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大学生就业竞争力是指毕业生在就业市场上,具有战胜竞争对手找到适合才能发挥和实现自身价值的适当工作岗位的能力,即全面满足社会和用人单位对人才需求的能力。通过对美国研究型大学本科生就业竞争力培养模式及其实现途径展开的全面考察,深入探讨密西根州立大学通识教育、职业生涯辅导体系、创业教育、服务学习、海外学习等培养模式在提升大学生就业素养、提高综合素质、锻炼求职能力及拓展国际视野等方面的作用与影响,以期对中国高校的人才培养模式及就业指导体制的改革与发展产生有益启示。  相似文献   

系统理论框架是基于一般系统理论和建构主义的生涯发展元理论,它将各种影响个人生涯发展的因素放在同一框架下,强调个人系统、人际社会系统、社会-环境系统之间的整体性及其动态的交互作用,能够更好地解释后现代社会的工作、职业认同、学习等生涯发展核心概念的内涵和外延。基于系统理论框架,研究者开发了"我的生涯影响系统""我的生涯篇章"等质性生涯评估工具,在生涯辅导和咨询领域具有广泛的应用前景。系统理论框架启示我们,可以从整合生涯教育的"术"与"道"、兼顾个人兴趣与家国情怀、引入家庭和社会力量参与生涯教育几个方面推动我国的生涯教育向纵深发展。  相似文献   

坚持生涯自主发展指导思想,坚持全员、全域、全程、全局的原则建立完整持久的开发体系,以便突破个人与组织的隔阂,缩小学习与工作的距离,缩小现实与未来的屏障。而要实现这样的目标,就需要政府在立法、经费、基础建设等方面做出努力,学校则要加强生涯教育和辅导,而企事业单位需要变革人力资源管理战略,建立员工与组织协调发展的机制,社区也需为此完善交流和学习的网络。  相似文献   

Arab countries are comprised mainly of young people. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the counseling needs of youth in the Arab countries. To understand the needs of young people, institutions which play an important role in the socialization of youth were analyzed. Specifically, the role of family, school and peer group was discussed. The youth needs for independence, affiliation and social relationships, education and career were examined within the context of the Arab culture. The role of individual and group counseling was discussed, and the need for social action to make the environment more responsive to the needs of youth was stressed.Paper presented at the Eleventh International Round Table for the Advancement of Counselling, University of Aarhus, Denmark, 5–9 August, 1984.  相似文献   

职业生涯学习作为高职院校青年教师进行主观自我与职业世界互相适应的主动选择,是适应经济社会发展、技术不断革新、服务学校发展、实现职业价值的有效方式。青年教师职业生涯学习的基本逻辑是明确职业生涯学习目标,进行职业生涯学习,检验职业学习效果,青年教师在学习实践中表现出个体凸显、阶段演进、教研相长、组织支持等特征。为更好地促进高职院校青年教师的职业生涯学习,需要青年教师树立终身学习理念,认同教师职业价值,需要通过参加培训、提升学历、参与项目建设、服务行业企业拓展职业生涯学习,需要高职院校提供有力的组织保障。  相似文献   

The area of career guidance and counselling for youth is undergoing rapid change in light of evolving expectations of young people as members of society and rapidly changing educational and career opportunities. This article summarizes previous research describing the perspectives of adolescents and young adults, and concludes that there is a need to re-examine the assumptions underlying career advising, guidance, and counselling programs offered to young people; and also to re-develop these services to better reflect current economic, career, and social realities.  相似文献   

Conclusion Like most of the industrialized nations of the world, Japan is undergoing changes in its occupational structure, in its societal values about work and achievement, and in the demographics of its work force. These changes have different types of impact on the career development of young workers, initial entry and reentry women, and older workers.As greater clarity is established on how these populations differ between and within groups, Japan's policy-makers have become aware that different types of intervention programs must be developed and implemented for each of these groups. However, there is not a sufficient number of counselors, who are trained to deal with the career development and transition to work issues presented by each of these groups, to respond to the growing needs for career counseling and career guidance across the nation. Clearly, a national agenda for serving a work force in Japan which is aging, diversifying, and entering and adjusting to an occupational environment which is itself in flux must include major attention to counselor preparation, research in career development across the life-span, and the development and testing of career development programs tailored to multiple individual and group needs.  相似文献   

In recent years significant international focus has highlighted the critical importance of managing life, learning and work in a constantly changing labour market. This changing world and the corresponding need for individuals to engage in repeated decision-making about learning and work has raised the importance of and necessity for the provision of career development services across the lifespan. This challenge is being addressed by many countries across the globe. Within this context, this paper discusses the initiatives enhancing the status of career service provision in Australia.  相似文献   

高等教育逐渐从“精英教育”走向“大众教育”,残酷的就业形势给大学生心理带来重重困惑:理想择业与现实择业的矛盾、理想自我与现实自我的矛盾、理想社会与现实社会的矛盾、理想教育与现实教育的矛盾。高校德育应从渗透大学生择业观念矫正、就业常识教育、职业道德教育、择业心理教育等方面入手,消除大学生心理困惑,使之以积极姿态面对就业。  相似文献   

高职扩招承载着高职教育改革和促进经济发展的重任,在此背景下保证高质量的人才培养尤为重要。通过访谈法和问卷调查法,归纳出SY职业技术学院以退役军人、农民工、下岗职工等构成的特殊生源扩招生的学习特点与面临问题:来源集中给学习带来一定影响;参加高职教育的目的明确,且渴望得到职业生涯规划和就业指导;轻视基础文化教育,偏重专业课学习和职业技能培养;学习方式更灵活,学习的干扰因素多。高职院校应坚持"三全育人",学生为中心、成果导向,分层分类、个性化教育,标准不降等原则,从加强学习管理与指导、加强教育教学改革、提升职业技能、加强职业生涯规划与就业指导、探索学分银行制度和成果认证制度等方面保证高职扩招特殊生源人才培养质量。  相似文献   

基础教育的培养目标肩负着双重任务:成人与成才。生涯发展包含着学会学习、学会生存等方面的内容。在基础教育阶段,依据学生身心发展特点分阶段实施生涯发展教育,能够使学生认识自我,了解社会与职业世界,让学生具备生涯意识,从而形成生涯认知、生涯探索与人生定位等,为未来的健康发展奠基铺路。通过生涯觉察、生涯探索、生涯规划等阶段的培养,促进基础教育对生涯意识的培养。  相似文献   

比较中西方大学职业指导体系,可以发现我国高校的职业指导体系仍有很多需要完善和发展的空间。高校应在"以学生为本"理念指导下,通过整合职业指导人员的力量、展开全方位的创业教育模式、构建全程化的职业指导体系等措施,培养合格的职业人和创新创业人才,为我国经济社会发展提供强有力的人才支撑。  相似文献   

职业指导课程能否有效实施,在很大程度上取决于师资队伍。目前,多数高职院校已经开设了职业指导课程,但师资队伍存在着许多亟待解决的问题。文章运用问卷调查的方式,试探讨其存在的问题,并认为主要是由于缺乏健全的规章制度、专门的培训场所和经费、全面的职业指导工作认识、合理的师资整合等原因造成。为确保职业指导课程的质量,为学生的顺利就业和成才铺路搭桥,高职院校必须优化职业指导课程师资队伍结构,增加教师的实践经验,建立健全岗前培训和定期进修制度,实行资格和职业指导的准入制度,完善评聘制度和考核办法,整合现有的职业指导课程师资和相近课程师资,开展专题研究,以建构一支稳定的、职业化、专业化的职业指导课程师资队伍。  相似文献   

职业生涯规划不仅影响大学生学习,而且影响他们将来的职业成长。高校应大力开展大学生职业生涯规划教育和指导,使大学生根据自身的实际情况和社会发展需要,制定适合自己职业成长的职业生涯规划。虽然政府和高校都十分重视大学生职业生涯规划教育,但是高校的职业生涯教育体系还不完善。大学生就业心理不成熟,高校应明确职业生涯规划教育目标,把握职业生涯规划教育与专业教学的关系,引导大学生积极参与社会实践,充分利用网络技术开展职业生涯规划教育,以提高大学生职业生涯规划教育的实效性。  相似文献   

成人学习是一个涉及心理、教育、文化、社会、政治、经济等诸多因素的复杂问题,对成人学习基本信息的采集,是科学规划与实施全民学习项目的前提。我国大陆(不包括港澳台地区)16岁及以上各类成人群体的随机调查显示:我国成人学习的范围和领域十分广泛,学习需求涵盖工作、职业、自我发展以及正在或者将要扮演的社会角色等诸多方面。工学矛盾是影响我国成人学习参与的首要因素,其次是社会角色及其承担的相应责任,再次是当地能否提供适当的学习机会、学习信息、学习时间和地点。学习费用、性别、年龄、地理环境’与地区经济社会发展的不平衡,也是影响成人学习参与的重要因素。总之,我国继续教育和终身学习条件及环境营造等方面还存在诸多不足,成人学习支持服务体系建设情况不容乐观。为了进一步改进成人学习规划与实施工作,相关管理部门、用人单位和教育培翻I机构,应组建或委托专门机构,对我国成人学习状况相关问题展开定期调查;同时,充分考量性别、年龄、地理环境与地区经济社会发展的差异,重视成人工学矛盾和社会角色,兼顾成人多方面学习需求,积极营造有利于成人深度参与的学习环境,建立健全成人学习费用分担机制和成人学习支持服务体系,进一步提高各行各业从业人员继续教育和学习的参与率。  相似文献   


Precarious jobs and unemployment have become common issues for many young adults due to the unfavourable labour market situation in Portugal. Against this background, lifelong learning (LLL) policies have been called in to play a role in creating economic growth and supporting the social inclusion of young adults in vulnerable educational and economic circumstances. These policies are defined at the national level; however, their implementation depends on the action of local actors who face specific challenges. This paper explores disparities in the definition and implementation of LLL policies targeting young adults in two Portuguese regions. Specifically, we analyse professional courses in Vale do Ave (North) and adult education and training courses in Alentejo Litoral (South). These regions were selected due to their dissimilar economic structure. This study adopted a qualitative approach through interviews with LLL experts and policy roundtables with local stakeholders and decision-makers in both regions. Data were transcribed and analysed using NVivo 10. The study shows that the two regions have different cooperation networks between local stakeholders, and that these impact the opportunities to influence the regional skills formation system differently. Also, the study shows that LLL policies are not designed to address destandardised life courses.  相似文献   

Teacher educators are an occupational group currently experiencing increased scrutiny by international policy makers and researchers alike. This occupational group however is increasingly difficult to define and identify in a complex, internationally changing teacher education policy reform environment. The question posed is an enduring one: who is a teacher educator? The answer is more complicated. To better understand this occupational group, a literature review and local policy analysis study using the Australian context was conducted to reveal more about their identity; career trajectories and; professional learning needs. Analysis revealed that three sub-groups belonging to the broader teacher educator occupational group have emerged as a result of shifting teacher education policies. Namely, university-based; school-based and community-based teacher educators, each with an important role to play and each positioned differently within the research and policy landscape. Findings suggest that all three groups are important to educating teachers across their career and to best meet the needs of all students for new times. Recommendations are made for future research and practice into how these groups can work collectively together, within and across the multiple sites of learning to teach.  相似文献   

德育是动态的社会现象,德育要素必须反映经济社会发展的需要。职业生涯教育是工业文化的产物,形成于职业指导的产生、兴旺之中,完善于职业生涯咨询的推广、普及之中。职业生涯教育内涵丰富,贴近职业、贴近社会、贴近学生,是贯穿于教育各个学段的连续过程。符合国情的职业生涯教育,才能确保职业生涯教育的科学性、方向性。职业生涯教育和其他德育要素之间,内涵既相对独立,又相互包涵。  相似文献   

上海“啃老族”的现状与对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全球金融危机的到来,我国青年人就业形势愈来愈严峻,啃老族已经形成一支庞大的队伍,带来许多社会问题和消极影响。本文从四方面来分析啃老族的现状,并从家庭教育和就业指导方面进行了对策分析。  相似文献   

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