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本研究以参加2008年全国青少年网球锦标赛的132名运动员为研究对象,对运动员竞赛心理策略、流畅体验、运动表现关系进行探讨。结果显示:竞赛心理策略多项因子与流畅体验多项因子存在显著正相关;竞赛心理策略中自我谈话、目标设置、表象等五个策略与四个积极运动表现因子呈显著正相关。情绪控制策略与三个不良运动表现因子呈显著负相关。本研究为青少年网球运动员竞赛心理策略的训练工作提供实证依据。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to analyse the influence of performance level, age and gender on pacing during a 100-km ultramarathon. Results of a 100-km race incorporating the World Masters Championships were used to identify differences in relative speeds in each 10-km segment between participants finishing in the first, second, third and fourth quartiles of overall positions (Groups 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively). Similar analyses were performed between the top and bottom 50% of finishers in each age category, as well as within male and female categories. Pacing varied between athletes achieving different absolute performance levels. Group 1 ran at significantly lower relative speeds than all other groups in the first three 10-km segments (all P < 0.01), and significantly higher relative speeds than Group 4 in the 6th and 10th (both P < 0.01), and Group 2 in the 8th (P = 0.04). Group 4 displayed significantly higher relative speeds than Group 2 and 3 in the first three segments (all P < 0.01). Overall strategies remained consistent across age categories, although a similar phenomenon was observed within each category whereby ‘top’ competitors displayed lower relative speeds than ‘bottom’ competitors in the early stages, but higher relative speeds in the later stages. Females showed lower relative starting speeds and higher finishing speeds than males. ‘Top’ and ‘bottom’ finishing males displayed differing strategies, but this was not the case within females. Although pacing remained consistent across age categories, it differed with level of performance within each, possibly suggesting strategies are anchored on direct competitors. Strategy differs between genders and differs depending on performance level achieved in males but not females.  相似文献   

为了探索道次、场地条件和运动水平对速度滑冰女子1000m速度节奏的影响。采用文献资料、访谈和数理统计等研究方法,分析了2012—2013赛季哈尔滨站速度滑冰世界杯和关国速度滑冰世界锦标赛女子1000m前后两次比赛均参加的运动员分段数据,结果认为:(1)速度滑冰女子1000m道次不同造成运动员速度节奏的明显差异,外道速度波动比内道更大;(2)速度滑冰女子l000m场地条件不同,速度节奏存在显著性差异,条件越差的比赛场地,其启动阶段加速节奏越快,600—1000m分段速度节奏越慢;(3)速度滑冰女子1000m高、低水平运动员百分速度节奏存在显著性差异,低水平运动员0—200m启动阶段相对加速节奏更快,600—1000m分段高水平运动员百分速度节奏更快。  相似文献   

杨呈杰 《体育科技》2012,33(1):11-16
运用文献资料法、"特尔菲"专家问卷调查法、数理统计法等方法,对体育系统职能部门、现场观看体育比赛消费者以及体育界专家学者进行了问卷调查,深入分析河南省体育竞赛表演市场现状,找出目前体育竞赛表演市场存在的问题,结合河南省各地市的实际情况,提出发展河南省体育竞赛表演市场的基本思路与对策(适合开展的体育赛事、有效的营销方法以及未来的发展战略),以促进河南省体育竞赛表演市场快速良性发展。  相似文献   

在对第2届环青海湖国际公路自行车赛全体中、外参赛运动员比赛成绩进行统计处理和全面分析基础上,着重对成绩较好的中、外运动员进行相对成绩、平均排名、速度方差和相对速度方差各项指标的对比分析。结果显示:我国优秀运动员有与国外优秀运动员抗争的实力,而团队整体实力与国外强队仍有一定差距,处于中等水平;在全程速度分配上较为合理,但相对速度能力较差,关键性赛段波动较大,参与激烈竞争的能力远不如国外优秀运动员。  相似文献   


The goal of this study was to investigate the effects of different durations of skin temperature manipulation on pacing patterns and performance during a 15-km cycling time trial. Nineteen well-trained men completed three 15-km cycling time trials in 18°C and 50% relative humidity with 4.5-km (short-heat), 9.0-km (long-heat) or without (control) radiant heat exposure applied by infrared heaters after 1.5 km in the time trial. During the time trials, power output, mean skin temperature, rectal temperature, heart rate and rating of perceived exertion were assessed. The radiant heat exposure resulted in higher mean skin temperature during the time trial for short-heat (35.0 ± 0.6°C) and long-heat (35.3 ± 0.5°C) than for control (32.5 ± 1.0°C; P < 0.001), whereas rectal temperature was similar (P = 0.55). The mean power output was less for short-heat (273 ± 8 W; P = 0.001) and long-heat (271 ± 9 W; P = 0.02) than for control (287 ± 7 W), but pacing patterns did not differ (P = 0.55). Heart rate was greatest in control (177 ± 9 beats · min?1; P < 0.001), whereas the rating of perceived exertion remained similar. We concluded that a radiant heat exposure and associated higher skin temperature reduced overall performance, but did not modify pacing pattern during a 15-km cycling time trial, regardless of the duration of the exposure.  相似文献   

魏磊 《体育科研》2016,(1):78-81
学校体育运动竞赛是一种重要的教育方式,以上海市学校体育竞赛为例,运用文献资料法、访谈法等研究方法对我国学校体育竞赛进行分析,研究认为:(1)我国学校体育竞赛是指在学校范畴内学生参加的体育竞赛活动,按照组织单位可以分为校际体育竞赛、校内体育竞赛、学生自发组织的体育竞赛;(2)我国学校体育竞赛目前存在着竞赛及参与人数少、与体育教学相脱节、竞赛文化不浓厚等问题;(3)认识不足、重视不够、导向不明以及安全顾虑等是影响其开展的主要原因;(4)应该转变观念、提高认识、积极引导、丰富竞赛项目、完善评价制度、加强学校体育竞赛文化建设。  相似文献   

魏磊 《体育科研》2016,(2):78-81
学校体育运动竞赛是一种重要的教育方式,以上海市学校体育竞赛为例,运用文献资料法、访谈法等研究方法对我国学校体育竞赛进行分析,研究认为:(1)我国学校体育竞赛是指在学校范畴内学生参加的体育竞赛活动,按照组织单位可以分为校际体育竞赛、校内体育竞赛、学生自发组织的体育竞赛;(2)我国学校体育竞赛目前存在着竞赛及参与人数少、与体育教学相脱节、竞赛文化不浓厚等问题;(3)认识不足、重视不够、导向不明以及安全顾虑等是影响其开展的主要原因;(4)应该转变观念、提高认识、积极引导、丰富竞赛项目、完善评价制度、加强学校体育竞赛文化建设。  相似文献   

魏磊 《体育科研》2014,(6):78-81
学校体育运动竞赛是一种重要的教育方式,以上海市学校体育竞赛为例,运用文献资料法、访谈法等研究方法对我国学校体育竞赛进行分析,研究认为:(1)我国学校体育竞赛是指在学校范畴内学生参加的体育竞赛活动,按照组织单位可以分为校际体育竞赛、校内体育竞赛、学生自发组织的体育竞赛;(2)我国学校体育竞赛目前存在着竞赛及参与人数少、与体育教学相脱节、竞赛文化不浓厚等问题;(3)认识不足、重视不够、导向不明以及安全顾虑等是影响其开展的主要原因;(4)应该转变观念、提高认识、积极引导、丰富竞赛项目、完善评价制度、加强学校体育竞赛文化建设。  相似文献   

本文对自行车一公里计时赛项目的能量供应特点进行了分析,对影响该项成绩的主要因素:速度、耐力、爆发力、速度耐力的训练方法进行介绍,以期为1km自行车运动员提高运动成绩提供合理的科学依据。  相似文献   

山东省竞技体育可持续发展的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对山东省竞技体育的现状与发展态势、项目的设置和布局、人力资源结构等进行评析,并与广东、江苏、辽宁、上海、北京5省(市)的竞技体育发展进行比较研究,分析制约山东竞技体育可持续发展的瓶颈,探讨、制定未来发展战略以及实现发展目标的主要途径和实施对策。研究表明,山东省竞技体育的可持续发展必须实现竞技体育的社会化、产业化和国际化,建立起完善的与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的竞技体育组织管理体系和良性循环运行机制,构建竞技体育与大众体育、学校体育、社会经济协调发展的优良模式。  相似文献   

中国式摔跤进入奥运会的发展战略研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
依据中国式摔跤自身优势,站在奥林匹克运动的高度对中国式摔跤的发展战略进行了研究。针对中国式摔跤的现状及面临的主要问题,指出中国式摔跤要成为奥运会比赛项目必须采取竞争战略,即:成本领先和差别化战略,走市场化道路,利用科技创新增强竞争力。  相似文献   

对美国社区体育管理经验进行了系统的研究,对我国社区体育发展存在的问题进行了系统的分析,提出了我国社区体育发展的战略。  相似文献   

以 2 0 0 3年第 2届环青海湖国际公路自行车比赛成绩资料为样本 ,运用相关分析、离差比较、聚类分析等研究方法 ,研究了自行车公路竞赛技术 ,探讨了公路竞赛技术和组队比赛的策略问题。结果表明 ,环湖赛的比赛成绩与赛道难度有关 ;运动队的团体成绩不是仅靠个别优秀运动员 ,而取决于队内运动员成绩的差异。中国队要在环湖赛中取得良好成绩 ,建议最好采用每人每赛段争先 1km的比赛策略  相似文献   

自行车专用路的建设是我国将休闲体育运动与交通出行相结合的积极探索,有利于促进绿色出行观念加快普及。通过调查北京市自行车专用路的用户体验,洞察集体表象背后的价值需求,总结道路设计缺陷,并对后续发展提出深入市民需求、强化政策执行、注重设施维护和重视路面规划等改进建议。  相似文献   

中国自行车运动发展现状与训练学思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过文献资料法和专家访谈法,分析和论述了我国自行车运动发展的现状,并从改革赛制,奥运会备战过程中的战略重点的确立,科研信息保障以及训练理论和实践的创新等方面进行了论述,为2008年北京奥运会的备战工作提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if minimalist shoes improve time trial performance of trained distance runners and if changes in running economy, shoe mass, stride length, stride rate and footfall pattern were related to any difference in performance. Twenty-six trained runners performed three 6-min sub-maximal treadmill runs at 11, 13 and 15 km·h?1 in minimalist and conventional shoes while running economy, stride length, stride rate and footfall pattern were assessed. They then performed a 5-km time trial. In the minimalist shoe, runners completed the trial in less time (effect size 0.20 ± 0.12), were more economical during sub-maximal running (effect size 0.33 ± 0.14) and decreased stride length (effect size 0.22 ± 0.10) and increased stride rate (effect size 0.22 ± 0.11). All but one runner ran with a rearfoot footfall in the minimalist shoe. Improvements in time trial performance were associated with improvements in running economy at 15 km·h?1 (r = 0.58), with 79% of the improved economy accounted for by reduced shoe mass (P < 0.05). The results suggest that running in minimalist shoes improves running economy and 5-km running performance.  相似文献   

以科学发展观审视我国竞技体育发展的经验   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
遵循社会发展规律,以科学发展观为基本理论视角,从我国竞技体育发展观、竞技体育发展思路、竞技体育培养模式、竞技体育赛事管理4个层面出发,分析总结我国竞技体育发展的经验。研究认为,竞技体育的发展应由增量型发展模式转变为集约型发展模式,改变对运动员价值认同绝对化并注重其全面发展,改变单一赛事目标管理为多元赛事目标管理。  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,在探析散打商业赛事创新发展价值的基础上,通过进一步分析散打商业赛事发展的现状,发现的问题,提出从灵活设置商业赛事规则、构建多层次赛事等级、挖掘武术散打美学价值、赋予中华传统文化标识、打造精品商业赛事品牌等方面出发,增加散打商业赛事的观赏价值、拓展开展形式以及提升散打商业赛事的发展质量,以期促进散打商业赛事的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if experienced tennis teachers could be differentiated from inexperienced tennis teachers on the basis of their ability to identify common performance errors in films depicting the performance of the tennis forehand. The study also sought to determine if the differences in error detection proficiency between the two groups would be greater when subjects were provided with preresponse information concerning the performer's level of competence in the skill (PCI) and postresponse information concerning the outcome produced by the response (POI). The error detection proficiency of 40 experienced tennis teachers and 40 undergraduate physical education students was assessed under conditions of PCI and POI present, PCI present and POI absent, PCI absent and POI present, and PCI and POI absent. Results indicated that the experienced teachers, although significantly more accurate in detecting errors than the novice teachers, were only marginally so. No positive effects on error detection accuracy were observed for PCI and the facilitative effects for POI tended to be small and generalized to both experienced and inexperienced subjects rather than being specifically helpful to the experienced teachers. The differences between experienced and inexperienced teachers appeared to be due to fewer false alarms committed by the experienced teachers.  相似文献   

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