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点名,是幼儿一日生活的一个环节,但每天同样的点名步骤和枯燥单一的点名方式,不仅让幼儿产生视觉与听觉的疲劳,也让教师觉得疲惫和毫无意义。教师要挖掘点名活动的教育价值,从改变师幼点名主体、创新点名方式上,使点名活动变得生动而有意义,促进幼儿各方面的发展。  相似文献   

最近看到一个报道,说国内大学上课点名使用了四种先进技术:北理工珠海学院指纹点名;吉林大学珠海学院蓝牙点名:四川大学“刷脸点名”;北师大珠海分校照片点名。  相似文献   

王海鸥  徐刚 《考试周刊》2012,(42):168+109-168,109
地方高校大学生逃课现象很普遍。本文通过对高校课堂点名的准备、点名方式、点名次数和考核体系的分析,确定点名制度优化措施和方法,使其更利于教学管理工作的实施。  相似文献   

花样点名苏州市吴中区苏苑实验小学附属幼儿园潘兰我在点名时经常更换点名的方式,力求让幼儿对点名保持新鲜感和参与的积极性。1.小组式点名:点名前给幼儿一些时间,让他们检查自己小组的出勤情况,在教师点各组组名时由相应组的幼儿回答其所在组的出勤情况。2.轮流式点名:每次点名时由两位幼儿轮流负责,先让他们观察各组幼儿的出勤情况,然后把缺勤小朋友的名字报出来并做记录,其他幼儿检查他们点得是否正确。3.交换式点名:以两组幼儿为单位,交换检查对方组上幼儿的出勤情况,并报出对方组上缺勤幼儿的名字。每次点名结束后,我还留一些时间让幼…  相似文献   

蒋芳英 《学周刊C版》2011,(12):135-136
点名是幼儿园一日生活中必不可少的一个环节,有着独特的作用。但传统点名方式枯燥单一、浪费时间,而且效果不佳。在教学实践中,笔者采用了各种幼儿感兴趣的创新点名法,不但让孩子爱上了点名,而且得到了许多意想不到的收获。  相似文献   

每天早晨晨间活动结束的时候,我就会拿起点名册准备点名。这时,所有的小朋友便安静下来,用小眼睛看着我,准备随时喊到。忽然我灵机一动,今天换一个方式点名,用眼睛来点名,我对孩子们说:“今天老师不用嘴巴来点名,而是用眼睛来点名。”他们一脸的疑惑,好像在问眼睛怎么可以用来点名。眼睛又不能说话。我看着他们说:“我用眼睛看着你,对你眯眯笑,就是在点你的名字,你看到我,也对我笑一笑好吗?”表示你知道我在点名了。我点名完了,发现班上有一个特别胆小的孩子脸上一直都笑着,上课还主动举手了,这个进步可是不小啊。变换形式,打破传统的点名方…  相似文献   

基于App Inventor,设计开发了课堂点名系统。对现有课堂点名方式进行了介绍,通过业务分析、组件设计和逻辑设计,实现了课堂随机点名。实际使用验证了其实用性。  相似文献   

点名活动在托班显得尤为重要,因为通过点名可以让宝宝知道自己和别人的名字,可以让他们学会关心别人,更可以使他们学到许多的知识。为此,我们决定把看似简单的点名活动变得活跃而又精彩。1.点名形式的多样化点名形式的多样化,一来可以让宝宝对点名活动有新鲜感,二来可以让宝宝在点名活动中发展各种能力。我们采用了以下几种方式,深受宝宝喜爱。“动物做客”的形式。老师可以拿一些宝宝喜欢的小动物形象来参与点名活动,如:“今天来了一个小客人,它想认识小宝宝。等一会,老师叫到你的名字,你就站起来和小动物打招呼。”也可以用小动物去拥抱每…  相似文献   

点名提问是上课最常用的方式之一,如果采用不同形式的点名提问或点名回答时,课堂气氛会随之变活,学生兴趣会随之高涨,课堂效果也会随之增强,是一种较好的提问方式。  相似文献   

[片段1]"点名"情境图教学师:(教师点名,点了几个后停了下来)一节课只有40分钟,这样点名多浪费时间啊,有更快的方法吗?  相似文献   

In instructional settings, educators are both the creator and the vehicle for that which seeks to be born: an academic legacy. Creating an enduring legacy begins with bringing to life the kind of academic environment that one truly wants to be a part of. Crafting a memorable legacy in the classroom requires authentic, sustainable relationships coupled with exemplary instructional practices that make a difference in lives of students including: professionalism, viewpoint diversity, impulse to learn, engaged questioning, and GRIT: “the engine of human accomplishment.”  相似文献   

考勤系统利用门禁控制器作为考勤机,用户根据实际情况灵活制定考勤制度和设定不同制度的考核对象,能实时监控考勤机的状态并记录各种刷卡事件,采用自动采集和合理处理考勤结果,管理灵活规范。  相似文献   


Given that the British Government is proposing to require all schools to provide the Secretary of State with details of, amongst other things, their respective truancy rates, this article sets out to demonstrate that attendance figures, as well as examination results, should be modified before publication. It reports on a study involving 5,429 pupils in their final year of primary education attending 138 junior/primary schools in a single authority in Wales and utilises child, home and school data.  相似文献   

Using data from the National Education Longitudinal Study, 1988 (NELS: 88), this paper documents differences in the socioeconomic plans of students in two-year and four-year colleges. We found attendance at a two-year college led to a modest but statistically significant disadvantage in socioeconomic plans. However, the impact of attending a community college on educational and occupational goals are conditional rather than general. That is, the negative impact on socioeconomic plans of attending a two-year college held for women but not men. Finally, according to our research, the negative effect of attending a two-year college differed in magnitude by an individual's tested cognitive preparation. In particular, attending a two-year college significantly reduced subsequent socioeconomic plans only for students with relatively high precollege test scores.  相似文献   

我国的证人出庭制度似乎变成了证人不出庭制度:被告人认罪的案件实行简化审理,证人很少出庭;即使在普通程序中,法律也不要求所有证人一律出庭。对于仅剩的需要证人出庭的案件,却存在着无法强制证人作证的问题:由于律师无法对尚不存在的证人证言提出异议,启动法院强制证人出庭的权力变得不切实际;而特定近亲属享有免于出庭作证的特权,法院无法强制其出庭。需要肯定证人出庭制度的价值,并在此基础上实行机制改革,赋予被告人审前充分的质证机会、扩大适用认罪案件程序、将证言分为尚未取得和已经取得两种情形以及将特定近亲属的免于出庭作证特权改为拒绝作证特权。  相似文献   

影响我院学员出勤情况的主要因素及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
出勤难一直是我院学员管理中的一大难题,如何从根本上解决这一问题,是进一步提高我院教育教学质量的基本前提.笔者一直从事班主任工作,对此问题做了长时间观察、思考,拟从以下三个方面谈谈我的一些看法和建议,与大家探讨.  相似文献   

In this paper the relationship between attendance and attainment in a standard calculus course is investigated. Calculus could in principle be studied without attending lectures due to the wealth of material available (in hardcopy and online). However, in this study we will show that the pass rate of students attending classes regularly (>75% of the classes) is much higher than the pass rate of students attending fewer classes. We use a logistic model to investigate whether this correlation is significant. We will argue why we believe that this correlation between attendance and attainment is causal, i.e. why it is necessary for most students to attend classes in order to (improve their chances to) pass the exam.  相似文献   

This article draws upon the literature showing the benefits of high‐quality preschools on child well‐being to explore the role of household income on preschool attendance for a cohort of 3‐ to 6‐year‐olds in China using data from the China Health and Nutrition Survey, 1991–2006. Analyses are conducted separately for rural (N = 1,791) and urban (N = 633) settings. Estimates from a probit model with rich controls suggest a positive association between household income per capita and preschool attendance in both settings. A household fixed‐effects model, conducted only on the rural sample, finds results similar to, although smaller than, those from the probit estimates. Policy recommendations are discussed.  相似文献   

学生参与教学评价是高等教育改革的必然结果。高校由对政府负责转向对学生和社会负责,就必须接受学生和社会的监督和评价。不同的评价观对评价结果有不同的解读,也引发教师的不同反应。发展性评价既尊重学生评教的权利,也关注教师的职业发展,有利于建立和谐的师生关系。  相似文献   

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