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This paper considers some of the debates surrounding the term competence and the relevance that these have for the development of competence frameworks. Such frameworks are increasingly on the agenda, since they purport to support training programme development, to identify competence gaps, to promote self-development, and to ensure common standards. This paper shows, however, that notions of competence have specific meanings in particular contexts, that they have been contested, and that they have fallen into and out of favour over time. The paper concludes by teasing out the implications that competing definitions of competence have for the guidance field.  相似文献   

民航重组居 2 0 0 1年中国十大并购事件之首。本文从中国民航的两次改革入手 ,剖析了民航重组的有利影响与存在问题 ,最后提出中国民航业重组的基本对策。  相似文献   

自由是人的生命的一种需求,是人类追求的最重要的价值之一,在人类历史长河中关于自由的理论学派纷呈、不一而足.哈耶克的自由理论极富特色,他的理论体系中的自由兼具目的性价值和工具性价值.自由的状态下,每个人都能够自由的运用知识去实现自己的目的,这种自由又是"法律下的自由".在人类无可救赎的"无知"的前提下,必须通过自由这一工具性手段,在自由的环境下行为规则互动才能实现自生自发的秩序.  相似文献   

通过介绍"大工程观"教育理念实质及特点,结合中国民航大学与华北空中交通管理局实施管制学员雷达管制实践能力联合培养的教学试点改革案例,指出在空管人才培养中,应积极推进雷达管制实践教学模式改革,以应对民航强国战略背景下行业快速发展对空中交通管制人才综合素质的更高要求。  相似文献   

Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability - Over the past three decades, policy and professional standards have repeatedly called teachers to integrate assessment continuously across...  相似文献   

本文结合中国民航飞行学院的贫困生认定工作,对贫困生认定过程中存在的伪贫困生现象进行较为深入的剖析,并结合学院工作实际,针对助学金发放的个人申请——学院审核——发放消费三个重要环节,探讨规避伪贫困生现象出现的较为优化的贫困生认定方法。  相似文献   

为提高应用型人才培养的质量,工程测量课程及实习从培养学生的工程测量核心能力出发,在教学内容、教学方法、考核评价、第二课堂建设方面进行了卓有成效的改革,包括整合教学内容、编写项目式教学讲义、采用项目式教学方法、采用多种措施提高学生学习的参与度和积极性、进行全过程评价和操作考核等。教学实践表明,改革措施具有很好的有效性和可行性,改革取得了令人满意的教学效果,为其他类似课程的教改探索提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

This article describes the approach of dynamic assessment, focusing on general approaches as well as specific constraints for the assessment of reading competence. Starting with an overview of the literature on dynamic assessments within educational research, the framework of dynamic assessment in which the current level of competence and (domain-specific) learning ability are assessed, is discussed with regards to its methodological and diagnostic implications.Reading competence is introduced as a domain in which interventions prove successful, and as a domain principally suitable for the assessment of learning ability. Furthermore, it is discussed whether elaborated feedback given within the procedure of reading competence assessment does uncover a learning ability which is specific to the domain of reading competence or not.  相似文献   

民航业在国民经济和社会发展中处于基础性、先导性地位,事关人民群众生命财产安全。就我国的实际情况来看,目前还不可能完全放开对民航业的政府规制,而只能采取渐进式改革的方式,对民航企业实施激励性规制。基于渐进式改革的需要,对民航企业进行激励性规制的一个重要内容是实施价格上限规制,通过价格规制改革,对民族企业形成追求合理利润的动力激励。  相似文献   

围绕核心素养的课程体系的引动、指向核心素养的教学方式的促动、依托核心素养的教学理念的转动以及立足核心素养的教学评价本身所具有的不足,导致教学评价可能给学生带来诸多影响,这就需要教学评价教育来完成相应使命.核心素养视域中的教学评价教育能整合教学评价知识,为核心素养的评价奠定理论基础;可改进教学评价方法,为核心素养的评价找准实践道路;会调整教学评价理念,为核心素养的评价指明发展方向;能优化教学评价标准,为核心素养的评价提供前进动力.合理实施教学评价教育的路径有三:首先,以顶层设计为先导,通过对教学评价教育理论的设计,深入分析教学评价教育的理论基础;其次,走向实践、落实核心素养视域中教学评价教育的行动;最后,规划未来导向,发展核心素养视域中的教学评价教育以更好改善教学评价落实核心素养.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to determine how teachers and administrators in a successful North Carolina district perceived the purpose and value of required individual growth plans (IGPs). The IGP is the foundation of required school improvement, and the perceptions of the purpose and value of the IGP largely determine its success. This article describes the current view of this critical element of school success.  相似文献   

The Bases of Competence model provides a general framework for learner‐centred skill development and programme‐focused outcomes assessment. Based on previous research, the Bases of Competence model describes 17 skills and four base competencies important to graduates to achieve high performance in the workplace. Taking this work from research to relevant educational application as a tool for student self‐assessment and institutional outcomes assessment is the focus of this paper. Results from a multi‐year, multi‐course assessment initiative indicate that students rate themselves stronger in the foundation base competencies of Communicating and Managing Self, and weaker in more complex competencies of Managing People and Tasks and Mobilising Innovation and Change. Comparisons of skill confidence within each base competence as well as between year, student level, gender and beginning versus end of semester are presented as well. These results are discussed and suggestions made for programme design.  相似文献   

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance - Self-regulation is crucial for learning and achievement in educational and occupational contexts. Educational self-regulation has...  相似文献   

随着我国航空业的发展,各大航空机队不断扩大,民航空中安全保卫专业的设立目的系培养专业理论知识丰富、形象素质高、具有良好的心理素质,愿为民航业发展奉献的全面性人才。一个合格的民航空中安全保卫人才,必须具有良好的体能素质。本文主要是对激励教学法在民航空中安全保卫专业体能训练教学中的运用作出论述并得出结论。  相似文献   

Formative Assessment (FA) refers to eliciting evidence about students’ understanding and using the information to support learning, e.?g. via individual feedback. There is evidence that FA fosters students’ motivation, but less is known about the underlying processes. The present study investigates direct effects of FA on intrinsic motivation as well as the mediating role of students’ perceived competence, drawing on Deci and Ryan’s self-determination theory. In a randomized, controlled trial, primary school teachers were either assigned to an FA training (n?=?17) or to a control group (CG; n?=?11). All teachers then taught two science units in their classrooms (FA: n?=?319 students, CG: n?=?232). Multilevel regression analyses showed a higher perceived competence and a marginally higher intrinsic motivation for FA students after unit 1. After unit 2, both intrinsic motivation and perceived competence were higher in the FA condition, and the impact on intrinsic motivation was significantly mediated by students’ perceived competence after the first unit. These results confirm and extend previous findings on the effectiveness of formative assessment on motivational outcomes.  相似文献   

This article examines the educational activism of two Arab civil organizations in Israel: the Follow-Up Committee on Arab Education (FUCAE) and the Eqraa Association (Eqraa). On the one hand, it explores the possibilities and limitations of the involvement of the FUCAE in the state’s Arab education system, as a secular organization that is heavily engaged in the contentious identity politics of the Arab minority in Israel. On the other hand, it reflects on the competing yet complementary roles played by Eqraa vis-à-vis the state in the field of education, as a faith-based organization that has been operating its own independent successful initiatives in education. More specifically, this article compares the goals, strategies, activities, and sources of funding of these two organizations, thus providing insights on the role of civil society organizations, either secular or religious, on Palestinian identity formation and political mobilization in Israel. Additionally, it clarifies the meaning and characteristics of Islamic entrepreneurship and activism in education.  相似文献   

中共十六届四中全会提出的加强党的执政能力建设的使命,与党的政治价值观建设密切联系在一起。任何政治动员或建设行为都必须符合一定的政治价值观,否则就不能得到社会的认同,也就不具备合法性。所以在加强党的执政能力建设的同时,必须重视党的政治价值观的建构,而中国共产党的政治价值观最根本的内涵就是始终为最广大人民谋利益。  相似文献   

在国际化和全球化背景下,中外学者对于大学生应该具备哪些能力来面对全球性的挑战和机遇进行了长期探索和研究,我国学者尤其对国际能力、全球化能力和跨文化能力比较感兴趣,但这三个术语在高教研究领域的混淆现象也不容忽视.本文通过文献研究法和历史研究法对这三个术语的概念、理论框架和测评等方面的发展进行回顾和梳理,剖析其在理论和实践中的生命力和适应力.在此基础上,针对术语的混用问题讨论了三者是否可互用和如何选择使用.结论认为国际能力、全球化能力可能不适合中国;跨文化能力可使用,但仍需调适,加入"东方视角".  相似文献   

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