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一、请判断下列每组句子中的哪一个为正确的口语表达形式。请问你找谁?A.“M ay I know who you are looking for?”is Chinese English.B.“M ay I know who you are calling for?”is right.(电话中)你好,我是Jane。A.“H ello,I'm Jane.”is a word-for-word translation from C hinese.B.“H ello,This is Jane.”is right.在商店A.“Can I help you?”is right.B.“W hat do you wantto buy?”is C hinese English.当别人夸奖你时,你回答——A.“Thank you very m uch.”is right.B.“I did notdo so w ell.”is not the r…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择 1. Oh, you!re going camping. That sounds ____. A. nice B. nicely C. nicer D. greatly 2. ____ you, Mary? What are you doing for vacation? A. What B. How C. How about D. How long 3. Mike is going to the ____ camp from the 11th to the 22nd. A. sport B. sports C. sport!s D. sports! 4. Write down your answer ____ a piece of paper. A. in B. at C. with D. on 5. Can I ask you some questions ____ your school? A. about B. at C. with D. for 6. Last summer they had a very ____ vaca…  相似文献   

(A) Do you face the problem of getting on weight?A re you too fat or too weighty?Ifyou answer “Y es”,you need to lose your weight. Then you m ay ask,“W hats the best way of losing weight?” H ere are som e tips for losingool rden weight: First,you need to go on a diet(节食 )at once. Y ou m ust keep the habits of having three m eals a day. Y ou need to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.Y ou also need to eat a lot of grains and lean m eat(瘦肉).Y ou m ustn t eatfat or sweetfood. Second, y…  相似文献   

1.—I have to getto the airportat10:00,butits 9:20now. — !I can send you there by car. A .Thats a deal B .H urry up C.D on tworry D .Try your best 2.— —Thanks.I will. A .W ish you a happy journey. B.G ive m y bestwishes to your parents. C.Thank you for your help. D .Y ou gotthe firstprize.C ongratulations! 3.—ShallI take this chair to your room ? — .III do itm yself. A .Y es,please B .G ood idea C.N o,thanks D .N ever m ind 4.—E xcuse m e,could you help m e carry the heavy bo…  相似文献   

Children’s Day is June 1st. The day is for every child, it is the happiest day for the children _________________________ (世界各地).They can _____(跳舞), _____(唱歌), __________ (玩游戏) and go to the_____(动物园). Dear friends, what are you going to do and where are you going? 小飞象: Hello! What are you doing? : We’re rehearsing a play(排练话剧) for Children’sDay. : Yes. It’s very interesting. Do you have any plans? 小飞象: Oh! I’m practicing a song for that day. Happy Party 儿童…  相似文献   

1 How long can you live on your savings?你的储蓄能帮你支撑多久? This isn't an issue for people who are able to raise enough money for their startup venture to pay themselves a salary from Day One.But most small-business startups include the disturbing feature of declining personal bank balances in the early going. As long as you' re looking at your expenses and how long you can live on your savings,you should also figure out now what personal costs you can at least temporarily eliminate.It's usually emotionally easier to review your personal budget  相似文献   

一、听力部分A)根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C中选择正确的答语。1.A.Five kilos.B.Seven yuan.C.V ery delicious.2.A.Y es,itis.B.Y es,w ho are you?C.Y es,who s that?3.A.Thats a good idea.B.Thats all right.C.Y es,itis.4.A.O nce a m onth.B.For a m onth.C.A m onth ago.5.A.W here were you then?B.Thank you for telling m e.C.Itdoesn tm atter.B)从A、B、C中选出与你所听到的句子意思相同或相近的选项。6.A.I like the D V D player very m uch.B.I don tlike the D V D player at all.C.I don thave eno…  相似文献   

First Aid Quiz     
How much do you know about First Aid? First Aid is the science of giving medical to a person before a doctor can be found. First Aid, if it is quickly and correctly given, can save a person's life. Do you know the answer to the following questions?1 .Your friend has an asthma (哮喘) attack but she doesn't have her medication (药物), You:a.get a paper bag for her to breathe into.b.get her a cup of coffee.c.take her outside for fresh air.2.You should wait at least five minutes before touching someone who has been struck by lighting, or you might get a shock.  相似文献   

Do you have breakfast everyday?Do you some times forget to have breakfastif you are in a hurry to go toschool?That’sa bad habitbecause itcan do greatharmto your health.Today,I w ill teach you to cook tw otypesoftoasts(吐司)forbreakfast.Y ou can serve ittoyour w hole fam ily on a w eekend m orning.I betallofyou w illlove it!1.Cutthe bread into slices(片).D on’tforgettorem ove the crust(面包皮).如果你特别喜欢吃面包边儿,也可以留着,不过面包边比较硬,会影响口感。2.打两个鸡蛋,搅拌均匀。Then add theraisins(葡萄干)to it.Ifyourbread issalty,youdon’tneed to add any m...  相似文献   

Unit 13一、单项选择1.Thank you very m uch for m e to your party.A .invite B .invitingC.to invite D .being invited2.Y ou d better the teacher yourself.A .ask B.to ask C .asking D .notto ask3.I hope com e to m y party early tom orrow.A .them to B.they w ould C .they can D .them4.D on t forget the m essage to your teacher.A .give B.giving C .gave D .to give5.Im afraid Ill be late.A .a little B.little C .a few D .few6.W ould you like football with us?A .play B.to play C .playing D .play…  相似文献   

在英语中,祈使句常用来表达请求、命令、叮嘱、邀请、劝告等意义。从近几年部分省市的中考试题对祈使句的考查来看,其考查热点主要集中在以下几个方面:热点一、考查“祈使句的基本句式”①as carefully as you can and try notto m ake any m istakes.A.W rote B.W rite C.To write C.W riting(河北省)②Study hard,you are sure to have a good resultin the exam.A.or B.and C.for D.but(天津市)③There goes the bell.H urry up,you llbe late for class.A.and B.that C.or D.but(南京市)④—to give the letter to M r W ang.I…  相似文献   

1.Have you decided__for London? A.when are you going B.when you will leave C.when are you going D.when you are going2.—Is that a boy swimming in the lake? —I can’t find out__it's a boy__girl. A.if;and B.that;and C.whether;or D.either;or3.—What are you interested in about cooking food?  相似文献   

U nit 5Ⅰ.单项选择1.W hy us a little earlier?A .don t tell B .notto tellC.don tyou to tell D .not tell2.Look atthe card,it ,“Bestw ishes!”A .writes B.says C .tells D .speaks3.W hat about som e corn in this plot(地)?A .grow B.grow ing C .to grow D .grows4.—W ould you like to go to the cinem a together w ith m e tonight?—A .Y es,please. B .Y es,Id love to.C.Y es,I think so. D .ButI don tlove to.5.W hy don tyou think its good anim als live in the cages?A .for;to B.for;for C .to;fo…  相似文献   

Mrs Brown:I want to goshopping.Would you like to go with me? Mr Brown:I'd like to,but I'm afraid I'll fall asleep. Mrs Brown:Well,you can wait for me in the car. Mr Brown:Good idea! I can have a good sleep in the car while you are shopping.  相似文献   

1.—M ay I go and play with Tom this afternoon,M um?—N o.Y ou can tgo out your hom ework is being done.A.before B.as C.until D.after2.he is too lazy to go in for any sport,you m ust try to persuadehim into it.A.In order that B.In caseC.N o m atter D.H owever3.Li Y ang,the founder of Crazy English,says that he copies it downhe com es to a beautifulsentence.A.unless B.while C.because D.every tim e4.Can you im agine what a girl will look like she com es across aratin her room?A.now tha…  相似文献   

U nit 7 1.(N M E T 1998)D r Black com es from either O xford or Cam bridge.I can trem em ber . A .where B .there C .w hich D .that 2.(N M ET 1999)Y ou should m ake it a rule to leave things you can find them again. A .when B .w here C .then D .there 3.(N M ET 1995) is a fact thatE nglish is being accepted as an in- ternationallanguage. A .There B .This C .That D .It 4.(2001春招)H ave a good rest,you need to your energy for the tennis m atch this afternoon. A .leave B .save C .hol…  相似文献   

Grown-ups are always telling kids what to do.Do you listento them?Usually they know what is best for you,but sometimesthey can be1.So,China has a special law to2people under18safe.It iscalled the Underage Protection Law(《未成年人保护法》).Teachers can pu  相似文献   

:Teacher:Frank,you are late for school again.In fact(事实上 ) ,you are late every day.Frank:But I won't be late tomorrow.Teacher:Nice to hear that.but can you tell me why?Frank:Because it's Sunday tomorrow. :Mum :Do you want an apple,Tom?Tom:Yes,Mum.I want that big one.Mum :I say,Tom,a good boy should (应该 ) let the othershave the big one.Tom:That means(那就是说 ) ,Mum,I must tell you a lie(谎话 ) if I want to be a good boy!小幽默@吴朝辉…  相似文献   

1)A: Jack, I can’t go with you to the movie tonight. B: Why? What are you up to? A: I guess I have to bone up for my English test Friday. A:杰克,今天晚上我不能和你一起去看电影了。B:为什么?你在忙什么?A:我想我得准备星期五的英语考试了。2)A: Can you beat your opponent? B: I can’t make a promise, but I will put my best foot forward. A:你能打败你的对手吗?B:我无法保证。但我会全力以赴的。口语充电…  相似文献   

C hinese 用作名词,它有 两个含义: 汉 语、中文 、语 文 ①(学科名); 中国人。 ② C hinese 前是否用冠词,用什么 冠词,均与它 所表示 的意思有关系,现将其基本规则作一小结。 一、作“汉语”、“中文”讲,Chinese 为不可 数名词 ,一 般不加任何冠词。如: D o you speak Chinese芽你会讲汉语吗? ⒈ C an you sing the song in C hinese芽 ⒉ 你能用中文唱这支歌吗? 但是,如果 C hinese 用来指一个特定的词或句子的“汉语”意思时,它前面必须加定冠词 the。如:W hat's the C hi鄄nese for″egg″芽″egg″ 的汉语怎么…  相似文献   

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