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In my paper, I attempt to accomplish a twofold task: first, to argue that in order to understand important features of Deweyan work, a thorough analysis of the roles that uncertainty, courage and imagination play in Deweyan thought is required. Second, based on such an analysis, I try to show that such features are essential for education to happen. Moreover, courage, imagination and uncertainty taken together work to frame an understanding of education and learning as challenging and even risky enterprises. I develop my analysis against the current, ‘official’ picture of education promoted worldwide, one in which courage, imagination and uncertainty are exactly the features that come to be eclipsed by the neo‐liberal educational agenda. Thus, I claim that education with its roots in imagination and courage is directed toward ‘unattained possibilities’ as its own, proper aim.  相似文献   

社会公平与教育机会均等   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文立足于构建和谐社会的时代背景,从理论上分析了社会公平与教育机会均等二者的应然关系,从现实中考察了社会公平的目标追求与教育机会在区域、阶层和性别上严重不均的矛盾,提出了公平与效率兼顾、层次推进的发展思路,以及采取差异策略,促进地区之间的教育机会均等;扶持弱势群体,促进阶层之间的教育机会均等;制定鼓励性政策,促进不同性别之间的教育机会均等的操作策略.  相似文献   

教育福利是社会福利的重要组成部分。西方学者根据埃斯平—安德森关于资本主义三个世界的划分研究了不同福利国家类型在教育投入上的情况。自由主义福利国家更重视教育的投入,保守主义福利国家更重视教育之外的其他社会福利的投入,社会民主主义福利国家则两者兼顾,都很重视。这从社会平等的角度来看,就是自由主义福利国家更加重视机会平等,保守主义福利国家更加重视条件平等,社会民主主义福利国家是两者兼顾。权衡论题对我国社会福利发展的启示就是要在教育和其他社会福利的投入中选择更加重视何者。也即要表明我国应更加重视机会平等,还是应更加重视条件平等。根据学术界对积极福利的重视、我国的经济社会发展水平以及教育优先发展的战略,应当更加重视教育的投入,更加强调通过发展教育福利来促进机会均等。  相似文献   

Through a comparison of the beliefs, goals and teaching methods adopted by primary school teachers working in areas of disadvantage in England and France, this paper considers how the education systems of the two countries resolve the dilemmas involved in providing educational opportunities to children of all social class backgrounds. Traditionally, the centralised French system, strongly influenced by a republican ideological tradition, has adopted a policy of equal entitlement and equal treatment for all, while the English system has enshrined the notion of differentiated teaching according to the perceived needs of the child. In research carried out before recent reforms, significant differences were found in the goals which inner city teachers set themselves in the two countries. Recent follow-up research indicates the continued central importance of teachers' values in the light of strong external pressure to change.  相似文献   

我国目前的教育机会分配与教育公平   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
本分析了现行的教育机会分配方式与对教育公平的影响,指出在教育机会数量和质量分配中仍存在一些危害教育公平的现象,并对完善教育机会分配,促进教育公平提出了对策性建议。  相似文献   

In this article Clayton Pierce reviews three books representative of the recent neo‐Marxist literature on education: David Blacker's The Falling Rate of Learning and the Neoliberal Endgame, John Marsh's Class Dismissed: Why We Cannot Teach or Learn Our Way out of Inequality, and Pauline Lipman's The New Political Economy of Urban Education: Neoliberalism, Race, and the Right to the City. His analysis of these books focuses on how each author remains consistent or advances traditional Marxist interpretations of the role of education in capitalist society. In addition, he puts the arguments of each author into conversation with W. E. B. Du Bois's analysis of schooling in a racial capitalist society — what he called caste education — as a way to generate discussion around some of the inherent limitations of Marxist studies of education. Here, Pierce is particularly concerned with the ability of neo‐Marxist analyses of the neoliberal restructuring of education to articulate how white supremacy is preserved even in revolutionary critiques of capitalist schooling.  相似文献   

This article expounds on a neo‐Confucian approach to mindfulness by drawing upon the writings of Zhu Xi. I argue that Zhu Xi's notion of mindfulness is encapsulated in the concept of ‘jing’ that refers to the single‐minded and reverential attention to self‐cultivation through ‘gewu’ (investigation of things). The desired outcome of mindfulness is the attainment of perfect goodness where one responds with sagely ease to affairs in everyday life. In contrast to the dominant focus on the self, present‐state awareness and non‐evaluation in Chan Buddhism, Zhu Xi's construal of mindfulness stresses interdependent relationships, social contribution and ethical purpose. Such a conception motivates learners to seek continuous self‐improvement and focused engagement with others. A major critique of Zhu Xi's formulation of mindfulness is that it entails a whole‐school approach and lifelong pursuit which are difficult to achieve in contemporary schooling conditions.  相似文献   

在推进考试招生制度改革的过程中,考试机构在承担促进教育公平、选拔人才重任的同时,还必须探索专业化发展的道路,以提高考试和评价质量,提升服务能力和水平。  相似文献   

In schools of social work, policy courses are frequently taught assuming debates occur along a liberal–conservative ideological continuum in which liberals favor equitable distribution of societal benefits and burdens, whereas conservatives emphasize individual political and property rights and personal responsibility. This dichotomous approach often results in conflict being situated primarily outside the classroom and profession while ignoring contentious debates that have occurred within social work. The authors argue for reconceptualizing policy courses to provide an historical conflict-based approach and include specific suggestions for course design. This approach will better train students with critical skills and prepare them for future practice.  相似文献   

由于社会福利已经成为当代资本主义政府的一项主要功能,因而社会福利政策必然成为政治制度中不可缺少的一个组成部分。选举制的发展、普选制的推广以及各种“直接民主”或“间接民主”投票方式的出现意味着公民社会权利的扩大,为选民积极介入社会福利政策的制定提供了有效渠道和途径,反映了社会发展的进步趋势。在社会福利与政党政治之间,二者共生并存、互制互动,并通过交互发挥功能来既保障公平与正义,又实现经济效率,以稳定执政党的社会基础。  相似文献   

The implementation of education programmes in different cultures invites the question whether we are justified in doing so in cultures that may reject the programmes’ underlying principles. Are there indeed ethical principles and educational ideals that can be justified as applicable to all cultures? After a consideration of Zygmunt Bauman's postmodern rejection of the possibility of universal ethics, Ι cite and extend Harvey Siegel's defence of multiculturalism as a transcultural ethical ideal. I conclude the paper with a justification of the transcultural normative reach of moral principles that I have elsewhere defended as the ethics of integrity. The paper's significance lies in its justification of educational interventions founded in these principles across different cultures.  相似文献   

受教育机会平等:不同的标准   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马凤岐 《教育学报》2006,2(5):71-75
解决受教育机会平等问题,有两种典型的方案第一,为每个人提供与其能力水平和倾向性相适应的教育;第二,为每个人提供相同的教育。在基础教育阶段,为每个人提供相同的教育,是教育平等的基本要求;而在没有真正实现基础教育平等的时候,在选拔接受高水平的高等教育的时候,应该对不同地区的学生区别对待。  相似文献   

本文通过对英才教育的产生历史的批判与反思,探讨教育机会三部曲——入学机会公平、就读优质学校机会公平和教育过程参与机会公平来实现整个社会的教育机会公平的问题.  相似文献   

科学是一种体现人类理性和智慧的化现象.是人类进步和社会发展的标志。科学在追求自身价值的同时实现着为人类造福的社会价值.为人类带来社会福利是科学发展的驱动力和最终价值目标,表现为科学的社会福利特征;科学是获取社会福利的重要条件.是社会福利的一种内质和形态,也就是社会福利的科学特征。  相似文献   

The paper explores the work of four contemporary theorists of educational reform, following deep currents in epistemology and the theory of rationality. An examination of the positions yields a controversial epistemological conclusion which promotes the examination of philosophical issues relevant to education and the modernist/postmodernist debate.  相似文献   

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