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田磊 《初中生辅导》2011,(30):2+49-F0002,F0003
青岩古镇位于贵阳市南郊29公里,是贵阳的南人门,迄今已有620多年的历史。走近青岩古镇,首先映入眼帘的是高悬于古镇北城阁上金光璨璨的“青岩古镇”四个人字,沿北城门便道拾级而上,站在城门楼上,你可以观古镇特有的景色:古镇城墙由方形巨石垒砌而成,  相似文献   

说说大学生评教授   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为提高教学质量、促进学风建设的重要手段,在相当一部分高校中开始搞学生评教活动。任何一种东西都是利弊相关的,学生评教活动如果搞不好,也会带来副作用。本文探讨了学生评教的必要性、可行性,可能出现的偏差及预防办法,为评教活动确立了科学的原则,对这一活动的健康进行阴重要参考价值。  相似文献   

高等学校现实存在的教授行政化和行政学术化现象,揭示了学校看人准但用人有误的问题,并进一步分析了产生这种现象的社会和制度基础,这种现象虽然体现了过去的繁荣,但却有碍创新型国家建设,必须重新界定学术规矩,推进高校治理能力现代化,而其中的关键就是建设教授共同体,在行政与学术之间做出明确区分.  相似文献   

“金话筒”奖得主、著名主持人李湘近日当教授了,引起舆论的一片哗然。有人称这是“天大的笑话”;而聘请李湘当客座教授的四川师范大学影视学院罗院长则辩解:李湘年纪虽轻,但从北广毕业后,10年来,成功主持了“快乐大本营”、“超级女声”及其它上千场各类专题晚会,同时,“李湘的主持风格独树一帜,仅从播音主持专业来讲,我们聘请李湘担任客座教授,可以说实至名归。”  相似文献   

In 1996 and 1997, as part of the Bangladesh Higher Secondary Education Project, the author and three local colleagues provided consultancy support to assist college professors to become teacher trainers in four newly established teacher training institutes for higher secondary teachers (grades 11 and 12). At an individual level the process sought to introduce the concept of practical training and to develop relevant skills. At an institutional level staff were encouraged to work as a team in delivering training, especially in implementing an Action Research module developed by the consultants, and to recognise that the institutional context provided a vehicle for learning from each other. Surprisingly the professors developed positive attitudes to their role and productivity increased dramatically over the consultancy, although resources were inadequate and working conditions difficult. Strategies to sustain teacher training on the termination of the project are outlined.  相似文献   

教授治学与教授治校在中国作为备受争议的一对学术概念,既存在差异又相互联系.治学与治校的合法性来源不同,治学表示学术事务的治理权,是一种知识权力;而治校则指向学术组织的治理权,是一种组织权力,二者产生关联起源于学术活动的组织化.治学与治校并不存在严格的二分,学校事务以学术事务为核心,学术治理离不开学校治理的支持,教授治学与治校本身是一个连续体,而不是对立面.无论是教授治学还是治校,其核心都是对中国大学内部治理模式的探索,旨在重建以学术权力为核心的制度框架和组织结构.  相似文献   



Professors braverman and Anziska respond  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(4):137-141
Undergraduate students of today often lack the ability to effectively process research-based literature. In order to offer education students the most up-to-date methods, research-based literature must be considered. Hence a dilemma is born as to whether professors should discontinue requiring the processing of this type of information or teach effective skills on how to process research-based information. This article offers a solution by way of an updated version of a reading strategy designed for the college-level student known as SQ6R. This guide offers students a systematic approach to understanding complex research studies. Explanation of each step of the method is offered.  相似文献   

Recent evaluations of the state of higher education have suggested that students must not only learn subject matter content but must be able to think with it. Professors in tertiary education expect that their students will come equipped to handle certain kinds of information and certain kinds of learning tasks. To describe their expectations, faculty use phrases such as the ability to think logically, or to do independent work, or to use abstract terms. But to what extent do they suppose that their students will be able to think? In a study of some learning tasks in the university, professors from three universities and six different disciplines, representatives of the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities, pure and applied, were interviewed. Faculty expectations of students’ ability to think logically, independently, and abstractly were analysed to show consistencies and differences across disciplines.  相似文献   

《江湖奇侠传》回目内文真伪及版本异同,为向恺然研究难点之一。世界书局、环球书局、普益书局、中央书局四种版本,其回目等均有差异,而110回之前当为向氏亲笔,111回之后乃赵苕狂所续,至于是否赵氏亲自操刀,则可存疑。排比相关史料,对照环球、普益两种版本后续内容及出版时间,或有助于揭开向氏"物故"谣言、"版权纠纷"诸案内幕。  相似文献   

“河图”不是“龙马负图”天赐的神秘之物,而是多代羲皇师法天地自然相继感悟的一种载体文化。人类还处在捕鱼猎狩时代,伏羲氏在洛阳地段的黄河中发现了太极石和太阳石,受其启发而发明了河图、太极图,进而远取近取,效法天地自然,从而发明了八卦和阴阳鱼太极八卦图。这些都被后世圣人,如黄帝、尧、舜等再获“河图”奇石复证,使其日臻完善,到了文王、周公时期才进一步形成了我们今天所见的“易经”文字。元人王申子《大易缉说》所述“伏羲之易本于河图,河图中宫天五地十,太极也”,说明太极图与河图是同时代问世的。《易》的思想,对老子《道德经》的形成有着不可估量的影响,而这些又都成了孔子作《易传》的基础。由于产生了对《易》的文字说明,“易图”的传承被忽略,加之图的文化传承屡遭厄运,易图在传承的过程中也频遭改造。有宋一代,由陈抟发其端,邵雍集大成,又恢复了河图洛书及太极八卦图的本来面貌。相关史料证明,张行成的学术传承出于邵雍,朱长文的易学思想也受到邵雍很大的影响。  相似文献   

教授民主是维护学术自由与秩序、建设现代大学制度的一个要件.教授民主以其学术权力维护高校的学术力量健康发展为根本目的,在处理学术事务和学术事务管理中各有其特殊价值、内容指向及类同的组织形式;同时,教授民主实现必须重视事业责任感、权力制约、校内学术生态环境等条件要求.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A graduate student survey was developed and administered annually for 3 y by a graduate student committee in the School of Fisheries, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, Wash., U.S.A. The main objective of the 5-point rating scale survey was to raise the consciousness level of faculty as to how they were being perceived as major professors by their students. Results indicate that the anonymous survey can be an effective assessment tool in the development of mentoring skills by a major professor, is a heuristic device, and should be continually improved based on results and feedback. It is also important that there be some way to help faculty with the process of improvement of mentoring skills if that is a desired outcome.  相似文献   

Doctoral research training and faculty departmental research culture were explored in relation to research interest, self‐efficacy, and productivity among 49 counselor education assistant professors. Doctoral research training environment consistently held strong positive relationships with research interest and self‐efficacy, suggesting that a solid foundation in research at the doctoral level is imperative for initial research productivity.  相似文献   

教学型教授评聘辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由某些高校设置"教学型教授"而引发的大学是应该重教学还是重科研的争论,是一个在真正的大学中根本不可能产生的问题,因为真正大学中的教学是一定要以科研意识和成果来支撑的.而没有研究意蕴和成果渗入其中的高校教学,本质上不是大学的教学.这种现象揭示出的深层问题是:我国的一些冠以大学之名的高校,尚没有真正大学的内涵.而统一性大学制度的理论和思想缺陷,要求大学必须革新观念,建设真正的现代大学制度.  相似文献   

如果说"母亲"是慈祥的代名词,那"父亲"就象征着尊严和权威。一般来说,6月的第三个星期天是"父亲节",用来感谢天下的父亲,为家庭和孩子带来的安全和眷顾。让我们来看看该怎么为父亲们庆祝他们的节日吧!  相似文献   

没人想在开始做一份新工作时傻乎乎地或做出不恰当的事。从第一天就留下个好印象——而不是坏印象——是十分重要的。你将面对一些新人,你将身处一个新的地方。如何行事可能有些困难。这里有7点妙法可帮你在新的工作岗位上度过最初的日子。1.第一次的印像将会永磨不去,所以你要留下个好的印象。在第一天上班之前,要弄清你的新工作是否有着装规范(即关于你该穿什么去上班的要求)。如果有,一定按照要求去做。不管是何种要求,永远要保持整洁。  相似文献   

This paper discusses Andrich's (1989) criticisms of three points made by Divgi (1986). Some important details omitted in Divgi's earlier paper concerning the inconsistency of the unconditional estimator of Rasch difficulties are provided. In the cases of specific objectivity and person-fit statistics, Andrich criticizes positions Divgi never took or meant to imply. The paper also answers some criticisms by Henning (1989).  相似文献   

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