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ABSTRACT. Data curation is one way that libraries are extending traditional services to meet the changing needs of patrons. Requirements from research funders have placed increased pressure on grant recipients to create Data Management Plans and to securely store raw data. Research universities have stepped up to provide comprehensive data support services. Despite discrepancies in funding and staff, smaller institutions can similarly provide robust services by focusing on their strengths, such as interdepartmental collaboration, flexibility, and rapid turnaround time. This article details how librarians at Trinity University adapted the larger practice of curation to meet local data management needs.  相似文献   

Between institutional repositories and hosting journals, many libraries are becoming responsible for scholarly content in new ways. While Portable Document Formats (PDFs) are the most common formats today, the unique, local, serial content could be in a variety of formats. These items might be digitized text, born digital text, audio, video, images, or multimedia. This article discusses formats that will remain accessible through time (PDF/A, txt, xml) so that contents are not locked into proprietary formats. It will also discuss options for backing up items and associated metadata, including simple backups, off-site storage of files, Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe (LOCKSS), Private LOCKSS Networks, and Portico. The article offers suggestions for how your library might best preserve local content.  相似文献   

In 2011, the University of North Texas (UNT) Libraries partnered with researchers in the university's academic departments to describe and provide access to items not traditionally included in the UNT Libraries’ systems. Including more than 1,400 items apiece, the two projects are considered active datasets by their respective users. Each collection provided new challenges in harmonizing partner, metadata, and end-user requirements. This article discusses the projects, workflow for defining requirements, and final implementation in the UNT Digital Library. These collections serve as a model for integrating other research projects easily and inexpensively into a repository infrastructure.  相似文献   

数据监管在我国高校图书馆的应用展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简述数据监管的概念,介绍现阶段国内外数据监管的情况,阐述高校图书馆开展数据监管服务的意义,提出我国高校图书馆开展数据监管服务可采用数据保存、数据共享和教育培训等服务类型,分析开展此项服务将会面临的一些难点,并提出相应的对策。最后呼吁我国高校图书馆应成为高校的数据监管中心。  相似文献   

基于数字校园信息一体化建设对应用集成、数据共享和教学科研支撑服务的需要,分析转型期高校图书  相似文献   

The current ad-hoc, organically grown system of digital library inventory management is inefficient, ineffective, and costly, both in dollar terms and in the time and effort of librarians and users. UConn is building a data architecture framework that is integrated in a larger concept of how library data is acquired, managed, and delivered. Collection development policy, data architecture, and information architecture combine to create a strategic framework for collections-based library activities.  相似文献   

对Data Curationr 教育实践及该课程在北美高校的设置状况进行调研,并详尽分析和比较各校教学大纲中的课程名称、课程介绍、教学目标、先修课程、阅读和作业、侧重点等。调查结果显示:三分之一多的高校开设此课程,部分高校将其列为实验教学而非常规课程;课程名称不尽相同,但内容均以“Data Curation”为核心;章节主题设置呈现多样化;教学目标均涵盖ALA提出的4项核心竞争力,并要求学生拥有实践动手能力;大多数课程通过完成课程设计作业评定成绩,课程设计都具有很强的实践性。最后,对北美高校Data Curation课程设置做出总结。  相似文献   

作为拥有百万藏品、开展数字化较早的博物馆之一,故宫博物院管理着大量的文物及其产生的数据。目前,因现存数据存在数量庞大、多源异构且较为分散的现象,导致利用这些数据制作的数字内容难以被全面管理、利用率变低。为改善这一现状,故宫引入英国数据策管中心数据策管周期模型,建立数字服务设计与数据策管并行的工作机制,尝试在实践工作中通过搭建一站式数字服务平台,对数字内容的管理及利用效率产生积极作用。  相似文献   

周宇  欧石燕 《图书情报工作》2016,60(22):116-125
[目的/意义]对国内数据监护平台相关研究成果进行调研分析,归纳研究热点、研究特征和研究框架,总结研究中存在的不足,提出发展建议,为今后国内数据监护平台研究提供参考和借鉴。[方法/过程]以中国知网(CNKI)和维普中文科技期刊库为来源数据库,采集国内2011年1月至2016年6月间发表的有关数据监护平台的期刊论文(CSSCI收录)和学位论文,采用比较法和归纳法分析并揭示研究热点,并对相关研究成果进行评述;利用文献调查法和网络调查法,对国内主要数据监护实践平台进行比较分析。[结果/结论]研究结果表明:①国内对数据监护平台的研究发展很快,研究热点集中在数据监护平台理论框架、科学数据组织、科学数据集成、数据监护平台构建4个方面;②国内数据监护平台研究还存在不足,需要在数据监护框架与功能模块、科学数据语义描述、数据整合与统一检索、数据服务方式等方面进行深入研究。  相似文献   


This column examines the lifecycle of one consortial digital repository service, the Alliance Digital Repository. Though the consortial service provided important infrastructure for members, the nature of digital repository work made it difficult to realize economies of scale. After eight years, members discontinued the shared service and replaced it with single-institution repositories that they could more readily support with the resources available to them. Based on my experiences helping members transition from shared to single-institution repositories, I offer advice for administrators planning or participating in consortial digital repository services.  相似文献   


Academic libraries acquire and steward numeric datasets as well as large collections of image files, audio archives, digital texts, and other non-numeric resources. This article considers how a sample of libraries in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom present these collections and make them available for discovery. And, importantly, the article examines whether these non-numeric collections are positioned on the library Website as research datasets, rather than as artifacts of limited local and/or historical interest. Findings from this analysis may help collection managers and Web designers as libraries define their role in connecting users to research data.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 针对当前数据管理计划在图书馆用户研究和科学数据管理服务中的应用,归纳总结科学数据管理计划的应用价值,引导图书馆更好地利用数据管理计划来提升其科学数据管理服务。[方法/过程] 梳理有关数据管理计划的现有研究成果,总结数据管理计划对图书馆推进科学数据管理服务的3种应用价值,以新加坡南洋理工大学科学数据管理计划的内容分析实践为例,进一步验证所提出的3种应用价值及应用注意事项。[结果/结论] 数据管理计划对图书馆推进科学数据管理服务的价值,主要体现在3个方面,即作为一种信息资源,帮助深入了解所在机构科研人员的数据管理实践与行为特征;作为一种反馈渠道,为图书馆当下服务的改进、潜在服务的开发提供启发;作为一个根植于实践的培训平台,帮助馆员有效提升数据服务能力并构建利益相关者合作网络。但是分析数据管理计划存在一些固有的局限性,应该与其他方法相结合,以更好地指导机构实施和改善科学数据管理服务。尽管如此,数据管理计划的重要性仍无可置疑,国内相关机构应尽快将提出数据管理计划要求提上日程。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]推进国内科研数据管理体系的发展,明确三大研究内容和数据知识库的基础理论研究。[方法/过程]采用实证研究方法,分析对比国内外科研数据管理的研究现状,详细探讨科研数据管理领域的基础研究和技术论证。[结果/结论]明确指出构建科研数据管理体系的基础研究三大内容,即为科研活动周期和数据生命周期、数据知识库的理论框架和流程研究、数据知识库的技术论证。同时提出管理体系的系统建设方案和机制建设方案。  相似文献   

As a primer on data information literacy (DIL), this column will cover the background of the field and why it is relevant to college and university libraries serving undergraduate populations. This article includes how data information literacy relates to information literacy, competencies associated with DIL, the relevance of DIL to undergraduates, DIL in library instruction, and the reasons for library engagement with DIL. Examining DIL within the larger framework of information literacy can help outreach and instruction librarians engage with a format that may be unfamiliar to them but whose underlying foundation is well-established.  相似文献   

As research data complexity and quantity grows and funding agency requirements for data management are articulated, there is a growing need for data management services (DMS). Within these services, one important role emerging is that of data management consultant (DMC). Roles were analyzed that these professionals play through case study analysis in the context of the Johns Hopkins University (JHU). Findings are reported in terms of the lifecycle of data, the functions of DMCs, the requirements placed upon them, and the roles such individuals play in the success of the DMS.  相似文献   

数据监管(Data Curation)是近年来兴起的研究热点,引起了国内外专家学者的关注。文章简略分析了国内外相关研究情况,介绍了不同研究者和研究机构对其涵义的解释及主要研究内容,指出我国Data Curation相关理论及实践研究未来的发展趋势和重点。  相似文献   

高校图书馆数字化参考咨询服务特色化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
郭育凯 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(3):184-186
文章论述了高校图书馆数字化参考咨询服务特色化的重要性,以及如何开展特色服务的一些问题。  相似文献   

高校图书馆参考咨询服务现状与发展的再思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文较细致地分析了高校图书馆参考咨询服务的现状和发展趋势,探讨了高校图书馆的参考咨询服务的发展对策。  相似文献   

美国研究型图书馆研究数据服务的实践进展及趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 随着数字时代向数据时代演进,科学研究进入“第四范式”,无论是研究个体还是科学共同体都在渴求能够获得更深入、更便捷的数据服务。研究型图书馆在科学用户的敦促下,主动推进知识服务升级,帮助用户扩展资源发现,揭示文献中蕴含的知识,构筑知识间的关联。在机器学习大行其道的未来,基于内容的研究数据服务是突破知识获取瓶颈的必然抉择。[方法/过程] 系统回顾美国研究型图书馆研究数据服务实践,深入剖析相关服务的核心价值,阐明研究数据兴起赋予知识服务的新内容,并进一步揭示研究数据服务的发展趋势和走向。[结果/结论] 基于内容的研究数据服务是图书馆面向大数据时代的必然选择,数据周转效率是未来机构科研产出多寡的决定因素,研究数据服务将愈加趋于碎片化、关联化和移动化。  相似文献   

Column Editor's Notes

The “Digital Heritage: Spotlight on Europe” column examines technological advances internal and external to cultural institutions. The digital shift radically changed how cultural heritage is made, disseminated, distributed, accessed, consumed, and monetized. One of the most important revolutions is that the user.s role changed dramatically, shifting from passive observers to active participants and content producers with many new and exciting opportunities for engagement, creative use, and access. Interested authors are invited to submit proposals and articles to the column editor at annamaria.tammaro@unipr.it. Please include “IILR submission” in the subject line of the email.  相似文献   

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