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Based on the concept of "basic education" from the Declaration of the World Conference on Education for All (WCEFA, Jomtien 1990), this paper explores the impact of the non-formal education programme (NFPE) of the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) in the achievement of basic education for rural Bangladeshi children. Using an instrument developed previously in Bangladesh, three groups with different educational experiences were assessed: (1) children who attended BRAC's NFPE; (2) those attending formal school; (3) children who had never attended school. A total of 720 randomly selected children, who live in five rural areas of Bangladesh were assessed in this study. Of the four components of basic education, BRAC children did significantly better in life skills and writing than their peers in formal schools. Equal performance was observed in reading and numeracy. Although the children who had never attended school in general did poorly, some had developed life skills knowledge and more than half had acquired numeracy skills. This study concludes that BRAC's education programme has a positive impact on basic education in rural Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Grandparent-headed households are increasing in the United States. Most caregivers believe their role will be permanent. The responsibilities are more difficult because previous parenting experiences do not apply to some current challenges, and there are no paradigms to provide guidance. Accordingly, caregivers want to know the goals that successful grandparents share to consider them as a source of direction. Identification of grandparent success is based on the separate and combined responses from three generations to 60 Likert-type items in the Grandparent Strengths and Needs Inventory. Results detect assets and knowledge gaps, and they are used to determine content for group interventions. This presentation unites findings drawn from three-generational studies, community program initiatives, and case studies. The purpose is to show how goals of successful grandparents can be used to inform a paradigm for caregivers so that they are able to establish suitable priorities, recognize the necessary adjustments in their thinking and behavior, and discover how to assess progress. Grandparents develop these strengths when they are willing to amend their dreams, get to know grandchildren by spending time together, and adopt a perspective that enables management of stress. Cooperation with a parent who shares an obligation for childcare is essential along with an understanding of family rights and benefits. Success also requires resilience to confront predictable setbacks and provide lessons for grandchildren about overcoming adversity.  相似文献   

法国终身教育概要   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
每个人根据其信仰和价值观都能给教育下一个明确的定义。对于西方人来说 ,可以是物质享受、个人主义、自尊、中级教育、自由等。但是 ,没有人能够知道十年后教育面临的主要挑战会是什么。教育将面临各种矛盾的困扰 ,处理这些矛盾造成的各种复杂情况并非易事。教育属于社会复杂性的结果 ,并与社会模式、阶级——文化问题和政治因素密切相关 ,其可能的目标是在社会变革中协调个人发展和社会发展。其实 ,教育是一个与信息技术、革新、劳动力市场、专门目的的培训、授权、技术工具、灵活性、社会和经济发展相关的过程和无限的进程。在这个过程和…  相似文献   

移民教育是当前许多国家面临的一个困难的课题。法国作为一个世界瞩目的移民国家,其移民教育的状况受到各国的普遍关注。本文对二战以来法国移民教育的发展历程、政策与实践的经验和教训做了简要介绍,以使人们增加对法国及世界移民教育的了解。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展 ,中国高等教育的扩招和改革已是一大热门话题 ,报刊和网络上也登载了大量讨论。除了国内同仁们所提到的诸多方面 ,笔者以为我国高等教育在学制改革上也大有可为。  一、本科学制可缩短至三年中、日、美和前苏联的本科学制 (文理科 )均为四年 ,比英联邦多一年  相似文献   

法国工程师学校是大学校的重要组成部分,工程师的培养基本由工程师学校承担.法国工程师文凭受法律保护.工程师学校的课程灵活广泛,能够根据企业需要,经常调整,注重应用.法国工程师学校的成功依赖于一种企业文化,法国企业关心学校的发展,支持学生实习.但工程师学校缺乏研究型人才的培养机制,也是其未来改革方向之一.  相似文献   

法国的现代远程教育发展至少有两个动力 ,一是培养本国人才的需要 ;二是希望借助发展远程教育吸引更多的外国留学生 ,在世界教育市场上抢占一席之地。因为它没有像美国MBA那样吸引人的文凭 ,私营部门在教育资源和教育服务方面的发展也不是那么令人瞩目。而法国发展远程教育又有至少两个优势 ,一是如法国教育协会主席弗朗索瓦·布拉蒙所说的 ,“外国大学生所追求的并不仅是文凭 ,而是一种补充教育 ,一种接受欧洲教育的经历 ,能够被他们国内的学校和劳动部门所承认。”二是为使外国学生在法国的留学更圆满 ,法国在经费上予以相当的支持 ,比…  相似文献   

法国的医学教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在过去10年中,法国的卫生保健和医学教育制度已进行了很大的改革.本文调查了法国的医学课程、医学生的选择、执照颁发和继续医学教育,并讨论了法国医学院校面临的挑战.  相似文献   

开拓新筹资渠道是增加公共教育投入的重要方式。从开拓途径看,财政增收计划会加重宏观税负,引发社会异议,而调整财政分配结构计划有利于优化财政支出质量,更加公平有效。同时,新筹资渠道应满足成本分担与受益一致、经费充裕且可自由使用、收入来源稳定、突出中央和省级财政的统筹作用等四个条件。据此,可将央企利润和土地出让金按2∶1比例出资投入公共教育。实施这一方案的政策环境已基本成熟,在资金层面上也可操作,具有很强的可行性。  相似文献   

This article analyses the design of French Socialist egalitarian education policy, defined in terms of a number of indicators: organizational aspects of the education system, financial aspects of education policy and the size of the education system. It considers the extent to which the Socialists altered the institutional structure of the education system in order to create opportunities for lower class pupils or students to study. The performance of the Socialist government suggests that the institutional structures of education tend toward a high degree of continuity and are difficult to change in a short period of time. Nevertheless, despite this pattern of continuity, the Socialists did reform the education system in a way that seems slightly more egalitarian. The article does not attempt to provide a comprehensive explanation of this continuity, but points out some of the factors that account for continuities in certain elements of education policy related to the aim of equality.  相似文献   

每个孩子都是独一无二的,但他们的个性千差万别。因此我们的家庭教育不能满足于泛泛而教的水平。尊重孩子的个性,发展孩子的个性,是社会发展的需要,更是孩子健康成长的需要。家庭教育中的“因材施教”显得十分必要。一、“因材施教”有利孩子健康成长“因材施教”是教育学上的一条重要原则,它最早由两千多年前我国伟大的教育家孔子创立,经历代教育家的继承、发展与完善,在教育实践中发挥着重要的作用。“因材施教”指的是针对孩子的个性差异施行不同的教育。“因材施教”的根本目的在于充分发挥孩子的潜能,使个性不同的孩子都得到发…  相似文献   

中学道德教育是师生双向行动过程,教育者对学生的影响,包括学校对学生提出的要求、内容,采取的方式方法等,要符合学生的心理活动规律和发展水平,从而促进其发展,提高教育的实效性。  相似文献   

Mr. Jean-Louis Quermonne presented his report on the "Problems posed by the situation of university teaching personnel" in mid-November: he had been requested to compile this report at the end of June by Mr. Savary, Minister of National Education.  相似文献   

从思想品德教育的目标、评估、实施等方面,揭示了当前高校思想品德教育存在的“重理论灌输,轻自我教育”的偏差;论述了忽视自我教育对学生成长的危害;提出了培养和提高学生自我教育能力的主要途径。  相似文献   

要提高小学生思想品德教学的实效性 ,更好地发挥它的德育功能 ,应该采取加减乘除相结合的教学方法。  相似文献   

“动手做”——法国科学教育计划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科学教育并非一个全新的教育概念。早在斯宾塞提出“什么知识最有价值”的命题时,科学教育就开始受到教育界和科学界的广泛关注。尤其是历史上的三次科技革命彻底改变了人类的生存环境,科学是生产力的理念已经深入人心。在法国,18世纪就开始在小学里讲授科学,后来又经历了实物课以  相似文献   

The Potential of Book Floods for Raising Literacy Levels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The problem of raising literacy levels in developing countries is particularly challenging when pupils have their schooling in a non-native language. One promising strategy which has been tried and evaluated in the schools of several developing countries is the Book Flood approach. This article summarises the findings of Book Flood studies in Niue, Fiji, Singapore, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Solomon Islands, and several other countries.The evidence is now strong that it is possible to double the rate of reading acquisition of Third World primary school pupils with a "Book Flood" of about 100 high-interest books, per class, and short teacher training sessions. The benefits for reading skill and enthusiasm are consistent across diverse cultures, mother tongues and age levels, and they appear to generate corresponding improvements in children's writing, listening comprehension, and related language skills. Such skills are typically found to develop very slowly under traditional textbook styles of teaching.The problems of cost per school and cultural suitability of imported books are addressed. Several countries have adopted Book Flood programmes on a national scale, and others are currently planning to do so.  相似文献   

进入21世纪后,法国教育面临诸多问题和挑战:如青少年失学辍学量不断增加;校园暴力时有发生等。为此,法国政府和民众积极开展教育改革大讨论,并在此基础上开展了面向21世纪的教育改革。  相似文献   

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