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This study examined how hands-on work with original primary materials affects students' information literacy and critical thinking skills. The project team developed rubrics to evaluate document analyses from before and after student time in special collections. Most scores did not vary significantly between the pre- and posttests, although students' ability to analyze the materiality of documents did improve. They also examined papers from classes that had and had not used special collections against the Association of American Colleges and Universities' information literacy rubric and found no significant differences. The authors hope this project will serve as a pilot for future assessment of student learning in special collections.  相似文献   

This article explores ways of creating an online presence for Special Collections. Options available for institutions limited by budget are explored, progressing from the point of initially considering going digital, and then on through the steps of digitization to online platforms. This article centers more on practicalities of creating an online presence more than on arguments for why an institution should have one. Ultimately, the individual institution has to decide what is best for their collection and act from there.  相似文献   


Special collections play an increasingly important role in university libraries. As library collections move to digital formats and collections are similar from one library to another, special collections are one of the ways in which libraries can build a distinct identity. Because of their unique nature, special collections must be permanently retained because of their artifact value and need specialized storage conditions with appropriate levels of security. Library administrators will increasingly face the need to provide expanded space for special collections as well as improving storage conditions to ensure that unique and valuable materials are preserved for research in the future.  相似文献   

特藏资源是图书馆最可珍视的资源。特藏推广的独特价值在于,以"有形"资源之推广,促"无形"文化之传播。以特藏推广为载体,不仅可以促进特藏资源的利用,而且有利于图书馆服务品牌的塑造和文化价值的传播,特藏推广可以成为带动图书馆全局工作的战略。特藏推广要以高质量的资源建设为基础,通过制定完善的推广计划,辅以专业的服务以及多样化的推广方式,并以制度作保障,将深度整合图书馆的资源,带动图书馆整体服务水平的发展,而实现特藏资源的共建共享则是特藏推广的终极目标。  相似文献   


Copyright and special collections share an intimate relationship gone awry. This article explores copyright principles, their underpinnings and origins in the United States, and contemporary applications of them. The contemporary limits impose unreasonable barriers to the widespread sharing of special collections and reflect unnecessarily broad protections of and limits on an enormous range of creative works regardless of the social consequences of that protection or any demonstrable inherent or remaining economic value in those works. Copyright interpretation requires highly fact specific analysis. For many special collections, much of that factual predicate has simply drifted from the historical record.  相似文献   

This article explores the implementation of special collections interlibrary loan policies and procedures at the University of South Florida (USF), focusing particularly on the development of policies related to physically loaning published materials, and traces the development of these policies through a pilot project to routinized implementation. Particular attention is paid to developing mutually beneficial workflows between special collections and interlibrary loan departments, creating transparent policies for the criteria under which requests are or are not filled, and technical considerations for implementing special collections loans. Through this case study, we highlight the potential for collaboration in the fulfillment of special deliveries.  相似文献   

This article explores ways to increase access and usability of special collections by leveraging the value of open access and the value of collaboration. Tools that enhance discovery of special collections through the Internet, contextualize, and actively engage the user such as BibilioBoard, Historypin, and Augmented Reality can be an integral part of a strategy to increase access to special collections. More importantly, reference librarians can play a key role in facilitating discovery and access by including special collections in reference searches and by expanding their collaborative and liaison activities.  相似文献   

王雨卉 《图书馆论坛》2012,32(5):105-108,46
以特藏概念作为切入点,通过分析特藏概念模糊不清所带来的特藏建设中的一系列问题,指出廓清特藏概念的必要性,并建议根据特藏的两个功能将特藏资源划分为特殊收藏和特色收藏,且详细介绍了各部分的概念和功能定位。  相似文献   

All too often, applicants for low level paraprofessional positions in libraries are passed over or rejected, not because they are not qualified, but because they have professional experience or advanced degrees. The rationale behind these decisions is that the overqualified staff member in a low level position will continue to look for a better position more aligned with their skills, experience, and education; and when they find another job they will leave and their positions will have to be filled again. This essay argues that this reasoning is flawed and, regardless of the perceived inconvenience, library managers and administrators should want the best and the brightest working in all levels of their library.  相似文献   

DC元数据在特种地方文献著录中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
魏文晖 《图书馆论坛》2004,24(2):126-128
对DC元数据在揭示书目数据方面进行探讨,并延伸至特种地方文献著录方面的应用进行比较分析,目的是寻找一种更适合于揭示特种地方文献的著录方法。  相似文献   


This article describes a 12-year collaboration between a special collections librarian and history faculty for an undergraduate history writing course at Vanderbilt University. Originally taught as a one-shot session, the final 9 years of the course embedded the class into Special Collections for 10 weeks of primary source research. This article describes the evolution of the course from a one-shot session to full embedding, the mechanics involved in managing the sessions in Special Collections, student support considerations, and tips for other librarians offering such sessions.  相似文献   


The effect of digital technology on special collections has been profound and ongoing. The purpose of this article is to explore the effect born digital materials, digitization, and intellectual property have had on special collections in the 21st century. In particular this study will focus on how archival materials have been significantly transformed by interacting with digital technology—providing both challenges in management and opportunities for new online environments to expose this content worldwide. Finally, a research experiment underway at the University of Virginia Library offers a framework that may help highlight some strategies for exploiting new opportunities going forward.  相似文献   


This article discusses the marketing and promotion of special collections in academic law libraries as complementary to, and a part of, effective reference services based in those collections. The two activities can share similar goals and be mutually reinforcing: good marketing can lead to better reference service and an increase in patrons using special collections; and better, more engaged reference service can lead to long-term interest and support for special collections among a library’s stakeholders.  相似文献   


While much has been written on individual digital project planning, little has been discussed in the area of collaborative digital projects, especially at the college library level. The aim of this article is to examine a variety of collaborative solutions that have been implemented by Franklin and Marshall College at the institutional, local, regional, and national levels. With the assistance of an analytical questionnaire, readers will learn to evaluate their college library collections for successful digitization and identify collaborative opportunities at various levels.  相似文献   


Academic special collections librarians have made great strides in making their collections discoverable and accessible to a wide audience. This article examines use of special collections departments and the many kinds of outreach librarians undertake to increase access to and knowledge of their collections, including creating electronic finding aids, digitizing material, collaborating with faculty, increasing participation in instruction and reference, and using exhibits, social media, and relationships with community partners to further the mission and goals of the library and the college or university. The article uses the University of Illinois at Chicago Special Collections Department as a case study.  相似文献   

This article highlights an assessment of library instruction needs among graduate students in the social sciences. The article addresses the development and implementation of the assessment and the application of assessment results to an established set of library instruction workshops. The article provides a detailed summary of assessment findings and a discussion of how the findings were successfully used to create a user-centered instruction program. The findings were used to make significant changes in workshop content, as well as refinements in the overall number and format of workshops offered, schedule of workshops, and marketing of the instruction program.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过对美国图书馆特藏资源版权政策与服务调研结果进行分析,总结美国图书馆版权政策制定与版权服务的经验,得出对我国图书馆特藏资源版权政策与服务发展的启示。[方法/过程]通过对美国高校图书馆版权馆员进行访谈调查、问卷调查,并对调研结果进行详细分析总结,以期从中吸取经验,制定适于我国国情的版权政策。[结果/结论]首先,应组建专业的版权管理机构,主要包括设立版权相关职位以及职能部门,制定版权政策文件,重视版权政策文件的宣传和学习,重视合理使用和免责声明4种方式。其次,工作方案应流程化,提出版权服务流程、特藏资源进馆版权确认流程以及特藏资源版权处理的流程。最后,寻求外部合作,积极响应高校知识产权信息服务中心建设。  相似文献   

The University of Washington Bothell & Cascadia College Library recently partnered with a faculty member to develop a digital collection showcasing student-produced digital oral histories. This case study describes the role of the library as faculty partner, student resource, and repository/publisher. Archiving and publishing requirements—such as file formats, agreement forms, and metadata—were integrated into the assignment and included as part of each project's overall evaluation and grade. Librarians provided instruction to teach students about topics related to knowledge production and scholarly communication. Assessment included student feedback surveys and faculty feedback to librarians.  相似文献   

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