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浅谈家庭暴力的法律救济   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
家庭暴力是发生在家庭成员之间的暴力行为,包括身体伤害、精神摧残和性暴力等,因家庭暴力行为产生的社会问题已引起全社会的广泛关注。充分运用法律的手段来遏制家庭暴力,实属必然和必要。目前我国法律关于家庭暴力的防范和控制还存在着诸多不足。本文从刑事法律制度救济、民事法律制度救济、程序法救济等救济途径角度,分析了维护家庭暴力受害者合法权益的有效途径。  相似文献   

家庭暴力是指家庭成员以暴力或胁迫、侮辱等手段,侵害其他家庭成员的人身权利(包括身体上、精神上和性方面的权利),造成一定损害后果的行为。本文探析了家庭暴力产生的主要原因、危害及防治的具体对策,目的在于遏制家庭暴力,保障社会的和谐发展。  相似文献   

近年来,家庭暴力问题一直是社会大众比较关注的话题。家庭暴力是指家庭成员之间以殴打、捆绑、残害、限制人身自由,以及经常性谩骂、恐吓等方式实施的身体、精神等侵害行为,不仅包括夫妻双方之间的暴力,还包括对未成年子女、老人和其他家庭成员实施的暴力行为。它对家庭中的每一名成员都造成了影响,对未成年子女的影响尤甚。本文主要分析了家庭暴力对中学生学习心理尤其是学习动力的负面影响,并从完善反家庭暴力治理体系、营造良好的家庭氛围等方面提出了应对策略。  相似文献   

家庭暴力是一个贯穿古今的全球性问题,得到了全世界各个国家的广泛关注,各国纷纷立法预防和惩治家庭暴力犯罪,我国也于2016年3月1日起施行《中华人民共和国反家庭暴力法》。在立法、执法、司法上打击家庭暴力犯罪,建立和完善我国家庭暴力法律救济机制,有利于保护家庭成员的身心健康和合法权益,有利于婚姻家庭的幸福,有利于社会的稳定和发展。  相似文献   

家庭暴力是指行为人以殴打、捆绑、残害、强行限制人身自由或者其它手段,给其家庭成员的身体、精神等方而造成一定伤害后果的行为.家庭暴力危害了受害者的身心健康和合法权益,破坏了社会的稳定与和谐。为此必须建立法律、社会、心理各个层面的社会支持体系给予受害者协助,从源头上制止家庭暴力的发生。  相似文献   

家庭暴力的发生是由社会历史的、现实的多种因素和个人因素共同作用的结果。要排除家庭暴力救 济方式中的法律障碍,逐步完善我国的法律救济方式,建立社会救助网络及专门的法律援助机构,加强公安 机关对家庭暴力的干预,建立专门的反家庭暴力法。  相似文献   

家长"软暴力"是近年来一种主要的家庭暴力现象,孩子是家长"软暴力"的直接受害者,其表现形式主要有精神折磨和心理虐待等。本文介绍了家长"软暴力"现象及其危害,就如何防止家长"软暴力"现象提出了一些建议和对策。  相似文献   

据妇联部门调查统计,在我国的2.7亿个家庭中,30%存在家庭暴力,大约每年有10万个家庭因此而解体,并且近几年,家庭暴力案件呈上升趋势。家庭暴力共分为精神暴力、身体暴力和性暴力。家庭暴力的受害者不仅仅是妇女、老人等,还包括未成年的孩子。目前社会各界对家庭暴力都投入了广泛的关注,但是,还有很多人并未能清醒地认识到家庭暴力对未成年人的身心健康所造成的严重危害,更不知道该怎样帮助这些身处暴力家庭中的孩子。一、家庭暴力对儿童造成不可估量的负面影响家庭暴力导致儿童心理和人格的扭曲。家庭暴力对孩子的身体、认…  相似文献   

采用自编问卷对重庆市724初中生进行抽样调查.研究家庭暴力对初中生情绪性问题行为的影响。结果发现,家庭暴力对初中生的情绪性问题行为有显著影响,家长越是对子女实施家庭暴力,子女越容易出现情绪性问题行为。家庭暴力若采用肢体暴力形式.子女容易出现攻击性情绪问题行为;若采用精神暴力形式,子女容易出现抑郁焦虑的情绪问题行为。基于以上研究发现的问题,提出了改善家庭教育的对策。  相似文献   

家庭暴力是针对妇女暴力的一种典型体现。法律是惩治和预防家庭暴力的有力武器。现有法律不能适应依法反暴的时代需要,构建中国特色反家庭暴力法律体系势在必行。该体系应包括国际法、专门法、附属法和地方法四个层级,形成一个严密有序、层次分明、标本兼治、注重预防的有机整体。  相似文献   

家庭暴力是近年来我国婚姻领域的突出问题,家庭暴力事件呈上升趋势,对其社会危害不可忽视;反家庭暴力存在困难,急需社会综合治理;法律是防治家庭暴力最彻底的手段,企盼早日立法。  相似文献   

目前,我国家庭暴力问题令人担忧,其中重要原因之一是我国现行法律在规制家庭暴力方面存在不足。应制定专门《家庭暴力防治法》,明确《家庭暴力防治法》在法律体系中的地位,明确家庭暴力举证的特殊要求,明确相关机构干预家庭暴力的责任,明确规定施暴者的法律责任,在立法时并对弱势群体有所倾斜。  相似文献   

谈暴力,并非宣扬暴力,通过对暴力的反思,从而让反思的结果更好地指导我们的实践活动。  相似文献   

从1995年起至今,国内的家暴定量研究已走过十余年,大致可分为两个时期。2000年以前,国内没有专门的家暴定量研究,对家暴的相关定量研究以社会学为主,散见于婚姻家庭研究之中。2000年之后,国内开始出现专门的家暴定量研究,以医学尤其是流行病学为主,社会学对家暴的专门定量研究极少。尽管国内家暴定量研究取得了一些成果,如获得了最基本的数据,但无论是从对家暴的描述、解释,还是方法论上,都有巨大的提高空间。  相似文献   

试论象牙塔里的导师冷暴力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
象牙塔里的导师冷暴力尽管出发点各异、表现形式多样、并有一定的隐蔽性,但其具有普遍性。其原因可以用人际交换理论、人际冲突理论、文化认可理论来分析。导师冷暴力是对研究生精神与心理的摧残,同时也会影响导师自身的教学效能感。为此,学校、导师、研究生要采取各种积极的措施予以化解。  相似文献   

儿童文学不能回避悲剧创作,但只要主题积极鲜明,就是悲剧也能产生积极的教育作用。对悲剧中暴力和死亡的描写要讲究适度,既要暴露悲剧的“冷”,又要给儿童阳光般的温暖;既不能使读者产生悲观、消极情绪,又要告诉他们辨别是非和正确避免悲剧的方法。美国人杰瑞·比萨奇创作的人道主义思想教育小说系列便是一个在曝“冷”上保持克制,又传递了对年轻一代的关爱和期望的成功范例。  相似文献   

BackgroundThere have been estimates that over 150,000 Haitian children are living in servitude. Child domestic servants who perform unpaid labor are referred to as “restavèks.” Restavèks are often stigmatized, prohibited from attending school, and isolated from family placing them at higher risk for experiencing violence. In the absence of national data on the experiences of restavèks in Haiti, the study objective was to describe the sociodemographic characteristics of restavèks in Haiti and to assess their experiences of violence in childhood.MethodsThe Violence Against Children Survey was a nationally representative, cross-sectional household survey of 13–24 year olds (n = 2916) conducted May–June 2012 in Haiti. A stratified three-stage cluster design was used to sample households and camps containing persons displaced by the 2010 earthquake. Respondents were interviewed to assess lifetime prevalence of physical, emotional, and sexual violence occurring before age 18. Chi-squared tests were used to assess the association between having been a restavèk and experiencing violence in childhood.FindingsIn this study 17.4% of females and 12.2% of males reported having been restavèks before age 18. Restavèks were more likely to have worked in childhood, have never attended school, and to have come from a household that did not have enough money for food in childhood. Females who had been restavèks in childhood had higher odds of reporting childhood physical (OR 2.04 [1.40–2.97]); emotional (OR 2.41 [1.80–3.23]); and sexual violence (OR 1.86 [95% CI 1.34–2.58]) compared to females who had never been restavèks. Similarly, males who had ever been restavèks in childhood had significantly increased odds of emotional violence (OR 3.06 [1.99–4.70]) and sexual violence (OR 1.85 [1.12–3.07]) compared to males who had never been restavèks, but there was no difference in childhood physical violence.InterpretationThis study demonstrates that child domestic servants in Haiti experience higher rates of childhood violence and have less access to education and financial resources than other Haitian children. These findings highlight the importance of addressing both the lack of human rights law enforcement and the poor economic circumstances that allow the practice of restavèk to continue in Haiti.  相似文献   

文章主要论述了中国家庭暴力的危害、原因及对策,以及尽快在我国建立《防止家庭暴力法》的必要性。  相似文献   

Teachers conceptualise and interpret violent behaviour of secondary students in different ways. They also differ in their estimates of the relevance of student and contextual school variables when explaining the severity of violence experienced by students. Research can assist here by explicating the role of different types of contextual school variables. The research question is twofold: (1) Do contextual school variables, in addition to a student’s personal, family and educational variables, explain a student’s violent behaviour? (2) If so, what is the role of student composition variables compared with variables indicating the social cohesion of the school? A hypothetical model was developed in which personal, family, educational and school variables of different types simultaneously explain the severity of violence experienced by a student. The method used to test the model empirically is secondary analysis of data collected in a Dutch national survey on school safety in secondary education (N students = 78,840; N schools = 219). Severity of violence experienced is assessed by the Mokken Scale on Severity of Violence Experienced (MSSVE). Multiple regression analyses reveal that a student who is older, a young male, born in the country of residence, feels at home in another country, does not have an intact family, is not religious, is enrolled in the highest educational track and is achieving lower marks in the school subjects of language and mathematics, experiences more severe violence than other students (explained variance 3.4%). Simultaneously, different types of contextual school variables are differently relevant. Mean severity of violence experienced by students at school indicates clearly more variance (2.3%) than the combination of student composition variables (.4%). The conclusion is that the theoretical model is empirically supported, which also underlines the validity of the MSSVE. The discussion focuses on a comprehensive multilevel approach to stimulate and check improvement of social cohesion at school.  相似文献   

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