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《Africa Education Review》2013,10(5):120-133

Calls for the decolonisation of higher education in South Africa have been punctuated by comments on black pain. This is not surprising if it is acknowledged that violence inordinately marks so much of South African life. What is rarely discussed though is the idea that pain has also come to be fetishised. Pain, for example, is valued as a pedagogical means. While invoking notions of the decolonisation of education that cohere with humanisation, the authors critically reflect on the ways in which pain remains a dehumanising feature of higher education in South Africa. In doing so, they hope to start a discussion around issues seldom addressed more than in deeply felt sentiments that are rarely clarified and defined in terms of their importance for the transformation and decolonisation of higher education.  相似文献   

No Evidence     
1 .It was time for Miss Mary,a wai*ress of a hotel,ro elean the gUest rooms.50 she击d some ele丽ng阴m by明m. 2.Then she即t to Room 1501明d st侧记outside to knock at the door. She knocked for several times,but noh记y answered it.50 she took out the key  相似文献   

"一译到底"又与您见面了!欢迎同学们来这里一译到底!你喜欢这首小诗吗?把它翻译成中文,对你来说一定不是什么难事!那就快快拿起笔,看谁译得又快又好!把你的正确答案寄来,就有机会获得"小译王"称号,并有一份小奖  相似文献   

No Trouble     
Mr Day was a teacher at a school in a bigcity in the north of England.He usually went toFrance or Germany for a few weeks during hissummer holidays,and he spoke French andGerman quite well. But one day Mr Day said to one of hisfriends,“I'm going to have a holiday in Athens  相似文献   

No Friends     

No型祈使句是一种特殊的祈使句。它经常由No+名词或者动词的-ing形式构成。这种祈使句多为警示语,常用于公共场所,警示或提示人们不要做某事。下面是一些常见的No型祈使句:NoPassing禁止通行NoEntry禁止入内NoThroughRoad此路不通NoAdmittance闲人免入NoVisitors游人止步NoSmoking禁止吸烟NoPhotos请勿拍照NoHonking禁止鸣喇叭NoOvertaking禁止超车NoUTurn禁止掉头NoLeftTurn不准左转弯NoCyclingInTheSchool校内禁止骑车NoLitter勿乱扔杂物NoBills不准张贴NoAngling/NoFishing不准垂钓NoParking禁止停放车辆NoSpitting严…  相似文献   

No Smoking Day     
对话问号狗:Oh,friends,do you smoking?大眼兔:Of course no!问号狗:what is danger of smoking?小飞象:It is bad for health!We have a world No Smoking  相似文献   

美国偶像第八季选手亚当·兰伯特是美国偶像举办八年以来最受关注和最受争议的选手。不羁的黑发.魅惑的眼线.双手涂着的黑色指甲油。亚当·兰伯特的风暴已经袭来.不久前发行的EP《Remixes》便是对他实力的再一次认证。  相似文献   

The projected 5.2 million non-English-speaking preschoolers that will enter early childhood programs in the year 2000 require developmentally appropriate bilingual programs. This article discusses the role and components of both bilingualism and multiculturalism in preschool settings. It further indicates implications for the preparation of teachers and suggests strategies that administrators of preschool settings could utilize in meeting needs of bilingual communities.  相似文献   

No Problem!     
InAugustl954,whenagro叩ofel印hantswasmun比ing,onasugareane erop inTerai,India,a hed罗wasset ablazeZto面ve themaway·Theelephants went to a stream nearby,gotsomewater,Put out3 thefire andconiinued eating! .玩1970,a mann脚edBu雌kas elimbeduPal3一metrepalm tree on thelndonesianislandofMadura曲dnevereame。own lor tnenext llyears·哪uv。。On’mooanQan旧‘sno助耳e寸叩byrelativesand visitors.哗.ThealPhabe护ofAmharic,anEthi叩ian71anguage,hasasmapyas267 lette比8.瞥 AsPoPelZClement vll切勿ingfrom…  相似文献   

Yes Or No   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乔登生活美语小课堂 “从小就接触非母语的孩子,很自然就能掌握母语以外的其他语言而不致发生混淆。”这就是语言学家所讲的外语自然内化现象。就生理层面来讲,人类大脑皮层在幼儿时期对语言学习有较大的吸收和包容能力,在婴幼儿时期学习任何语言都可达到事半功倍的效果。就心理学角度来说,对孩子而言,双语学习能使他们接触不同的又化,思维更开放,想像力也更丰富。 我们与台湾乔登美语事业机构台作,开设生活美语小课堂,把具有20多年成功教学经验的乔登美语设计成家庭化的亲子课程,以供妈妈们在生活中实践。  相似文献   

This exploratory study investigated how six practicing school principals responded to the requirements of the No Child Left Behind law (United States Congress Public Law 107–110, 2002, January, No Child Left Behind Act, ) in light of the multicultural leadership demands presented by an urban setting. It examines perspectives of principals on the legal aspects of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and what they did to manage its requirements. Multicultural leadership literature provided a framework to understand the perspectives of school leaders. The findings suggest three principals were engaged in meaningful and practical work to both fulfill the requirements of NCLB and meet the needs of their students. Three principals were focused on the requirements of the law and did not see the connection between multicultural leadership and NCLB. The study’s recommendations include a multicultural leadership approach to current NCLB school reform. An earlier version of this study in progress was presented to the American Educational Research Association (AERA) in Montreal, Canada 2005.  相似文献   

Australia is often portrayed as a place in which young people are in jeopardy. In 19th century literature and art, the recurring motif of a child lost in “the bush” became an increasingly significant dimension of European settlers’ experiences of Australia, whereas during the latter half of the 20th century analogous cultural narratives shifted towards urban environments and the plight of young people endangered by their parents’ generation. In contemporary popular culture, Australia’s cities and suburbs are places where children are aborted, abandoned, exploited, murdered or never conceived. Like the bush-lost children before them, these “at risk” young people symbolise adult fears of self, society, and the future. My concern is that the most common public policy response to these persistent fears and insecurities is to retreat to a politics of complexity reduction. Many politicians and public opinion leaders see teachers and schools as being in the vanguard of people and institutions dedicated to Australian children’s educational ruin, and simplistically seek to “protect” them with blunt instruments such as back-to-phonics literacy and a national curriculum. I argue that Australia’s young people are much more seriously endangered by the symbolic violence of those who position them as docile receptors of whatever schools and teachers serve up to them, and who treat them as passive screens upon which to project their own anxieties.  相似文献   

No4聚焦校园美点【热门试题】1.有风从校园吹过2.站在第九级台阶上3.跨越4.____的“新闻人物”5.从___到____6.有人说:初三如五味瓶,酸甜苦辣咸,样样俱全;有人说:初三如七色光,赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,色彩斑斓;也有人说,初三是一条遍布荆棘的路;初三是一座难以跨越的山……人在初三,一定会感慨万千,请你以“人在初三”为话题,自拟文题,写一篇不少于600字的作文。7.校园生活是丰富多彩的,校园的花絮是五彩缤纷的,你的朋友、师长……总会时刻浮现在你的眼前,课外、课内……精彩瞬间总会时常呈现在你的脑际,每个都会有珍贵的记忆,不会随着时光的流逝…  相似文献   

In the wake of the Tucson Unified School District dismantling its highly successful Mexican American Studies (MAS) program, students staged walkouts across the district to demonstrate their opposition. Student-led walkouts were portrayed as merely “ditching,” and students were described as not really understanding why they were protesting. After these events, a group of student activists called UNIDOS organized and led the School of Ethnic Studies. This was a community school dedicated to teaching the forbidden MAS curriculum. In this article we present counternarratives from organizers, presenters, and participants in the School of Ethnic Studies. These narratives demonstrate the transformative resistance of students who created their own form of liberatory education. Our analysis highlights how student organizers led the creation of an autonomous, community-based educational space to allowed young people to engage in political analysis, self-reflection, and strategic organizing. We conclude with the implications for Ethnic Studies, urban education, and counternarrative.  相似文献   

Who''''s No.1     
东方神起人气居高不下,第三张专辑《“O”-正.反.合.》在发行一个多月后,主打曲《“O”*正.反.合.》依旧稳当坐上“M Countdown”韩国排行榜。而他们的目标不仅仅着眼于韩车国内,11月他们又在日本发行了单曲《miss/“O”-正.反.合.》,同样反应不错,之前,他们的单曲曾经取得过ORICON NO.3的惊人成绩。  相似文献   

Who''''s No.1     
自从《王的男人》在韩国风行后,像李俊基那样比女人还漂亮的男人越来越受到关注,韩国网站甚至推出“如李俊基那般的美男歌手”的排行榜,其中,东方神起的Hero在中以1720票拔得头筹,成为大家心目中的“花美男歌手”,唇红齿白的Hero在中在一部综艺节目上,曾经男扮女装“恶搞”《王的男人》“绿水”一角,耀眼的装扮惊艳四方,足以乱真。  相似文献   

Who''''s No.1     
暌违一年,S.H.E发行了最新专辑《不想长大》,一经发行,就得到了全亚洲100万订单的捷报,并在各大排行榜上取得销量冠军的宝座。借此良机,她们还宣布因为看到她们取得良好成绩,德国的唱片公司将会为她们推出单曲,从而在06年全面进军欧洲市场。  相似文献   

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