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Through comparative study of Emily Bronte and Emily Dickinson, this paper reveals that the two poets have many affinities in literary: themes and other aspects in spite of their variation in style, depth and intensity.It also makes a reseach on the relationship between their solitary lives and, literary creation, hence an interpretation is given to how the affinity has been achieved. On the basis of the above disscussion, the paper argues that the two reclusive poets' literary achievements well illumimate the Chinese ancient literary theory that "诗可以怨" "文穷而后工" and some of Wang Guowei's related perspectives.  相似文献   

2009,you and Me     
2009,你在成长:又长六一岁,更多新鲜体验,更多温暖记忆,更多美好希望。2009,我在改变:会有新精彩,师长一样帮助,朋友一样贴心,伙伴一样分享。2009,我们在一起,就如现在,好像时光也会为我们停留……2009,you and Me~~  相似文献   

Emily lived in the country with her parents. There was a family of deer living in the woods near their house. Emily named the baby deer Angel and oftenplayed with it.But one day, the mother deer came to Emily’s home and stood there looking a Emily sadly.  相似文献   

福克纳的爱米丽   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
福克纳的短篇小说《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》自问世以来.人们一直从不同角度对其加以评述.可见其巨大的魅力。要在忠实原文的基础上分析才能正确地发现爱米丽悲剧的成因。首先是她那坚持清教思想家庭伦理观的父亲剥夺了爱米丽青春时期爱的权利;然后是镇上人为维护旧的传统观念.对已是老处女的爱米丽的爱情横加指责和干涉。内外夹击中倍受煎熬的爱米丽在遭到爱人遗弃时失去理智.酿成了一桩惨烈的悲剧。爱米丽作为一个普通女人的爱的权利一再遭到剥夺和侵犯.是其人生悲剧的主要原因。  相似文献   

Wuthering Heights, Emilys only novel, is unique in its fascinating and compelling portrait of the distinct individuality of the characters. Emily, in Wuthering Heights,reveals her intense awareness of conflict. She gives the powerful expression of passion, anguish and revenge  相似文献   

美国女诗人爱米莉·狄金森一生创作了1800首诗。她生前恬谈,默默无闻,过着隐士般的生活。她终身未嫁,外表宁静,内心却隐藏着一个丰富、深邃、炽热的情感世界。本文主要剖析诗人的情感世界,并着重分析其爱情诗。从而,有助于读者进一步了解诗人及其诗歌构筑的世界。①  相似文献   

A Letterto Emily     
为了提高同学的英语写作水平,使大家在中考中立于不败之地,应广大师生的要求,我们开辟了“学生习作名师点评“栏目。同学们如果想让自己的英语习作得到名师的点评,请邮寄给我们。老师们如果发现自己学生的优秀习作需推荐的话,请按栏目要求邮寄给我们。  相似文献   

蔡倩 《海外英语》2011,(2):192+197
Love is one of the themes of Dickinson’s poetry. Love is both sweet and painful, both strong and lingering described in her works. In the poem "Wild Nights: Wild Nights!" the speaker reveals all her innermost feelings to her love. Love is expressed in an unabashed manner. These bitter and sweet interwoven contradictions constitute the tone of her love of poetry.  相似文献   

The protected tetrapeptide, N-o-Ns-N ( Me ) -Val-N ( Me ) -Val-N ( Me ) -Val- N ( Me ) -Phe- OtBu, was prepared from L-valine and L-phenylalanine. Ted-butyl acetate and HClO4 were used to protect carbonyl group, o-nitrobenzenesulfonyl chloride and triethyl amine were used to protect amino group, and N-alkylation was finished with iodomethane. Then the protected amino acid was turned into acid chloride which was taken as coupling reagent. After 14 steps, such as protection, alkylation, deprotection and coupling, the protected tetrapeptide was obtained with a yield of 26.9%. The structures of intermediates and target compound were identified with NMR spectra and high resolution mass spectra.  相似文献   

艾米莉人物形象的多视角解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诺贝尔文学奖得主、美国作家威廉.福克纳的《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》通过艾米莉的爱情悲剧揭示了南方社会新旧观念的冲突及没落贵族阶级的守旧心态;从不同的视角就主人公艾米莉小姐的人物形象进行解读,指出艾米莉是一个多维度的矛盾复合体,充满着矛盾和困惑,既是南方传统的维护者和受害者,又是南方传统的反叛者;既是现实的逃避者,又是幸福的追求者;通过对艾米莉人物形象的多视角解读,旨在帮助读者更好地理解和欣赏作品,了解美国南方文学。  相似文献   

Faulkner is one of the modern American novelists who have gained a worldwide reputation as one of the best storytellers in America or even the world.He depicts the feelings:ins anity,split,distortion,grotesque,and the secret unplumbed depths of the soul.The art of abnormal psychology carries the appeal of cultural reflection and free life.In the process of creating the abnormal character,Faulkner conveys his criticism and reflection of the essence of culture.He strengthens the human consciousness by self-examination through the reality of art.  相似文献   

王睿悦 《音乐世界》2010,(17):12-12
经历了冗长的等待之后.WaT的新单曲,《你吻了我》重装再出击,单曲的MV也花了很大的心思击打造。一直觉得“MV摄影什么的最快乐了!”的小池遭遇了纯情的Kiss场景,有兴趣的你,就赶快来Check Check一下吧!  相似文献   

在对福克纳短篇小说代表作之一《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》的既往研究中,有女性主义批评者认为父权制是导致爱米丽人生悲剧的重要原因。在此基础上借用巴特勒的性别操演理论进一步提出,爱米丽性别的复杂表演性质从根本上揭示了社会文化机制对个体性别身份的规约以及个体在颠覆机制时所遭遇的遏制。两者形成一种合力,共同促成作品的悲剧意识。爱米丽先是在父权制的掌控下遵循"南方淑女"这一性别规范来建构自己的性别,之后在父亲去世后对性别和身份的操演解构了这一所谓本质主义的迷思。其操演的身份既是对社会文化机制的颠覆与反抗,又是对性别主体重建的诉求,是女性个体争取性别解放的必经之路。  相似文献   

生活在十九世纪的英国女小说家艾米莉·勃郎特和美国女诗人艾米莉·狄金森是英美文学史上曾引起世界轰动的"奇"作家.通过比较她们的生活方式、性格、文学创作等方面,发现她们之间存在许多相似之处人生经历不同寻常、个性奇特、爱情观独特执着,而且她们在各自的荒原所创造的作品都非常奇异、带给了世界奇妙的震撼,因此她们堪称"开在荒原上的两朵奇葩".  相似文献   

With the establishment of ASLE in America in 1992, ecological criticism has been adopted to interpret literature.known as the earliest nature poetry, Dickinson's poems beyond doubt have been studied from eco-critical perspective since 1990 s.Moreover, as a poetess with a unique and unconventional writing style, her feminist consciousness has been emphasized.This thesis attempts to reread her poems from ecological and feminist perspective.  相似文献   

The technology education movement includes the introduction and application of digital books into science classrooms. These digital books are attractive alternatives to traditional texts because they can be customized for students. This qualitative study examined 35 students as they customized their own digital books. Using a variety of digital photos and videos, each student was asked to drag and drop images into their text. The students were provided with a variety of digital photos and videos to use to customize their books. The images were identical except for the racial cues of the characters. We used content analysis of students' selections and interviews of students (N = 35). We discovered that cues about racial authenticity served as the primary motivation for students selecting particular images. As students were given options, they consistently chose images that reflected their racial, gender, and linguistic identities. The results of this study indicate the need to recognize how racial cues can help students draw deeper connections to digital media if those cues are culturally authentic. This implies that culturally authentic racial cues would spawn deeper engagement for students.  相似文献   

狄金森是美国著名诗人,她以独特的写作风格创作了500多首描写自然的诗。她热爱自然又害怕自然。自然成了她创作的源泉,她笔下的自然对人类时而慈爱友善,时而充满敌意,既带给人类愉悦与和谐,又给人类以伤害。本文通过对其作品的悟读,揭示了这位女诗人的内心世界。  相似文献   

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