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Scholarly literature suggests digital marketing skills gaps in industry, but these skills gaps are not clearly identified. The research aims to specify any digital marketing skills gaps encountered by professionals working in communication industries. In-depth interviews were undertaken with 20 communication industry professionals. A focus group followed, testing the rigour of the data.  相似文献   

【目的】从传播环节出发,对学术期刊的传播力建设作有益的探讨,以引起学术期刊对传播环节的重视。【方法】针对目前我国学术期刊在出版过程中重视内容建设,而忽略了传播环节,提出传播力概念,指出传播力也是提高学术期刊软实力的重要组成部分,并对传播力建设作全面的阐述。【结果】提出媒介融合、提高数字化水平、转变出版方式、采取多形态的内容发布方式、多种宣传手段、研究读者的阅读方式、建立学术期刊传媒集团、全方位实施"走出去"等加强学术期刊传播力建设的几点策略。【结论】学术期刊必须关注传播环节,并加强传播力建设,才能实现更有效地传播学术研究成果的使命。  相似文献   

随着虚拟化和仿真技术的不断成熟,通过引入虚拟化技术可以解决一些传统模式下比较繁杂的问题.本文提出了把服务器和客户机系统进行虚拟化转换,并在虚拟化环境中对媒体文件进行存储、传输和访问的处理.通过实验验证该模式是否可行,以及系统运行是否稳定和可靠.  相似文献   

Scholarly communication is undergoing transformation under the confluence of many forces. The purpose of this article is to explore trends in transforming scholarly publishing and their implications. It examines how collaboration and volume of information production were changed over the past century. It also explores how older documents are used under today’s network environment where new information is easily accessible. Understanding these trends would help us design more effective electronic scholarly publishing systems and digital libraries, and serve the needs of scholars more responsively.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with deriving an optimal flow and routing control policy for two-node parallel link communication networks with multiple competing users. The model assumes that each user has a flow demand which needs to be optimally selected and routed on the network links. The flow and routing control policy for each user seeks to maximize the user's total throughput and minimize its expected delay. To derive such a policy, we consider a utility function for each user that combines these two objectives in an additive fashion with preference constants that can be adjusted to reflect the user's own preferences between maximizing throughput and minimizing delay. Additionally, we provide each user with the ability to make these preferences link-dependent to reflect the user's preferences for certain links over others in the network. A condition that depends on the link capacities and preference constants is derived to guarantee the existence and uniqueness of a non-symmetric flow and routing control policy solution which satisfies the Nash equilibrium of non-cooperative game theory. The Nash equilibrium is a desirable solution for such networks because it insures that no user can improve its utility by unilaterally deviating from its Nash control policy. We discuss in detail several interesting properties of this equilibrium and in particular, its relationship to the users’ preference constants. Two illustrative examples are also presented.  相似文献   

虚拟团队沟通行为分析与媒体选择策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
肖伟  赵嵩正 《科研管理》2005,26(6):56-60
沟通被认为是虚拟团队的关键成功因素(CSF)之一,虚拟团队的沟通主要依靠信息技术与远程通信技术(IT&T)来支持,如何提升虚拟团队的沟通绩效成为当前相关研究中的一个热点问题。本文从计算机媒体沟通(CMC)的自身特点、媒体丰富度理论以及社会表征理论出发,对不同沟通媒体的适应特征进行了深入分析,给出了不同条件下选择合适沟通媒体的针对性策略。  相似文献   

Based on five types of trust, this research explores trust influencing factors in peer-to-peer interpersonal communication, group communication and mass communication. Previous research has mainly focused on trust and the corresponding antecedents in electronic commerce communication and online collaboration. This study extends the literature on trust influencing factors in social media communication. A trust traffic light model is used to illustrate the importance of keywords, drawn from interviews with 115 participants who use WeChat frequently. Salient trust factors were found and further elaborated through qualitative analysis. Furthermore, we developed a trust cognitive onion model to illustrate the interactions of trust factors.  相似文献   


This study makes a systematic effort to connect digital communication research with comparative political analysis. It explores the concurrence of global influence and national resilience in digital spheres, integrating the homogenizing tendencies of networked connectedness and globalization with heterogeneous configurations of national political communication spaces, which are strongly influenced by enduring social contexts. Drawing on the process-oriented actor-connector-interlocutor model, this study uses three sets of indicators to classify national political communication spaces. It conceptualizes three distinctive types of political communication spaces – “symmetrical and fully-fledged,” “vigorous but censored,” and “infertile and unresponsive” – and identifies their characteristics, internal logics, and their linkages to other communication spaces. It offers a systematic and applicable framework that may be used in future studies on cross-national comparisons of political communication processes in digital spheres.  相似文献   

Participation is often used as a blanket term that is uncritically celebrated; this is particularly true in the case of youth digital participation. In this article, we propose a youth-focused analytical framework, applicable to a wide variety of youth digital participation projects, which can help facilitate a more nuanced understanding of these participatory practices. This framework analyzes the aims envisioned for youth participation, the actors and contexts of these activities, and the variable levels of participatory intensity, in order to more accurately assess the forms and outcomes of youth digital participation. We demonstrate the value of this framework by applying it to two contemporary cases of digital youth participation: an informal online community (Nerdfighters) and a formalized educational initiative (CyberPatriot). Such analyses facilitate normative assessments of youth digital participation, which enable us to better assess what participation is good for, and for whom.  相似文献   

通过中美数字货币博弈的4种情境推演,中美在数字货币领域的对抗已成大概率事件。中国在数字货币国际竞争中应坚持开放合作,更应提前部署极端情境的应对策略。建议发挥支付基础设施完善、应用场景丰富的优势,打造央行数字货币发行与应用的“中国样本”;提高数字货币的科技含金量,加强底层算法和关键技术研发;与“一带一路”沿线国家共享知识和经验,加快人民币跨境支付系统建设,构建良好的支付结算生态圈。  相似文献   

The nameplate-unveiling ceremony for the CAS Center for Earth Observations and Digital Earth (CEODE) was held on 21 November, 2007 in Beijing. The event brought together more than 500 high-caliber officials and prestigious scholars from government departments, research institutes, universities and international organizations, including CAS Vice President JIANG Mianheng, Vice Minister of Science and Technology CAO Jianlin, China National Space Administration SUN Yanlai and former Minister of Science and Technology XU Guanhua.  相似文献   

陈宏滨  赵峰  童琳 《大众科技》2012,(1):249-250
研讨式教学能够提高学生参与课堂教学的积极性和主动性,比传统的灌输式教学取得更好的教学效果。文章介绍在《现代通信技术及标准》教学过程中运用的几种研讨式教学法。  相似文献   

机构知识库与高校数字档案馆比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在分析机构知识库产生背景的基础上,对机构知识库与高校数字档案馆进行了比较研究,指出机构知识库与高校数字档案馆在属性、特点以及获取利用方式上具有共同性.并从机构知识库与高校数字档案馆内容以及管理角度出发,对二者建立目的、内容范围、收集时限、整理分类原则、保密与保管期限以及功能七个视角进行差异性分析.以期为高校机构资源建设与优化配置提供参考与指导.  相似文献   

Because of the increasing significance of social communication technologies within an organization, they have become a new form of information processing, resulting in business process transitions and increased benefits. By applying media richness theory and social theories, this study investigated how social communication technologies (SCTs) can be used by an employee to fit his/her task characteristics. Additionally, it also examined how the employee's social relationships moderated media usage in the current job environment and how this usage influenced the task performance. Five media were selected in this study (telephone, video conferencing, email, instant messaging, and blog). Using a hierarchical regression approach, we found that task characteristics were related to media usage, whereas social factors (social influence and social affinity) moderated the degree of the relationships. A few particular media and technologies seemed to perform well, however these are influenced by the social aspects. Moreover, the usage of social technologies results in positive task performance. The performance of a few specific technologies demonstrated binding effects (email performance was associated with instant messenger performance). In summary, we found that the usage of SCTs is instrumentally determined by the interaction between the task and social relationships.  相似文献   

Process Virtualization Theory (PVT) proposes a set of requirements and relationships to explain and predict whether or not a knowledge work process can be successfully virtualized. However, at least in remote work, the crisis-driven digital transformation (e.g., during the COVID-19 pandemic) shows that almost all knowledge work processes can be virtualized unexpectedly and immediately. Since the requirements for these processes remain the same and need to be met to continue the processes remotely, an interesting question arises of how information technology (IT) can help to meet these requirements in a crisis-driven digital transformation of knowledge work. To address this question, we conducted 40 semi-structured interviews with a multiple-case approach using a critical realist perspective. Our findings contribute to information systems (IS) research in a twofold way. First, we demonstrate that the crisis-driven digital transformation of knowledge work triggers a revisited perspective on PVT by turning virtualized knowledge work processes into a prerequisite. Second, we show how the IT characteristics of PVT (representation, reach, monitoring capability) help to fulfill knowledge work process requirements in remote work settings and outline two additional IT characteristics (social presence and situation awareness) that positively support the fulfillment.  相似文献   

Communication and information processes are vital in any company. The use of lean manufacturing concepts applied to the communication and information process aims to reduce waste and make the flows leaner and simpler. Lean information is a new strand of lean concepts and applications. The purpose of this study was to analyze quantitatively the publications concerning the subject, outlining an overview for the new research field of lean communication. Aiming for a deeper understanding, the concepts of lean information were applied in a real process. The quantitative analysis was carried out to find the main authors and works, as well as the main terms used in related works. We used the methods of citations works, co-citation references, and co-occurrence of words using the VOSviewer software. This software was primarily designed to analyze bibliometric networks in order to create, visualize, and assess maps based on network data generated from queries in journals. We found a lack of a methodology for the development and implementation of lean information concepts. We observed a gap which had not been addressed yet, that is, mapping communication flows and developing and implementing lean information. Moreover, there was no method for improvement, implementation, and control.  相似文献   


In this Perspective paper we propose a rethink on how we should approach digital and analog news. Although there are literatures that continue to focus on the many and varied characteristics of digital and analog news, we should not consider these as separate, opposing entities. In fact, the intertwining between the digital and the analog of news makes it difficult, if not impossible, to define separately what they are, even if this often is the practice in scholarly debate on news and journalism in new media. What we argue in this paper is that today, in opposition to binary definitions, it would be much more revealing, and also connected to actual media practices, to try to understand how much digital there is in the analog news and, vice versa, how much analog there is in digital news. This approach recognizes three dimensions in media platforms: digital, analog, and, between them, a cross-evolved, digitalized analog present in television, radio, and online newspapers. Recognizing these three dimensions enables us to explore more clearly the implications that the hybridization of digital and analog news has on the overall media system and on the state of news itself.  相似文献   

Today's business environment is populated with individuals who are digitally connected to clients, contractors, managers, and employees. Traditionally, the ways and behaviors of managers had developed and thrived within face-to-face work environments, but as computer-mediated technologies continue to change the boundaries of the business community, permit alternative worksites to increase, and the traditional workday to disappear, the role of the manager has changed. This article focuses on the communication behaviors between managers and their employees, and how these behaviors have changed as digital communication methods have become mainstream within organizations today. The variables of interest are manager communication and workplace trust. The intended outcome is to uncover the expectations that have yet to be agreed upon within the manager–employee e-relationship.  相似文献   

数字文明时代,科技创新成为催生新质生产力、引领国际竞争力的必然选择,也是大国参与国际治理和重构国际秩序的重要政策工具,更是熨平经济周期波动、摆脱周期约束的重要法宝。以高水平科技创新和科技自立自强为重要成果体现的崛起模式,还能有力提升国际治理中国方案的可行性和认可度。与此同时,数字时代的科技创新越来越强调以工程化思维促进科学技术知识和产业的有机化合,工程生态范式提供了一个分析研究产业变革的演变过程及产业变革中的产业创新机制的全新框架,有助于我们理解产业变革的激励、创造新兴产业的机会、适应变革和转型,以及推动有关政策认识和政策制定的过程和机制,从而能加速数字时代的产业原创、产业衍生、产业升级。进入新时代,要进一步培育催生产业变革的工程生态新范式,不断孕育引领下一次科技革命和产业变革的新动能。  相似文献   

刘晨昊  严建援  程霞 《未来与发展》2010,(10):101-105,55
现代社会的网络环境使人际沟通的可用媒介大大增多,了解沟通媒介的特点及其作用方式,对于提升企业运营绩效十分重要。本文阐述了媒介研究的兴起和意义,对媒介丰度理论、媒介同步性理论和媒介自然性理论的发展进行了梳理和观点研究,并从发展阶段、理论定位与贡献的方面进行对比,得出关于媒介理论研究发展的启示。  相似文献   

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