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This paper considers teachers' perspectives on effective school leadership. It draws upon the findings from a study of effective leadership conducted by a research team from the University of Nottingham [1]. This research study considered effective leadership from the perspectives of different stakeholders within the English schooling system. This provided an opportunity to analyse leadership in a holistic way and to consider leadership from a variety of different perspectives.  相似文献   


We conducted a randomized factorial experiment to determine how displaying school information to parents in different ways affects what schools they choose for their children in a hypothetical school district. In a sample of 3,500 low-income parents of school-aged children, a small design manipulation, such as changing the default order in which schools were presented, induced meaningful changes in the types of schools selected. Other design choices such as using icons to represent data, instead of graphs or just numbers, or presenting concise summaries instead of detailed displays, also led parents to choose schools with higher academic performance. We also examined effects on parents’ understanding of the information and their self-reported satisfaction and ease of use. In some cases, there were trade-offs. For example, representing data using only numbers maximized understanding, but adding graphs maximized satisfaction at the expense of understanding.  相似文献   

本文从介绍日本校区制的历史沿革与发展入手,对日本政府在教育领域推行以新自由主义思潮及市场化原理为导的学校选择政策作了深入的描述与剖析。作者指出,学校选择制在教育现场并未得到积极响应和实施,其原因在于加大“差距”及损害大多数民众利益的学校选择政策,在根本上违背了平等与多样性的原则。  相似文献   

教育选择权源自于市场化导向要求,教育公共经费匮乏,社会多层次需求,对义务教育的总的原则,教育机会平等的原则及学习机会平等原则对教育公平问题产生不利的影响,国家推行教育选择权时必须保证公共教育的品质。  相似文献   

It is now widely recognised that Britain's comprehensive system was never truly comprehensive. Families with sufficient financial capital were always able to ensure the entry of their children to particularly prestigious ‘comprehensive’ schools by purchasing a home within the appropriate catchment areas. According to government rhetoric, recent legislation established a market of schools, removed catchment areas and gave parents greater choice of school. This case‐study examines the workings of the local quasi‐market of schools within a prosperous town (Sutton Coldfield, England) which is part of the larger metropolitan area of the West Midlands. Because of a change in the age of entry to secondary education, Sutton Coldfield was first plunged into the market in 1992. This case‐study shows that the new situation initially caused confusion and anger. Some Sutton Coldfield residents were denied places for their children within the town and were instead offered places for their children in Birmingham working‐class estate schools. The article describes the formation and activities of a local pressure group which opposed these changes, and reports the results of a small‐scale study of a sample of parents’ choice‐making processes in 1993. It is shown that access to financial and cultural capital had become more, rather than less, important in the process of allocating children to secondary schools.  相似文献   

国家推行就近入学政策是为了保障适龄儿童、少年接受基本的教育,而学生选择理想的学校是为了接受更高质量的教育。择校既是学生受教育权的重要内容,也体现了受教育权的平等性。只要作出合理的制度安排,进行严格的规范,择校就应该得到肯定。  相似文献   

<正>[美]艾伦·G.奥斯本(Allan G.Osborne,Jr)[美]查尔斯·J.鲁索(Charles J.Russo)[美]杰拉尔德·M.科托尔(Gerald M.Cattaro)编在越来越多中国家长选择送孩子出国读书、国际学校甚至"在家教育"的背景下,本书及时展示了当今美国家长的各类"教育选择",令读者对美国万花筒般的各类非主流学校有了更多了解,同时反观自身,思考最适合自身情境的"教育选择"。——安娜·金德勒(Anna Kindler)(加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学教授)目前国内对美国教育的理解更多集中于公立学校  相似文献   


Concerned that public schooling leads to mediocrity rather than meritocracy, many middle-class parents are seeking other options such as private schools, alternative public schools, and charter schools to develop their children's academic, creative, and athletic talents. Based on a mixed method investigation of school choice among parents (N = 1,871) in the two largest cities in the Province of Alberta, this paper examines the logic, values, and concerns that inform parental decision-making and the impact of social class differentiation in the process of selection of elementary schools. Issues surrounding the placement of gifted students in various school options are discussed.  相似文献   

丹麦学校选择述评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
政府放权、学校自治和家长择校三者相辅相成、缺一不可。倘若没有国家法律的授权和政府的放权,就不可能有家长的自由择校行为;而没有家长的选择行为,也不会产生教育市场,学校也无所谓自主办学。反之,家长对学校选择的需要,也促使政府的放权和学校的自主办学。  相似文献   

One of the goals of school choice is to allow parents to send their children to higher-performing schools. Several studies have shown that distance to school is one of the main determinants of school choice, but challenges to address endogeneity issues remain. To address these concerns, in this paper I take advantage of the construction of a new subway line in Santiago, Chile, that crosses a large area of the city previously unconnected to the subway network. I provide convincing evidence to show that the introduction of the subway line was arguably exogenous for families living close to the new subway stations. With rich administrative data, which includes all high-school seniors that registered to take a national university entrance exam, I use a repeated cross-section difference-in-differences analysis and find that (i) students near the new subway stations travel significantly farther to school than students who live in nearby areas with no subway stations, and (ii) that students near the subway are willing to travel slightly farther to attend schools that perform better in standardized tests, although this effect is small and only significant for language test scores. This set of results is particularly informative in the context of the broader school-choice debate, contributing causal evidence on the effects of transit access on school-choice.  相似文献   

为了寻求散文文体尽可能地表现作者情理的奥妙,沈从文、李广田、梁遇春等为代表的京派散文作家非常重视"观察点"的多元运用,突破了传统散文全知全能的单一视角。京派散文文体的成熟,其独特"观察点"的运用是一个重要因素。  相似文献   

This study is intended as a resource and a tool for those involved in the evaluation, monitoring, or self-review of school management teams. The information presented is based on first-hand experiences of n = 838 elementary and middle school teachers from 55 schools who were directly involved with the implementation and operations of school management teams over a 2-year period. The insight reported by these teachers, who represent both management team members and nonmembers, brings to light many of the contextual issues facing management team implementation, operations, and power distribution. These issues are discussed in terms of implications for evaluation and team self-review.  相似文献   

The lesson learned from a Singapore school improvement programme, which has been running for more than a decade, is that partners collaborating in the programme need to sustain their efforts over a long period of time in order to reap the benefits. The programme incorporates a mentor‐protege relationship to bridge the twin benefits of management education and systemic change. The Singapore experience suggests that research in the local setting is needed for further development of the programme, and that systemic change is obtainable from cumulative effect of the programme. On both counts, time is needed for the programme to reap the benefits.  相似文献   

This article offers an introduction to the four philosophical perspectives on school inspection that are presented in the articles which follow. Several aspects of practical contexts relating to school inspection are outlined (with particular reference to England) and major points made in the articles are outlined.  相似文献   

校园欺负行为干预研究的新视角   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
校园欺负行为作为一种低水平的暴力形式,严重危害着学生的身心发展,因此历来受到教育者的关注。该文从心理学和社会学角度出发,对近期国内外校园欺负问题的危害及干预策略的研究进展作了回顾。首先系统分析了校园欺负行为对欺负者、受欺负者、旁观学生以及整个校园的危害;其次从社会、学校、班级、家庭、个体等不同角度讨论了校园欺负行为的主要干预策略;最后提出了未来研究应该思考的若干问题。  相似文献   

This article arises from fieldwork in a school of the German minority in South Jutland, Denmark. The minority exists as a result of frontier changes between Germany and Denmark, most recently in 1920. A referendum held in that year as a result of the Treaty of Versailles left a cultural and linguistic minority which, by today, has its own school system, political party, and cultural rights.  相似文献   

School Choice as a Bounded Ideal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
School choice is most often viewed through the lens of provision: most of the debate on the issue searches for desirable ways to offer vouchers, scholarships or other tools that provides choice as a way to achieve equality and/or freedom. This paper focuses on the consumer side of school choice, and utilises behavioural economics as well as ethnographic and network studies to consider ways to structure choice which respond to actual cognitive and social processes of choice. These empirical studies give scholars and policy-makers who grapple with school choice a perspective that should affect the principled design of these programs as well as their execution. The paper considers the ways in which actual choice processes should affect current visions of school choice. It concludes with recommendations concerning the design of choice sets and the accessibility of information regarding choice, which together can assist school choice policies in better fulfilling their promise of equality and freedom.  相似文献   

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