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Building on J. Dewey's (1907) original work with the laboratory school, the College of Education and Health Professions at the University of Texas–Arlington is expanding the original concept to include partners throughout a school system and the community in order to support and advance learning in multiple learning environments. The goal is to establish a network of schools, administrators, teachers, graduate students, and policymakers; not necessarily everyone, but a critical mass of vested partners working collaboratively in what we call a Research Schools Network (RSN). The Network uses the new field of Mind, Brain and Education (MBE) to develop a theoretical and practical foundation for addressing educational challenges in the community. This article explores how the college has partnered with Arlington Independent School District (AISD), neighboring universities, the business community, and our state representative to develop and define new paradigms that not only promote MBE as an academic field, but also inform and are informed by the community it seeks to serve.  相似文献   

Productive pedagogies and the challenge of inclusion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Julie Allan is Professor of Education at the Institute of Education, University of Stirling, where she also directs the Participation, Inclusion and Equity Research Network. In this article, she explores the challenges involved in achieving an inclusive education system. Her argument draws on recommendations from two separate studies, undertaken in Queensland, Australia and Scotland, which are attempting to shape inclusion policy and practice. The Queensland School Reform Longitudinal Study identified a set of productive pedagogies in which issues of social justice, equity and inclusion are foregrounded. The Scottish Parliamentary Inquiry into special needs, to which Professor Allan was adviser, recommended a number of changes aimed at establishing an inclusive education system for all pupils. Comparisons of the two sets of recommendations, which formed the basis of a series of workshops with teachers, school leaders and administrators within Education Queensland, have prompted two major questions which are addressed in this paper: what gets in the way of inclusive practice and what will it take to be inclusive? Julie Allan's responses to these questions take account of the ways in which we think about ‘special education’ teacher training and professional development; and educational policies and practices. She represents a fascinating set of ‘double‐edged responsibilities’ that will challenge practitioners, policy makers and teacher educators to refocus and reframe their thinking about special educational needs and inclusion.  相似文献   

Studies have shown a positive relationship between a rise in schooling levels and economic production [World Bank, 2005. A Time to Choose: Caribbean Development in the 21st Century. World Bank, Washington, DC; Jules, V., Panneflek, A., 2000. EFA in the Caribbean: Assessment 2000, Sub-Regional Report, vol. 2, The State of Education in the Caribbean in the 1990s. UNESCO, Kingston, Jamaica; Haddad, W.D., 1990. Education and Development; Evidence for New Priorities. World Bank Discussion Paper 95. The World Bank, Washington, DC; McClelland, D., 1969. Does Education Accelerate Economic Growth. In: Eckstein, M.A., Noah, H.J. (Eds.), Scientific Investigations in Comparative Education. Macmillan, London], but this link may be limited in systems of education where traditional pedagogic methods have been dominant (such as the Caribbean islands of Trinidad and Barbados where underachievement is also associated with lack of participation and low levels of social inclusion skills by teachers: World Bank, 1992. Access, Quality and Efficiency in Caribbean Education: a Regional Study. World Bank, Washington, DC; Kutnick, P., Jules, V., Layne, A., 1997. Gender and School Achievement in the Caribbean. Department for International Development, London). Into traditional classroom contexts in Trinidad and Barbados, a new social pedagogic method was introduced by teachers and changes in attainment and motivation of pupils and attitudes of teachers were assessed over two terms in secondary schools.  相似文献   

In a rapidly changing world where postsecondary educators of men and women who are deaf face myriad challenges preparing these men and women to enter a global economy, there is a pressing need for multinational collaboration and partnerships that view current and emerging challenges with "globaleyes." The National Technical Institute for the Deaf at the Rochester Institute of Technology and The Nippon Foundation of Japan formed a foundation/education partnership that led to the establishment of the Postsecondary Education Network International (PEN-International), a collaborative and cooperative network of colleges and universities around the world that provide postsecondary education for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. The network now consists of more than 25 institutions in nine countries.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe and theorize about a computer‐supported and mediated educational research project which encourages cultural production and sustainability. We first describe the CD‐Golem project which was developed in light of the perceived needs of a Diaspora community's attempts to impart its youth with a sense of belonging and continuity. Next we characterize Cultural Education and discuss the theoretical rationale of our approach in the context of current theories of identity and cultural construction, multicultural education and computer‐supported collaborative learning. We conclude by reviewing briefly and evaluating critically some of the lessons we have learned in our first years of activity.  相似文献   

This paper critically examines the ways in which inclusion and equity are constituted through education development policies in India. Programmes implemented under global and national Education for All (EFA) policies have largely involved the quantification of ‘equity’ whereby schooling processes are measured against broad targets for school outcomes – focused mainly on student attendance, retention and academic achievement. Drawing on perspectives from Actor Network Theory, the paper puts forward the view of development reforms as ‘networks of translation’ in order to trace the shifts and vicissitudes of educational ideals. Reporting on ethnographic data of two reforms in the south Indian state of Karnataka, we show how narrow understandings of equity are produced through target-driven approaches to EFA. In doing so, the paper highlights the performative effects of education development policy and its potentially counterproductive consequences in contexts of poverty and marginalisation.  相似文献   

进入21世纪,网络技术的发展突飞猛进,网络教育在传统教育中的比重也越来越大.为了充分利用高校网络资源,加快高校教育教学改革的进程,作者开发了网上教学资源库管理系统.本系统采用基于JSP的B/S体系结构,选择面向对象的、易于扩展的JSP编程语言及Eclipse、Oracle9i数据库作为系统开发工具.在软件的开发过程中,遵循了模型-视图-控制(MVC)设计模式,充分利用了Struts框架为Web开发提供的各种特性功能,完成了对网络教学资源库的创建.  相似文献   

吴建平院士介绍了互联网的核心技术和中国教育科研网建设的历程。吴院士团队实现IPv6关键技术的突破,使得中国教育科研网走在了世界互联网建设的前列:CERNET已经成为全球最大的学术网络。“互联网+教育”应用也是吴院士重点关注的内容。结合当前互联网教育现状,吴院士从缩小数字鸿沟、推进教育公平、确保青少年健康成长等方面探讨了教育专网建设的必要性,并界定了教育专网建设的概念和内涵,分析了教育专网建设的基本框架和可能带来的教育管理上的变革。他提出,教育专网将提供快速、稳定、绿色、安全的教育服务,作为智慧教育的支撑平台,支撑各种新兴技术对教育的渗透,进而对教育资源建设、教育改革方面发挥积极作用。未来教育场景中,教育专网必将成为“教、学、管、评、测”全链条信息化、智慧化的基础平台,将推动我国教育高质量均衡发展。  相似文献   

2005年以来,我系以计算机网络技术专业为试点,以《重庆市计算机网络技术专业人才培养模式研究与实践》重庆市教委重点项目为平台,计算机网络专业教学团队不断进行教学模式改革,创新地提出基于LTMW的计算机网络技术专业教学模式,模式核心基于工作过程、以项目为导向和以任务为驱动,融实践教学与理论教学为一体,产学互动、实景育人,最终形成满足市场需求的高技能复合型人才培养模式。  相似文献   

Since 1992, the UK Government has published so‐called ‘school league tables’ summarising the average General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) ‘attainment’ and ‘progress’ made by pupils in each state‐funded secondary school in England. While the headline measure of school attainment has remained the percentage of pupils achieving five or more good GCSEs, the headline measure of school progress has changed from ‘value‐added’ (2002–2005) to ‘contextual value‐added’ (2006–2010) to ‘expected progress’ (2011–2015) to ‘progress 8’ (2016–). This paper charts this evolution with a critical eye. First, we describe the headline measures of school progress. Second, we question the Government's justifications for scrapping contextual value‐added. Third, we argue that the current expected progress measure suffers from fundamental design flaws. Fourth, we examine the stability of school rankings across contextual value‐added and expected progress. Fifth, we discuss the extent to which progress 8 will address the weaknesses of expected progress. We conclude that all these progress measures and school league tables more generally should be viewed with far more scepticism and interpreted far more cautiously than they have often been to date.  相似文献   

学习社会的理念和实践已经在世界范围内广泛推展,学习社会对教育理念和基本理论产生了巨大的冲击。在社会转型期中,我国教育系统出现各种各样新的教育社会问题,对研究教育社会现象的教育社会学提出新的挑战,赋予了教育社会学新的使命。通过对2005年教育社会学研究成果的分析,发现在研究取向上发生根本性的改变,主要表现在研究主题的变化、问题意识的觉醒和研究方法的转变。  相似文献   

Schools are increasingly recognized as a critical venue for the provision of comprehensive behavioral and mental health services for students. Unfortunately, difficulties associated with operating programs in schools often prevent evidence‐based practices from being implemented and sustained as intended. In this study, the experiences of school and community providers who were funded through the Safe Schools/Healthy Students Initiative to implement mental health services in a large, urban school district were investigated using a qualitative focus group methodology. Providers identified the major challenges they encountered with implementing, operating, and sustaining their programs as well as the strategies that they used to overcome those challenges. Strategies to enhance support of school‐based mental health programs are discussed. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 42: 361–372, 2005.  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化的发展和中国加入世界贸易组织,各行各业对人们的英语专业知识及英语应用能力提出了更高的要求。教育部因应时代的发展,社会用人的要求,决定2004年3月1日入学的电大、网络学院等远程教育的学生的大学英语(B)统考合格作为教育部高等教育学历证书电子注册资格的条件之一。由于大学英语(B)进行机上网考,本课程已经成为成人学生在本科阶段学习的拦路虎。本文主要就大学英语(B)教学实施过程中存在好问题进行反思,并探究有效的教学策略。  相似文献   

Web Services在网络教育系统中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络教育是现代远程教育的主流发展趋势,网络教育系统是网络教育的载体和学员进行网络学习的平台。但当前的网络教育系统存在的两个主要问题是:教学资源无法做到有效共享和系统之间互操作性的欠缺。本文利用Web Services来解决这两个问题,提出了基于Web Services的网络教育系统总体架构,并对其中的关键问题进行了分析与研究。  相似文献   


In this article we critically engage with some of the challenges and issues pertaining to the implementation of the Advanced Certificate in Education: School Leadership following a national agreement by the national Department of Education, provincial education departments and several universities. The rather idealised vision of the programme to provide learning opportunities to promote quality education in South African schools through the development of a corps of education leaders who apply critical understanding, values, knowledge and skills to school leadership and management in line with the vision of democratic transformation seemingly meshed with our own approach to the development of leadership. However, consequent to the planning, budgeting and implementation of this school leadership programme we realised that realities posed serious challenges. In this paper we narrate how it became increasingly clear how “the devil is in the detail”.  相似文献   

In the developing debate about the aims and nature of multiracial education in the UK, the substantive issue about the educational performance of ethnic minority pupils figures prominently. This article challenges many of the conventional wisdoms about the differential performance of White, Asian and Afro‐Caribbean pupils; firstly by looking at the way in which the notion of ‘underachievement’ has been conceptualised in both research studies and reviews of literature. Secondly, by examining critically the ways in which the ‘evidence’ for black underachievement has been generated and presented.

It is concluded that a neglect of certain methodological and conceptual issues in this area has not only led to impoverished analyses but also to the perpetuation of stereotyped images of the intellectual potential of black and Asian pupils.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONNASisatermusedtorefertostorageele mentsthatconnecttoanetworkandprovidefileaccessservicestocomputersystems.Incommonusage ,aNASsystemisaspecial purposedevicethatisdesignedtoservefilestoclientsoveraLAN .Therearemanybenefitsinthearchitec ture:heterogeneousfilesharing ;internalre sourcepooling;exploitationoftheexistingin frastructure;simplicityofimplementation ;con nectivity;improvedmanageability;reductionoftotalcostofownership ;andsoon .Butinprac tice,therearestillmanydrawbacks…  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduced a novel storage architecture "Unified Storage Network", which merges NAC(Network Attached Channel) and SAN(Storage Area Network), and provides the file I/O services as NAS devices and provides the block I/O services as SAN. To overcome the drawbacks from FC, we employ iSCSI to implement the USN(Unified Storage Network). To evaluate whether iSCSI is more suitable for implementing the USN, we analyze iSCSI protocol and compare it with FC protocol from several components of a network protocol which impact the performance of the network. From the analysis and comparison, we can conclude that the iSCSI is more suitable for implementing the storage network than the FC under condition of the wide-area network. At last, we designed two groups of experiments carefully.  相似文献   

In this paper we draw upon 14 semi‐structured interviews with the participants in a teacher‐researcher project on the theme of ‘ensuring African Caribbean attainment’ with the aim of shedding light on the purposes, processes and lived experiences of teacher research in a difficult and contentious intellectual and practical domain. After briefly reviewing the history and policy background of teacher research in England, we introduce the project and the specific purposes and motivations of its various stakeholders. In the second half of the paper we analyse the challenges and the rewards of participating in the project, including the challenges of facilitating teacher research, and we review the key implications of the research for policy and practice. We conclude that, in trying to make teacher research happen in a way that is meaningful and productive for those involved (whether as facilitators or teacher researchers), three things have to be negotiated at once: new roles for academic facilitators, new dimensions of teacher roles, and a viable conception of research that is authentically teacher research. All of these things involve rethinking assumptions about what it means to be a teacher and an academic and what is meant by research. Drawing on the lessons of this project, we suggest that the central challenge of building successful teacher research is the creation of genuine partnerships, characterised by respectful and critical dialogue, between university staff and teacher researchers.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the attempts by some Caribbean science teachers to make links between their students' everyday lives and school science in their planning for teaching. It describes how these teachers drew on their exposure to a university graduate course on science education and culture in seeking to access the background cultural knowledge of their students and to incorporate this knowledge in their plans for teaching science. The paper critically examines the experiences of these teachers and highlights both the rewards and challenges that ensued as these teachers prepared for culturally relevant science teaching  相似文献   

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