar collaborative work.  相似文献   

苏曼殊是中国近代史上著名的文艺家和翻译家,也是一位有爱国思想的革命者.他一生浪迹天涯,孤苦飘零;他热爱祖国,向往民主革命,当革命受到挫折后,他孤吟自叹,悲观失望;他早年看破红尘,出家为僧,既出世又人世,三十五岁英年早逝.他素以"诗僧、画僧、情僧、革命僧"著称于世,日本文学家佐藤春夫称他是"近代中国文学史上之一彗星",南社创始人柳亚子誉之为"举世公认的天才",他的启蒙老师和挚友陈独秀毫不掩饰地称他"是一个绝顶聪明的人,真是所谓‘天才’".  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Medicine and literature: a section in a medical university library   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Objectives: In 2007, the Alberto Malliani Medical Library of the Università degli Studi in Milan decided to order some novels for its students. The library purchased 24 titles written by famous authors and planned to add others in the future. The proposal for this action was made by a professor, with whom the library had previously co‐operated in organising meetings for students. This article summarises the results of this experiment over 4 years, from its conception, to determine whether any positive outcome has resulted, including how library users welcomed this addition to the library and evaluation of its economic sustainability. Results: Data from July 2007 to December 2010 are presented in terms of the initial purchases, costs, and volume of lending for this section of the library; in addition, readers’ preferences are examined. Conclusions: A university medical library can act as a stimulus to its students’ new or renewed interest in literature, assuming that the novels, biographies, and short stories can contribute positively to the training of medical students. Therefore, setting up a special section can be useful, even though the costs of this section must be limited. A questionnaire could be the method of gathering information about users’ assessment.  相似文献   

一 王静,看上去纤纤秀秀、普普通通的一个大女孩;可就是这样一个貌不惊人的小女子,却成了国家公安部奖授的神枪手.咋一照面,还真让人疑疑惑惑,有点不敢相信自己的眼睛.  相似文献   

An Oregon State University Libraries (OSUL) study group's review of its current policies, practices, and costs provides an illustrative case study of the challenges in managing government documents during this period of transition from print to digital. In its exploration of more aggressive approaches to greatly increasing access to electronic collections and reducing the size of the print footprint, OSUL learned that the current requirements of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) hamper such efforts. This case study provides background on prior internal studies, OSUL's participation in a shared housing agreement, statistics on size and current usage of its government documents, and the costs to receive, process, and provide access to its document collection. It concludes with the recommendations for OSUL to be as proactive as it can be under the current FDLP rules and regulations while bringing projected costs to manage government documents more in line with higher priorities.  相似文献   

When Congress refined and finally enacted the Freedom of Information Act during the mid-1960s, there were various reasons why this new law was not made applicable to the Senate and the House of Representatives. One of these was the long and impressive congressional record of publishing information regarding the activities and operations of the House, the Senate, and their officers and committees. There has been of late, however, evidence of some lapses in this tradition. Moreover, the availability to the public of the reports of the Congressional Research Service has also recently become a heightened issue. These matters are examined in this overview.  相似文献   

A community-based participatory research project was conducted to identify health information needs of clients (an underserved population) at a homeless shelter. Staff at the shelter, medical students, and public librarians were sought as outreach partners; their needs and challenges in accessing health information resources to serve underserved populations were also assessed. The community needs assessment yielded results that helped shape a medical library's efforts in supporting medical students’ service-learning activities related to humanistic education. The resulting data also informed library decisions on health information education outreach programs tailored to vulnerable, underserved populations and community partners serving the specific populations in the communities.  相似文献   

刘永新  向政 《编辑学报》2002,14(3):214-215
以详实的数据和资料系统、简明地总结了高等学校化学学报编辑部的办刊成果,介绍为创办一流学报所采取的一些可行措施.  相似文献   

The preconditions for creating a preservation policy document in a health sciences library are an existing preservation policy for the institution of which it is a part and administrative support for preservation. The assumption underlying preservation activity, from the formulation of general guidelines to the detail of operating procedure, is that collection development and preservation are complementary functions. Documentation of operational procedures in some detail should be a part of the statement. Since preservation activity cuts across functional library structures, all management staff should be involved in the planning process and be made aware of their responsibilities. The creation of a preservation policy statement will highlight unaddressed issues, procedural inadequacies, and differences in staff perceptions of priorities, but a written statement provides a framework for setting priorities and making decisions.  相似文献   

An analysis of the Brandon/Hill lists has provided individual price figures to assist the librarian of a small hospital in calculating book costs associated with establishing and maintaining an up-to-date collection suited to institutional needs. For the fifty-three subject categories analyzed, the following were calculated over the past twenty-two years: average price per title, size and cost of the category, number of new titles or editions, percentages price increases, and cost of maintaining a basic collection. Used in conjunction with local purchasing data, these figures can be useful in budget preparation.  相似文献   

图书同样有价值和使用价值。判断图书价值的标准既包括被利用的情况,还要从政治、经济、社会、审美等角度给予审视。对于衡量图书质量的数学模型的理解应该是多层面的,影响采访质量还会有模型之外的众多因素。参考文献6  相似文献   

大学图书馆建筑的规划与设计   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张秀琴 《河北科技图苑》2002,15(5):48-49,67
阐述了大学图书馆建筑设计中应注意的问题,即图书馆建筑在大学中的位置、设计中图书馆和建筑师的配合及综合布线等方面的问题,并阐述了未来图书馆建筑的发展趋势。  相似文献   

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