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合理确立教师的法律地位,是建设高素质教师队伍的重要保障,也是人与社会发展的必然要求。我国现行立法将教师作为与其他专业人员无异的一类群体,在法律地位上没有体现教师职业的特殊性,也没有呈现不同教育阶段、不同性质学校教师群体的差异性,导致教师管理实践中问题和争议频发。教师职业源于现代国家公共教育体系建立的需要以及其对社会发展的重要功能,与其他类型专业人员最显著的区别即在于教师职业的公共性,而不同教育阶段、不同性质学校教师群体的公共性强度也存在显著差异。应以教师职业的公共性为分析基础,以公共性强度差异为划分维度,确立不同教师群体的法律身份以及与之相适应的教师与相关主体的法律关系;以公共性保障及其与自主性的协调为目标,确立教师的权利和义务,科学设计教师的法律地位。  相似文献   

Despite considerable attention given to mentoring in initial teacher education little is known about mutual perspectives in perceptions of students and mentors regarding assessment and how this affects the quality of the student's teaching. Perceptions of assessment during practicum might impede the learning dialogue during mentoring and affect the student's achievements. A comparative qualitative study was conducted in Norway, Israel and The Netherlands to examine how student teachers (74) and mentors (52) perceive good mentoring regarding assessment of practice teaching and the interplay between the two processes. A semi‐structured questionnaire was used to analyse the perceptions on assessment during the practicum appraisal. Findings indicate that mentors and students differ slightly on key aspects of assessment, but agree more in the way it is being applied. From an assessment point of view, the differences between mentor and students may lead to a different approach in advice or recommendation to improve teaching action across the three national borders.  相似文献   

This article contains important messages for all those with an interest in enhancing the effectiveness of professional development supported by websites. It is informed by the findings of a Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) funded evaluation of the use and effectiveness of three websites whose development the TDA had supported. Data were collected from teacher educators and student teachers from a variety of initial teacher education (ITE) providers by means of face-to-face, telephone and e-interviews, as well as case study visits. It was found that although all three websites were regarded as being high quality, their effectiveness in supporting professional development varied. This article considers possible reasons for this and implications for other websites, not just within the English and schools contexts, but also more globally.  相似文献   

Progress towards inclusive education has been linked to the professional development of teachers, including their initial training. This study explores the range and nature of the experiences that students bring to a one-year Post Graduate Certificate in Education course for prospective secondary teachers in England. The data was gathered through questionnaires given to the whole cohort. There was a high response rate although a consequence of this approach was a reliance on self-reports. The analysis illustrates the diversity of experiences across the cohort that may impact on beliefs and attitudes of the individuals. If planning of teacher development is to be effective, providers need information of this type to inform their planning and delivery.  相似文献   

民族双语法学教育对于民族地区的社会稳定有着重要的现实意义。从目前的情况看,我省民族双语法学教育仍然存在着许多问题与困难。因此,应着力解决好民族双语法学教育的培养模式、师资力量、实践渠道,以及生源、教材等问题,使民族双语法学教育在民族地区社会建设的建设中真正发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

Liberal studies is a new subject in the new senior secondary curriculum in Hong Kong. This study attempted to identify factors that shape liberal studies student teachers' decisions in lesson planning. Based on interview data and lesson plans developed by the student teachers, this article maintains that four factors interacted with the subject features of liberal studies to shape the student teachers' planning decisions, namely, teacher knowledge, curriculum requirements, materials and resources, and interaction with equal and more capable partners. This paper further looks into how teacher knowledge expresses itself at different stages of lesson planning. The findings suggest that to facilitate enquiry learning in students, liberal studies teachers need to adopt an enquiry stance in lesson planning. This paper argues that the limitations of liberal studies student teachers' content knowledge need to be addressed in teacher preparation programmes and suggests teacher networking as one way to strengthen novice liberal studies teachers' content preparation. The implications for teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2006,21(4):188-193
This article addresses the important issue of initial teacher preparation in relation to classroom management. It is based on a study of Post Graduate Certificate of Education (Secondary) students in one university department. The study sought to ascertain the ongoing concerns of trainees during the course of their year's training, and to identify key issues for training providers as a result of this process. Data were gathered both by interview and by questionnaire. Carolyn Bromfield uses the findings to broker a discussion about the nature of behaviour training; her key message is that there is a need to move trainee thinking from a traditional behaviourist approach to one which highlights the relationship between behaviour and learning.  相似文献   

法学实验是指法科学生在教师的指导下在校内所进行的验证法律科学理论或假设以及对学生进行法律职业技能应用训练的教学活动。法学实验教学的目的是让学生熟悉律师事务所、法院、检察院等单位的法律实务操作程序和技能,培养他们的法律职业素养。法学实验项目应根据法学实验教学的目的设置,主要包括会见、取证、法律文书制作等;法学实验室应根据法学实验项目的需求进行体系建设。  相似文献   

In the academic year 2006–2007, the Training and Development Agency (TDA) set up a development programme to enable Initial Teacher Training and Education (ITTE) placements in specialist special education provision. The goal of the programme was to enhance the knowledge, skills and understanding of inclusive practice for special educational needs and disability among those joining and those who are relatively new to the teaching workforce. This article, by Gill Golder, Nicky Jones and Erica Eaton Quinn, all Senior Lecturers at the College of St Mark and St John in Plymouth, outlines one project related to this TDA programme. The authors explore the outcomes of their work on a three‐year BEd (Honours) Secondary Physical Education course in the south‐west against the TDA's objectives for both trainee teachers and the special schools to which they were attached. Results confirm the importance of preparing trainee teachers for a future career in more inclusive schools.  相似文献   

This article, based on the analysis of responses given by 27 students in initial teacher education, gives an account of how education theory can be conceived by students as relevant to their teaching practice. Research on teacher education in many countries has revealed that students regard theory and practice to be inconsistent or to belong to different worlds in initial teacher education. This may have a potentially negative effect on the teachers’ opportunities for future professional development, as such development should be based on the ability to view one’s own teaching practice from a critical, theory- and research-based perspective. In the research and development project reported in this article, the PIL-project, the students’ teaching practice was chosen as the pivotal point for all the other activities involved in the teacher education programme. Results indicate that when questions emerge from the students’ own experience, theory is often found useful in discussing and understanding their practical experiences. The results further show that the students’ choice of theory when discussing their teaching practice is eclectic. Students tend to choose theory with direct relevance to their daily tasks in the classrooms. The implication for initial teacher education is that the educational theory taught should more often address the immediate challenges faced by the students doing their teaching practice.  相似文献   

在素质教育的理念下,道德与法治课程教学重要性日益凸显,小学阶段是塑造学生健康价值观、教育观的黄金时期,因此需要通过道德与法治教学对学生进行德育教学,提高学生的思想道德素养以及法治意识。为了有效提高教学效果,教师需要将时政资源作为主要载体,将国内外各领域时政信息作为教学素材,以此培养小学生的核心素养,提高整体教学质量。基于此,本文主要对小学道德与法治课程中时政资源的有效利用策略进行探究,以供相关人士参考。  相似文献   

高师课堂呼唤探究性教学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新课程改革实施的关键是教师。教师教育改革必然要进行教学方式的改革。高师院校实施探究性教学是新课程改革的客观需要,是大学生发展的主观需要,是高师院校自身发展的需要。教师应转变观念,结合高师教学实践,积极实施探究性教学。  相似文献   

当前,中国法学教育改革已全面展开,信息检索作为法学专业本科学生最基础的技能,在法学教育改革中显得越来越重要,课程内容的增加、教学模式的变化、学生学习目标的多元化都对学生信息检索能力提出了进一步的要求。然而法学信息检索的传统教育体系却存在着明显的问题:专业针对性不强、未能区分学习层次、教师专业性不强。因此对法学信息检索教育体系进行改革势在必行。结合专业实际,系统化的信息检索体系应当包括:从通识教育到专业课程教育的教学体系、与学习层次相适应的课程体系、应用型的教学目标、互动型的教学方法、信息化的教学手段等五个方面的内容。  相似文献   

This article reports on an innovative pedagogical approach within the Learning Partnerships program in which school students help to ‘teach the teachers’ within pre-service teacher education. Classes of school students join with classes of pre-service teachers to provide input on how teachers can enhance school students’ engagement and wellbeing. The article draws on data collected from 125 students (aged 13–16) and 120 pre-service teachers in these workshops. Findings generated from a mixed methods study combining pre-workshop focus groups (n = Students: 38, Teachers: 33) and post-workshop focus groups (n = Students: 69, Teachers: 15) and post-workshop surveys (n = Students: 96; Teachers: 101) demonstrated that the workshops were mutually beneficial for both students and pre-service teachers. Participants found that workshopping together enhanced their belief in the possibility of positive student–teacher relationships. The pre-service teachers reported greater confidence in communicating with young people about the issues that affect student engagement and wellbeing. The school students reported that they were more willing to use teachers as a source of help. Implications include the need for increased attention to a ‘third space’ for learning in teacher development which provides opportunity for learning with and from young people about how to foster their engagement and wellbeing.  相似文献   

高职法律教育在高等法学教育领域中具有重要地位,但目前高职院校在法律教育教学方面存在很多问题。因此,必须确立正确的高职法律教育人才培养模式,通过组织模拟法庭和案例教学,因材施教,加强教材建设,提高教师素质,从而真正实现高职法律教育的目的。  相似文献   

大学生是未来社会建设的主力军,大学生法律素养的高低关系其素质是否能全面发展和我国依法治国战略的实现。文章首先分析了培养大学生法律素养的必要性;在此基础上,提出当前大学生法律素养教育方面还存在教学目标定位不清、教学内容选取自主性较强,缺乏逻辑性、教学实效不高等问题,并对此进行了分析;最后,有针对性地指出提高大学生法律素养教学实效性的出路,即教学目标定位上,以法律素养教学为立足点,教学内容围绕"培养法律素养公民"选取,教学方法上把握合理有效性原则。  相似文献   

在市场经济体制下,随着我国高等学校人事制度改革的不断深入,高等院校逐步推行教师聘任制。鉴于我国现行法律、法规对高等学校的法律地位和性质。高校与教师之间的法律关系没有清晰的界定,理论界对教师聘任合同的性质存在不同认识,难以有效解决高校与教师之间的纠纷,不利于高校的健康发展。文章对高校教师的法律地位进行思考,以此明确教师与高校之间的法律关系,规范教师聘任行为,顺利推进高校人事制度改革。  相似文献   

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