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交互式电子白板在世界范围内的普及对教师专业发展产生了重要的影响。该研究分析了国外2004-2013年十年间交互式电子白板对中小学教师专业发展影响的相关文献,发现研究主题主要集中在“教师培训”、“职业能力素质/教学技能”、“教学研究”、“教学理念/对技术核心价值认识”。通过梳理国外交互式电子白板在支持中小学教师专业发展中存在的问题,文章得出一些启示,旨在对中国交互式电子白板支持下的中小学教师专业发展提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

The study reported here examines whether teaching skills included in the dynamic model of educational effectiveness can be grouped into types of teacher behaviour and whether these types are related with different student outcome measures. The data stem from a study which was conducted in order to test the validity of the dynamic model. Results reveal that teaching skills can be grouped into five types of teacher behaviour which are discerned in a distinctive way and move gradually from skills associated with direct teaching to more advanced skills concerned with new teaching approaches and differentiation of teaching. Teachers exercising more advanced types of behaviour have better student outcomes. Suggestions for research on teacher education and professional development are drawn.  相似文献   

The university as a producer of highly qualified human resources contributes not only to economic development, but more importantly, to endogenous technical progress. Although certain students of the subject have tried to prove that research and teaching in universities do not complement one another, most professors would disagree. If university teaching contributes to economic development, then it should also contribute to the improvement of teaching which through its effects on students will also contribute to economic development. A poll that the authors helped to direct of senior university managers indicated strong belief that teaching and fundamental research will remain linked and will continue to be very important parts of the missions of universities for the foreseeable future. Applied research will have a slightly lower priority, but its role will steadily increase in importance. Interestingly, very little priority was accorded to lifelong learning and even less, to third age instruction.  相似文献   

在调整教学内容、引入先进教学理念基础上,初步建立与工程应用相适应、以基于项目和问题的分组教学与翻转课堂相结合的复合教学模式,讨论复合教学模式对学生创新能力和解决问题能力的影响规律,对同类型课程的教学改革具有启发和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

金融实验教学的定位模式与改革路径   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:16  
金融实验教学应采取实验室教学与社会实践相结合的模式,以现代化的技术手段,促进教学、科研的发展为目标,充分满足商业银行、证券交易和投资、银行会计、外汇买卖和期货期权交易等课程的实验教学,提升本校金融专业教育在高等财经教育领域内的地位。  相似文献   

以产带学以研促学--示范性实践教学基地的模式与创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实践教学是高职教育培养学生技术应用能力的主要手段。高职教育要办出特色,必须依托行业协会,充分发挥行业协会的指导作用、协调功能和服务职能,在行业协会的指导下,加强与企业的合作,搞好产学研结合实践,丰富实践教学内容,创新和构建“以产带学,以研促学”的实践教学基地模式。  相似文献   

教师技能是教师最重要的专业素质之一,是教师从事教育和教学的一种综合能力体现,它是在教育教学与管理及其研究过程中通过长期实践所形成的;教师基本技能的提高,能有效促进教育教学水平的整体提高,促进素质教育的进一步发展。  相似文献   

酒店职业技能大赛在检阅职业教育教学成果和展示学生熟练技能的同时,对引领行业的发展具有不可估量的作用。为师生提供了一个学习与提高的平台,拓展了师生的眼界。大赛以职业综合素质为根本、以主题创意为灵魂,充分体现了以赛促教、以赛促学、以赛促健和以赛促行业发展的趋势。  相似文献   

教育改革引起了课程设置的变动.就师专物理系而言,近年来最显著的变化就是:削减了量子力学、电动力学、统计物理等理论物理课程;增加了更加贴近生活和生产的特设课、职教课、劳技课、电动工具和家用电器等培养能力的课程.然而,对这些新开课的课程、教材、教法的研究还很不充分;这将对新课的调整、巩固、充实、提高带来不利影响.根据自已在家电教学中的感受,针对家电资料的分类归纳,针对家电教材的选材和编辑,针对家电课的教学组织方法,提出了自己的看法.  相似文献   

Much of previous media research suggests that there are no significant differences between the teaching effectiveness of different media. As a distance teaching institution, however, the Open University is highly dependent on media to perform functions which in a more conventional context would be handled by live, face-to-face, tuition. Consequently, the University has a keen interest in exploiting the special properties of different media to the full, and in developing students' skills to handle different media. The new technology foundation course, T101 'Living with Technology', attempts both of these aims with some success. The main conclusions drawn from a study of the way audio-visual media are used in the course are that the characteristics of television, radio and audio-cassettes do lend themselves to particular teaching functions but that, in a distance teaching context, a factor of overriding importance is the extent to which any educational medium is accessible and controllable by the learner. The findings also suggest that students can be helped to learn more effectively from audio-visual media, providing a carefully structured approach is taken to the gradual development of learning skills, and the various media are well integrated with each other.  相似文献   

Early notions of life skills in Africa did not take into account the importance of a flexible and portable set of skills that would enable youth to adapt to changes in the world of work and lay the foundations for productive well-being and behaviour. Rather, life skills education in many secondary education curricula in Africa started with an emphasis on developing specific technical vocational skills considered essential for employability or self-employment. Using Ghana as an example, this paper shows how secondary education curriculum reformers recommended shifts that embraced a new interpretation of life skills focused on 21st-century skills. This gradual move also reflected the difficulty that secondary education in general has had in networking with the world of work to provide work experience that would lead to the development of work-related skills and enhance employability. The author’s main argument is that although the reconceptualisation of life skills in secondary education to reflect 21st-century skills is a welcome shift in the African context, this needs to be accompanied by reforms in teacher education. Classroom teaching and learning need to be adapted in a fundamental way in order to ensure that youth fully benefit from the inclusion of 21st-century life skills in secondary education curricula. Such reforms must include pedagogical practices which nurture communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking skills.  相似文献   

Clinically based direct interventions with individual colleagues were used to demonstrate ways of surmounting four traditional constraints in faculty development research: First, the usual problem of engaging the least needy faculty was countered by enlisting colleagues who evidenced distress, in classroom and writing performances, as research subjects. Second, faculty who would have refused feedback based on student ratings were trained to be reliable self-evaluators on seven specific teaching skills. Third, participants demonstrated an ability to improve their teaching skills while making measureable progress as regimented and productive writers. Fourth, a crossover design of involvement in teaching and writing programs, combined with subjects' self-ratings of related scholarly activities, suggests that teaching and scholarly productivity can be mutually facilitative.  相似文献   

The role of Australian academics is undergoing a period of rapid change as the Federal Government attempts to restructure both the higher education system and the economy. With these changes in role comes a need for the continuing professional development of academics. This paper gives details of a study which adopted a competency‐based approach to identify the job requirements, skill‐deficiencies and training needs of one group of Australian academics. This group ‐ staff from the Business faculties of (former) Colleges of Advanced Education ‐ is of particular interest because its members are experiencing uncommonly rapid growth and change. In general, the respondents tended to rate (a) teaching skills as more important than research skills, (b) their own teaching skills as more highly developed than their research competencies, and (c) their desire for training as greatest with respect to several specific research skills. Some potential barriers to the successful implementation of professional development programmes are discussed.  相似文献   

高职装潢艺术设计专业必须适应社会经济发展和专业教育特征的需要,把学生实践技能的培养作为人才培养的根本任务。课程设置要把握社会对人才的要求,处理好专业技能培养和理论知识传授的关系,根据实际工作岗位的需要和突出专业技术应用能力培养为主线,加强师资队伍建设,坚持产学研结合。使专业培养方向与毕业生必需的专业业务规格能力及素质结构相结合。  相似文献   

足球活动对促进幼儿各种身体动作及运动素质品质和意志品质的发展均有着非常积极的作用。在实践研究中发现,幼儿园可以以基本技术动作、基本战术和基本素质为内容开展足球活动,并利用教研实践化、内容游戏化、环境浸润化等策略让孩子爱上足球,促进孩子身体素质全面发展。  相似文献   

Interactive learning is beneficial to students in that it allows the continual development and testing of many skills. An interactive approach enables students to improve their technical capabilities, as well as developing both verbal and written communicative ability. Problem solving and communication skills are vital for engineering students; in the workplace they will be required to communicate with people of varying technical abilities and from different linguistic and engineering backgrounds. In this paper, a case study is presented that discusses how the traditional method of teaching control systems can be improved. ‘Control systems’ is a complex engineering topic requiring students to process an extended amount of mathematical formulae. MATLAB software, which enables students to interactively compare a range of possible combinations and analyse the optimal solution, is used to this end. It was found that students became more enthusiastic and interested when given ownership of their learning objectives. As well as improving the students’ technical knowledge, other important engineering skills are also improved by introducing an interactive method of teaching.  相似文献   

This paper explores the idea of thinking skills approaches as tools for pedagogical inquiry and in so doing seeks to develop the link between the promotion of inquiry‐based learning, which is a central tenet of thinking skills, and inquiry‐based teaching as an approach to professional development and school improvement. The first part of the paper examines the impact of teaching thinking skills on teachers by drawing upon a systematic review of research evidence. The second part of the paper sets the characteristics identified in the context of research into teachers’ development and considers the contribution of a pedagogy based on thinking skills approaches to continuing professional development.  相似文献   

Much research about teachers and teaching is still planned and conducted by researchers who give little thought or effort to the involvement and learning of the teachers who are their subjects. Whilst this continues to be the predominant research paradigm, and until collaborative networks between educators from different sectors of the professions are established, the traditional separation between academics - those who research - and teachers - those who teach - will remain, and the usefulness of research to both communities will continue to be subject to critical comment. This paper proposes a set of different roles and relationships for researchers involved in qualitative research in which researchers may also be consultants, and in which affective, human-relating skills hold the same importance as the more traditional technical skills of the researcher.  相似文献   

秦伟 《南昌教育学院学报》2011,26(3):107-107,109
为了解决学生就业难问题,现在很多职业技术学院都非常重视学生的技能教学。只有使学生更多地参与实践,才能掌握一技之长;只有在有针对性的将实训技能作为学生学习的重要组成部分,学生才能够具备一技之长在毕业后找到工作,也只有这样的学生才能立足社会。因而,作为电工嗜血的教学人员必须立足现状,开拓创新,不断提高实训技能的教学水平,才能够培养出许多优秀职校毕业生。  相似文献   

汽车实训基地作为汽车技术类课程的实践教学平台,为学生实践教学、职业技能鉴定和教师专业素质提高提供了良好环境,为教学活动开展、实习实训、技能培养创造了良好条件.从建设思路、建设内容等方面出发阐述了我院汽车实训基地建设的整体情况.  相似文献   

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